Ани Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 Сподели Публикувано 29 Февруари, 2024 Right and Left Path Right and Left Path The Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven sang Pesen na zorata (Song of the Dawn). The theme I am going to address now is of great importance. I use the terms “left path” and “right path” as principles, because there are no other ways of development but these two. Descent is on the left path and ascent is on the right path. The right path is the way, the direction of moving up. Everything in the world is created by the human spirit. However, humankind is at the beginning of its development. To be able to perceive the ideas flowing into the world [from the higher realms][1], we need to get rid of all idle-thoughts [and trifles]. Creating the world; God put Power, Wisdom, Glory and Repose in one cauldron. In this way, violence derived from Power and knowledge from Wisdom. All that sprung from Glory began to strive in different directions. Repose remained at the bottom of the cauldron and God kept it for Himself. Therefore, no rest exists in the world. To take a rest, one should return to God. The Master gave an example with two Russian bankers who had a bet of three million rubles that one of them will spend fourteen years in solitary confinement. The banker who stayed isolated in a room read many books and finally began reading the Bible. After finishing it, he said to himself, "I have found the meaning of life. It is in freedom and free development.” There was only one day remaining to conclude the fourteen year period, but he ran out of the window. He had left a written note about leaving the room twenty four hours early and renouncing to receive the reward of three million rubles, because he became aware that happiness was not in [the mere possession of] money. Meanwhile, the other banker who did not want to lose three million rubles decided to kill the confined one, so as to save his millions. He entered the room at night, but found only the note. For 8,000 years, there have been continuous struggles in the world even among the smallest beings [of creation]. Modern people say that life is a struggle. Life manifests through struggles as they are necessary driving forces. Descent into the heart was conducted by the left path. But it was possessed by some negative forces that did not observe an awakened mind. Great Teachers came to Earth to set the right course of life. Jesus Christ was one of them. Modern Christians have not ceased to follow the Teaching of Christ. People believe in coming from God and returning to God. Where do we come from, why do we come [to Earth] and where do we go—that is an important quest for everyone. The Earth is a school where we study the existing Laws [of Nature]. There are four states of consciousness in the world: sub-consciousness, consciousness, self-consciousness and higher-consciousness. There are certain Laws of Nature that can remove any obstacles from our lives. Even one magical word can release the suffering of an entire nation. Nature in its wholeness is a living entity. The spiritual world is a world where Intelligent Beings rule over all Laws of Creation and they are masters of death. Death is just a transition from one stage of being into another; from one simpler form of existence into another more complex and elevated one. There is nothing as perfect as the human brain. It is where all thoughts, feelings, and desires develop. Those who do not progress on the left and right paths of life are condemned to suffer. Heroes are born on the right path. To become a hero, one should first descend on the left path and then ascend on the right path. The more heroes who are ready to sacrifice themselves and serve their nation, the greater bounties that nation may enjoy. No one can restrict our thoughts, but we cannot avoid the effects of them, either. The Master gave an example with the destiny of Titanic steamer, which had sunk due to the improvidence of the constructing engineers on the power needed for combating the sea obstacles. Even little children can give ideas. The left path is related to the development of our heart - all noble feelings originate from the heart. Moses told the Jews when going to the Promised Land, not to bother the people living there. But the Jews did not obey God’s command delivered to them through Moses, so they came to grief. Women present the left path; men the right path. Women are the bearers of potential energy; men—of kinetic energy. Women should study the Law of the left path; men—that of the right path. The two paths, by crossing themselves, result in the willpower - the children. They are an impetus for all exalted motives in life. Fathers and mothers have hope for their children. That is why Christ said: “Let the little children come to me”.[2] By "little children" Christ meant the Divine Way requiring some special qualities: The first of them is discernment: to recognize good from evil, to tell which motives [of action] are right and which are wrong. Self-control and positive thinking are needed for attaining that measure of discernment. We should always think in a positive way and keep positive thoughts. Another necessary quality is endurance: to be strong and unchanging. Those who are not strong enough will become losers. On the other side, resilient people are victorious in life. Such nation is England. Faith: is another needed quality related to human mind. In this respect, doubt is like a worm for the human mind. Faith also implies the experience from testing whether someone is ready to sacrifice themselves for us. The Master told as an example the story of two friends who met a bear in the forest. They went for a walk in the woods. One of them boasted to the other that he was ready to do anything in the