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Всичко публикувано от Ани

  1. Ани

    1927_02_20 Тритѣ зрънца

    От томчето "Светото мѣсто" 18 лекции на Младежкия окултенъ класъ, т.II (1927 г.) Първо издание - София, 1939 г. Книгата за теглене на PDF Съдържание Тритѣ зрънца — Само свѣтлиятъ пѫть на мѫдростьта води къмъ истината. Размишление. Представете си, че ви сѫ дадени три зрънца за изследване. Едното зрънце е пѣсъчно, второто — житно, а третото — зародишъ отъ нѣкое млѣкопитаещо. Какви резултати ще се получатъ отъ тритѣ зрънца, ако имъ притурите по единица калория топлина? Отъ топлината пѣсъчното зрънце ще се разшири малко, житното — ще почувствува импулсъ за растене, а зародишътъ на млѣкопитаещото ще се зачене. Значи, при нагрѣване неорганичната материя се разширява само, а органичната започва вѫтрешно да расте. Изобщо, процеситѣ, които ставатъ въ неорганическата материя сѫ по-прости отъ тия, които ставатъ въ органическата. Ако въ органическия и психически свѣтъ човѣкъ постѫпва, както въ неорганическия, той ще се натъкне на едно вѫтрешно ограничение въ себе си. Дойде ли до механизиране на органическитѣ процеси, човѣкъ приготвя условия за склероза въ организъма си. Склерозата не е нищо друго, освенъ изгубване на пластичностьта на организъма. Това се дължи на недоволството, на което човѣкъ се натъква. За да се справи съ анормалнитѣ състояния на своя физически и психически животъ, човѣкъ трѣбва да изучава окултната наука. Тя дава методи за съграждане на здраво, мощно тѣло, за реорганизиране на човѣшкитѣ мисли и чувства, за укрепване на нервната система. Щомъ придобие това нѣщо за себе си, човѣкъ ще го приложи и въ обществото. Ако е мѫчно човѣкъ да приложи тия методи къмъ себе си, още по-мѫчно е да ги приложи къмъ обществото. Една отъ задачитѣ на окултния ученикъ е да се справи съ недоволството си. На какво се дължи недоволството? Много причини има за недоволството: външни и вѫтрешни. Запримѣръ, убоде ли ви нѣкой съ игла, вие веднага ставате недоволни. Тази игла може да се забие въ тѣлото — да предизвика физическо недоволство, но може да се забие въ сърдцето и въ ума — да предизвика сърдечно и умствено недоволство. Обаче, има случаи, когато една и сѫща причина може да произведе недоволство, а може и да не произведе. Ако вашиятъ възлюбенъ ви убоде съ игла, вие нѣма да се сърдите. Ако ви убоде човѣкъ, когото не обичате, веднага ще станете недоволни и ще му се разсърдите. Коя е причината, че въ първия случай човѣкъ не се сърди, а въ втория се сърди, не е известна. Това остава тайна. Отчасти човѣкъ може да разреши тази тайна, но не напълно. Въ свѣта сѫществуватъ три вида тайни: тайни на физическия, на духовния и на Божествения свѣтъ. Тайнитѣ на физическия свѣтъ могатъ да се разкриятъ напълно, 100%; тия на духовния свѣтъ — отчасти само, 75%, а тайнитѣ на Божествения свѣтъ всѣкога оставатъ скрити. Обикновениятъ човѣкъ не може да проникне въ тайнитѣ на Божествения свѣтъ. Отидете ли при извора, ще видите, че винаги една часть отъ него остава закрита. Това е мѣстото, отдето водата изтича. Това е главата на извора, т. е. неговата Божествена проява. Искате ли да измѣрите дълбочината и интенсивностьта на извора, свойствата и качествата на неговата вода, застанете на мѣстото, което представя духовната часть на извора, т. е. неговитѣ дробове. Дойдете ли до физическата проява на извора, ще спрете вниманието си върху неговата дължина, т. е. разстоянието отъ главата на извора до морето. Като измѣрвате дължината му, вие не можете да говорите вече за чистота на водата. Можете ли да сѫдите за чистотата на извора отъ водата на рѣката, произлѣзла отъ него? Все има известно уподобяване, но за да опредѣлите, каква е въ сѫщность разликата между физически, духовенъ и Божественъ животъ, вие трѣбва да държите вѫтрешна връзка между Бога и своята душа. Божественитѣ нѣща сѫ всѣкога закрити. За да разберете съдържанието имъ, вие трѣбва да отидете на мѣстото, отдето тѣ извиратъ. Речете ли да ги разкриете, вие ще ги развалите. Нѣкой иска да разбере, какво представя той като човѣкъ, като его. Този въпросъ не се разрешава. Никой досега не е отговорилъ на този въпросъ. Ще каже нѣкой, че е душа, че е его. Това сѫ думи, които не разрешаватъ въпроса. Или ще кажете, че човѣкъ мисли, чувствува, действува, движи се, пѣе, играе. И това още не е човѣкътъ. Човѣкъ не е нито въ мисъльта, нито въ чувствата, нито въ постѫпкитѣ си, нито въ движението. Дойдете ли до Божественото, не пипайте. Нѣкой казва, че иска да се изяви, да покаже, кой е и какъвъ е, да разкрие цѣлия си животъ. Човѣкъ трѣбва да знае, че цѣлата слънчева система даже не може да го побере. Колкото да се разкрива, нѣма