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Year 1, Lecture 13 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class)

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno

On May 24, 1922, Wednesday

17.00h, Vitosha Mountain





Secret Prayer


I am going to speak now about the contradictions in Life or the contradictions in the life of a disciple. The sign “V” is considered a symbol of contradiction. Generally speaking all disciples often succumb to fear and doubt which usually go together. Have you asked yourself why you feel fear? What is the origin of fear? For example, when I give you the task to write an essay or a lesson, you feel some fear that you could not accomplish this work. Where has this fear come from?


Fear is a negative feature of the low human mind, of the low manas. If one has no possessions, will one ever be scared? Suppose that you have only a consciousness, but not a physical form at your disposal. This means that you are aware of yourself as a human being – you think, you contemplate, but you have absolutely no form. In this case would you feel fear? Therefore, fear is a consequence of the awareness that you could lose what you have or that you could not attain what you want. Fear will appear when one’s conscience is occupied with the thought that one may lose what they want - for example, one is afraid not to lose one’s life. And when someone thinks that they will not achieve what they want, then doubt comes.


Now I would like to explain the psychological reason why doubt finds a reason to emerge in the human soul. When fear appears in you, your will is weak; fear is always a sign of a weak will. This is encoded in human nature. Doubt shows that your intellect is not strong enough. For example, some work is assigned to you and you start doubting if you could do it or not. Why is that? You feel that your intellect is not able to fulfill the assigned task, but if your mind is bright and capable, you will not feel any doubt. Doubt should give you an impulse, it should not be protected as a precious object, but should stimulate and increase your mental activity. How could your mind become stronger? If your mind is weak, you should absorb the blue[1] vibrations of Light. The colour green in Nature is materialistic. When someone deals mostly with the colour green, he becomes materialistic - he starts thinking about houses, fields, money and riches. That is why materialists are fond of the green colour – it is their favourite colour. Contemporary evolution is immersed in this colour; green is the prevailing colour in it.


Fear comes as a result of the absence of strength. When fear is strongly manifest in someone, it is good for this person to receive the vibrations of the colour orange as a means of balancing the energies; orange is the colour of healing. If you are afraid of darkness, try to assimilate the orange rays of the Sun during the day and your fear will be balanced out, it will be transformed into prudence. For example, you think that you are not fearful, that you have faith, and you can think and philosophize, but if there is an earthquake, you stop thinking and you suddenly find yourself in the street. When you realize you are in the street, you start thinking about how this could have happened. This means that you possess no self-control, and your will does not control your mind. For example when you get burnt, you do not think. There was a time when fear, a sense of caution, was appropriate, but today fear is abnormal and has become a painful feeling. Attention, caution and prudence come in contrast to fear. You should know that you live in a world where certain forces are opposed to evolution and the path that you are following. When fear predominates in someone, this person has convulsions and irregular movements of the arms and legs. In such cases you can regulate fear with the orange rays. Fear enhances people's negative traits. For example, if some unpleasant event has happened to someone, he will magnify it at least tenfold. If someone has suffered, he will not describe the suffering naturally, but in a rather exaggerated manner.


There is a certain analogy between fear and doubt. For example, doubt leads to exaggeration of people's errors. You can draw big conclusions from a small occasion. Let’s assume that you have read an author who doubts the existence of life after death and God - this shows that this author's mind hasn't developed yet. He may be a scientist and have a sharp intellect, but his mind is weak. Under “mind” we mean all its constituting abilities, feelings, intellect and powers. Intellect represents the low human mind or the low manas, whereas reason represents the high human mind or the high manas. Therefore, there are people with highly developed reasoning, but a weak intellect, as well as people of strong intellect, who are weak in reasoning. Both of them make mistakes. Some philosophers have excellent systems of thinking, but they are so ignorant about Nature that even little children possess more knowledge than them. For example, an Englishman who was a famous preacher and a great philosopher said in one of his speeches that sheep drank water only when they were ill. What does this show? This preacher's philosophy was far removed from the reality which surrounded him. He had a well-developed mind, but a weak intellect. In fact, sheep do not drink water when they are ill, but when they are healthy only.