name of their friendship, even to give his life. At that moment a bear appeared before them. The braggart who had just praised about his readiness for self-sacrifice quickly ran and climbed a tree. The second one laid on the ground. The bear came to him, moved around, smelled him, bowed to his ear and went away. His friend came down from the tree and asked him what the bear had told him. He answered, "Next time, do not go on a journey with a friend like that". The right and left paths present the two necessary principles, the two conditions of life. Nowadays, the Bulgarians are on a crossroad, thus what they need is endurance and faith. Natural Laws are relentless. The sufferings of the Bulgarian people have not been completed yet, but that should not disturb you. A mother, for example, carries the baby in her womb for nine months, making any sacrifices for her infant, because she believes the child to be a bearer of Love, that is followed by Wisdom. Love cannot go without Wisdom and Wisdom without Love. Children in fact, are the bearers of Truth. The same Laws that govern Nature and all living beings are also related to people. From now on people are expected to join the blossoming of Nature. There is a new element in our Solar system now—that is Exaltation. All inner life is depicted in one’s features. For example, the nose is a symbol of willpower, intelligence, and wisdom. That is evidenced by its shape, lines, and size. People need to work with Love on the left path, with Wisdom—on the right path, and with Truth or willpower—on the straight path. Considering the conditions of life, every individual is a condition for the development of their nation, and in turn, the nation is a condition for the individuals; its people. Thought itself comes as a reflection of the Great principles of life. Everyone should comprehend the Laws of Creation and only then can we together create a life of prosperity and abundance. We are just servants of Living Nature. She is generously rewarding, but also relentlessly demanding of us. Love is a Great power that cannot be resisted. Everything is subject to its power. Evil cannot enter where Love is present, and where there is no Love, evil stays. In the same way, a doctor does not go where Light is present but where Light is absent. Eating a lot, we think that we will be fine, but what if there is poison in the food? The Master told a story of an eagle in the region of Deliorman[3] who ate from a poisoned sheep placed on purpose there to kill the wolves. As soon as the eagle had felt the poison, he rolled over on the ground, regurgitated the poisonous meat and flew away to his nest. There are thoughts, feelings, and actions that can poison us. The toxic food [we have taken] should be vomited in the same way as the food, eaten by the eagle. We cannot encourage ourselves with cowardice, but only with heroism. Diseases are from the food we take. We do not understand the conditions of life that Nature has defined for us. The same Law is applicable to the mind, heart, and soul. Yogis have rules for life. For example, they drink water slowly, in small sips, to strengthen the cardiovascular system and expose themselves to the sunshine to strengthen the nervous system. For our development, faith is a requisite. Faith is helpful for every person and for all professions. Everyone should have inner confidence that what they say is true. Do not keep in your mind a thought that is not verified; do not receive in your soul anything that is not tested. It is easy to mess, but hard to be cleansed. The Master gave an example with an old story. Once upon a time there were two neighboring kingdoms of the Esperzits and of the Menzitis. They were in constant animosity because of the poor relationships between their kings. The king of Menzitis was warned by wise men that his son’s life would be endangered at the age of 21. As a precaution the king sent him away from the palace to live with a shepherd in the kingdom of the Esperzits. The prince, in his 21st year, was once grazing the sheep at a mountainous place, when he saw a young lady riding a horse in the distance accompanied by two guards. She stopped to pick some flowers enjoying the beauty around. Obviously, she was a nature lover. At that moment, he noticed that she was bitten by a snake on her left side. He immediately resolved to help her. When he came closer to her he threw himself over her and began sucking out the venom from the snakebite. The guards thinking that he had attacked the princess shot a bow with a poisonous arrow at him hitting his right shoulder. Seeing that, the princess in turn, began sucking out the venom from his wound. In this way, they saved each other and became aware that they could not live without each other. So, they married and lived happily ever after. Those are the two ways: Love and Wisdom, the left and right side, the left and right path. Women need to treat and heal the infection that has corroded everything in the society. Some do fight. Be heroes because the Kingdom of Heaven is not given to cowards. Heroes are honored by monuments for their good thoughts, feelings, and deeds. What about the situation in the past and that in the future? Where have we been before and where are we going to be? That can be determined. All great men have defined the situation of their nations foreseeing everything [in the future] like clairvoyants. One nation needs preachers, priests, teachers, politicians, etc., but they all must be pure in deeds, thoughts, and desires. What is the application of the Pythagorean Theorem in life? The sum of the squares of mind and heart gives the square of human willpower—a2 + b2 = c2—the sum of the squares of the two catheters gives the square of the hypotenuse. Therefore, mind and heart should go together. Willpower can