Ани Posted February 29, 2024 Share Posted February 29, 2024 Self – Defining Secret prayer A resume on the theme “The Purpose of Breathing System“ was read. Essays on the theme of “Elements of human speech“ were read. What is the topic for the next time? – “Self-defining in life”. What do you understand under the word self-defining? -For a someone to self-define, they should define their relations towards their surroundings. - Do you agree with this definition? What thing is the defining of the unit? I think that the self-defining of the unit lies in it giving the initial acceleration of things i. e. it brings things on the stage. What does the self-defining of the two? -Polarisation. What is polarization? -Manifestation. 2, the number two, means the matter i.e. the law of material world. In others words, the unit represents forces which set things in the material world, in matter where they find form, i. e. where they are shaped. If one is father of things, two is their mother. One gives the first conscious sparkle to Life. One is the first noticeable cause of things, two – the second noticeable cause. What is the self-definition of number three? –Three is the meaning, the aim to which everything in Life seeks to find. Therefore everyone can say: I am one. Why? Because I display myself. I am two. Why? Because I am nurturing my idea as a mother rears her child. I am three. Why? Because I have an aim which I aspire to, to navigate my idea by. So a person is one, two, three in the same time. All numbers that you use represent relations, powers, reasonable creatures, which are at a different stage in development. In this sense one, and two, and three represent Reasonable beings. When one is said, we understand the collective, the God’s mind, which includes everything in itself. In the pair two great centres incorporate themselves – God’s and Angel’s consciousness. In the triad three centres display themselves - God’s, Angel’s and human’s consciousness. Therefore there is no division in unity; there is only one consciousness in it –God’s. Though in two and three division of the collective consciousness comes. Exactly that’s why when there is word about two, three and more ones, things begin to divide and tear into splinters. What is the self-definition of number four? Number four represents the absolute measure with which all things in the visible world are measured, in the whole Cosmos. When they come to four, cabalists stop. They add 1, 2, 3, 4 and they receive 10: 1+2+3+4 =10. When they add these numbers, they bring about the reverse process – subtraction: they subtract one, two, three and four from ten and get: 10-1=9 10-2=8 10-3=7 10-4=6 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are members of 10 and numbers 9, 8, 7, 6 are derived from the first four numbers. Therefore numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are self-derivatives of one. What does for a person to define himself or herself as one, two, three and four mean? Which elements are contained in a human being in one number so that he or she can define themselves? There are Spirit, soul, mind, and heart. And then we make out the respective proportion: the Spirit of man is related to his soul in the same way his mind is related to his heart. This proportion we can express in letters: S: S = M: H This shows us that a person should define himself or herself as Spirit, soul, mind or heart. In the same time he self-define as an integral – as a wholesome of four constitutes his or her elements. When the word is about self-definition one must have a clear idea how to define himself or herself. Occult science is a positive, exact science – each word in it corresponds to the main idea. You can’t say that one will define himself or herself. If you say this, the question what will he or she defines himself or herself follows. What will man define himself as – as one, two, three, four or all of them in multitude? If he defines himself or herself as one, i. e. as a main force, one shouldn’t add the properties of two. Can one become two? One can become two only after we break it, only after we break it into two parts. Then we get two times low then one itself. Is two equal to one? You say 1 and 1 makes 2, 1+1=2. So according to you two is two times bigger than one. But we say that there is no number higher than one. How can one be equal to two then? Here it is, you can see wherefrom sophistic has originated in philosophy. You can say that everything can be taken for granted after it is given proof. If it has to be proven, it can be proved very easily by the work of mathematics, that two is bigger than one. When you say that 2+1=3, this is not right too. In mathematics you use today, statements are not true in the absolute sense of the word. Three really is the result of addition of 2 and 1, 2+1, but only if we regard the integers two and one as a constituent elements of one, 1, however not as independent whole numbers. Number three is a composite of the results of number two, 2, plus 1, not of the numbers two and one alone. A teacher comes in a class and says to one of his students: ”Stoyancho, draw a horse over there!” Stoyancho comes to the blackboard and draws a horse. All children from the class say then that Stoyancho drew a horse on the blackboard. What for a horse is this? The drawing doesn’t resemble a horse at all. Can a child from a first grade draw this? If a painter looks at the picture, he would say that this isn’t a horse at all. The same the horse is, the same are the concepts of many contemporary people about God. As children in their pictures make only a draft for the things known, so is the way the contemporary people have various ides for God: they have nothing absolute, nothing clear, definite what God is. So, when the word is about self-defining, what should a person define himself or herself into? A person should define himself or herself in the quest of his or her Spirit, in the vocation of his or her soul, in the reason of his or her mind and the feelings in his or her heart. This explanation for the self-defining is given to you not to be