Ани Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 Сподели Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 The Book - The Spirit and The Flesh. Beinsa Douno Translation from Bulgarian - Vessela Nestorova THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE … whho whhen found a pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and Bought it.10 This morning I shall speak on the apparently least significant verse in this chapter of Matthew in connection with the other Law—the seventh and the greatest Law of Nature—the Law of genus. Everything has genus, or gender—masculine and feminine. Who does not know what a man or a woman is? There is only a dispute as to who of the two is higher up the scale. It is said that when God first created a human being, He created man. And men, defending their cause from their point of view, prove that because of this they are higher than women. On the other hand, the women, defending their cause, affirm that they stand higher than men. There is a dispute on this question even among the people of learning. For a long time the scientists have measured the brains of men and women to see how much they weigh and determine their qualities by their weight. They say that since man's brain is heavier, man stands higher than woman. However, there is an axiom in Hermetic philosophy according to which every truth is a half-truth and, inversely, every lie is a half-lie, by which it follows that every affirmation is half-true and every negation is again half-true. Therefore, when one affirms anything, if they want to be right, they should diminish their affirmation by 50%. You know the story of a man who was frightened and said to his wife, "Wife, I saw 100 bears in the forest and ran away!" "Come! Come!" answered his wife. "If they were not 100, they certainly must have been 80." "Come! Come!" exclaimed his wife. "They must have been at least 60." "Too many, my husband, how can 60 bears get together to run after you." The man diminished their number to one and then said, "There was a rustling noise in the bush, but I cannot say whether it was a bear or not." In contemporary philosophy there are many exaggerations too. This comes from the fact that people take a subjective, not an objective, view of things. The objective standpoint is that of a man, the subjective is a woman's standpoint. Consciousness is a man's aspect; subconsciousness—a woman's. There are different terms in philosophy. They say that a man has an objective mind and a woman—a subjective mind. Every object must be viewed from these two standpoints and then we shall have a true idea of it. Now you may say, "What relation has the verse you read to man and woman?" It has a relation. See how pearls are made. They say that sometimes a small grain of sand gets into the clam which starts a liquid secretion to envelope it so it would not disturb it. The clam models it like a sculptor. It makes it smooth and turns it into a precious pearl. If the grain of sand does not enter a clam, it remains without any value. Since the grain is rough, it disturbs the clam which starts thinking—it cannot get rid of it without the organs to do that and thus it comes to its mind to make it precious, so it says to the grain of sand, "You are my enemy, but I shall start loving you and make you precious." This is the Teaching of Christ who says, "Love your enemies." You would throw out this grain of sand, but the clam makes a pearl out of it for which you pay much. Not only this, but Christ praises this clam for having done such fine work. I ask you, if Christ came among you, would he find your work as perfect as the work of this clam? Would He find pearls? You say, "We have no conditions." Women say, "When we want to work, men obstruct us, we have no conditions, no houses of our own, we need this and that and so we cannot work." Men on their part say, "We cannot work, because women disturb us, society obstructs us, and we cannot do anything." But the clam does not say it has no conditions: a being with no hands, no feet or human brain, out of a grain of sand it creates a pearl and Christ praises it. I ask you: can you not do as much as this clam? You can do something more than it. Now let us come to the basic Law. The external forms are the result of the inner differences existing between man and woman. Every shade, every feature on the human face is due to an inner deep cause in a person's soul. When you consider this subject, you think there is no difference between man and woman. If I ask you what you want to be, you will all want to be born men. What progress would there be in the world then, if only men were born? God made man first. However, man said, "This will not do, I cannot do all this work alone. How can I cultivate this big garden, paradise, with all the trees in it? The animals cannot understand me." Then God said, "Very well, I shall create a partner for you to help you." And so this great Law, this process which moves the world, came into being on the stage of life. No progress, no development, no ennobling could exist, if this Law had not been created. You see only the external side of things, but there is a much deeper sense in them. The only thing you know in Nature is the female aspect; the male aspect is invisible. The Sun you see is a female sun—the male sun is invisible. The former sun draws energy from the male sun. Contemporary science confirms this fact by saying that energy is always manifested in the negative pole of the electric currents. Some people consider the word negative or passive in a bad sense. By passive we understand a person without character, a weak-willed person. This is a wrong conception, however, so scientists have substituted the word negative with the phrase cathode rays—the pole where all energy is made apparent. I shall explain many things on the basis of this principle. Humans have a brain, but you say sometimes, "There is nothing on my mind." Why is there nothing on your mind? Because you are a barren woman who cannot bear children. Someone says, "I cannot love." That means you are barren. Those who cannot think and feel, be they men or women, they cannot bear fruit. It says in the Scripture that anything that cannot bear fruit is near hell. I wish all of you to bear fruit. The greatest blessing for a person is to know how to create and to take care for their creation. How can a person not bear, not create a good thought, or a good desire in him or herself? Giving birth to something is a creative principle, worthy only of thinking beings. Of course I am not speaking of that creative principle which can create something out of nothing—the Creator—but about the beings of the male and female gender. In Christian philosophy we call this Christ—the God-Man. No one has understood the principle about which Christ says, "The Father lives in Me." Nobody has seen God; no one has seen the Father of the world. We know the Mother because God appears in us as a mother who creates, nourishes and takes care. This way we know Him. It says in the Scripture, "Christ came to earth to manifest the Father to us." According to the same Law humans, who have come down from heaven, were originally like that tiny, formless, insignificant grain of sand, which the Divine Spirit, after a long time of work, made into a pearl. You should thank this Clam— the Clam you have entered—for all you have in yourselves. If you are of value today, you should be thankful to the Divine consciousness that has worked for a very long time over you. According to this conception, the value of things sometimes is in their content, while at other times—in their form. Take a marble stone, sculptured by a skillful sculptor who has deposited in it a great idea, and see where this idea is expressed. This idea is hidden in the delicate lines the artist has chiseled in the stone. If a foolish person destroys these lines, an ordinary stone of no value will remain. What gives you value are the noble thoughts, desires and acts, deposited in you by the Divine Spirit. Only those traits that God has inscribed on your brain, on your heart and on your soul give value to you as a person. The same is stated by science. Contemporary scientists affirm that the number of thoughts your mind can produce depends on the number of convolutions in your brain. What are the convolutions? They are the traits that are visible on it. These fissures canalize your thoughts. Some people want to have a smooth face like a ball, thinking a person is handsome when the face is smooth. No, the face is a mask then. There must be certain marks on the human face that show first that one is good, second—that they are just; third—that they have love, that they are wise, that they are truth-loving. These things must also be expressed externally as well. Therefore, all people are written books in which their qualities can be read. Some people ask me, "Do you hear God, have you ever heard Him?" I answer, "I do not only listen to Him, but I see Him as well; I see Him when He speaks to me and listen to His words." Human words can be heard only, but God's words can be seen as