Ани Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 Сподели Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 from The Blossoming of the Human Soul THE BROTHER OF THE SMALLEST ONES “Sanctify them by Your Truth.” John 17:17 In the first language (the language of the Virgin Divine Spirit, which is the highest in the Angel hierarchy) God gave a different name to the human being, not the one we know now. This happened at the council of gods chaired by the Lord Jesus Christ, called the Savior of humankind. This council discussed the creation of man and defined his name. The word “man” has been incorrectly translated, but for the present, we will accept it as it is. By “man,” we understand a being who thinks. According to the contemporary ideas of evolution, the human mental process follows two directions: downward and upward. The downward direction of the thought contributes to the formation of the human personality and the human body with its seven layers. The Eastern and Western esoteric schools classify these layers in a different way, yet it refers only to the external, evident side of this teaching. In the core, there is no difference between the spiritual schools. According to the intrinsic meaning of Christ’s Teaching, the human being possesses three essential, unchanging bodies and seven layers. Theosophical literature mentions the seven layers of the human body while the three unchanging bodies are only vaguely discussed. The layers there are called “bodies,” but they are not exactly bodies. “Layers” is a more appropriate name for them. In reality, the human world is transient and the evolution of the world is a Divine process. From the Divine viewpoint, the aspiration of the human spirit is to attain the three unchanging bodies. This concept is so vast and boundless that even geniuses, the great minds of science and esotericism, the upper hierarchies of Angels, and also the upper hierarchy of gods are unable to comprehend it completely, both in the past and at present. By “gods” I do not mean the One and Only God, but the upper ranks of the Angelic hierarchy. Today, however, the word “God” has lost its original meaning and value as it is used for beings who deceive people that they are gods without being such. In fact, there is nothing Divine in them. Free yourselves of this misconception of God. In the archetypal language the word “God” had a special meaning, which has been distorted today. With the distortion of this concept, the human mind also has become twisted. In order to formulate the true concept and understanding of God, we need to return to our archetypal state. Many think of God as a being that changes itself several times a day, as humans do. Even some Western mystics think likewise. This is not meant to be a reproach. It comes as a result of the conflict existing between the groups of Light and of darkness. They have divided humankind into two opposing camps causing the discord and strife that exist in politics, societies, families, individuals, and even in religion and science. These two influences have split the human minds. However, wherever there is division or duality, the Divine Spirit is not there. As soon as you divide yourself and succumb to contradictions, you do not admit God within. This is a psychological law. When I speak of the human being, I am asking you to go deep within and visualize the genuine human being created in the image and likeness of God. This human being of Truth and Love has never desecrated the name of God. Moses, one of the great initiates, said, “You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain.”[1] This is a commandment of the first mystic who sought to study the Great Divine Teachings. He strived to sanctify the name of God. This means to be a true human being. Until you begin to sanctify the name of God in its profound meaning, handed down by the Virgin Divine Spirits, you cannot rise higher than your present position. Often I see how people in Bulgaria and elsewhere separate themselves forming groups of great and small, open and narrow-minded, with positive and negative thinking. They say, “We are open-minded, we are not as limited in thinking as the others.” It is good to be open-minded, but be sure that at the same time you do not lack strength of character and sublime ideas. If you go abroad among the mystics or theosophists, you will find out that they are followers of the Brotherhood of Light as they are working for the renewal of the human mind and bringing a new impulse, a new wave of activity of the Divine Spirit in the future. Today theosophists are divided into followers of Besant and Steinerists, called also anthroposophists. In fact, both groups are anthroposophists. However, they do not get along with each other and separate into smaller groups of narrow and open-minded. The followers of Besant are mostly female, while the Steinerists are generally male. Both groups argue also among themselves. All spiritual movements of the Eastern esoteric tradition are led by women, while those of the Western esoteric tradition have men for leaders. This division is notable, but it is only an external aspect. Those who are not enlightened may be tempted and involved in such arguments, which would not allow them to comprehend Christ. Just as in the time of Christ some were tempted, people have similar temptations today. Ever since man erred and in this way distorted the name of God, he has always fallen into temptation. Those who are tempted cannot rise to the position of thinking people and cannot understand the inner, fundamental Laws governing the human spirit. One needs to understand the Great Laws of the Divine Plan in order to change one’s individual and social life, as well as that of the whole humankind. The theosophists call the higher mind “the higher manas.” The natural or lower mind they signify as “the lower manas.” However, there is no mention at all of the middle mind or the “middle manas,” which is the most important. The lower mind is the foundation upon which the human thought is based. This means that it is like a soil, a substance from the mental world. If you are familiar with the makeup of this soil, you will know what seeds to plant in it. Every thought contains a seed of action. Learning and good thinking means to know what seeds are to be planted in the different seasons of the year. It is said in the Scriptures, “Whatever you sow, that shall you reap.”