rewritten in a book but to comprehend it for yourselves. This you write down in a book will be only a theoretical self-definition and this you will welcome in you, will be a practical self-definition. The last definition one has given to himself or herself sets one on one or another way. When I say that a person has to define himself or herself that doesn’t mean that they should join a party or identify themselves as members of one nation. For a person to define himself or herself means to be aware of the powers he or she masters, to define the direction to which he or she will direct them towards, to use his or her life reasonably. As you see, the theme I gave you in the beginning of the lecture, for the self-defining, has already been examined. If you have intentions to write about it, you will repeat the thing we talked just now. That is why next time you will write on another topic and that is: “Characteristics of human consciousness, manifested in its highest realization”. When you wrote this composition, I’ll give you some explanation on it. Now imagine that the straight line AB is a one, which has changed its position, instead of being vertical, it has a horizontal direction. As a straight line this unity means different things. If it were examined from geometrical point of view, you would say that the shortest distance between two points. If you look to find it in human’s face, you will find it in several places i.e. if you bring the upper and lower lip together, you will get a straight line. However, if you lip is a little opened and the lips a little apart, they will from an ellipse. The natural position of mouth is to form an ellipse. When the will of man is at work lips come together and form a straight line. That is why the straight line is manifestation of will. And indeed, when a person moves his or hand in front of himself or herself, or aside, stretched or clenched in a fist this movement means manifestation of strength. The position of the hand is a straight line. If hand slides down and takes a passive position, will stops working. Where there is no will, there lines intercept. Angles are formed always at the sides of these lines: angles mean unfulfilled dreams. Therefore the angles of intercepted lines mean bending of will due to which desires have not been fulfilled. Geometry studies angles and categorizes them into right, sharp and obtuse. What does the term angle mean in geometry? -The space between two intercepting lines in a place is called an angle. Is there any idea in this definition? -There is no idea in this definition. We can give another definition for angle then: each unfulfilled dream of a person results into an angle. If there are many angles on the face of a person this means that he or she has many unfulfilled dreams. These angles have different sizes and directions. In the same way they give away the contradictions upon which someone has come. Bending, angles one can encounter in Nature also. For instance, the valleys are formed by interception of the layers. Moreover, each valley is enclosed from both sides in planes, which are foot of the mountain. If we take valley as a place where life makes display of itself, we will make the conclusion that between contradictions there are always conditions for Life to show. If you look at the angle ABC, with its vertex turned upwards, it sets us up before a contradiction, which is contrary to the laws of spiritual life. After sometime this contradiction turns into good for people. If the same angle is turned with its angle downwards, this shows that the contradiction is for Earth i. e. it comes to contradict the Earth’s laws. But if you take for instance two mountain peaks, with their peaks turned downwards, they will cause rain. Therefore for rain to start two contradictions are needed in the Invisible world. An angle, with its vertex turned downwards, signifies creating conditions for a rain. And then, when you come upon a certain contradiction, to a certain returning action, you will know that it is defined through the following law: to each action responds a reaction, and to each action, contraction. Therefore between two evils, between two misfortunes and two contractions, one good is given birth to always. Between two goods one evil is born. That’s why it is said: ”Two goods can't exist at one place”. This law is in force only on Earth. What do evil and Good mean in life? Evil is the least shown Good; Good is the most shown Good. In other words, evil is the beginning to Good and Good is the end of Good. I will prove this statement with the following example: you take one lamb, you slaughter it, roast it and eat it. To you it means a good thing and for the sheep it means evil. After some time, when you become familiar with the great laws of Life. You meet the same sheep in the woods, take it in your hands and carry it to a meadow where it feeds on green grass and say: ”You can stay with me, I will take care of your life, I will keep you, I won't hurl a hand at you. I thank you for the good you did for me in the past. I was not an educated man then but I have a greater light in me, I understand the laws and I want to repay to you. ” This is the end of Good which is the real Good. Evil appears when a person at cases when a person comes in touch with some of his ideas thousand years old. In the past they were good but now they bring evil with themselves. For example, when a fish eats another, this is the way of Nature – it doesn’t do any evil to the fishes. But if today by atavism one man eats another, this is a great evil to both of them. If one fish eats another, the eaten continues to live through the eater but if one person eats another they both die. Therefore the desire of men to swallow another person is evil – this is a desire that has lived its time up - it is a remainder of the remote past upon which a person from time to time encounters. Therefore in nowadays life evil is not more than ideas that have expired in time. And so, what is evil? Evil means old ideas, unrealized attempts in the past. Today all this is avoided. People have tried these