well. God, Who is glory, has become incarnate in Christ and become visible. Each one of you is Divine glory expressed, incarnate, and visible. And after all this you ask me if I have heard or spoken with the Lord! For two thousand years I have been listening to Him. Christ's Teaching is an excellent philosophy—not a philosophy by which we grope in the darkness, but one by which we can see, touch, smell and taste. An anecdote tells about a learned European who studied the esoteric sciences. He wanted to investigate the profound mysteries of Nature and once he happened upon a society of blind people, whose eyes where caved in. When they were speaking with him, they asked him, "In what way do you differ from us?" They touched his eyes and understood that they were bulging, which was the only thing he differed in. Then they said, "Let us make his eyes caved in so he can be like us." Contemporary philosophers are of this kind, for when they find a person with bulging eyes, they press them down and say, "You must reason like us, your ideas of the world, of man and woman should be like ours, you should think like us." Yes, this philosophy is related to life, to a great reality which you must test every day, every hour, every minute, every second, because you must work, build. You often ask, "Why are all the misfortunes?" Do you not have a positive science?! You know how many stars there are in the sky, you are wise people measuring space, the sky, you can make compounds, you know what oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen are, but you do not know how to put order in you home. Thus there are things you do not know. Some say, "There are unattainable things in life." You should know that everything is relatively, not absolutely, unattainable. Everything is attainable, but time is necessary for that. A child understands little at first and gradually begins to understand more and more and when they become a grown up person, their view on the world changes. Now I shall ask you a question, "When you come to earth after a thousand years, what will be your views?" Of course, they will be like the ones you have today with a certain addition. But now, to return to the topic. Why does this difference exist? People must not be alike. The Law is such: people are alike in essence, but different in degree. There must always exist a certain difference among people. This is the Divine Law. And if you want someone to love you, there must be some difference between that person and you which should be harmonious as between the tones in music. The harmony we admire lies in these regular combinations, in this very difference. We should come to that harmony which actually, essentially, exists in both man and woman, and we must apply this Divine principle. Woman is the emblem of Love. Love cannot be manifested in man. I am not speaking of the man with a moustache, because woman can also have a moustache, as some animals, but I have in view certain qualities which distinguish man from woman and these qualities will remain in her forever. Another Divine power lies in man which is called Wisdom. When Love and Wisdom marry, the Truth is born. If you want to acquire the truth, you must find your father—Wisdom—and your mother—Love—and after they give birth, they will tell you what the truth is and how it can be manifested. The Truth takes after the father, it is of the masculine gender—it is the son of Love and Wisdom. The father and mother, i.e. Wisdom and Love, will give birth to Virtue; that is your sister. And Virtue joined to Truth—that is Righteousness. This is how this question stands. If you want to create this pearl, your soul must cultivate it. But what are people engaged in? They often ask me, "Do you preach things in conformity with the church?" I preach things in conformity with the great Divine Law. I do not lie before God. It is all the same to me whether my Teaching is according to your views, or not; it is important to me that my views should be in accord with the great Law, that I should not be like a liar before God, before heaven, before the angels, before the saints. This is the important question for me. If everybody understands the Teaching this way and thinks this way, there is nothing to be afraid of. Some say, "You have a purpose to found a sect." According to me those who found sects are petty people. Everyone can form a sect. How? Take an axe, cut up a tree and you will form a sect; take a hammer, pound up a stone and you will make a sect; go among people, make the quarrel and you will make a sect. Sects are easily made. In an American church there was a dispute on the question whether to raise the cup when the communion is being sanctified or not. Those who maintained that the cup must be raised forgot to do it. You often forget what you preach; you forget that principle that unites you. Our problem is to restore the Kingdom of God on earth. We want to form a sect, but what kind? To become conductors of the Divine Law which should take possession of all minds and hearts that all—men, women and children— should become Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom of God and start living on the Earth as they should. And now when people complain that great misfortunes have assailed them, I say, "I am happy your prisons are being torn down, your old concepts are falling off." Why? If water that has been kept for a long time in a bottle, is not poured out, new water cannot be put in the bottle. When Christ came to earth, the Jews should have cleaned themselves the same way and started a new life, but they said, "We know Moses, we do not know you; you want to form a sect." But He did not form a sect, as you see, although from a Jewish point of view, He was a heretic. Some ask, "Are you a true believer?" I may be a true believer before God, but from the point of view of the church, I may not be such. They were saying about Christ also that He wanted to destroy the Hebrew nation, but we should not reason as the Jews after 2,000 years. I ask you, what did the Jews gain by crucifying Christ? Nothing at all. They were scattered all over the world. There is nothing easier than crucifying a man— only four nails are necessary. I shall take up our subject again. I want you to reason and think deeply about these things. I shall say something more about the principle of man and woman. First, you must love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength; secondly, to love your neighbor as yourself; and thirdly, to love your enemies. I just spoke about your enemies—the small grain of sand. Christ did not come to earth to save the noble and the righteous, but those rough grains of sand—He descended to hell for them to take them out. In order to take the pearls out of the clam, it must be caught and opened. By the same Law, people are caught in heaven, opened up and when the pearl is found in their soul, it is taken out. When someone dies, people say, "The clam died!" They walk behind this clam and weep, "The poor clam is gone!" I say, it has gone to heaven to take the pearl along which it has created and cultivated. If it had not made that pearl, it would not have gone to heaven and would have been of no value. I shall consider some basic features of man and woman. Those who have studied the human constitution say that the external features of a person are due to their inner nature, i.e. what a person is inwardly, is outwardly as well. There are no two opinions on that conviction. They say that the feet of a normally developed man or woman must comprise one sixth of his or her height; the face must comprise one tenth of the height, the chest—one fourth, the length of the hand—one tenth; the neck must be double the circumference of the wrist. Naturally, there will be some differences among different individuals; some people have long, pear-shaped faces; others—round faces. What are these features due to? People with round faces are not very active, they are conciliatory and diplomatic. Round faces are more typical of women, or people who follow the female line. By giving you these descriptions, I want to make you take a new view of Christianity and comprehend it more deeply as a science of life. Christianity is a positive science which must teach us how to live. People differ only in terms of application—there is one type of application in the physical and another in the spiritual world. Men and women cannot be alike; there must be a difference between them. If your husband is active and brisk, you should be happy and do not say, "I want to be a man." In every manifestation there must be activity, if not on the physical plane, on the mental, and if this activity is not in the mind, then it should be in the heart. A person must be active. Activity means work, production in a triple sense—physical, mental and spiritual. All people cannot work at the same time at one and the same place and in one and the same direction. They will work in different fields. The difference existing among people can create either harmony of disharmony, it depends on them. When the husband and wife are quick-tempered, they should