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Year 1, Lecture 14 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class)

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno

May 31, 1922, Wednesday

19.30h, Sofia






The disciple's essays were read on the topic: “Why Should We Love and Why Should We Be Loved?”


Your essays are well written, but only in form, not in content and meaning. Have you experienced what you have written? The way of thinking you exhibit in your essays is involutionary. In order to free yourselves from such thinking, you need to turn your attention to Nature and find the proper answers to the questions there. In your understanding those who love always give. I am asking, does one give anything while eating? Not only does he not give anything, but he takes also. Now you need to answer the following question: “Why should humans eat?”


The one who loves gives everything, and the one who is loved receives everything. In addition, when someone loves somebody else, he tries to appropriate them. If a master loves his servant, he doesn't allow him to express himself, which is a kind of appropriation. When you love your horse, you don't give it freedom. What does Love give then? Love gives nothing. As you can see, the conceptual basis of your thinking is wrong. You can apply these concepts in real Life and observe the results. If you decide to do this, you will arrive at a number of contradictions. In your view, the one who is loved receives and the one who loves gives only.


I will give you an example to clarify to you the questions of giving and receiving love. When a young man goes into an inn, the inn-keeper likes him from the very first instant. He expresses his love by offering him wine. He fills glass after glass with wine and the young man accepts them all, thus receiving his love all the time.The young man gets filled up and so does inn-keeper. However there is a difference: nothing will remain for the drunkard of what he receives from the inn-keeper, but what the inn-keeper receives from the drunkard - all will be his. He will take the drunkard’s money, houses and lands – depriving him of all his material possessions and of his health too. Therefore, the love that people speak of is like the love that occurs between the inn-keeper and the drunkard. Is such love ideal? No, it isn't, yet people say that there is something Divine in Love. What kind of love has Divine manifestations? If you were put to the test now, none of you would be able to prove your love. This means that you say one thing, but do quite another. Is what you have written true? Someone has written that Love requires sacrifices. Do you know what sacrifice means? Above all, sacrifices should be voluntary, not forced. Have you sacrificed yourself voluntarily? As you can see, we have made a short analysis of the topic you wrote about for today.


I am asking, why should you love and be loved? Do you need it? You need none of it. Love is beyond any law. Therefore, if you need to love, this indicates that some law forces you to do it. If there is a law, there is limitation too. How will you explain this contradiction? If an external necessity or a law makes you love, it is not Love anymore. Then, after having loved, what have you attained or lost? What kind of experience have you gained? When I am asking these questions I want you to think soundly and correctly, so that you can come to Reality. I am not denying things in any way, but I am saying that you have old ideas. For example, to be in love or to be loved – these are old ideas, ideas of males and females. Males want to love, females – to be loved. These ideas have existed since time immemorial and contemporary people take them and paint them on the outside in different colours, decorate them with coloured beads and bright shining gems until they become like a village beauty. Thus they present them as something new. If you don't agree with this, show me a couple who, having lived in compliance with this kind of love, have completed their life in an ideal way. How has the relationship between two friends ended who have harboured the same kind of love towards each other? If you trace the whole history of human development, you will not find any two people who, having lived in accordance with this kind of love, have completed their lives well.


When I am talking in this way, I have no intention of saying that your reasoning is wrong. Your reasoning is right from your point of view and wrong from an occult point of view. When you come to Love, there is no place for discussion.


Love excludes all questions.

Love excludes all contradictions.

Love excludes all violence.

Love excludes all limitations.


Now that you know all this, how will you define Love? Your love lacks an element that you should find out for yourself. Can you find out which element is missing in your love?


Now I am going to ask you a question: “Why do you look at people and why do people look at you?” Both sides – those who look and those who are an object of observation – perform the same process. A person asks: “Why are you looking at me?” The other person answers: “Aren't you looking at me too?” So, both of them look at each other at the same time. Is there any difference between these two processes? The difference is slight and hardly perceptible. I will give you the following example in order to clarify the difference: two camps of hostile troops are at war. One of them is attacking – it is active, the other one is in defense – it is passive. Both troops – the attacking and the defending one – act in the same way. Both of them use gunfire. The only difference is that the attackers move, while the others stay in one place. The first group changes its position, while the second one keeps it. Otherwise, they don'tt differ significantly from each other. The difference between the two situations which we examined before – to love and to be beloved, is the same.