Similarly to this preacher, many contemporary people now say that God does not exist, i.e. that sheep drink water when they are ill. The preacher is weak in his proof, because he wants to give evidence of the existence of God while providing wrong information, such as the fact that sheep drink water only when they are ill. God is an essence that cannot be proved. He exceeds any proof. God is a Being beyond time and space, beyond consciousness, beyond Life, beyond any human intelligence, etc. God is beyond time and space, but simultaneously God contains time and space in Himself. He is beyond Life, but He contains Life in Himself. He is beyond consciousness, but He contains consciousness in Himself. He is beyond intelligence, but He contains intelligence in Himself. How do you understand this? It means that God, the Infinite One, cannot be proved. This is why everything that cannot be proved in the physical world provokes doubt in the human mind. Actually only what cannot be proved is real, whereas anything that can be proved is just a shadow of Reality. When I say that certain things cannot be proved, I do not mean that you cannot think and contemplate about them. You can think about them for as long as you like, but you cannot prove them in time and space. Therefore, when doubt penetrates your mind, you should know that you are close to Reality.


I will give you an example in order to explain this idea to you. Suppose that you don’t have a friend in Life. In this case, can you doubt him? Of course you can'tt, but when you do have a friend, you already have the opportunity to doubt - you could doubt, for example, whether your friend loves you, whether he thinks of you etc. Therefore doubt is an expression of the negative side of Reality. The same can be said about fear. Can one be afraid, if one does not see anything? Therefore one can only be afraid of the things one can see. He can be afraid of what he doesn't understand and cannot explain to himself -  only what has remained unexplained and secret creates fear in human beings. If someone takes you out of your room at night while you are asleep and leaves you somewhere in Nature in an unknown place where you cannot define even where East and West are, will you not get scared? You will certainly be scared and in panic. You cannot explain what has happened and how it has turned out that you are outside. You remember that you were in your room and in your bed, but you do not know who took you out and why. The reality you are in now awakes fear in you and in order to release it you need to start thinking about how your removal took place. Once you find out the reason and explain this phenomenon to yourself, your fear will disappear.


Imagine now another situation that can awaken fear in you. You are in your room, sitting in contemplation. All of a sudden a bear comes in through the open door and appears in front of you. You get scared and start running away. It is good that in this case you have a second door through which you go out immediately. You tell everyone you meet in the street that a bear entered your room and nearly attacked you. If you didn't have a second door in your room, you would have had to defend yourself, i.e. fight with the bear. However if you had self-control, you would have started thinking. First you would have asked yourself: “How is it possible for a bear to enter my room?” Then you would have looked at it closely and seen that it was not a real bear, but a person dressed in a bear skin. You would have find out that it was your friend who pulled a joke on you.


Therefore, when fear enters your mind, you can escape through the door of the heart. This means that no matter what danger may threaten you, you always have an exit to go through and save yourself. When fear enters your heart, ask yourself if all that you see, feel and experience is real. Someone with self-control can sit calmly on a stone in the forest in the presence of the wildest of beasts – tigers and lions - and they won't cause him any harm at all. They will pass him by without even touching him. If he is afraid, however, they will inevitably attack him. Even the most ferocious of animals step back before a brave and fearless person. They feel this person’s strength and are afraid of it. Indeed a brave person has a strong will and a strong thought; he is able to concentrate.


Can you tell me now what the dog which just passed by was thinking about? As you could see, it stopped, looked at you for a while and moved on. Did it realize that you are disciples in a spiritual school? It understood that you had gathered here for some important work, but it did not grasp the nature of this work. If you had frightened the dog, it would have barked, but your thoughts gave it an impulse to continue on its way instead. It understood that its place was not with us. It had good observational skills and a well developed lower mind, that is why it didn't stop with us, but continued on its way. It had observed its master and concluded that just as its master is often occupied with his own work, we also have some work to do here.