make concessions to each other; when one says something, the other should listen to them; when one is "playing the fiddle", the other should be listening. This is the Law in force on the physical plane. If one can keep quiet, the other one will appreciate this feeling of patience and will repay in another way. However, if the wife does not behave like this, her husband will say, "There is no worse woman than my wife; she has a very long tongue. May God liberate me from her or her from me." Do not think you will be liberated! If you have persecuted one another in this world, you will do the same in the other world too. What can change your life is your understanding of the Divine Law and its application to life. You will make thousands of mistakes, God will not judge you for them, He will forgive you, but under the condition that you learn the Divine Law and work. However, if you do not learn any lesson after one hundred mistakes, God will not forgive you. All things in the world must be made use of. If there are thorns on the pear-tree, or on the rose, this is in the order of things; they have not been put haphazardly. Those who climb the pear-tree should not wear clothes which can be torn. I have seen children hanging from pear-trees who had to be brought down by a ladder. Those who do not know the Law say, "This pear-tree has thorns, it must be cut down!" It is thorny, but it bears nice pears. Now, I shall tell you a story about a woman, but it concerns equally both men and women. A wife was a very nervous and stubborn woman who never did what her husband wanted her to do; on the contrary, she always did just the opposite. One day she wanted to sit on a well, but he told her not to, adding, "If you sit there, you will fall in and I shall remain without a wife." "I shall sit on it," answered the wife and she sat, but fell in. He started wailing, "I told you that you would fall, if you had obeyed me, you would not have fallen in the well." After an hour he saw a white-haired devil, coming out of the well. "What is it?" asked the man. "My hair turned white in an hour because of a woman!" The devil said this and ran away. The man began to think how to make use of this incident. Finally he thought out something. When he visited homes in which there were evil spirits and used all kinds of conjurations and prayers to make them go out and they still stayed in, he finally began to say to them, "Run away, for my wife is coming!" At these words all evil spirits ran away. In this way the woman, who fell in the well, did much good to the world. When her husband saw that she frightened the devil in the well, he understood that the devil is afraid only of woman, not of man. It was enough for him to cry out, "Run away for my wife is coming!" and all devils were chased away. Thus, thousands were liberated by the suffering of one single man. That is why women have the keys to the Kingdom of God. And when Christ said to Peter, "I give you the keys to the Kingdom of God," He meant this deep inner Law that there should always exist an essential difference between man and woman. In the difference lies the basis of the love which man has for woman. The day woman changes the position in which God has placed her, man will stop loving her, regardless of the precious diamonds and the silk dresses she may deck herself with; no external power can make man love her in such a case. Man is the Lord for the woman, she must see that God lives in him. To be loved by God, she should deserve His love. How? By doing some work for Him. Since He Himself cannot come down to earth to work, He gives us a mind, a heart and strength to conquer the Earth and put Law and order on it for which work He sends us all the blessings in life. Some people say, "God will come and put order in the world." He puts order in it now, yet not Himself, but through others. On the one hand, the Germans, on the other—the Russians, the French, the English are putting order in the world by their guns. Some ask, "When will people stop fighting?" When the wall they are breaking is broken through. It can be calculated mathematically how many blows a stone can stand. Some stones break after 100 blows, others—after 200 or 500 blows. The same way it can be calculated when the war will end. The war will end when the necessary shells and bombs have exploded and when a new consciousness dawns on people about their destiny on earth. Then, they will say, "We have done an excellent work." When Christ turns to His disciples, He says that the man who sought the pearl—the sense of his soul—when he found it, he went and sold all that he had, in order to buy it again. If you are not ready to sacrifice everything in this world, you will not gain anything. You still have to make some sacrifice, in order to gain some pearl, something sensible. This sacrifice must be sensible. There are people who sacrifice all their property, but do not gain any pearl. Why? Because they sacrifice it for drinking and gambling. If I would find the pearl Christ speaks about in a poor person, I would sell my whole property. In order to do good, it is not enough to give all your property to the poor. Why? When Christ says we should do good, He has in mind that this good should be done sensibly. It would be an insensible thing to give a wolf a lamb every day; they do this in the zoological garden because they keep the wolves there on exhibition, but this Law cannot be applied in any society. We cannot sacrifice the lambs for the wolves, we can sacrifice them for the people—there is sense in that—but not for the wolves. Now I shall tell you briefly a story. In prehistoric times two kingdoms divided by an impassable mountain range existed. In both kingdoms the wise men said that he who could dig a passage through this mountain and connect that way the two kingdoms, would do the greatest good to these two nations. But this should be done under the condition that the one who starts to work should not turn his head back until the passage is dug. Many people appeared and started digging, but each time one would start work someone else would come and ask him what he was doing and he would turn his head to answer him. The moment he turned his head, the place he had dug would get filled up again. Finally a prince appeared and started digging. People who passed by asked him what he was doing, but he kept silent. Once a philosopher, passing his way, wanted to show him an easy way of digging the hole, he turned his head to listen to him and the hole he had dug got filled in with gravel. He promised himself he would not turn again no matter who spoke to him and started digging again. People passing by spoke to him, but he paid no attention to anyone. Finally he dug the passage, connected the two kingdoms and married the princess of the other kingdom. In this way these two nations began to live a happier life. This is not only an allegory, but a great truth. The big mountain, which separates the two kingdoms, is the human sin which separates earth from heaven. If you were clairvoyant you would see this black wall with fortresses, guns and sentinels. Christ came to earth to dig this passage, this hole in the mountain and he did it. And when He says that there is only one path which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven, He implies this hole, this narrow way. For two thousand years this narrow way has been dug, but few are those who walk on it. There are many broad paths, but they do not lead where the narrow path leads to. Many people do not believe and say, "Prove this to us!" It is easy to prove it. How? It is enough for a person to go out of their house, but they say, "I do not want to go out." However, everyone will go to this wall and come back again. That is why knowing that you will pass through this hole only by the Law of the genus between man and woman, you must become related. When we speak of new birth, repentance, we understand that harmony must be achieved between us and God. If God does not love you, who can love you? Someone says, "I have no friends, no one loves me, God does not love me either." This is not true. God loves you but you must learn to love Him too. He is not invisible—you can see Him everywhere. God speaks to you everyday at least ten times, He meets you, advises you and so on. When you think of doing something evil and you meet a friend in the street who tells you not to do it, God speaks to you through them. And now when I am speaking to you, again God is speaking to you. The words are mine, the cover is mine, but the content is of God. You receive a gift. What should you do? Take the cover off and you will see its content. Therefore, men and women must understand each other. You have certain wrappings about yourself: you want to become great, rich, to have houses, knowledge, power, and to be loved by all and, whatever you desire, to achieve it at one scoop. However, this is not done like in the lottery. You must learn the Divine Law and start inwardly. If you take the verse of the pearl and spend only ten days a year, or a month in meditation on it, do you know what secrets