Ани Posted November 1, 2019 Share Posted November 1, 2019 КНИГИ (Латиница) 162. Allen, James (1864-1912). The eigth pillars of prosperity [Осемте стълба на благоденствието] / James Allen. - London: Fowler, 1911. - 180 с. 163. Baha’u’Llah (1817-1892). The seven Valleys. [Седемте долини] / Baha’u’Llah; Transl. by Ali Kuli Khan. - Chicago: Bahai publishing society, [1906?]. - 56 p. Истинско име на авт.: Mirza Husayn - Ali Nuri. 164. [Benner, Joseph Sieber (1872-1938)]. The impersonal life [Безличен живот]. - Barberton (Ohio), [1914]. - 162 p.; 14 cm 165. Campbell, Henry Johnstone. Text-book of elementary biology [Учебник по елементарна биология ] / H. J. Campbell. - 4. ed. - London: Swan Sonnenhein & Co., LTD, 1905 (New York: press. The Macmillan Co.). - 306 p.: 136 ill. 166. Cattell, Henry Ware (1862-1936). Lippincott’s New medical dictionary. [Нов мед. речник] / Henry W. Cattell. - Philadelphia/London: J. B. Lippincott, 1910. - 1108 p.: 450 ill. 167. Choisnard, Paul (1867-1930), A. Boudineau. Les directions en Astrologie: Avec un Appendice sur le Calcul rapide des Directions a l'aide d'une seule Table de Maisons, par A. Boudineau [Указания в астрологията] : In 12 broushures / Paul Choisnard , Andre Boudineau. - Paris: Chocarnac freres, 1937 (Impr. Jouve). - 64 p.: 5 fig. 168. Craik, Dinah Maria (1826-1887). The fairy book: The best popular Stories: Selected and Rendered Anew by the author of „John Halifax, gentleman“ [Книга за феята] / [Dinah Maria Craik]. - New York: Harper and Brothers, 1870. - 479 p. Истинското име на авт. Dinah Maria Mulock-Craik. 169. Danov, Petar Konstantinov (1864-1944). La parole de L'auguste Fraternite Universelle: Le Maitre parle [Учителя говори] / Petre Deunov. -Sofia, 1936 (София: Полиграфия). - 174 p. Кор. загл. Le Maitre parle. 170. Darzins, Emils (1875-1910). Melancholiskais valsis: Klavierem [Меланхоличен валс: Клавир] / Emils Darzins. - Riga, s.a., [1904, преди 1910 ?]. - 7 lapas un noti. Валсът е композиран през 1904 г. 171. Dechambre, Amedee (1812-1886), Mathias Duval (1844-1907), Leon Lereboullet (1842-1914). Dictionnaire usuel des sciences medicales [Речник на мед. науки] / A. Dechambre, Mathias Duval, L. Lereboullet. - 3. ed. - Paris, Masson et Co., [1895 ?]. - ХХХП, 1782 p. - 28 cm 1. ed. 1885 - 1738 p. 2. ed. 1892 - XXXVI, 1782 p. 172. Drayton, Henry Shipton (1840-1923). The complete man [Завършеният човек] / H. S. Drayton. - N. Y., 1889. - 28 p. - (The human nature library; N 12) 173. Dudley, Emilius Clark (1850-1928). The principles and practice of Gynecology for students and practitioners [Принципите и практиката на Г и-некологията за студентите и практикуващите ] / E. C. Dudley. - 5. попр. и разш. изд. - Philadelphia/New York: Lea & Febiger, 1908. - 806 p.: 431 ill.: 20 plates with colorful paintings and monograms. Показалец с. 779-806. С ръкописен надпис на англ. ез.: “Dr. Chavdaroff. 426 W. Adams St., Chicago “. 174. Excell-Lynn, Emma L. Clairvoyance [Ясновиждане] / Emma L. Excell Lynn. - [Akron?], Ohaio, s.a. - 36 p. 175. Feyerband, Karl. (1846-1916). Greek-English: with an introduce to the History of Greek Sounds [Гръцко-английски речник с въведение в историята на гръците звуци] / Compikd by Karl Feyerabend. - 2. ed. -Berlin-Shoneberg: Langenscheidtsche verlags-buchhandlung, 1910. - XII, 420 p.; 16 cm. - (Fonolexika Langenscheidt) 176. Foote, Edward Bliss (1829-1906). Plain Home talk about human’s system: The habits of men and women, the caused and prevention of disease - our sexual relations and social nature: Medical Common sense... [Медицина. Човешките системи .] / Edward B. Foote. - New York: Murray Hill Publishing Co., 1894. - XXIV, 960 p.: with 200 ill. , VI col. ill. ,1 f. portr. on author. Прил. с. 914-960. 177. Geikie, Archibald (1835-1924). Geology [Геология] / Archibald Geikie . - New York: edited by Profesors Huxley, Roscoe, Balfour Stewart, 1884 (press D. Applenton and Co.). - 142 p.: ill. - (Science primers; N 5) 178-179. Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire [Историята на залеза и разпадането на Римската империя]: V. 1-5 / Edward Gibbon; With notes by the H. H. Milman. - A new Edition to which is added a complete index of the whole work. -Philadelphia: Porter & Coates [s.a.]. V. 1 V. 2 https://petardanov.com/PDF/en/The_History_of_The_Decline_and_Fall_of_the_Roman_Empire_2.pdf V. 3: 720 p.; V. 5: 649 p. General Index p. 567-649. 180. Goodwin, William Watson (1831-1912). An elementary Greek grammar [Елементарна гръцка граматика] / William W. Goodwin. -Revised and enlarged edition. - Boston, Published by Ginn, Heath & Co., 1883 (Boston: press. J. S. Cushing). - XXIX, 393 p. 1. изд. 1870. 2. изд. 1879. 181. Gordon, George Angier (1853-1929). The Christ of to-day [Днешният Христос] / George A. Gordon. - 4. ed. - Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1896. - Х, 326 p. Библиогр. списък с. 325-326; 1.изд. 1895. 182. Green, Thomas Sheldon (1803-1876). A Greek-English lexicon to the New Testament [Гръцко-английски речник на Новия завет] / Revised and enlarged by Thomas Sheldon Green. - New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1889. - 208 p. 183. Grey, Henry (1827-1861). Anatomy: Descriptive and surgical [Анатомия: Описателна и хирургическа] / Henry Grey; The drawings by Henry Vandyke Carter (1831-1897). - A new American from the [11] Eleventh English edition: Revised and re-edited with additions by William W. Keen. - Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co., 1887. - 1100, 4 p. Показалец с. 1065-1100. 184. Grumbine, Jesse Charles Fremont (1861-1938). Auras and colors: An Esoteric System of Teaching Concerning Halos, Aureolas and the Nimbus [Аура и цветове] / J. C. F. Grumbine. - Siracuse, N. Y.: Order of the With Rose, 1900. - 72 p. 185. Hartshorne, Henry (1823-1897). The practical Household Physician: A Cyclopedia of Family Medicine... [Практичен домашен лекар: Енциклопедия на семейната медицина...] / Henry Hartshorne. -Philadelphia, PA; Chicago, Illinois; Syracuse, N. Y.: John Winston & Co., 1891. - 971 p.: 4 leaves of plates ill. Показалец с. 921-971. 186-205. Heindel, Max (1865-1919). Rosicrucian Christianity [in 20 lectures] [Християнството на Розенкройцерите] / Max Heindel. - Seattle: Rosicrucian Fellowship Auditorium, 1909. - (Serie; № 1-20) Всяка брошура от серията с отделно заглавие. 206-230. The Historian’s History of the World. [История на света]: T. 1-25. - 2. изд. - London/New York: The history Association, Henry Smith Williams, 1907. 1. Prolegomena: Egypt: Mesopotamia. - 638 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. Bibliogr. p. 629-637. 2. Israel: Phoeicia: Western Asia: Ancient India: Ancient Persia. -666 p.: with Ill., 2 pl. col. geogr. maps. Bibliogr. p. 663-666. 3. Greece to the Peloponnesian War. - 650 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 2 pl. col. geogr. maps. 4. Greece to the Roman Conquest. - 640 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 5. The Roman republic. - 656 p.: Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 6. The Early Roman Empire. - 672 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 1 pl. col. geogr. maps. Bibliogr. p. 645-672. 7. The Later Roman Empire. - 661 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 8. Arabs crusades papacy. - 651 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 9. Italy. - 672 p.: Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. Bibliogr. p. 639-672. 10. Spain: Portugal. - 655 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. Bibliogr. p. 637-655. 11. France, 843-1715. - 656 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 1 pl. col. geogr. maps. 12. France, 1715-1815. - 653 p.: with col. ill. 13. France, 1815-1904. - 654 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 14. Netherlands: Germany. - 661 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 1 pl. col. geogr. maps. 15. Germany (concluded). - 662 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. Bibliogr. p. 620-638. 