ideas in the past; there is no need for them to be repeated. Good means new God's ideas, which give new directions for realization of human wishes. Through good a person addresses his or her strength towards the world of God. When they ask you why a person must not be evil you will say: ”One shouldn’t be evil as not to repeat his or her past. ” Why you must be good? To fulfil the aim in your life, to enter the great world of Being. So evil is the wide road a person should not walk back; Good is the road along which a person already walks to realize his or her wishes in a new, God's way and to realize the meaning of Life. I will explain my idea with the following example: imagine that you have lived some time on the North Pole. Then after some time, with the movement of Earth you move too and you come to the equator. The Time that takes you to come to the equator amounts to twenty -five thousand years. What will happen to you if you return to the North Pole? You will certainly die. Then returning to the past is simply nothing but returning to the North Pole again. What will happen to you if you come back to the North Pole again? You will certainly die. Therefore returning to the past is nothing but a return to the North Pole. In this sense Evil is nothing but an Ice Age, Ice period which brings Death to the human beings. Once there were conditions for Life but today these conditions do not exist. If someone come upon these conditions today, he or she will certainly die. This is a return to the beginning. To return back means death: to go ahead this is Life. That's why nobody can not and should not return to the road upon which he or she has walked on. Why? Because the conditions of Life have already been altered. Now you know what evil and Good is. These thoughts are necessary to cast more Light in the human's consciousness. If Light of the consciousness is bigger we can talk already for alertness of human consciousness. What is consciousness? Much is written on this matter in many philosophical and occult books that you can read. In a few words, consciousness means a store of positive Knowledge, invested in Spirit, soul, mind and the heart of human beings. Having this knowledge he or she have clear idea for things and knows in each case how to act. A man that is conscious never does wrong. He or she benefits from his previous experience due to which today nobody in whatever way do permit themselves to do wrong. Man unconscious of his or herself can do wrong but only to the point of gathering enough experience, until his consciousness wakens. The word consciousness is formed by the Latin root conscience (знание, съзнание), the suffixes -ous, -ness in Bulgarian this is expressed by the prefix su-, which is correlated with the second Latin meaning of the world – suchastie (Bulg.), which assumes many items and people gathered at one place. In Bulgarian this idea finds its expression by using suffix instead of prefix. Therefore the meaning of consciousness is to make a link between the consciousness of the God's and human’s Spirit, to make a bridge to connect the God's and human's world. So, self-defining is expected by all of us. Unless you do not self-define, you can't talk a comprehendible language. Whatever is spoken to you, in whatever fashion you cannot comprehend it. When you self-define, you will be addressed in a mathematic language and this language you will understand. Mathematic language is short, clear and strictly defined. There are no repetitions, superfluous words and ambiguity of sense. When you define the relation in that your Spirit, soul, mind and heart are to the First Cause, you will be completely defined. Self-defining is a matter of consciousness. To accomplish this aim you have to read what the ancient authors have written on the topic of consciousness and self-consciousness and after that I will talk on this matter. If you know different languages then on your consciousness was written in German and French and in English. You can read and broaden your knowledge. You have to study the manifestations of consciousness not only as a philosophical, an abstract thought but also as an application – third and super consciousness – fourth. In whatever period of the spiritual life one finds himself or herself such an expression his or her life will have on the earth. But you have to know that consciousness can't be defined outside man. Some philosophers say that consciousness is the person himself or herself. No, a person is more than consciousness. Consciousness is an element that goes in the person but not in the individual itself. What is the difference is there between cognition and consciousness? Cognition is a superficial thing and consciousness is inward, acquired through long experience – it is a positive knowledge. To have knowledge about sugar means to have read somewhere about it, that it is white, that it is sweet and that it easily dissolves in water. To be conscious of the substance sugar means that you have seen it, you have tasted it, you have dissolved it in water. Cognition means to know things in embryo – consciousness their gradual development until they grow up. Until it grows, fruit goes through four gradual phases: consciousness, self-consciousness, subconscious and superconscious. When fruit is ripe we reach a state of superconscious. The four phases of consciousness represent the different Angle's Hierarchy. In some respect Angels stay higher than Gods do. They don't wrestle among themselves as Gods do. Because of their purity, they are a means God's Spirit. Read; think over consciousness, to be able to realize the sense of this concept. Under the concept of consciousness some philosophers understand the meaning of things. They are not far from Truth in this respect. Some philosophers under the word consciousness understand the form of things. When they consider consciousness in this sense, they depart from the Truth because the idea for consciousness in their minds alters. Secret prayer Source Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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