you would learn? As a scientist takes a few prisms and puts them in a certain combination, can see below them the most microscopic beings, in the same way, if you combine the prisms existing in your mind, you will see many things which cannot be seen by the ordinary eye. As a scientist sees under the microscope a whole world of life in a drop of water, the same way those who make use of Divine Wisdom will see things others do not see. Sometimes in the morning you get up badly disposed, but you do not know the cause. You do not succeed in some work—there is a cause; you are ill—there is a cause; you are not beautiful—there is a cause. Beauty must be an ideal for man as well as for woman, because all angels, saints, Christ, are beautiful. When a woman says her husband does not love her, I understand that she is ugly. Every soul in which the words Virtue, Righteousness, Love, Wisdom, Truth are inscribed, is a great, beautiful soul and everybody can love it. And if nobody loves you, it means that you have none of these qualities. Go to God and say, "God, let your hammer work more on me so that these virtues may become inscribed." If God does not work with His hammer on someone, they will remain an ordinary stone of no value. Now, let us come to the application. How must the man and the woman work? They want to have children. Children are bearers of Truth. Know that if you want to understand Truth only your children can teach you. If you want to learn humility, only your children can teach you what humility is. A woman who has never given birth to a child can be neither good, nor humble—she will always be proud. The same thing applies to man. Every thought and every desire of his take on life when they are born. These manifested thoughts and desires house a great being; an angel is concealed in them who, at some point, will be your friend. Some time in the past, the children you have now have been only a dream in your mind, which you have clothed now. You have in yourselves the pearl Christ speaks about, only that some of you, instead of making it noble (as the clam does with the grain of sand), want to throw it out of yourselves. You say, "God has not made it well," and you hew it a bit, but it looses its sense. Do not hew the lines God has put in the human soul. I am against these philosophers who say, "Since the world is not made the way it should be made, let us hew it a bit." For instance, a woman wishing to look slimmer puts on a corset. If you do not wish to grow fat, you must fast. Now you eat three times a day, try to eat twice or once a day and see what noble traits will develop in you. You say, "We cannot live without food." Do you know how much food you must eat in a day? There are certain Laws in life which regulate eating. If you have no appetite for several days, do not eat—wait till a natural hunger appears in you. A man says, "My wife must eat or she will look bad." She looks ill now, but will look well if she does not eat. There are animals that do not eat when they are indisposed. I say that you have the pearl of which Christ speaks, only some of you want to cast it out, which is nothing other than abortion. The statistical data show that there were one hundred thousand abortions in the city of New York in 1905. If some want to be Christians, they are not allowed to apply abortion—in the body, in the mind or in the heart. When a good thought comes into your mind, you say, "I shall apply abortion!" You will do that but you will be ill after that. Some say, "I had a bad thought." It is not a sin that you had a bad thought, but it is sinful to apply abortion. All people do this and wonder why there is no order in the world. Why? Because of abortion. The bad thoughts and desires that torment you are those aborted children of yours in the past and now they say, "You are an unworthy mother." They obstruct you in all your initiatives and you are an unhappy person. If you want to be happy, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, it is best that from now on you should not apply abortion and pray to God to forgive you your misuse of all good thoughts and wishes—of all your aborted children whom you have killed and robbed of their riches. That is why in the future you should mature every noble thought, every noble wish, since they shall have an effect on your nose, eyebrows, eyes and you will attain to the Apollo type of head and face. At present many people look horrible and ugly. If they go to heaven on this day and see the beauty of the angels, they will run away from there. Now you must pray to God to help you bleach yourself. This is not hard word. If a clam can make a pearl for which Christ praised it, can you not do the same? When you enter heaven, what will Christ praise you for? Someone will say, "I was first minister in Bulgaria." Christ will ask him, "What good have you done to the Bulgarian people?" "Nothing." "Have you a pearl?" "No." "Then, go out, go and stay on earth until you make a pearl, for I cannot receive you in the Kingdom of God without this pearl." A bishop comes along: "What have you done?" "I taught people to do good, I believed in you." "Did you make a pearl?" "No, I did not." "Out with you!" To those who have made a pearl, Christ will say, "I am happy, my son, that you did not shame me. Come to me; you are a worthy son." The same way when you, men and women, go to heaven, there you will meet some son—your pearl—who will say to you, "Thank you, mother, that when I was a big sinner you took me in your womb and made me a person. In this world I shall serve you with all my soul." This will be your happiness. This is what Christ wants to say in the verses I read of which I chose the least meaningful. You see how much it contains, the others contain much deeper things which you will learn some day, but not on the Earth—when you go to heaven. Then you will have new conceptions, new emotions, and new abilities. Then you will see other pictures which you will be able to understand. At this time you can be given this much. If more is given to you, you will not be able to bear it. This would mean blowing a soap-bubble more than it can expand—then it will burst. That is why, when Christ says, "You women are the emblem of Divine Love, God lives in you," women must listen silently, modestly and show themselves worthy of bearing their share. You say, "You should know, Lord, that the present world is not such as You have made it." There is no need of you Teaching the Lord. When He speaks, we must keep silent. When He stops speaking, we shall begin our lesson and say, "I did this in such a way, that in another way." Then God will tell you where you are right and where you are not right. Therefore, the Teaching of Christ implies our listening to God and applying His Teaching in our life. And when Christ says to woman, "Love your neighbor as yourself," He means she has to love her husband as herself. And when He tells man to love his neighbor, He means that he should love his wife as himself. If you give such examples, then your sons and daughters will follow them. This is what the creation of the pearl means—the alchemic Law, applied in the physical world. Sermon held on April 19, 1915, in Sofia. ____________________ 10 Matt. 13:44. Адрес на коментара Сподели в други сайтове More sharing options...
Ани Отговорено 29 Февруари, 2024 Автор Сподели Отговорено 29 Февруари, 2024 Note 5 THE PRECIOUS PEARL “When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and he bought it.” Mathew 13: 46 This morning I shall talk to you about the seemingly least important line in the chapter we read from Mathew’s Gospel in relation with one other principle – the seventh and most important principle in Nature, the principle of gender. Everything has gender – male or female. Who does not know what a man is and what a woman is; there is a disagreement which of the two genders is superior. It is said, "In the beginning, when God created the human being, God made the man." And the men, who defend this issue from their own point of view, argue that because of this they are superior; women, however, defending their cause, say that they are superior to men. This is a debatable issue in scientific circles as well – an issue among scientists: for a long time scientists have been weighing the brains of women and men to find out the exact weight and to determine, by the weight, their characteristics and they concluded that men are superior because their brain is heavier. There is, however, an axiom in hermeneutic philosophy, that each truth is only halfway true and halfway false and vice versa – that each lie is only halfway a lie, i.e. that each statement is halfway true and each negation - is also halfway true. Therefore, when one states something, if one wants to be correct, one must reduce it by fifty per cent. You know this Bulgarian saying about a man who got scared and said: - Hey, woman, I saw a hundred bears and ran away! - Well, go down a little bit, said the woman. - OK, there were not a hundred, but for sure there were eighty of them. - Go down a little bit, go down. - There were at least sixty. - This