16. Scandinavia: Switzerland. - 662 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 17. Switzerland: Russia. - 662 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 1 pl. col. geogr. maps. 18. Еngland to 1485. - 640 p.: with black and white and col. drawings, 1 pl. col. geogr. maps. 19. England, 1485-1642. - 643 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 20. England, 1642-1791. - 663 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 21. Scotland: Ireland: England since 1792. - 670 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 22. British Colonies: The United States. - 654 с.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 23. The United States: Spanish America. - 686 с.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. Bibliogr. p. 671-686. 24. Turkey - Minor: Eastern states: China - Japan. - 672 p.: with Ill., 1 pl. col. geogr. map. 25. Index. - 662 p. 1. изд. 1904. 231. Hollander, Bernard (1864-1934). The mental functions of the brain: An investigation into their localization and their manifestation in health and disease [Психичните функции на мозъка...] / Bernard Hollander. - London: Grant Richards, 1901. - XVIII, 512 p., ХХТУ leaves of plates: ill. , ports. Именен показалец с. 499-512. 232. Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963). An encyclopedia of pacifism. [Енциклопедия по пацифизъм] / Aldous Huxley. - N. Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1937. - 104 p. 233-237. Jaсkowska, Suzanne d’Olivera. Les Cloches de Noel... / Suzanne d'Olivera. - Квебек (Канада), 1936. 5 отд. свитъка с ноти и текст. Всеки свитък с дарствен надпис от авт. с дата 6 апр. 1938 г. 238. Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882). The state in relation to labour [Държавата по отношение на труда] / W. Stanley Jevons; With an Introduction by Francis W. Hirst. - 4. ed. - London: Macmillan and Co., 1910. - ХУШ, 176 p. С каталог на издателя, с.175-176; 1. ed. 1887. 239. Junosza-Olszakowski, Aleksander (1902-1977). Ponad Zycie I smierc: Powiesc [Повече от Живот и смър: Повест] / Aleksander Junosza-Olszakowski. - Poznan: Gustowski i Wojciechowski, 1939. - 224 p. 240. Kokin, Ivo (1882-1946). Duet [Дует: Поезия] / Ivo Kokin. -Zagreb: Tiskara Adolf Engel, 1922. - 64 p. Истинското име на авт. Ivo Hengster. С посвещение на хърватски език и с автограф. 241. Krestanov, Ivan Haralampiev (1890-1966). Bulgara antologio: Prozo kaj poezio [Българска антология: Проза и поезия] / Ivan H. Krestanov; Kun antauparolo de At. D. Atanasov. - Sofia: Esperanto Biblioteko, 1925. - 247 p.: 1 portr. 242. Krishnamurti, Jiddu (1895-1986). The pool of wisdom: Who Brings the Truth: By What Authority: [And] Three poems [Океанът на мъдростта] / J. Krishnamurti. - Holland: The Star Publishing Trust, 1928. - 100 p. 243. Lahee, Henry Charles (1856-1953). The grand opera singers of today: An account of the leading operatic stars who have sung during recent years, together with a sketch of the chief operatic enterprises [Големите съвременни оперни певци] / Henry C. Lahee. - 2. ed. - Boston: The page company publishers, 1917. - X, 462 p.: with [48] portr. Показалец с. 453-461; 1. изд. 1912. 244. Letellier, Albert. La Teinture et L’impression expliquees par la Chimie [Обяснение на химичното багрене и щамповане] / Albert Letellier. - Paris: J. Hermann, 1924. - 608 p. 245. Lodge, Oliver Joseph (1851-1940). The romanes lecture: Modern views on matter [Годишна публична университетска лекция: Съвременни възгледи за материята] / Oliver Lodge . - New ed. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907. - 24 p. 1. ed. ? 2. ed. 1903. 