Fear and doubt come naturally in the physical world but in occult schools they get created artificially. This was the case in occult schools in India, Egypt etc. For example, a disciple went to one of the masters in an occult school, but the Master didn't speak to him. The disciple said something, but the Master stayed silent; the disciple was shocked and didn't know what to do. Two or three days passed, but the Master remained silent. The disciple began to think that he may have joined the school too early. After that the Master put the disciple through a test, causing him great fear. Thus the Master could observe whether the disciple’s mind and will were well developed. He watched the reactions of the disciple in order to find out his positive and negative traits. Spiritual disciples need to possess positive traits. If they have any negative traits, they cannot be real disciples. Someone who has weaknesses cannot be a disciple.


Therefore, you should know that the difficulties you face in Life are strictly and mathematically defined as they are necessary for your development. You cannot avoid them whatever you do. If you avoid them in one form, they will come to you in a second form, in a third one and so on. If you avoid them in a form which is easy to manage, they will come back to you in a form which is more difficult to handle. It has been noticed that one encounters exactly what one is most afraid of and the other way round - one achieves what one wishes for the most. From the viewpoint of the School of the Brotherhood of Light, fear and doubt in human beings are negative traits which show that higher Love has not yet entered the human heart. Fear and doubt show also that higher Wisdom has not yet entered the human mind.


In order to overcome fear you should work on doubt and other negative traits of your character. In this respect, the occult school offers a number of methods to its disciples, so that they can work on themselves. The first characteristic of a disciple is the ability to work. One should like one’s work and should always be ready to work. Once a young person who had graduated from university went to a master of an occult school and asked him to become his disciple. At that time the master was digging in the vineyard and didn't give him an answer. The young person asked questions on several issues, but didn't take a hoe to dig with the master. Was he ready to be a disciple in this situation? No, a disciple should be diligent and quick-minded. He should work jointly with his master. He will ask questions and his master will answer to him while they are working. Their conversation will start in a natural way. They will work and talk at the same time. That young person, however, expected that the master would leave his work to converse with him. The master will not interrupt his work. In such a situation it is the disciple that needs to adapt to the master.


Contemporary people doubt the existence God because they want Him to interrupt His work and ask them about their problems and material circumstances. In other words, they expect Him to give them the kind of attention that little children need. This is where their mistake lies. They should know that God will never discontinue His work. He is able to extend or reduce time and space, in order to give humans the possibility to study, work and develop, but He will never stop working. When someone is about to get hanged, time contracts and the days pass quickly. When someone owes something to somebody, time also goes fast. In both cases people wish for time to be prolonged. In this respect contemporary people have no precise criterion or measure which they can apply to determine what the real time is, i.e. to define the length of a given time.


When I speak to you about the duration of time, it is an issue that relates to consciousness. If you move with the speed of a normal train, you will reach the Sun in two hundred and fifty years, but if you move with the speed of Light, you will be there in eight minutes. Therefore, your consciousness could move with the speed of a normal train or with the speed of Light, or even faster. This means that time and space depend on consciousness. Consciousness is outside of time and space, outside of any contradictions, outside of fear and doubt. Space produces fear, time produces doubt. If you fall into a well, you will feel fear. When the time approaches for you to pay a bill, you will feel doubt. When you see that your creditor is coming, you will ask yourself: “Has he not made a mistake, has he not come earlier for the payment?” When two disharmonious objects are placed together in time, they will produce doubt in the human mind. When these two objects are separated in space, they will produce fear. For example, if you say a bad word to your friend, you will feel fear in this very moment that you could lose him. Fear indicates that you are in space and you worry that your friendship can be broken.