is a lot, how can sixty bears get together running after you? So the man kept reducing the number of bears until he finally got down to one bear and said: - There was some noise in the bushes, sounded like a bear, but whether it was a bear I can’t say. Similarly, in modern philosophy there are many exaggerations; this is partly due to the fact that people do not examine objects impartially, but subjectively; people do not examine objects impartially, i.e. from a male point of view, but subjectively, i.e. from a female point of view. The conscious aspect – this is the male part, the sub-conscious aspect – the female part. There are terms in philosophy: it is said that some have objective minds, while others have subjective minds; each object has to be examined from the points of view of these two minds and only then shall we have a truthful idea. You will now say, "What is the relevance of the quoted line to men and women?" Yes, it is relevant. Consider how pearls are created: it is known that sometimes a small grain of sand gets into the muscle and muscles start generating special fluid, enveloping the small grain of sand, so that the sand won’t bother the muscle – it is a work of a sculptor. Not only does it make it smooth, but also at the same time it makes a precious pearl out of it. This sand, if not in the muscle, shall have no value at all; but as it is sort of coarse, it starts bothering the muscle and makes it think: to throw it out – muscles cannot do this; to kick it out – muscles have no legs; to tell the sand, "Get out," – muscles have no tongues. It comes to mind then to make it precious, "You are an enemy of mine, but I will love you and I will make you precious." This is the teaching of Christ, who says, "Love your enemies." You would throw this sand out, but muscles make pearls out of it, for which you pay dearly; not only this, but Christ praised this muscle, that it did a wonderful job. I ask you, if Christ comes, will He find your job done the way the muscle did it – will He find pearls? You say, "We have no conditions." Women say, "When we have to work, men are in the way, we have no conditions, we have no house, we do not have other things as well, we cannot work." While men, on their part, say, "We cannot work because women are in the way - we do not have other things as well, society is in the way," and they stop making an effort. And this muscle does not say that it has no conditions – muscles have no legs, no hands, and no tongue and having no human brain, muscles create a pearl out of sand and Christ praises muscles. I ask you; can’t you do as much as the muscle does, too? You can, you can do even better. But let’s move to the main principle. Differences in the external forms indicate internal differences existing between men and women. Each nuance, each feature in the human face is a result of an internal, profound reason within one’s soul. While examining the object you can see that there is no difference between men and women. Sometimes women want to be men, but men abhor the idea of becoming women – if I ask you what gender you want to be born to, all of you will want to be men. What progress can there be in the world if all of us were born men? God created Man first; the latter, however, said, "This cannot be, I cannot do all the work alone, how can I alone cultivate this big garden of Eden – there are trees in it, there are animals, neither of them can understand me." Then God said, "Very well, I will make a friend like you so that there will be someone to help you." And this is how this great principle appeared on the stage, this process that keeps the world running; if this principle did not exist there couldn't be any progress, or evolution; and no embellishment. You see only the external appearance of things, but there is a much deeper meaning within. The only thing you know in Nature is of female gender, the male gender is invisible. The Sun that you see, ist is a female Sun, the male Sun cannot be seen; this Sun gets its energy from the male Sun. Moreover, contemporary science confirms that energy manifests itself at the negative pole of electric currents. The word negative or passive is understood by some to mean something bad – passive for them means weak, lacking strength of character or will, but this is a distorted understanding; therefore, the word negative was substituted with the expression cathode rays – the pole where energy manifests itself. On the basis of this principle I will explain many things. One has brains, but sometimes you say to yourself, "There is nothing in my head," – why is there nothing? Because you are a fertile woman who does not give birth – "I cannot love'' – you are fruitless. One, who cannot think or feel, whether a man or a woman, cannot deliver, and everything that cannot deliver, the Scripture reads, is close to hell. I would like to think that each one of you knows how to deliver – the greatest blessing for one is to know how to create and tend. How can it be that one does not deliver, does not create one good thought, one good wish within oneself? This is a creative principle, which is worthy of thinking beings. I do not at all mean that creative principle, which can create something out of nothing – the Creator, I mean this being of male or female gender; the one the Christian philosophy calls Christ-HumanGod. That principle about which Christ says, 'The father lives within me," nobody has seen it – nobody has seen God, nobody has seen the Father of the world. The Mother we know - God manifests Himself within us as a creative, feeding, and caring mother. Him we know and it is said in the Scripture, "Christ came to the Earth to manifest the Father." Similarly, under the same principle, the human being that came down to the Earth resembled originally that small grain of sand, shapeless, insignificant, and the Divine Spirit, having worked for a long time, made a pearl out of it. So, you have to be grateful to the muscle you entered for whatever you have within; if you have any value now, you have to be grateful to this Divine conscience which has been shaping you for a long time. According to this concept, sometimes the value of things lies in the content, other times – on the surface. Take a marble stone, hewn, shaped by a great sculptor, who had implanted a beautiful idea in the stone – where does this idea lie? In those thin lines, which the artists drew upon the stone. If a simpleton comes over and ruins these lines, what will be left; a simple stone, of no value at all. Everything that adds value to you is exactly these noble thoughts, desires, and deeds of yours, which the Divine Spirit has engraved upon you. Only the lines that God can place upon your brain, upon your heart, and upon your soul, only these make you valuable. And the same is expressed in scientific terms: contemporary scientists argue that the more the convolutions in one’s brain, the more thoughts it can produce. What are the convolutions? These are imparted features that can be seen upon it – these convolutions, these are the rills, which streamline your thoughts. Some people want their faces to be smooth, like a ball – they believe that one is beautiful, when one is smooth. No, then the face is a mask; there must be certain features upon it – to show firstly that one is good, secondly that one is fair, thirdly that there is Love in one, that one is wise, that one loves Truth – all of these things have to be manifested externally. Therefore, all people are like a book, a written book, upon which their features can be read. Some people ask me, "Have you listened to God, have you heard Him?" I answer them, "Not only do I listen to Him, but I can also see Him – I see Him, when he talks to me and I listen to and hear His words." Human words can only be listened to, but God’s words can be seen. God, who is glory, has embodied Himself in Christ to become visible. And each one of you is Divine glory, expressed, embodied, visible. And you ask me if I had heard or have talked with God – two thousand years I have been hearing Him. Christianity is an excellent philosophy – not a philosophy to be used while groping in the darkness, but a philosophy with which one can see, touch, smell, and taste. There is an anecdote about one educated European who was in esoteric science and wanted to trace the profound secrets of Nature, who once happened to find himself in a society where everybody was blind, their eyes were hollow. When talking with him, they asked themselves, "What makes this person different from us," and having groped him, they came to the understanding that his eyes were bulging – this was the only difference; so they thought to themselves, "Wait until we change his eyes, so that he becomes like us." Similarly modern philosophers are of the same calibre – when they find someone with bulging eyes, they flatten them and say, "You will now think like us, you will have the same concept of the world, of men and women, as we do." Fine, but this philosophy is relevant to Life – to one great reality, which has to be verified every day, every hour, every minute, every