do and achieve anything. Its function can be defined briefly as follows: willpower can control mind and heart. Everything in nature is closely interrelated. It is possible to say about animals as well as about people what they are worth. For example, cattle and horse dealers can define very precisely an animal’s price by viewing, touching, feeling, and inspecting their teeth and other outer features. The left path is the path of Love; the right path is the path of Wisdom. Uniting them, we will receive the third path—the path of willpower. The left path is designated by the line at the back of human head; the right path—by the line in front of the forehead. To conclude my talk, I will give you an example that I have already used before. A young Bulgarian agreed to work as an apprentice for an old potter to learn the pottery craft. He has been serving his apprenticeship for three years. Then he left his master to work on his own and become independent. However, when he began his own business all his pots cracked. He returned to his master and asked him for the reason of his failure. He began to work again with him, and then he noticed that the master, when taking the pots out of the furnace, blew into them saying “Hu”, and thus they did not crack. All mastery and power for non-cracked pots came from that “Hu”. The pots symbolize our body. The troubles and sufferings that everyone encounters to be tempered and get stronger are symbolized by the furnace. Because without difficulties and pain, there is no ascension, there is no gain. The pots get cracked because we do not blow into them, in other words, we are not in harmony with the Divine Spirit. Mother blows into her hand or the hand of her child and that blow gives strength. If a pregnant woman says confidently to the baby in her womb, "You, daughter, will become a mother who is smart, diligent, and modest" or "You, son, will become a father who is smart, good-hearted, honest, and just", it will be fulfilled. And now I can tell you that my lecture will receive recognition in five years. Do not despair. Be brave. The student should not get discouraged by the teacher's corrections on the weak calculation. Saying “I can correct myself” the student will do it. The Master gave an example with the American preacher Moody. He was a shoemaker and said to himself, "I will become a good preacher." He had been working on himself, gradually succeeding in achieving his goal, despite the mockery of his employees. Finally, he managed to become a very good preacher. Now, if [at least] 14 of you have received my thought, I think it is worth it. Songs that were performed by the Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven: Bratstvo, edinstvo (Brotherhood, Unity)—the anthem of the Brotherhood, and Napred da hodim smelo (Let’s Go Forward). Public lecture[4] by Beinsa Duno—Petar Danov held on June 13 (May 31 O.S.), 1920[5], 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m., Sunday, “Zora” Community Center Hall, Sliven Translated by Evgeni Vasilev Edited by Maria Braikova, Antoaneta Krushevska, Beverly Cotton, and G.V. Eyssen [1][…] Editor’s addition for clarity and preciseness of the text [2]But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”, Matthew 19:14, NKJV [3]Deliorman (Turkish) or Ludogorie (Bulgarian) is a region in northeastern Bulgaria stretching over the plateau of the same name. Part of the Danubian Plain, the region is hilly in the east, but merges with the plains of Dobruja and the Danube to the north. [4] The lecture is taken from stenographic notes, which are probably not full and the examples are retold. [5]O.S. and N.S. dates – Old Style according to the Julian Calendar and New Style uses the Gregorian Calendar, which was introduced officially at different dates in the different countries. In Bulgaria it was introduced on March 31, 1916 and April 1 (O.S.) became April 14, 1916 (N.S.). Right and Left Path Right and Left Path The Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven sang Pesen na zorata (Song of the Dawn). The theme I am going to address now is of great importance. I use the terms “left path” and “right path” as principles, because there are no other ways of development but these two. Descent is on the left path and ascent is on the right path. The right path is the way, the direction of moving up. Everything in the world is created by the human spirit. However, humankind is at the beginning of its development. To be able to perceive the ideas flowing into the world [from the higher realms][1], we need to get rid of all idle-thoughts [and trifles]. Creating the world; God put Power, Wisdom, Glory and Repose in one cauldron. In this way, violence derived from Power and knowledge from Wisdom. All that sprung from Glory began to strive in different directions. Repose remained at the bottom of the cauldron and God kept it for Himself. Therefore, no rest exists in the world. To take a rest, one should return to God. The Master gave an example with two Russian bankers who had a bet of three million rubles that one of them will spend fourteen years in solitary confinement. The banker who stayed isolated in a room read many books and finally began reading the Bible. After finishing it, he said to himself, "I have found the meaning of life. It is in freedom and free development.” There was only one day remaining to conclude the fourteen year period, but he ran out of the window. He had left a written note about leaving the room twenty four hours early and renouncing to receive the reward of three million rubles, because he became aware that happiness was not in [the mere possession of] money. Meanwhile, the other banker who did not want to lose three million rubles decided to kill the confined one, so as to save his millions. He entered the room at night, but found only the note. For 8,000 years, there have been continuous struggles in the world even among the smallest beings [of creation]. Modern people say that life is a struggle. Life manifests through struggles as they are necessary driving forces. Descent into the heart was conducted by the left path. But it was possessed by some negative forces that did not observe an awakened mind. Great Teachers came to Earth to set the right course of life. Jesus Christ was one of them. Modern Christians have not ceased to follow the Teaching of Christ. People believe in coming from God and returning to God. Where do we come from, why do we come [to Earth] and where do we go—that is an important quest for everyone. The Earth is a school where we study the existing Laws [of Nature]. There are four states of consciousness in the world: sub-consciousness, consciousness, self-consciousness and higher-consciousness. There are certain Laws of Nature that can remove any obstacles from our lives. Even one magical word can release the suffering of an entire nation. Nature in its wholeness is a living entity. The spiritual world is a world where Intelligent Beings rule over all Laws of Creation and they are masters of death. Death is just a transition from one stage of being into another; from one simpler form of existence into another more complex and elevated one. There is nothing as perfect as the human brain. It is where all thoughts, feelings, and desires develop. Those who do not progress on the left and right paths of life are condemned to suffer. Heroes are born on the right path. To become a hero, one should first descend on the left path and then ascend on the right path. The more heroes who are ready to sacrifice themselves and serve their nation, the greater bounties that nation may enjoy. No one can restrict our thoughts, but we cannot avoid the effects of them, either. The Master gave an example with the destiny of Titanic steamer, which had sunk due to the improvidence of the constructing engineers on the power needed for combating the sea obstacles. Even little children can give ideas. The left path is related to the development of our heart - all noble feelings originate from the heart. Moses told the Jews when going to the Promised Land, not to bother the people living there. But the Jews did not obey God’s command delivered to them through Moses, so they came to grief. Women present the left path; men the right path. Women are the bearers of potential energy; men—of kinetic energy. Women should study the Law of the left path; men—that of the right path. The two paths, by crossing themselves, result in the willpower - the children. They are an impetus for all exalted motives in life. Fathers and mothers have hope for their children. That is why Christ said: “Let the little children come to me”.[2] By "little children" Christ meant the Divine Way requiring some special qualities: The first of them is discernment: to recognize good from evil, to tell which motives [of action] are right and which are wrong. Self-control and positive thinking are needed for attaining that measure of discernment. We should always think in a positive way and keep positive thoughts. Another necessary quality is endurance: to be strong and unchanging. Those who are not strong enough will become losers. On the other side, resilient people are victorious in life. Such nation is England. Faith: is another needed quality related to human mind. In this respect, doubt is like a worm for the human mind. Faith also implies the experience from testing whether someone is ready to sacrifice themselves for us. The Master told as an example the story of two friends who met a bear in the forest. They went for a walk in the woods. One of them boasted to the other that he was ready to do anything in the name of their friendship, even to give his life. At that moment a bear appeared before them. The braggart who had just praised about his readiness for self-sacrifice quickly ran and climbed a tree. The second one laid on the ground. The bear came to him, moved around, smelled him, bowed to his ear and went away. His friend came down from the tree and asked him what the bear had told him. He answered, "Next time, do not go on a journey with a friend like that". The right and left paths present the two necessary principles, the two conditions of life. Nowadays, the Bulgarians are on a crossroad, thus what they need is endurance and faith. Natural Laws are relentless. The sufferings of the Bulgarian people have not been completed yet, but that should not disturb you. A mother, for example, carries the baby in her womb for nine months, making any sacrifices for her infant, because she believes the child to be a bearer of Love, that is followed by Wisdom. Love cannot go without Wisdom and Wisdom without Love. Children in fact, are the bearers of Truth. The same Laws that govern Nature and all living beings are also related to people. From now on people are expected to join the blossoming of Nature. There is a new element in our Solar system now—that is Exaltation. All inner life is depicted in one’s features. For example, the nose is a symbol of willpower, intelligence, and wisdom. That is evidenced by its shape, lines, and size. People need to work with Love on the left path, with Wisdom—on the right path, and with Truth or willpower—on the straight path. Considering the conditions of life, every individual is a condition for the development of their nation, and in turn, the nation is a condition for the individuals; its people. Thought itself comes as a reflection of the Great principles of life. Everyone should comprehend the Laws of Creation and only then can we together create a life of prosperity and abundance. We are just servants of Living Nature. She is generously rewarding, but