When you examine Love from a conceptual point of view, you have to consider the smallest expression of love. The smallest expression of love is finite. If the question is raised why we should receive love and why we should love, this is finite love, i.e. love with limits. You confuse finite love with Infinite Love, but they are completely different. When you need money, you go to the bank to take out a loan. In this case the banker is giving and you are receiving. The banker is the passive side and you, coming from outside, are the active side. You attack your enemy and he either gives something or pushes back. This example illustrates the extent and the nature of your feelings.


As disciples of an occult school, you should analyze your feelings in order to know the material you have at your disposal, and hence to foresee the results you will achieve. One may find himself in funny situations until one understands these things. Someone will meet him and ask: “Why do you not look at me?” How can this person look at you if he is blind? And if you are also blind, how will you look at each other? First of all, you should ask yourself if you have Love in you and if your love is unfailing. It is not enough to speak about Love only, but you have to apply it in Life also. If it is just a matter of speaking, the blind can also speak about Light without having any idea of it. They have their own understanding of Light, but it is not absolute. In the same way, you also have something similar to Love, but that is not real Love. This is why people often ask themselves the question why they should love.


Someone says that it is better to receive love than to love, but have you met anyone who loves you in the full sense of word? You say that your soul grows and develops when you are loved. Have you tested this? Some famous writers support this idea, but have they tested this truth? I don't deny this fact but I want to draw your attention to The One who really loves you. Do you feel in a definite and concrete way that Someone loves you? You will answer that a boyfriend or a girlfriend is in love with you. How long will this love last? It only lasts an instant. It is not Love yet, only a fleeting manifestation of Love. Even if someone has given you a present or has invited you for lunch – it is a temporary manifestation of Love. Therefore, when you say that your soul will grow in someone’s love, you deceive yourself. This growth is an outer polishing, a temporary taming in my view. If you are put through a test, this polishing will vanish.


When Love enters you, it creates a number of alchemic processes, under the influence of which your whole being and your entire existence change. It could happen instantly or gradually – this depends on the person. Under the influence of Love your views are changed and reshaped in the same way that carbon is changed and transformed into a diamond. Think of Love as a Power and as a principle, so that you can arrive at positive knowledge.


You are moving now in the right direction, but you are using old methods that cannot help you. For example, a husband and a wife love each other, converse, read the Gospel together and everything goes well. However the man says: “My dear, I want you to cook something good for me!” – “All right, but what will you buy for me?” They speak about Love but do things the old way. Then they will say that God has determined it to be this way. They themselves spoil things and put the blame on God. This is not love but looking in a mirror. One loves another person for being able to look at this person as if they were a mirror. In reality what they love is their own image in the mirror. Thus they harm themselves too, because they deceive themselves. Someone who loves himself loves others too. The Lodge of darkness has created a lot of theories and concepts about Love which confuse everybody - scientists, philosophers, writers – and everyone sinks deeper and deeper into this confusing mess. It has been written in the Scriptures too: “The whole world lies in the sly one.” When writing on a topic, the disciple needs to concentrate deeply, to see what has been written inside by his own experiences and to bring that knowledge to the surface. If he decides to describe what other people have said on this issue, he will drift away from the Truth.


I am going to speak about the manifestation of Love in form, not in principle, in another lecture. For the time being what you need is the form of things, they are what you should understand. Love can be manifested in a form that is appropriate for its nature. So we need to find the right forms and this involves the greatest difficulties. Love has visited everybody but for a brief time only. E.g., someone gets inspired, finds himself in a good mood and says: “I will give away all my possessions, I want to serve God.” Two or three hours later this positive mood goes away, the person calms down and says: “It is not the right time for this, I shall not hurry.” In five or six months he will get inspired again and will be ready to give everything. All of a sudden he will get startled again and postpone it. And if you open the book of his life, you will see that it is full of decisions that were taken but not acted upon. This is the kind of love that most people exhibit. It doesn't mean that they have no Love. All people have Love in them, but their Love has not been applied in practice yet.