second, because we have to work, we have to create. And we ask ourselves why these misfortunes exist. You have a positive philosophy, don’t you, you are smart people, you measure space, the sky – you know how many stars there are in the sky, you know how to make various compounds – you know what oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are, but you do not know how to make your home; so, there must be certain things you are not aware of. Some say, "There are things that are unattainable," but reflecting on these issues, each one is relative – and is not absolutely impossible. Each one is attainable, but it takes time to get to understand it; a child understands a little in the beginning, but later on – the child starts understanding more and more and when the child becomes an adult, then the concept of the world changes. I now ask you this question, when you come back to Earth in a thousand years, what concept of the world will you have? Of course you will have your present concept plus something more on top of it – something different. Let me go back: why this difference? People should not be the same; such is the principle that people by their essence are the same, but are different by degree – there must always be a difference between people, this is a Divine principle. If you want someone to love you there has to be a difference between that person and you, but it has to be a harmonic difference, just like the different musical tones; and it is precisely this harmonic combination of these differences, which makes harmony, which we all admire. Let’s give an explanation of this harmony, which has to exist between a man and a woman, let’s apply this Divine principle. The woman is an emblem of Love; Love cannot manifest itself in men – not in moustache wearing men. Well, women can also have moustaches, just like some animals, but there are certain features, which distinguish her, and these features will be there for good. But another Divine element, called Wisdom, rests in men. When Love and Wisdom marry, the Truth is born. If you want to get to know Truth, you have to find Wisdom - your father, and Love - your mother and they, when they give birth to you, they will tell you what Truth is, this Truth will manifest itself. Truth comes on one’s father’s side, it is also of male gender – it is the son of these two. The father and mother, i.e. Wisdom and Love, when they conceive again, will deliver Virtue – this is your sister. And Virtue and Truth, merged together, make Justice – this is how things are. If you want to create this pearl, it is precisely your soul that has to shape it. And what do people do? They often ask, "Well, do you preach in line with the church?" And I answer, that I preach in line with the great Divine principle; I do not lie to God. Whether my teaching is in line with your concepts makes no difference to me; I find it important for my concepts to be in line with the great principle; not to lie to God, to Heaven, to the Angels, to the saints – this is what I consider important. If everybody understands the teaching in this way and thinks in this way, there is nothing to fear. Some say, "Well, you want to set up a sect of some sort." Those people who set up sects are, to my mind, petty people; anybody can set up a sect: take an axe, split the wood – and you will end up with a sect; or take a hammer and beat the stone – you will end up with a sect; go among people, make them quarrel – you will end up with a sect; it is easy to make sects. People in an American church fell out on a certain issue – whether to raise the glass when communion is consecrated; but those who said it had to be raised, forgot to raise it. It is often that we too forget what we preach, and the principle that binds us. Our task is to establish God’s Kingdom on the Earth. I want us to make a sect, but what sect? To become conductors of the Divine principle, which will capture all minds and hearts, so that all – men and women alike – become sons of the God’s Kingdom, to live a Life on Earth, which they are supposed to. And now when people complain to me, "There came big misfortunes," I tell them, "I am glad that your prisons are falling apart, that your old convictions are falling apart, because if you do not pour the old water out of a bottle, you cannot pour new water in." When Christ came, the Jews should have cleaned themselves similarly and should have started a new life, but they said, "We know Moses, You we do not know, You want to make a sect." But He, as you see, did not set up a sect, though from the Jew’s point of view he was a heretic. Some ask me, "Are you orthodox?" I can be orthodox before God, but from the point of view of the church, I may not be orthodox. Christ was also told, "He wants to destroy our people," but after two thousand years, we should not be thinking like the Jews. I ask you what the Jews gained from Christ’s crucifixion? Nothing. They scattered all over the world. To crucify someone – there is nothing easier than this – it takes four nails. So let me come back to our issue. I want you to think, to reflect deeply upon issues. And I will tell you one more thing in relation with this principle about men and women: firstly, you have to love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind; secondly, to love the people close to you the way you love yourself; thirdly, to love your enemies. I just spoke about your enemies – about that small grain of sand; and when Christ came down to Earth, he did not come to save the noble ones, the orthodox, but these small grains of sand – for their sake did he go did he goHe went [1] down to hell, to take them out. And in order to take these pearls out of the muscle, the muscle has to be caught and opened – under the same principle people are caught in Heaven and after opening them and finding this pearl in their souls, it is taken out. When someone dies people say, "The muscle died," and walk behind the muscle and keep saying, "The poor muscle has gone!" I say it went to Heaven to take the pearl, which it created and polished, because if it was not for this taking of the pearl, the muscle would not go to Heaven, and would not be worth anything. To come back to certain major features of men and of women. Those of you who have long studied the human structure, say that the external features of human beings are determined by the internal substance, i.e. what one is like internally, one is exactly the same externally; there no two minds about this. It is said that the foot of men or women proper has to be one sixth of one’s size; the chest – one fourth; the hand – one tenth, twice the circumference of the wrist should be the circumference of the neck. Of course when it comes to one particular human being, there are certain small deviations: some men and women are more elliptic, pair-like in shape, others have rounded faces; what is this due to? People with rounded faces are not so active – they are reconciled, diplomats, regardless of whether they are men or women; round faces are more pertaining to women; they belong to their mother’s category. By describing all this to you, I want to give you a new direction, to understand Christianity in its deepest sense, as the science of Life – Christianity is a positive science, which can teach us how to live. People differ in the way they apply Christianity: there is one application in physical life; there is another application in spiritual life. Men and women cannot be the same; there has to be a difference between them. If a man is active and agile, you should be glad and do not say, "I do not want to be a man." There has to be activity Activity there has to be [2] Activity there has to be in each manifestation – if not on the physical level, then on the mental level; if not within the mind, then it must be in the heart, but one always has to be active. Activity means work, production in triple-fold dimension – physical, mental, and spiritual. It is not possible for all people to work together at the same location in the same direction and in different fields. The difference existing between you may generate both disharmony and harmony – it all depends on you. If the two of you are short-tempered, when one of you says something, the other one should listen, when one of you plays music, the other one should listen as well – this is the principle, which that [3] operates in the physical world. If one of you is silent, the other one will appreciate this patience and will repay in another aspect. When, however, the woman does not have such behaviour, the man will say, "There is no woman worse than mine, she has a very sharp tongue; let God release us – either me from her, or her from me." Do not fool yourself that you will be free – you will be chasing each other in the after-world as well, if you have chased each other in this world. What can alter your life is the understanding of the Divine principle and its application in Life. You will make many mistakes, you will make a thousand mistakes – God will not judge you for them, He will forgive you, I can assure you that He will forgive you – if only