also relentlessly demanding of us. Love is a Great power that cannot be resisted. Everything is subject to its power. Evil cannot enter where Love is present, and where there is no Love, evil stays. In the same way, a doctor does not go where Light is present but where Light is absent. Eating a lot, we think that we will be fine, but what if there is poison in the food? The Master told a story of an eagle in the region of Deliorman[3] who ate from a poisoned sheep placed on purpose there to kill the wolves. As soon as the eagle had felt the poison, he rolled over on the ground, regurgitated the poisonous meat and flew away to his nest. There are thoughts, feelings, and actions that can poison us. The toxic food [we have taken] should be vomited in the same way as the food, eaten by the eagle. We cannot encourage ourselves with cowardice, but only with heroism. Diseases are from the food we take. We do not understand the conditions of life that Nature has defined for us. The same Law is applicable to the mind, heart, and soul. Yogis have rules for life. For example, they drink water slowly, in small sips, to strengthen the cardiovascular system and expose themselves to the sunshine to strengthen the nervous system. For our development, faith is a requisite. Faith is helpful for every person and for all professions. Everyone should have inner confidence that what they say is true. Do not keep in your mind a thought that is not verified; do not receive in your soul anything that is not tested. It is easy to mess, but hard to be cleansed. The Master gave an example with an old story. Once upon a time there were two neighboring kingdoms of the Esperzits and of the Menzitis. They were in constant animosity because of the poor relationships between their kings. The king of Menzitis was warned by wise men that his son’s life would be endangered at the age of 21. As a precaution the king sent him away from the palace to live with a shepherd in the kingdom of the Esperzits. The prince, in his 21st year, was once grazing the sheep at a mountainous place, when he saw a young lady riding a horse in the distance accompanied by two guards. She stopped to pick some flowers enjoying the beauty around. Obviously, she was a nature lover. At that moment, he noticed that she was bitten by a snake on her left side. He immediately resolved to help her. When he came closer to her he threw himself over her and began sucking out the venom from the snakebite. The guards thinking that he had attacked the princess shot a bow with a poisonous arrow at him hitting his right shoulder. Seeing that, the princess in turn, began sucking out the venom from his wound. In this way, they saved each other and became aware that they could not live without each other. So, they married and lived happily ever after. Those are the two ways: Love and Wisdom, the left and right side, the left and right path. Women need to treat and heal the infection that has corroded everything in the society. Some do fight. Be heroes because the Kingdom of Heaven is not given to cowards. Heroes are honored by monuments for their good thoughts, feelings, and deeds. What about the situation in the past and that in the future? Where have we been before and where are we going to be? That can be determined. All great men have defined the situation of their nations foreseeing everything [in the future] like clairvoyants. One nation needs preachers, priests, teachers, politicians, etc., but they all must be pure in deeds, thoughts, and desires. What is the application of the Pythagorean Theorem in life? The sum of the squares of mind and heart gives the square of human willpower—a2 + b2 = c2—the sum of the squares of the two catheters gives the square of the hypotenuse. Therefore, mind and heart should go together. Willpower can do and achieve anything. Its function can be defined briefly as follows: willpower can control mind and heart. Everything in nature is closely interrelated. It is possible to say about animals as well as about people what they are worth. For example, cattle and horse dealers can define very precisely an animal’s price by viewing, touching, feeling, and inspecting their teeth and other outer features. The left path is the path of Love; the right path is the path of Wisdom. Uniting them, we will receive the third path—the path of willpower. The left path is designated by the line at the back of human head; the right path—by the line in front of the forehead. To conclude my talk, I will give you an example that I have already used before. A young Bulgarian agreed to work as an apprentice for an old potter to learn the pottery craft. He has been serving his apprenticeship for three years. Then he left his master to work on his own and become independent. However, when he began his own business all his pots cracked. He returned to his master and asked him for the reason of his failure. He began to work again with him, and then he noticed that the master, when taking the pots out of the furnace, blew into them saying “Hu”, and thus they did not crack. All mastery and power for non-cracked pots came from that “Hu”. The pots symbolize our body. The troubles and sufferings that everyone encounters to be tempered and get stronger are symbolized by the furnace. Because without difficulties and pain, there is no ascension, there is no gain. The pots get cracked because we do not blow into them, in other words, we are not in harmony with the Divine Spirit. Mother blows into her hand or the hand of her child and that blow gives strength. If a pregnant woman says confidently to the baby in her womb, "You, daughter, will become a mother who is smart, diligent, and modest" or "You, son, will become a father who is smart, good-hearted, honest, and just", it will be fulfilled. And now I can tell