246. Nouveau petit Larousse illustre: Dictionnaire encyclopedique [Нов малък Ларус: Енциклопед. речник] / Sous la direction de Claude Auge et Paul Auge. - Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1937. - 1771, 14 p. 1. ed. 1924. 247. Osburn, William Jr. (1793- ?). Hebrew-English lexicon: containing all the hebrew and chaldee words in the old testament scriptures, with their meanings in English [Еврейско-английски речник, съдържащ всички еврейски и халдейски думи в старозаветните писания, с техните значения в англ. ез.] / Main author William Jr. Osburn. - London, Samuel Bagster and sons, [1882 ?]. - VIII, 287, VIII p. С каталог на издателя в края на кн.; 1. изд. 1844. 248. Papus (1865-1916). ABC illustre d’occultisme: Premiers elements d’etudes des grandes Traditions initiatiques [ABC илюстриран окултизъм] / Papus. - Paris: Dorbon-Aine, 1922. - 438 p.: 219 figures et tableaux. Папюс - псевдоним на Жерар Д’Анкос (Gerard Encause). 249. Pemberton, Max (1863-1950). The iron pirate (Железният пират) / Max Pemberton. - London, 1930. - 246 p. 250. Poor, Katharine Hillwood. The Voice of Ilion [Гласът на Илион] / Katharine Hillwood Poor. - S.l., 1923. - 80 p. 251. Rauber, Marie. Principes et exercices de composition francaise [Принципи и упражнения за композиция във френски език] / M. Rauber. - 3. cor. ed. - Paris, s.a. - 304 p. 1. изд. 1891. 252. Remsen, Ira (1846-1927). The Elements of chemistry: A text-book for beginners [Химия за начинаещи] / Ira Remsen. - [2. изд.]. - New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1892. - Х, 272, 8 p. - (American science series: Elementary course) С каталог на издателя в края на кн.; 1. изд. 1887. 253. Sleini, Indrikis (1888-1953), Merija Sleini (1895-1982). Dzintarzeme - dzimtene: Latvijas dabas un kulturas verojumi [Dzintarzeme - родно място: Латвийски природни и културни наблюдения] / Indrikis Sleini, Merija Sleini. - Riga: Valtera un Rapas, 1937. - 222 lapas un il. 254. Stevens, Arthur Albert (1865-1944). Modern materia Medica and Therapeutics. [Хомеопатия] / A. A. Stevens. - 4. ed. - Philadelphia/London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1906. - 670, 16 p. Др. изд. 1905. 255. Strachey, John (1901-1963). The coming struggle for power [Настъпващата борба за власт] / John Strachey. - N. Y.: The Modern Library, 1935. - 412 p. Авт. познат и като Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey; 1.изд. Лондон, 1932. 256. Warner, William John (1866-1936). Cheiro’s memoirs: The reminiscences of a society palmist, including interviews with King Edward the Seventh, W. E. Gladstone, C. S. Parnell...and others [Мемоарите на Чейро] / Cheiro. - 2. ed. - London: William Rider, 1912. - XVI, 214 p.: with 22 ill.; 21 cm Cheiro (pseud.) on William John Warner; 1. изд. Филаделфия, 1912. 257. Webster’s international dictionary of the English language [Международен речник на Уебстър на английския език] / Noah Webster (1758-1843). - 4. corr. et enlarg. ed. by Noah Porter. - Springfield, Mass.: G & C. Merriam Co., 1892. - VIII f. col. flags: 1f. portr.: ХCVШ, 2015 p.: ill.; 30х22 cm Показалец с. 1687-2015; С жълта кожена подв. 1. ed. 1864. 2. ed. 1879. 3. ed. 1884. 258. Wells, R.B.D. How to read character by the aid of pathognomy; or the signs which are manifested by the human system in motion: As by the walk or gait, tones of the voice, form of the body, the mode of shaking hands, temperamental conditions, dress, etc. [Как да четем характера с помощта на патоанатомията...] / R.B.D. Wells. - London: Fred. R. Spark, 1881 (London: Printer and bookbinder, Express office Leeds). - p. 120-232. Показалец, с. 228-232; Частта обхваща № 86-176 от изд. на поредицата. 259. Zoism. [Зоизъм]. A course of instruction in the Philosophy and Practice of the Higer Mental Science for the Attainment of Healt, Happiness and Spiritual Peace: In 10 lessons. - London, 1900-1901. - 44 p. Ω Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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