you study the Divine principle and work. But if after a hundred mistakes you have not learnt no no any lesson [4], God will not forgive you for the mistakes. Everything in the world should be put to use; if pears have thorns, if roses have thorns, this is the normal course of life – thorns are not placed there just by chance. But you will say, "There are thorns!" The one that will climb on the pear tree should not be wearing thin clothes, so as [5] not to tear them; I have seen many children who could not climb down the pear tree – they lean ladders on the tree[6] for the children to come down. These who do not know the principle say, "This pear tree is thorny, it must be felled." – Well, it is thorny, but it bears juicy pears. I will give you another example, equally true for men and women, but the example is about the latter. A woman, who was very nervous and stubborn, did not follow her husband’s will at all – whatever he told her, she would do the opposite. Once she wanted to sit upon the well, he told her, "Don’t you, woman, sit upon the well because you will fall down and I will be left without a wife." She did not listen to him, "I will sit upon the well!" So she sat down but she fell into the well and sank into the water. He started crying and saying, "Didn't I tell you not to sit upon the well – had you listened to me, you would not have fallen in." In an hour, he saw a devil coming out of the well, a devil whose hair has turned white. "What’s up?" asked the man. "Ah," said the devil, "my hair turned white within one hour because of a woman who fell from above." The devil said this and ran away. The man started thinking how he could use this situation and finally he made up his mind. He started visiting haunted houses, using all means – incantations, prayers to make evil spirits leave the house, they would not get outleave[7], and then it crossed his mind to say, "‘Run away as my wife is coming!"’ andOnly then, all the evil spirits ran away. Thus, the woman who fell into the well did a huge favour to the world, because when she fell into the well her husband saw that she scared the devil, and understood that devils can be scared only by women only[8], and not by men, and by shouting, ‘"Run away because my wife is coming over!"’ heHe could scare away all devils. In this way, one person suffered but thousands were relieved. This is why women have the keys to God’s Kingdom. And Christ said to Peter, "I give you the keys to God’s Kingdom," He implied this profound internal principle, that between men and women there must always be one substantial difference – this difference is the basis for the Love of men to women. The day when the woman changes the position where God placed her, the man will not love her – whatever diamonds, rings or necklaces or silk dresses she might put on, no external force is in a position to make her husband love her. The man is God to the woman – she has to see that God lives in him; and in order for God to love her, she has to deserve His love, by doing a job for Him. As He Himself cannot descend to Earth to work, He gives us mind and heart and strength – everything so that we can conquer the Earth, to impose order and in return He will send all the Good to us. Some say, "God will come down and correct the world." He is correcting the world even now, but not alone, through others – the Germans on the one hand, the Russians, the French, the English on the other, are correcting the world with their guns. Some ask when they will stop fighting; it stands to reason that when the wall they are destroying falls apart, then they will stop fighting. It can be calculated academically how many blows a stone can endure. Some stones break after a hundred blows, others – after two hundred, still others – after five hundred. Similarly, one can get to know when the war will be over – it stands to reason that when they fire the required number of shells and bullets, and when a new conscience about the meaning of Life on earth enters people. And then people will say, "Well, we did a wonderful job." So Christ, addressing his disciples, told them that this person who was looking for the pearl – the meaning of one’s soul, when this person found the pearl, he sold all he had in order to buy it. If you are not ready to sacrifice all you have in this world, you should sacrifice something, but something sensible, if you want to gain a pearl; because there are people who sacrifice all they have, but gain no pearl at all – they sacrifice it for drinking, billiards, cards. Had I found this pearl, that Christ talks about, with a poor person, I would have sold all I had. It is not enough if someone gives away all that they have to the poor, in order to do Good; because when Christ says that people have to do Good, He means that this Good has to be sensible. It would not be sensible to give a lamb to a wolf every day; this is what they do in the zoo, because they keep wolves there for diversity sake, but in society this principle is not applicable; we cannot sacrifice lambs for wolves – for people we can, it makes sense. Another example: in previous times there were two kingdoms and there was an impenetrable mountain chain. Educated people in the two kingdoms kept saying that the person who could dig a road between the two kingdoms would do the greatest good for these two populations and this could be done only on one condition, namely that the person doing the job, once starting, should not turn back before the pass was completed. Many volunteered, started digging, but reaching a certain point, there always came a passer-by who would accost the worker, "What are you doing, my friend?" The worker would turn back to respond and at this very moment the whole pit would fill back up. Finally, there came a prince, who started working. People passed by him, asked him what he was doing, but he remained silent. So far so good, but there came a philosopher who wanted to show the prince an easier way of making the pass; at that point the prince made a mistake, turned back to listen to the philosopher, but when he turned ahead, he saw that the pit he had dug out, was filled. He promised himself that whoever wanted to talk with him come what may he would not turn back. So when he started digging again many people came to ask him, but he actually turned a deaf ear to them until he completed his job – connecting these two kingdoms. And then he married the princess of the other kingdom and these two populations lived even more happily ever after. This is not only a fable; this is a great truth. The big mountain separating these two kingdoms is human sin separating Earth from Heaven. If you are clairvoyants, you will see this black wall with fortresses, guns, and sentinels between Earth and Heaven. It was this mountain, which Christ dug, made a hole – this is why He came down. And when He says, ‘"There is only one road to the Heavenly Kingdom," He means this hole, this narrow pass. It has been two thousand years since this narrow pass was dug, but few are those who walk along it. Wide roads there are manyThere are many wide roads[9], but they do not lead where the narrow pass would take you. Many do not believe it and say, "Prove this to me." It certainly can be proved; one should only leave one’s house. But people say, "I am not leaving my house," people will go to this wall and will again come back. So, now that you know that you will pass through this hole only if you follow the man-woman gender principle, you have to marry. When we talk about Renovation, about Repentance, we mean that there has to be a harmony between God and us. If God does not love you, who do you think can love you? Someone says, "I have no friends, this person does not love me, that person does not love me, God does not love me." – This is not true, God loves you, and you have to learn to love Him. He is invisible, he can be seen everywhere. The God I talk to you about, talks to you at least ten times a day, He meets you, advises etc. When you intend to do something and you meet a friend in the street who tells you, "Don’t do this," God has spoken to you through the person who met you. And now when I talk to you, it is again God talking to you – the words are mine, the shell is mine, but the contents are God’s; you receive a gift – you will unwrap the packing and you will find the contents. Therefore, men and women, have to reconcile. You have a certain shell around you – you want to become great, to be rich, to have houses, knowledge, strength, to be loved by everybody, to do whatever you set your mind on in one go, to do it at a go [10] . Fine, but no lotto can deliver this to you – you have to learn this Divine principle internally, also you have to start with yourselves. And if you, for example, take this line abut the pearl and spend only ten days in a year or in a month reflecting deeply upon it, do you know what secrets you would learn from this line? Just like a scientist, who takes several prisms and places them in a certain combination, the scientist can then see under them the smallest, the most infinitesimal animals, which cannot be