you that my lecture will receive recognition in five years. Do not despair. Be brave. The student should not get discouraged by the teacher's corrections on the weak calculation. Saying “I can correct myself” the student will do it. The Master gave an example with the American preacher Moody. He was a shoemaker and said to himself, "I will become a good preacher." He had been working on himself, gradually succeeding in achieving his goal, despite the mockery of his employees. Finally, he managed to become a very good preacher. Now, if [at least] 14 of you have received my thought, I think it is worth it. Songs that were performed by the Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven: Bratstvo, edinstvo (Brotherhood, Unity)—the anthem of the Brotherhood, and Napred da hodim smelo (Let’s Go Forward). Public lecture[4] by Beinsa Duno—Petar Danov held on June 13 (May 31 O.S.), 1920[5], 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m., Sunday, “Zora” Community Center Hall, Sliven Translated by Evgeni Vasilev Edited by Maria Braikova, Antoaneta Krushevska, Beverly Cotton, and G.V. Eyssen [1][…] Editor’s addition for clarity and preciseness of the text [2]But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”, Matthew 19:14, NKJV [3]Deliorman (Turkish) or Ludogorie (Bulgarian) is a region in northeastern Bulgaria stretching over the plateau of the same name. Part of the Danubian Plain, the region is hilly in the east, but merges with the plains of Dobruja and the Danube to the north. [4] The lecture is taken from stenographic notes, which are probably not full and the examples are retold. [5]O.S. and N.S. dates – Old Style according to the Julian Calendar and New Style uses the Gregorian Calendar, which was introduced officially at different dates in the different countries. In Bulgaria it was introduced on March 31, 1916 and April 1 (O.S.) became April 14, 1916 (N.S.). Right and Left Path Right and Left Path The Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven sang Pesen na zorata (Song of the Dawn). The theme I am going to address now is of great importance. I use the terms “left path” and “right path” as principles, because there are no other ways of development but these two. Descent is on the left path and ascent is on the right path. The right path is the way, the direction of moving up. Everything in the world is created by the human spirit. However, humankind is at the beginning of its development. To be able to perceive the ideas flowing into the world [from the higher realms][1], we need to get rid of all idle-thoughts [and trifles]. Creating the world; God put Power, Wisdom, Glory and Repose in one cauldron. In this way, violence derived from Power and knowledge from Wisdom. All that sprung from Glory began to strive in different directions. Repose remained at the bottom of the cauldron and God kept it for Himself. Therefore, no rest exists in the world. To take a rest, one should return to God. The Master gave an example with two Russian bankers who had a bet of three million rubles that one of them will spend fourteen years in solitary confinement. The banker who stayed isolated in a room read many books and finally began reading the Bible. After finishing it, he said to himself, "I have found the meaning of life. It is in freedom and free development.” There was only one day remaining to conclude the fourteen year period, but he ran out of the window. He had left a written note about leaving the room twenty four hours early and renouncing to receive the reward of three million rubles, because he became aware that happiness was not in [the mere possession of] money. Meanwhile, the other banker who did not want to lose three million rubles decided to kill the confined one, so as to save his millions. He entered the room at night, but found only the note. For 8,000 years, there have been continuous struggles in the world even among the smallest beings [of creation]. Modern people say that life is a struggle. Life manifests through struggles as they are necessary driving forces. Descent into the heart was conducted by the left path. But it was possessed by some negative forces that did not observe an awakened mind. Great Teachers came to Earth to set the right course of life. Jesus Christ was one of them. Modern Christians have not ceased to follow the Teaching of Christ. People believe in coming from God and returning to God. Where do we come from, why do we come [to Earth] and where do we go—that is an important quest for everyone. The Earth is a school where we study the existing Laws [of Nature]. There are four states of consciousness in the world: sub-consciousness, consciousness, self-consciousness and higher-consciousness. There are certain Laws of Nature that can remove any obstacles from our lives. Even one magical word can release the suffering of an entire nation. Nature in its wholeness is a living entity. The spiritual world is a world where Intelligent Beings rule over all Laws of Creation and they are masters of death. Death is just a transition from one stage of being into another; from one simpler form of existence into another more complex and elevated one. There is nothing as perfect as the human brain. It is where all thoughts, feelings, and desires develop. Those who do not progress on the left and right paths of life are condemned to suffer. Heroes are born on the right path. To become a hero, one should first descend on the left path and then ascend on the right path. The more heroes who are ready to sacrifice themselves and serve their nation, the greater bounties that nation may enjoy. No one can restrict our thoughts, but we cannot avoid the effects of them, either. The Master gave an example with the destiny of Titanic steamer, which had sunk due to the improvidence of the constructing engineers on the power needed for combating the sea obstacles. Even little children can give ideas. The left path is related to the development of our heart - all noble feelings originate from the heart. Moses told the Jews when going to the Promised Land, not to bother the people living there. But the Jews did not obey God’s command delivered to them through Moses, so they came to grief. Women present the left path; men the right path. Women are the bearers of potential energy; men—of kinetic energy. Women should study the Law of the left path; men—that of the right path. The two paths, by crossing themselves, result in the willpower - the children. They are an impetus for all exalted motives in life. Fathers and mothers have hope for their children. That is why Christ said: “Let the little children come to me”.