Дискове с музика на Паневритмията
7 files
La Femme Orchestra Performs Beinsa Douno's Pan-Eu-Rhythm
От Hristo Vatev
La Femme Orchestra Performs Beinsa Douno's Pan-Eu-Rhythmy, This arrangement was recorded secretly by an all-female orchestra in February, 1980, in Sofia Bulgaria, before the Iron Curtain fell. It has been digitally enhanced, and is offered on a CD. The sound quality is good, and the tempo is considered by many to be ideal for dancing Paneurythmy. The CD case is beautiful, with a variety of excellent photos and commentary. All the movements are included, including the Paneurythmy, the Sunbeams, and the Pentagram.
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Паневритмия - Музика
От Hristo Vatev
Георги Стойчев - цигулка
Теменужка Стойчева - виола
Светлин Стайков - китара
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Записът е осъществен на 12 юли 2002 г. в гр. Габрово. Тонрежисьор - Красимир Чанов.
От Hristo Vatev
За слушане -
Институтът за изследване и прилагане на Паневритмията предоставя този запис в три варианта за свободно теглене, за да подпомагане обучението по Паневритмията на всички желаещи при условие, че се запазват авторските права на изпълнителите:
Любомир Димитров - цигулка;
Елена Янкова - цигулка;
Мирослава Димитрова - цигулка;
Даниел Жеков - кларнет;
Божидар Симов - китара;
Даниела Найденова - вокал;
Записът е осъществен на 12 юли 2002 г. в гр. Габрово. Тонрежисьор - Красимир Чанов.
Песните на паневритмията
Паневритмия за разучаване (част 1)
Паневритмия за разучаване (част 2)
Паневритмия за пеене
Паневритмия за танцуване
Паневритмия за танцуване с паузи от 40 s
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Паневритмия-Архивен запис 1939 допълнен с Ф. Стоицев - Почистена
От Hristo Vatev
Архивна Паневритмия - оригинален запис на братския оркестър от 1939г, записан на плочи и допълнен с упражненията:
"Евера", "Красота", "Подвижност", "Слънчеви лъчи" и "Пентаграм"
от аранжимента на Филип Стоицев
Дискът е направен за игра на Паневритмията.
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Beinsa Douno's Pan-Eu-Rhythmy
От Hristo Vatev
Paneurhythmy was created in Bulgaria at the beginning of the last century by the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov 1864-1944)
The meaning of the word „ Paneurhythmy“ is movements attuned to the Universal Cosmic Rhythm. It is a sacred dance which connects the participants to the source of Universal Love, Wisdom and Truth. The dance is performed in the open, in the midst of nature, soon after sunrise. These movements strengthen the nervous system and balance the natural rhythm of the heart. They transmit healing energies to our body, to our feelings and to our minds. They connect man to the Divine Consciousness and awaken the potential hidden in our soul.
The Grain of Wheat presents this original, authentic version of Paneurhythmy, recorded in 1962. In the past decade or so, many new and beautiful arrangements of the Paneurhythmy have been created and offered to the public. The „ original“ Paneurhythmy recording was completed by Philip Stoicev, at a time close enough to the living memory of the Master Beinsa Douno, to have captured, and to reflect, the true original spirit of the Paneurhythmy. Here the exact and correct rhythm may be found and enjoyed by all participants in the dance sequence. The atmosphere and qualities of this early recording will uplift and transport listener and dancer alike, to the soul of Paneurhythmy.
Paneurhythmy is increasingly performed all over the world. For further information about venues and locations, or to obtain a resource sheet, please contact:
Philip Stoicev (1907-2001) was born in Plovdiv, the son of Mikail Stoicev, who was one of the first three disciples of the Master Beinsa Douno. Philip Stoicev, himself a lifetime student of the Master Beinsa Douno, was amongst the first performing musicians who lead Paneurhythmy during the time when Beinsa Douno was alive. He was present when the dance was created and gifted to the disciples. This arrangement follows exactly the original rhythm, melodies and character of the Paneurhythmy music, as it was from its beginning.
He studied the violin and music composition at the Sofia Conservatory, under Prof. Pancho Vladiguerov, the famous Bulgarian composer.
In 1962, he sponsored this recording out of his own personal funds, and arranged the recording with the „Sofia All Women Orchestra“, which was led under his baton. A talented exponent of the music of Beinsa Douno, Philip Stoicev gave his last public performance, conducting a concert in November 1989 at the Hall of the Lawyers in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The recording of the „original“ Paneurhythmy, had been kept secretaly and safely throughout the 40 years of the former regime. Through a magical turn of events, Philip Stoicev was able to entrust the sole copyrights of this recording to the Grain of Wheat Charitable Trust in England, just a few days prior to his departure to the other realms.
God said: „Let there be Light... Love... and Joy. And let there be a stillness, clear and as deep as a lake at dawn, and let the wind move the water, touching the soul, flowing... refreshing... guiding. And let there be an essence, permeating all, harmonising, purifying, balancing... a radiance of light gentle, pulsating, enfolding quietly, breathing into all that is.“
Out of this light and love, out of this stillness, and from this essence, God created a beautiful gift -Paneurhythmy, a gentle, loving teaching. If we truly listen to its music, and open to its meaning, this gentle teaching will guide our lives, pointing the way and guiding us through all aspects of our lives, as we move and grow, opening to our higher dimensions.
Each dance of the Paneurhythmy guides us gently and lovingly, opening us to the presence and power of Spirit that is within us, and in the Universe. It is impossible to describe this experience accurately, for it is beyond the realm of words, but I know the very first time I heard the music and the beautiful words that convey the meaning of each dance, I was home.
The dances are beautifully simple, yet their depth and power is of a magnitude that cannot be measured. As I dance, I feel deeply enveloped in the essence of Loving Spirit. I feel an union and communion with the spiritual essence that permeates all life.
I feel as if I am creating the circle of flowing energy between the Universe, nature, and my being -a spiritual exchange.
The Paneurhythmy weaves threads of pure love. Paneurhythmy is Love in motion, a moving meditation opening me to give and receive, healing whatever needs to be healed, restoring me to balance and harmony.
As I go about my day, I retain that feeling. I feel more open and radiant, as if I am walking on a cushion of flowing love. I am more open to my creativity, and when I play the piano, I feel an awareness of a deeper dimension in my being, and a stronger connection to music.
I feel deeply nurtured by this beautiful dance. Its teaching is complete, total, embracing all that life is. Paneurhythmy - a teaching, a truth, a gift, an eternal guide weaving us through life - its meaning ever deepening, ever expanding, and from that still point within our hearts, we meet its gaze and quietly say: „ Thank You“
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Музика на Паневритмията - Весела Несторова
От Hristo Vatev
Музика на Паневритмията - Весела Несторова
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От Hristo Vatev
Harmonization and Orchestration: Peter Ganev Concert: 19.03.2017. Bulgaria Hall
Conductor: Peter Ganev
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