seen with naked eye, you will similarly, if you place the prisms existing in your mind in a certain combination, you will see many things, which cannot be seen with naked eye. The scientist, examining a simple drop of water under a microscope, will see all the movement inside, all of life, the whole world while simple people will see nothing; similarly, someone who avails of the Divine Wisdom, can see everything, which others cannot. Sometimes you get up very tired in the morning – you do not know the reason; you fail in certain jobs – there is a reason; you are sick – there is a reason; you are not beautiful – there is a reason. Beauty should be an ideal for both men and women, because all the Angels, all the saints, Jesus Christ, all of them are beautiful. When the woman says, "My husband does not love me," I understand that she is ugly. Any soul upon which Virtue, Justice, Love, Wisdom, and Truth are inscribed, is a great, beautiful soul, everybody can love it. And if nobody loves you, this means that you do not have these features. Go to God and say, "God, use your hammer better on me and inscribe more of these virtues upon me." If God does not use His hammer upon someone, then that person will be a simple stone, of no value. Let’s now address the issue of application – how should men and women work. They want to have children; children are the bearers of Truth – you, who want to know the Truth, only your children can disclose it to you; you who want to learn humility, only your children can tell you what humility is. A woman who has never delivered children can be neither good, nor humble, she will always be proud. The same is valid for men – each of his thoughts, each of his desires, when born, each one is alive, each one has a Great creature inside, an Angel, who one day will befriend you. The children that you have now, at one point in time were just a dream in your mind, to which you had given clothing. This pearl, that Christ speaks about you have it, only some of you want rather than ennobling the sand like the muscle, to throw it away. You say, "God did not make it fine," and you start shaping it, thus its meaning is wasted. Do not deface the lines that God implanted in the human soul. I am against those philosophers who say that the world was not made the way it had to be, "Let’s shape it a little bit.. The woman for example, in order to be a little thinner, puts on a corset. Fast in order not to become fat, you now eat three times a day, try to eat once or twice a day, just to see what noble features you will develop. You say, "One cannot live without food." – Do you know how much you have to eat a day? There are certain principles in life, which regulate eating; for several days you do not feel like eating – do not eat then, wait until you feel a desire to eat. But men say, "My wife has to eat, because otherwise she will spoil her shape." – Well, she has spoilt it; if she does not eat, she will improve. There are also animals, who when indisposed, do not eat. So I say, the pearl about which Christ talks, you have it, only that some of you want to throw it out, but this is a miscarriage. Miscarriage is the worst evil of modern women. Statistics show that in New York in 1905 there were one hundred thousand miscarriages. Human beings are not allowed to miscarry children either from their minds or from their wombs, or from their hearts, if they want to be Christians. If a good thought comes to mind, you say, "I will miscarry it," – you will miscarry, but then you will be sick. Some say, "I had a bad thought." – It is not a sin, that you had a thought, sin rests in miscarrying. Everybody miscarries and everybody wonders why the world is not in order; there are already idiots in the world. The bad thoughts that torment you – the devils, they are these children, these thoughts, these desires, which you once miscarried; because they say, "You are an unworthy mother." – They are the obstacles in all of your endeavours and you become an unhappy person. Therefore, if you want to be happy, to honour yourself, to enter the Divine Kingdom, it is best for you from now on not to miscarry and to pray to God to forgive you the bad use of all those good thoughts and desires, which you miscarried, which you killed, and which you robbed of their [11] wealth. Therefore, for the future, we have to nurture each noble thought, each noble desire, because they will have an impact upon our noses, eyebrows, eyes – and we shall have Apollonian types. For the time being people resemble monsters, scarecrows; now if they go to Heaven, when they see the beautiful Angels, they will run away. This is why we have to pray to God to help us to improve, and this is not very difficult. If any muscle can make a pearl, for which Christ praised it, you, on entering Heaven, what will Christ praise you for? Some will say, "I was Prime Minister in Bulgaria," but Christ will ask, "Well, what good did you do for the Bulgarian people?" – "None." – "Do you have a pearl?" – "No." – "Then, get out – back to the Earth again, for as long as it takes to make a pearl, because without this pearl I shall not accept you into the Kingdom of God." A bishop comes, "What have you done?" Christ will ask. – "Well, I taught people to be good, I believed in You." – "Did you make a pearl?" – "No, I didn’t." – "Out you go!" But the one who had made a pearl will be told. "I am glad, my son, that you did not disgrace me, come, you are a worthy son." The same with you, men and women, when you go to Heaven, you will meet a certain son – your pearl, who will tell you, "Thank you, mother, that when I was a bad sinner, you let me into your womb and made me a human being; now in this world I shall be your servant from the bottom of my soul." This will be your Joy. This is what Christ wants to tell us with these lines, out of which I selected the least important, and see how much it contains within. The other lines contain much much more profound ideas, which you will learn some day – not here on Earth, but when you go to Heaven, because then you will have a new understanding, new feelings, and new abilities. Then you may see other pictures, which you will be able to understand, for the time being it is as much as can be given to you. If you are given more, you won’t be able to endure it – this is just like a soap bubble, blown more than it has to be, and it will burst. Therefore, when Christ says, "You women are the emblem of Divine Love, God lives in you." Women have to listen and be silent, humble and have to be worthy to bear it. You say, "You, God, must know that the world now is not the way you made it." – There is no point trying to teach God, when He speaks, we have to be silent. And when He is silent, we shall start our lesson – we shall say, "I did this thing in this way, that thing in that way." Then He will say, "This is where you are right, this is where you are wrong." Hence, His teaching is to listen to Him and to apply it in Life. And when Christ says to women, "Love the people close to you the way you love yourselves," He means that women should love their men like they love themselves; similarly when he says to men to love the people close to them, He means to love their women like themselves. And if you give such examples, then your sons and your daughters will follow them. This is like creating the pearl – the alchemist principle, applied in the physical field. April 19, 1915, Sofia (2 May 1915, Sofia - Old Style) Адрес на коментара Сподели в други сайтове More sharing options...
Ани Отговорено 29 Февруари, 2024 Автор Сподели Отговорено 29 Февруари, 2024 [1] To Editor: why undoing the emphasis? There was emphasis in the Bulgarian sentence, it was translated emphatically in English; it was translated in grammatically correct English – why the change? [2] To Editor: why undoing the emphasis? There was emphasis in the Bulgarian sentence, it was translated emphatically in English; it was translated in grammatically correct English – why the change? [3] To Editor: grammar books state that which and that are interchangeable – same meaning, same function – I see you keep substituting ‘which’ for ‘that’ Could I possible kindly ask you what difference, apart from personal preferences, is there between these two words. [4] To Editor: either ‘you have learnt no lesson’ or ‘you have not learnt any lesson’ – equally good, equally correct – why are you changing one for the other ? [5] Stating the obvious [6] Stating the obvious [7] To Editor: why changing ‘get out’ for ‘leave’? the only difference is that ‘get out’ is more informal = closer to the Master’s style? [8] ‘only’ can be placed either you placed it, or where I placed it – why changing it? [9] Again – why destroying the emphasis? [10] Unclear. Maybe - {to do it in one go} Yes, ‘to do it in one go’ – this is the meaning [11] Usage. Sorry – I fail to express it in any way, but maybe if you suggest a wording it will be OK – the meaning is that the ideas are robbed/deprived of their wealth. Адрес на коментара Сподели в други сайтове More sharing options...
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