[2] By "little children" Christ meant the Divine Way requiring some special qualities: The first of them is discernment: to recognize good from evil, to tell which motives [of action] are right and which are wrong. Self-control and positive thinking are needed for attaining that measure of discernment. We should always think in a positive way and keep positive thoughts. Another necessary quality is endurance: to be strong and unchanging. Those who are not strong enough will become losers. On the other side, resilient people are victorious in life. Such nation is England. Faith: is another needed quality related to human mind. In this respect, doubt is like a worm for the human mind. Faith also implies the experience from testing whether someone is ready to sacrifice themselves for us. The Master told as an example the story of two friends who met a bear in the forest. They went for a walk in the woods. One of them boasted to the other that he was ready to do anything in the name of their friendship, even to give his life. At that moment a bear appeared before them. The braggart who had just praised about his readiness for self-sacrifice quickly ran and climbed a tree. The second one laid on the ground. The bear came to him, moved around, smelled him, bowed to his ear and went away. His friend came down from the tree and asked him what the bear had told him. He answered, "Next time, do not go on a journey with a friend like that". The right and left paths present the two necessary principles, the two conditions of life. Nowadays, the Bulgarians are on a crossroad, thus what they need is endurance and faith. Natural Laws are relentless. The sufferings of the Bulgarian people have not been completed yet, but that should not disturb you. A mother, for example, carries the baby in her womb for nine months, making any sacrifices for her infant, because she believes the child to be a bearer of Love, that is followed by Wisdom. Love cannot go without Wisdom and Wisdom without Love. Children in fact, are the bearers of Truth. The same Laws that govern Nature and all living beings are also related to people. From now on people are expected to join the blossoming of Nature. There is a new element in our Solar system now—that is Exaltation. All inner life is depicted in one’s features. For example, the nose is a symbol of willpower, intelligence, and wisdom. That is evidenced by its shape, lines, and size. People need to work with Love on the left path, with Wisdom—on the right path, and with Truth or willpower—on the straight path. Considering the conditions of life, every individual is a condition for the development of their nation, and in turn, the nation is a condition for the individuals; its people. Thought itself comes as a reflection of the Great principles of life. Everyone should comprehend the Laws of Creation and only then can we together create a life of prosperity and abundance. We are just servants of Living Nature. She is generously rewarding, but also relentlessly demanding of us. Love is a Great power that cannot be resisted. Everything is subject to its power. Evil cannot enter where Love is present, and where there is no Love, evil stays. In the same way, a doctor does not go where Light is present but where Light is absent. Eating a lot, we think that we will be fine, but what if there is poison in the food? The Master told a story of an eagle in the region of Deliorman[3] who ate from a poisoned sheep placed on purpose there to kill the wolves. As soon as the eagle had felt the poison, he rolled over on the ground, regurgitated the poisonous meat and flew away to his nest. There are thoughts, feelings, and actions that can poison us. The toxic food [we have taken] should be vomited in the same way as the food, eaten by the eagle. We cannot encourage ourselves with cowardice, but only with heroism. Diseases are from the food we take. We do not understand the conditions of life that Nature has defined for us. The same Law is applicable to the mind, heart, and soul. Yogis have rules for life. For example, they drink water slowly, in small sips, to strengthen the cardiovascular system and expose themselves to the sunshine to strengthen the nervous system. For our development, faith is a requisite. Faith is helpful for every person and for all professions. Everyone should have inner confidence that what they say is true. Do not keep in your mind a thought that is not verified; do not receive in your soul anything that is not tested. It is easy to mess, but hard to be cleansed. The Master gave an example with an old story. Once upon a time there were two neighboring kingdoms of the Esperzits and of the Menzitis. They were in constant animosity because of the poor relationships between their kings. The king of Menzitis was warned by wise men that his son’s life would be endangered at the age of 21. As a precaution the king sent him away from the palace to live with a shepherd in the kingdom of the Esperzits. The prince, in