[2] What is meant here is sowing of mind. There are so many false concepts and wrongdoings among people so that if they do not begin to listen to the Great Teacher, they will destroy each other. He says, “From now on, I will not permit anyone to take even a step forward. If they do not change their way of thinking, if they do not sanctify the name of God, they may knock at My door for thousands of years: pity on them! They will reap the fruits of their karma accumulated over thousands of years.” What is karma? It is the consequence of all the bad fruits you have planted in the past. Christ came to Earth with one purpose only - to redeem the humankind. By redeeming I mean teaching people how to sanctify the name of God within themselves and in the world. The foundation of our existence rests upon God’s name. Its sanctification is the greatest thing indeed representing a philosophy of the future. Some complain that no secret knowledge has been revealed to them. What do they want? A weapon to kill each other? In Western Europe, there are various teachings and societies whose members aspire to discover the secrets of Nature. In this respect, they resemble those women who avenge their partners using vitriol.[3] Why do these women avenge them? It is because they have been betrayed by them. Once they have scarred them, these women get satisfied and say, “Now that he cannot be mine, he cannot belong to any other woman either.” There are men who behave in the same way, as well as some religious people. Christ is grieved by people’s actions. God has decided to punish them, if they do not set right their behavior. According to the Divine Law, wrongdoing is no longer allowed. The old ways need to end because a new epoch, a revival is coming. The Virgin Divine Spirit is descending in a circular wave through seven planes; that is to say, through seven worlds. During the first period, or the Saturn period, the Virgin Divine Spirit descended to the mental world and created the mind or the human mental body. During the second period, that is the Sun period, the Spirit descended to the astral world, creating the body of desires. During the third period, the Moon period, the Spirit descended to the etheric field of the physical world, creating the human etheric layer. In the fourth period, the Earth period, the Spirit descended to the lower field of the physical world and created the physical body. In these periods of descent and ascension, the Spirit passed through a Spiritual day and night. In the first period, when the Divine Spirit worked to create the human being in the image and likeness of God, man was free of sin. In the second period, man began to fall. In the third period, man declined to a very low state. In the fourth, or the Earth period, the lowest period of descent, the fall of humankind reached to the end. Why is it necessary for humans to descend and sink into matter? So that they could clothe in all layers, becoming denser and denser one after the other. After that, from the last layer, ascending and clothing in higher and more sublime forms begins. During each period, there is a partial ascension and descent in a wavy line. The final movement will be ascending. All those who are not willing to connect with God will be tossed out of the Divine Day main flow. Then that person will need to wait for another period of descent and ascension, or for another Wave. All those who move upward toward God will enter Heaven, while those who do not, will remain outside of God. The gates will be closed before them and they will hear God’s Voice saying, “I do not know you.” One day, when Christ comes to knock at your door, those who tend only to their personal affairs and trivial things will remain outside without oil in their lamps. They may come to their senses afterward, but the Divine Ship has already set off - it is not waiting for anyone. Therefore, everyone should be ready to board the Ship on time. Talking like this, it is not my intent to moralize, only to explain the Law and what God speaks. God will not stop the Ship for anyone. Thus the Wave continues and especially now, you have the most favorable conditions for spiritual growth. When a negative thought passes through your mind, remember that it comes from your distant past, it is not from the present. It is like someone else’s child; it is a foundling. Do not accept it. I do not want you to send such foundlings, unwanted by their parents, to me either. As a Teacher, I was not sent to Earth to raise and educate such children. To raise a sinner is one thing, but to bring up a foundling is quite another. Sinners, who have come to their senses, repent their errors and make effort to do God’s Will can be saved. It is such people that Christ came to save. Everyone can be saved. A sinner can also be saved but not a foundling, not a child unwanted and ignored by parents, for it is like a serpent; the more it is fed, the stronger it grows. One day it will coil around the human being and crush its bones. For you personally and your future blessings, you should better nourish only the Great thoughts that God has originally imparted in you through the Holy Spirit. Do not nourish the negative thoughts imparted to you by those on the dark side of life. The mother says, “I have a hard time and much trouble with this child, but one day he will take care of me.” No, one day this child will, like a snake, crush your bones and throw you out of this Wave. “Sanctify them by Your Truth. Your Word is Truth.” No one can learn the Divine Law