I will ask you some questions now. Is it better to love or to be loved? – To love. Is it better to give or to receive? – To give. What will happen then if all of you love and give? You will repel each other. Loving is one thing, being loved is another; these are completely different states of the soul, originating from two different processes in Existence. Loving is a process of Love whereby you develop your strength; being loved is a process of Wisdom whereby you gain knowledge. Is there any contradiction here? So when God works on your soul with His Love, you want to love; and when God works on your soul with His Wisdom, you want to be loved. However you need to create the necessary conditions in order to be loved. No one can love you if these conditions haven't been created. For example, in a dark room with closed shutters you want to see Light and to be joyful. Is it possible in this situation for Light to reach your eyes? You should open the shutters of the windows, so that Light may come into the room, touch your eyes and love you. Under these circumstances you will enjoy the Light too.


Therefore, to love means to connect with the First Principle – Divine Love. To be loved means to connect with the Second Principle – Divine Wisdom. And it is true that after someone has loved for two or three days, for months, for a year or two, or more, this person comes finally to a passive state, wishing to be loved. In this way an alternation of processes occurs and the wheel of life starts turning in the opposite direction. During this alternation a change takes place in the role of human bodies as well: at first human activity was concentrated in the Astral body or in the World of the human heart; later with the change of processes it moved into the Mental body or the World of the human mind. If the activity in that world ceases as well, the human being comes down to work in the physical world. Consequently, when human activity in the physical world stops, it goes to the Mental world; when it stops in the Mental world, then it passes to the Astral world and everything starts from the beginning. This means that in human Life in its entirety a continuous circular movement takes place. This shows that one cannot remain at the same point in life forever - this would mean remaining in eternal stagnation which is impossible.


You cannot love and be loved all the time. If these processes continue for too long, you will become indifferent. You cannot think and feel all the time either. If you find yourself in one of these situations, you should consciously look for some work to do, so that you can change your mental state. For example, if you have loved until now, find some books to read. While reading them, you will feel the author’s love, and if you read your works to someone else, you will give them your love as well. Loving and being loved are equally powerful processes. Why? The soul that expects to be loved creates an impulse for the other soul which is giving its love at that time. Loving and being loved present two poles of Life. Those who give love create the subjective side of Life; those who receive love create the objective side of Life. Because of that the person who loves wants to see their image in their beloved. You like mirrors, because your image is reflected there. If you have a mirror in your pocket and somehow you break it or lose it, you are very regretful, because you cannot maintain a clear vision of your image anymore. You see your image in the mirror much better than you can imagine it. Therefore, the person you love is always an expression of your love. This is the reason why you love him. If your mirror is a bit smudged you don't like it, because it doesn't give a clear reflection of your image. You love only the one who is able to inspire you, to give you an impulse and an incentive for something.


It has been written in the Scriptures: “Love God the Lord with all your heart.” This means that the Divine should be reflected in you. And when the Divine sees Itself reflected in the human soul, God rejoices, as He knows that this person has worked on himself. When God rejoices, the person is also joyful. When one loses joy, this indicates that God is not satisfied with this person. This is why you shouldn't think that the Love you manifest is yours. Humans are only instruments for the manifestation of Divine Love and Intelligence. Writers, poets and scientists know this. Sometimes they have great ideas and write with inspiration, beautifully; at other times they cannot write anything and feel poor, as if they don't know or comprehend anything. If Intelligence and high reasoning were their innate nature, they would always have it at their disposal, but that isn't the case - they are creative only when someone brings something to them. So if someone fills their basket with cherries, they go around, share it with others and write. In the present conditions of life, the Invisible world expresses Its Love in the form of Intelligence. Humans are interpreters of this Intelligence. This doesn't in the least mean that humans are automatons - they just need to be aware that they are interpreters of this Intelligence. Having realized this, humans should be happy that they have received something from the Divine world which they should use mindfully.


For next Wednesday please prepare an answer to the following questions: “Why should I love?" and "Why should I be beloved?” It is not so important for me if you answer these questions correctly, but that you think about them. What is important is what you will gain after contemplating this topic for some time. This topic is a very important one and you need to think about it. The power of a human being lies in its thought. If you think, you will always acquire something which may not find an external expression today, but in a year or two or maybe more, it definitely will. Irrespective of how correct your answer to these questions will be, you cannot be on the right path yet. It is not enough to only write about Love, one needs to experience it. Therefore, whoever writes about Love definitely needs to love and feel loved as well. This shows how difficult it is to write about the essence of things. As I am giving you this topic, I would like to point out to you the fact that you will be writing about things which you don't know much about. Why is that? You have not loved nor have you been loved until now. What you call love is a shadow of Love. Therefore, neither your love nor the love of your kin can be called reality.