his 21st year, was once grazing the sheep at a mountainous place, when he saw a young lady riding a horse in the distance accompanied by two guards. She stopped to pick some flowers enjoying the beauty around. Obviously, she was a nature lover. At that moment, he noticed that she was bitten by a snake on her left side. He immediately resolved to help her. When he came closer to her he threw himself over her and began sucking out the venom from the snakebite. The guards thinking that he had attacked the princess shot a bow with a poisonous arrow at him hitting his right shoulder. Seeing that, the princess in turn, began sucking out the venom from his wound. In this way, they saved each other and became aware that they could not live without each other. So, they married and lived happily ever after. Those are the two ways: Love and Wisdom, the left and right side, the left and right path. Women need to treat and heal the infection that has corroded everything in the society. Some do fight. Be heroes because the Kingdom of Heaven is not given to cowards. Heroes are honored by monuments for their good thoughts, feelings, and deeds. What about the situation in the past and that in the future? Where have we been before and where are we going to be? That can be determined. All great men have defined the situation of their nations foreseeing everything [in the future] like clairvoyants. One nation needs preachers, priests, teachers, politicians, etc., but they all must be pure in deeds, thoughts, and desires. What is the application of the Pythagorean Theorem in life? The sum of the squares of mind and heart gives the square of human willpower—a2 + b2 = c2—the sum of the squares of the two catheters gives the square of the hypotenuse. Therefore, mind and heart should go together. Willpower can do and achieve anything. Its function can be defined briefly as follows: willpower can control mind and heart. Everything in nature is closely interrelated. It is possible to say about animals as well as about people what they are worth. For example, cattle and horse dealers can define very precisely an animal’s price by viewing, touching, feeling, and inspecting their teeth and other outer features. The left path is the path of Love; the right path is the path of Wisdom. Uniting them, we will receive the third path—the path of willpower. The left path is designated by the line at the back of human head; the right path—by the line in front of the forehead. To conclude my talk, I will give you an example that I have already used before. A young Bulgarian agreed to work as an apprentice for an old potter to learn the pottery craft. He has been serving his apprenticeship for three years. Then he left his master to work on his own and become independent. However, when he began his own business all his pots cracked. He returned to his master and asked him for the reason of his failure. He began to work again with him, and then he noticed that the master, when taking the pots out of the furnace, blew into them saying “Hu”, and thus they did not crack. All mastery and power for non-cracked pots came from that “Hu”. The pots symbolize our body. The troubles and sufferings that everyone encounters to be tempered and get stronger are symbolized by the furnace. Because without difficulties and pain, there is no ascension, there is no gain. The pots get cracked because we do not blow into them, in other words, we are not in harmony with the Divine Spirit. Mother blows into her hand or the hand of her child and that blow gives strength. If a pregnant woman says confidently to the baby in her womb, "You, daughter, will become a mother who is smart, diligent, and modest" or "You, son, will become a father who is smart, good-hearted, honest, and just", it will be fulfilled. And now I can tell you that my lecture will receive recognition in five years. Do not despair. Be brave. The student should not get discouraged by the teacher's corrections on the weak calculation. Saying “I can correct myself” the student will do it. The Master gave an example with the American preacher Moody. He was a shoemaker and said to himself, "I will become a good preacher." He had been working on himself, gradually succeeding in achieving his goal, despite the mockery of his employees. Finally, he managed to become a very good preacher. Now, if [at least] 14 of you have received my thought, I think it is worth it. Songs that were performed by the Choir of the Brotherhood in Sliven: Bratstvo, edinstvo (Brotherhood, Unity)—the anthem of the Brotherhood, and Napred da hodim smelo (Let’s Go Forward). Public lecture[4] by Beinsa Duno—Petar Danov held on June 13 (May 31 O.S.), 1920[5], 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m., Sunday, “Zora” Community Center Hall, Sliven Translated by Evgeni Vasilev Edited by Maria Braikova, Antoaneta Krushevska, Beverly Cotton, and G.V. Eyssen [1][…] Editor’s addition for clarity and preciseness of the text [2]But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”, Matthew 19:14, NKJV [3]Deliorman (Turkish) or Ludogorie (Bulgarian) is a region in northeastern Bulgaria stretching over the plateau of the same name. Part of the Danubian Plain, the region is hilly in the east, but merges with the plains of Dobruja and the Danube to the north. [4] The lecture is taken from stenographic notes, which are probably not full and the examples are retold. [5]O.S. and N.S. dates – Old Style according to the Julian Calendar and New Style uses the Gregorian Calendar, which was introduced officially at different dates in the different countries. In Bulgaria it was introduced on March 31, 1916 and April 1 (O.S.) became April 14, 1916 (N.S.). Адрес на коментара Сподели в други сайтове More sharing options...
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