before they sanctify God’s name. When you sanctify God’s name, your thoughts become pure and positive. With them you will create these enveloping layers, where the body of Truth will be conceived and it will set you free. Truth is the first body that you need to work upon at present. The human soul abides in it. Without Truth, there is no freedom. No matter how many tears you shed, you cannot be free if Truth is not with you. Weeping cannot help you in this case. Sometimes it is good to weep, but sometimes it is bad. Weeping is like rain. If you have sown good seeds, they will grow to nourish and uplift you. If you have sown thistles, once they are grown, they will suffocate you. If you weep for God - this is a blessing; but if you cry for the world, it is a pity for you - in this case, you would better have drought. Positive and noble thoughts will uplift you. With their help you will enter the body of Truth and be free. This way you will come to know Christ and He will come to know you. Some people want to find Christ in me. No, you will find Christ in His Teachings. If you would like to know who I am, I will tell you: I am the brother of the smallest ones in the Kingdom of God. I, the smallest one, would like to fulfill God’s Will as due, to sanctify His name as He has sanctified me. God has been so good to me that I, the brother of the smallest ones, want to repay Him with all my gratitude. It is my wish for you to follow my example. Some of you might be tempted to be greater than me, to be ahead of everyone else. This truly is a temptation. Christ said, “It is enough for a disciple to be like his teacher.”[4] I too do not want anything else. Just being a servant of Christ is enough for me; I would not exchange it for any other existence. The place you occupy is not as important as how you fulfill your obligations to God. You want to be kings. It is good for someone to be a king, but in some cases there is nothing worse than this. A king may accomplish thousands of good deeds; he may benefit an entire society or nation, but he can also bring it to ruin. This is why Christ said, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”[5] If you want to become great, this proves that you have pride and vanity within. Big businessmen operating with a capital of hundreds of millions usually run up huge debts and sometimes it is quite possible to bring many people to ruin. If you have 100 million and lose it all, you will experience great torment. I take the number 100 because it is a sign for one of the higher Angelic hierarchy. There are no words to describe the anguish and suffering of a businessman who has lost his 100 million. The opposite is true as well; there are no words to describe the joy of a person who has 100 million at his disposal and knows how to use them wisely. The latter is as great as the former is terrible. “Sanctify them by Your Truth.” The first thing to learn from Christ’s Teaching is humility. It is the mother of genuine, positive knowledge. Pride is the mother of temporary, transient knowledge. You may have great knowledge, but if you have also pride, you will be in the position of the deluded brothers who have embraced the darkness. If, on the other hand, you obey the Divine Laws, even if you are among the smallest ones, you will have progress. If you want Heaven to come to you and bless you, you need to be humble in the highest sense of the word, not in the common sense as it is being preached to you. Humility represents a Beautiful Angel and a Great Spirit. Whoever has seen it has come to love it. All Divine Virtues which the human soul and spirit long for are conceived in humility. The Angel of humility brings forth compassion, that is the child of Love, being the youngest daughter of God. Love abides among the Virgin Spirits and promises a bright future to the entire humankind and all who seek it. If you want Christ within you to be immortal and powerful in order to uplift you, you need to allow unconditional Love to flow from your soul. It means placing Christ in the highest place within your soul and sanctifying His name within your heart. Some think that they are close to Christ. Only the small one, in other words, whoever has learned the art of becoming small and humble, can be close to Christ. You say that you would like to be like Christ, but at the same time you want to command. In order to be like Christ and close to Him, you need to apply the Law of Selfless Service and to think rightly; you need to answer hatred with Love and wrongdoing with good. No matter whom you serve - this or that person, you are serving God. Names are important only if they correspond to their true meaning. The name Christ is not singular as it has a collective meaning. Christ is like the air and light and everyone has the right to benefit from it. Learn to think in a rational philosophical way. Do not be deluded by the external form of things or by superficial words. Seek the hidden behind the words. If I have thought like you, I would have descended from where I am standing now a long time ago. “Sanctify them by Your Truth.” Now I want you to advance moving upward in a straight line in order to sanctify the name of God within. God’s name will uplift you to be, as Christ has mentioned, His partners and inheritors. Today I would like to shed in your minds and hearts the Divine Light through which you can free yourselves from all negative tendencies. The sword of Spirit is raised and those who oppose the Truth will have a hard time. We need to fight with the weapons that are described in 2 Corinthians 10:4–5, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” This is theosophy, esotericism, spirituality, Divine Wisdom. I would like you to take the following verse as a motto, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God.” Only in this way can you free yourselves from the intentions of the lower manas, from the wrongdoings, which people continue to pay dues to even now. Christ said, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”[6] The lower manas is the Caesar in man. This verse means that while you are paying dues to the lower manas, do not forget to pay your dues to the higher manas too. What does it mean to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s? It means to destroy the bad seeds so that they may no longer grow and get rid of all impure thoughts, saying, “Here you are, Caesar, take what is yours.” Then you will be able to embrace the Sublime Divine thoughts and store them in the Divine granary of your soul, saying, “Here you are, God, take what is Yours.” Afterward you may enter your inner secret sanctuary and say a prayer to God without mixing what is Caesar’s with what is God’s. Mixing them is not a genuine prayer. The prayer is powerful and effective only when the heart is pure and surrenders entirely to God. Only when the fire of the human heart burns vigorously does your prayer reach God. Can you imagine what an experience it will be to feel the Divine presence within your heart? An American once listened to Camila Russo, who was a student of Paganini, to play “The Dream of Life” and said, “At that moment I was ready to make peace with the whole world and to forgive all my enemies.” This American had listened to many prominent preachers, but no one had as deeply touched him as Camila Russo did. Therefore, when humility enters your hearts, then you say, “Lord, we are ready to forgive everyone.” I ask: Have you heard the voice of humility? As to me, I have. I do not know any other music to be more beautiful than the song of humility. What harmony exists in humility! What Love flows from the heart of humility! This Love radiates toward the hearts of all people. Every day it sends forth its kind thoughts and comfort to all suffering and burdened people, to the whole humankind. It says, “Be hopeful. I will help you sanctify the name of God in your minds and hearts. I will give you all my blessings.” At present, Christ wants to unite all spiritual societies and groups and religions all over the world. Therefore, you should refrain from judging people; you do not know the true reason hidden behind things. “Sanctify them by Your Truth.” How does God enhance our spiritual growth? Through sorrow and joy. I have walked the path of all human experience; I have listened to the Sublime Divine Spirits. Thus, I have come to the conclusion that all people need to walk the path of joy and sorrow. There is no better path than this. Who dares to doubt this? The path is not so difficult, but most people have served and still are serving the Caesar. A woman complained of her husband, saying, “I do not love him anymore; he has made me unhappy.” But when advised to leave him, she replied, “But who is going to support me?” No, this is no longer a marriage; this is concubinage. Marriage is something sacred and Divine. If you want to enter the Kingdom of God, you are not to complain that God gave you a seemingly bad husband. If you complain, God will tell you, “You have chosen this husband by yourself, it was not Me. You ask Me to improve your husband while you yourself have not improved.” When I mention this, I have in mind women as a whole and not definite or specific individuals. For me, every woman and man are individuals as well as a part of the whole. I use these concepts as real facts, from life itself. Thus, the path of joy and sorrow is the path for attaining patience. The patient person attains great experiences and inner richness. This is the only way for people to comprehend the Great Divine Path and Providence and also for the humankind’s future blessings. If you want to progress this year, never complain. When I say not to complain, I do not talk about the negativities around you, but I have in mind the fact that you should not take them deeply within. Your heart should always remain silent and calm. When someone throws stones and breaks windows, that is not really your fault. But when you, deep inside yourselves, begin to break the windows of your home and throw stones at your soul, I say: Friends, you have not yet learned how to pay Caesar and how to serve God. Anyone can ruin the lives of thousands of beings. Do you know how many centuries it will take to correct people’s mistakes? Sometimes the desire for revenge surges up within you. You tell yourself, “I will smash his head; I will step on him and he will learn who I am.” No, go deeper into yourself and say, “The spirit that has entered me is malevolent. I will acknowledge it and demand it to be silent; I will order it to leave my sanctuary. It must not desecrate the image of God.” You say to someone, “I cannot think well of you.” I am sorry for you. If you cannot think well of your fellow man, you cannot think well of God either. How then will you love God? There are three paths you can follow: the path of Love, the path of Wisdom, and the path of Truth. The last one is the narrow path of Life. Christ said, “There are only a few who follow the narrow path.”[7] However, everyone can walk the path of Love. If you cannot walk the path of Wisdom, take the path of Love. If you cannot walk the path of Love, then take the path of Truth. Therefore, the paths of Love, Wisdom, and Truth are the three paths you need to walk. Do not be upset if no one else is following your path; just go ahead and walk it. The result of all three paths is one and the same. The difference is only in the turns that each of them makes. This is what Christ taught when he was on Earth; this is what He is teaching now as well. If you cannot understand the earthly affairs, how can you comprehend the heavenly ones? If you are unable to understand the easy things, how can you cope with the difficult ones? You insist, “Tell us something great.” You say, “You are our brother.” If you think that I am your brother in flesh, you are mistaken. If you think that I am your brother in spirit, you are right. You say, “You do not love us.” If you speak of the