You would ask: “Is it possible for our love to be a shadow of Love?” This could be tested. If your love were to be tried, you would fail right away. You have love, but not the one I am talking about. I have Divine Love in mind in which no polarization exists. If it penetrates the human soul only for an instant, it will be enough to bring enlightenment to your mind and make you feel one with all creatures all over planet Earth and the entire Cosmos. It can be experienced by anyone who loves and who is loved. This is what understanding the inner meaning of Love means. You will study Love for thousands of years until you understand what it actually is. You need to pass through many levels of existence in order to perceive the Reality of things at least partially. If Love would visit someone right now, this person wouldn't stand its vibrations – he would lose consciousness and fall to the ground, his breathing and pulse would cease. He would have no alternative but to ask to be returned to his initial state. Contemporary people's nervous systems and their whole organisms are not ready to endure the strong vibrations and the currents of Love. That is why spiritual science recommends to its disciples a number of methods and exercises for strengthening of the mind, the heart and the will, so that the forces of their organism can get in tune with the natural forces and currents.


When I say that your love is a shadow of Real Love, I mean that you have not yet experienced such Love, you have not had such an opportunity, so it is unknown to you. If you ask a young man to describe his love, he will say: “I told her about my love, but she didn't understand me.” And the young woman will say: “I loved him, but he was unfaithful.” One could be unfaithful even without being beloved. Precisely in a situation in which you love someone the possibility for infidelity is minimal. It is impossible for the one you love to be unfaithful to you. This does not happen anywhere in Life. If there are exceptions they are outside of Divine Love, outside of Divine Wisdom. There are absolutely no conditions for infidelity in Divine Love and Wisdom. When we talk about infidelity, we should understand human love, i.e. love between human beings on Earth. If there is infidelity, we cannot speak of Love. Therefore, you should know the following: if you have doubts, Intelligence is absent from your mind; if you have fears, Love is absent from your heart. This says it all. You all need to know this as disciples of an occult school. If you are not guided by these precepts in Life, you will only study the shadows of Reality and in the end you will fall into despair and discourage and say to yourself: “It was all for nothing!” In order to avoid reaching such a state, put your love to the test and see how much you can stand.


I will now give you two rules to always have in mind: you should not be afraid when you want to love; you should not doubt when you want to be loved. Apply these rules in your life to see if and to what extent they are true. When you have free time, think about them. When you watch the reactions of people or read philosophical books, or study the works of some writers and poets, put their thoughts through your sieves and keep only what remains on the surface. That is what is most valuable and useful to you; whatever falls down is not meant for you. Rely on the sieve of your heart and of your mind and do not be discouraged! Do you know how to sift? All of you have sifted flour so you are familiar with this art, but there are things which do not pass through your sieve and which are still not useful to you. What will you do with them? You will bend down, take them with the pincers of your will and put them aside. Therefore, you can separate the usable from the unusable in your life with the help of your thought, your feelings and your will.


Did you understand everything I told you this evening? – We understood a tenth of everything you said. Keep this tenth then! It will be the unit of measurement which you should use. Indeed, the human being represents a tenth of the Divine Truth. By “one tenth” I  mean the unit which is used by every human being to measure things according to the level of his or her intellectual development. Currently the task of all humans, of all humanity, is to prove that human beings represent one tenth of the whole.


Secret prayer



[1] The colours mentioned in this lecture carry symbolic significance as the Master Beinsa Douno had previously written a book in which he grouped quotations from the Bible and designated a colour to each of these groups. The book s is called “The Legacy of the Coloured Rays of Light” and all participants in the Youth Occult Class were quite familiar with it.

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