What I am saying now concerns you as disciples. You should not say anything to others until you create new forms for the manifestation of Love. If you talk without having acquired these new forms, you will encounter greater difficulties and contradictions. Everything I said about why you should love and why you should receive love does not exhaust the topic of Love. These are just ideas to awaken your thought, however everyone needs to find an answer to the question about Love on their own.


I will now give you an image for reflection. You have a pot with a cover that fits well. At some point you leave the pot somewhere and everyone who passes by stumbles on it and kicks it. You throw the cover of the pot as well and so the pot remains open. Suppose that the pot represents a woman, the cover – a man. What should they do? The pot should find its cover. Who should love whom – should the pot love its cover or the cover - its pot? I am giving you these examples for reflection in class only; I do not want to affect your feelings. These are theoretical questions; I am leaving your feelings aside. If your pot is open, if it is without a cover, you should find its cover and put it in its place. This means: if your feelings are in the open, they could become dusty and injured by someone. In order to avoid this, find the cover of your feelings, i.e. find those thoughts that can fit them well. Then the cover will be solid and the pot will be whole and undamaged. This is a method by which you can regulate your feelings in the right way.


Did you understand this idea? It is even better if you didn't. Why is that? Because things which have been understood often get distorted.


According to occult science, what has been understood actually hasn't, and the other way round. When you think that you have understood something, in reality you haven't; when you think that you have not grasped it, then you have. Love is metaphysical so it cannot be comprehended easily. You would ask: “Why are you talking about Love, if we cannot comprehend it?” I will give you an example in order to explain to you my purpose in speaking about Love. Each one of you represents a small plant that has just started to grow. Its stem and branches are very tender and cannot endure big trials. When it starts snowing, the snow covers the young branches and leaves and without external help they will brake. The Word that I deliver to you represents a soft wind which comes to help your branches. It blows the snow away and frees your branches. This wind is necessary so that the wind can fall down to the ground. The snow represents your old ideas which are not in your roots, but on your branches. If the snow doesn't fall down, your branches will be broken. Many of your branches get broken under the weight of your old ideas. The old ideas should be in the roots, not on the branches. I have nothing against your ideas, but they represent a danger for the branches of your life that could be broken under their weight. This is why at least some soft wind is necessary for you. Some of you are afraid that the snow, i.e. their ideas will fall. This is not dangerous at all – the snow should anyway fall down towards the roots of the plants.


When Love is awakened in a person, this person wishes that no one would notice and know about it. This is an aspiration of the person’s soul. For as long as no one has noticed his/her Love, this person is joyful and content. If his/her Love gets noticed, then the joy disappears. Do the following experiment to put my words to the test. When passing by a poor man, put twenty or thirty leva in front of him without anyone noticing. As you go away, you will feel great joy. The next day, when you go by the same place, give this man twenty or thirty leva personally. He will thank you, but after knowing you he will expect you to give him money every time you pass by him. In this case, you will not be joyful. Why? Something has spoiled Love. Therefore, Love is a tender flower that grows and develops far from human eyes. No one should know about it. In the first instant, you manifested your love for the poor man in secret, no one saw it and knew about it, that is why you were joyful, and the poor man was joyful too. In the second instant, you manifested your Love openly in daytime and the poor man saw you – this time you lost and he won. With this example I introduced you to a new measure for Love. When compared to this measure, your current understanding of Love appears really antique, archaic. However this new formula of Love cannot be applied in practice, because there are no proper conditions for it in your present life – there is form, but no content yet. The content needs to come from you.


In the future, when the conditions are more favourable, I will give you a task on Love that you should accomplish without pen and paper, directly. Until then it will be a secret, no one will know about it. Then you will test your own theory about why we should love and receive love.


These are important ideas and they should remain for the class. Even if you think about these issues at home, you will imagine that you are in class. Try not to mix these ideas with the ideas of the world. If you mix them, you will make a mistake. Imagine that you put half a litre of water in a one-litre bottle. If this water stays in the bottle for four days, it will lose its freshness. Later I will give you a small bottle full of clean mountain water, just filled from the spring. You will take this bottle and pour its content into the big bottle. Will you do the right thing? No, you will make a big mistake. You should keep the bottle I gave you separately.


Next time please write on the topic: “Designation of the Hands”.

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