earthly love, I do not love you. If you mean that I do not love you as your Angels do, you are mistaken. There is no other human being all over the Earth to love your souls as me. It is my wish that you love the human souls in the same way. This is the greatest thing that the brother of the smallest ones, the brother of your Angels guiding you in the right direction, can tell you. Do you understand? I know that your Angels are very glad for you today. Do you understand? It was my wish to do them a favor. I came to Earth to serve the Angels and to serve you. When I finish my work, you are going to say that I have gone away somewhere. Where will I go? No, I will go nowhere. I am going to return to the One Who has sent me here and will ask, “Did I fulfill the assignment that was given to me?” If there is still something that I have not finished, I will come again. If I do not finish my work the second time, I will return again until at last I hear, “You have done your work well.” This is the Law for the Small brother in Heaven: to fulfill what God wants from him. This is the great Teaching that you have not heard until now. What I am telling you now you have never heard before. Why not? It is because this Teaching is the teaching of the small angels who have come to Earth to uplift humankind. I am not going to bless you now; I am not going to do that. Why? If I send my blessing and there are still harmful weeds within you, they will flourish. I act wisely according to God’s Law. When the Heavenly brothers see you have sown good seeds, they will send you their blessings so that these good seeds may come to grow and bear good fruits. May God grow and resurrect in you with these fruits and may you sanctify His name! I will rejoice because you will then come closer to God. I proclaim this to you for the New Year, I have not finished yet; I have just begun and you will understand that. What I am telling you is just the beginning. There are many more things greater than this! If you listen to what these small ones are telling you, you are going to experience God’s Power. Wisdom will come upon you, your willpower will strengthen and all affairs in the world will improve. From now on, great work is awaiting the small ones. The Teaching for the Small ones is great. It is the most appropriate Teaching for you. It is the foundation of what the future holds in store for your soul. That is the Divine message for 1917. I do not have in mind the earthly, but the Divine year. I take into consideration several years: 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917 setting the outline of the New epoch. These four Divine years form a cycle of Divine Blessing. The number 1 in 1917 implies the principle of Justice and 7 - the Law of Tranquility and Blessing. I will leave you now to think about humility, patience, and Love. Through these, try to smooth out the rough edges within you that interfere with the Divine harmony in your lives. Let every one of you, with the help of your Angels, call upon God and ask Him, “Lord, what shall I do for the triumph of the Kingdom of God on Earth and sanctification of Your name among people?” The first thing you will be told is, “Reconcile!” This was the Christ’s message. Read the Gospels by Matthew and Luke. It is said in them, “Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go your way. First be reconciled with your brother and then come and offer your gift.”[8] If he refuses to reconcile, take two more people and go back to him. That person who goes to the altar needs to reconcile with everyone. No one can go to the altar without reconciliation before that. You say in regard to some people, “Let’s go and try to reconcile with them.” How can you reconcile with them if they refuse to go to the altar? You need to reconcile! You will offer, “Brother, let us reconcile!” If he refuses, go with two more people. If he refuses again, bring two more. If he refuses once more, go with the whole community. If he still refuses to reconcile, let him be a non-believer and a tax collector. This is Christ’s Teaching. The squabbles that exist at present are not compatible with this Teaching. I do not want to judge anyone. To me, all of you are equal. I am telling you now: the results cannot be good unless you accept this Teaching. Why should unnecessary suffering be caused in this world? The suffering of the past is sufficient enough. Let joy and blessing come to humankind from now on. What I am telling you today is being spoken everywhere. God speaks of it, Angels are saying it too, all light-workers on Earth are preaching the same, and Christ announces it as well. I believe that this will come to pass. As it has been said, it will come to pass and there is not a shadow of doubt about it. We will all meet again one day; of course, not in the same situation as today, but ten times better and still here on Earth. After ten years it will be a hundred times better than now and after another ten years, a thousand times better. After another ten years, we are going to be ten thousand times better than now; after another ten years, one hundred thousand times better; after another ten years, one million times better; after ten more years, ten million times better; after another ten years, one hundred million times better. And at the end of this cosmic period or at the beginning of the next, we will be one with God. My peace be with you. Lecture given by the Master, January 1, 1917, Sofia. --------------------------------------------------- 1. See Deuteronomy 5:11. 2. See also Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” 3. Vitriol is another name for sulfuric acid. 4. See also Matthew 10:25. 5. See also Luke 12:48. 6. See Matthew 22:21. 7. See also Matthew 7:14, “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to Life and there are few who find it.” 8. See Matthew 5:23–24. Адрес на коментара Сподели в други сайтове More sharing options...
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