кѫде да направи своето изложение. И като знае, какво представя, човѣкъ все пакъ трѣбва да бѫде смиренъ. Смирението е законъ за запазване на енергиитѣ. Съ малко енергия смирениятъ извършва добра работа. Сега, да се върнемъ къмъ тритѣ зрънца, на които се прибавя по единица калория топлина. Отъ топлината пѣсъчното зрънце ще се разшири само. То може да се уподоби на човѣкъ, който е придобилъ голѣмо наследство, но гледа на живота механически. Съ полученитѣ пари той ще си направи кѫща, ще я нареди добре и ще се радва, че може да живѣе охолно. Житното зърно, като получи топлина, ще придобие импулсъ за растене. То може да се уподоби на човѣкъ, който е далъ ходъ на вѫтрешния животъ въ себе си. Отъ приетата топлина въ себе си, зародишътъ на млѣкопитаещото започва да се развива. Това семе може да се уподоби на човѣкъ, който изучава смисъла на живота. Следователно, единицата топлина, съзнателно поставена въ тритѣ свѣта, извършва три различни служби. Живо нѣщо е топлинната енергия, вследствие на което, влѣзе ли въ тѣлото, тя произвежда оживяване, въ сърдцето — въодушевение, а въ ума — свѣтлина. Значи, една и сѫща енергия произвежда три различни резултата, споредъ областьта, въ която прониква. Когато влѣзе въ тѣлото и не намѣри отгласъ, топлинната енергия отива въ сърдцето; ако и тамъ не намѣри отгласъ, тя отива въ ума; ако и тамъ не намѣри отгласъ, отива въ висшитѣ области на живота. Добре е, дето мине, да остави и да вземе нѣщо и да се върне къмъ своя източникъ. Какво ще вземе отъ човѣка? Неговитѣ недѫзи, недоволства, скърби и страдания. Тя ще ги занесе въ ретортитѣ на Божествения свѣтъ, дето ще ги превърне въ нѣщо възвишено и красиво. Това, което хората считатъ безсмислено, въ Божествения свѣтъ се превръща въ нѣщо смислено. И тъй, изучавайте окултната наука, нейнитѣ методи и закони, за да ги прилагате въ всѣкидневния си животъ, да го осмислите и обновите. Това значи, да мине човѣкъ отъ обикновено състояние въ възвишено, въ което всичко преживяно изчезва, окапва, както листата на дърветата. И въ края на краищата отъ човѣка остава коренъ, за основа на физическия животъ, стъбло — за основа на духовния свѣтъ и клоне — за основа на Божествения свѣтъ. На земята човѣкъ може да е билъ виденъ, знаменитъ, но влѣзе ли въ висшия свѣтъ, отъ него оставатъ само три нѣща: коренъ, стъбло и клоне. Като ученици на Велика Школа, отъ васъ се иска геройство, юначество. За да се насърдчите въ тази область, вие трѣбва да проследите живота на революционеритѣ, да видите, съ какво въодушевение сѫ се хвърляли въ борбитѣ. Градъ куршуми се сипятъ предъ тѣхъ и около тѣхъ, но тѣ вървятъ напредъ. Трѣбва ли човѣкъ, който е изпълненъ съ велики идеи, да се страхува отъ живота? Вие сте изпълнени съ велики идеи, а въпрѣки това се страхувате. Вземете примѣръ отъ великитѣ хора въ свѣта, които сѫ излагали живота си за своитѣ идеи и убеждения. Тѣзи хора могатъ да ви дадатъ добри уроци, да ви помогнатъ въ трудни моменти на живота ви. Поради изсичане на горитѣ и избиване на млѣкопитаещитѣ хората се натъкватъ на голѣми страдания, безъ да могатъ да си помогнатъ. Тѣ не подозиратъ, че животнитѣ и растенията представятъ резервуаръ на жизнени сили, за растенето и развитието на човѣка. Съ изтрѣбването на млѣкопитаещитѣ жизнената имъ енергия се разпръсва въ пространството. Понеже хората не могатъ да се свързватъ прѣко съ силитѣ на природата, тѣ се лишаватъ, именно, отъ ония жизнени сили, които възприематъ отъ животнитѣ. Казано е въ Писанието: „Не се свързвайте съ свѣта.“ Това значи: не се свързвай съ илюзиитѣ на свѣта. Сега и на васъ се казва да не се свързвате съ низшитѣ животински прояви, но да използувате тѣхнитѣ жизнени сили. Тѣ сѫ козмически сили, необходими за развитието ви. Като приемате тия сили съзнателно, вие ще примирите физическия свѣтъ съ духовния и съ Божествения. Тѣзи свѣтове сѫ неразривно свързани помежду си. Живѣйте съзнателно и изучавайте мислитѣ, чувствата и желанията си. Не се смущавайте, че не сте постигнали известно желание. Всѣко желание се реализира на опредѣленото за него време. Сѫщото се отнася и до мислитѣ и чувствата на човѣка. Въ това, именно, седи красотата на живота. Отъ васъ се иска внимание, да не пропуснете времето за проява на дадена мисъль, на дадено чувство или желание. Пропуснете ли времето имъ, ще изпаднете въ такова положение, че на 30 годишна възрасть ще пожелаете това, което е за 80 годишна възрасть; или, на 80 годишна възрасть ще пожелаете това, което е за 30 годишенъ човѣкъ. Спазвате ли съответното време за всичко, вие ще придобиете особена пластичность и здравина на тѣлото си, които ще се отразятъ благотворно върху живота на душата и на духа ви. Искате ли да хармонизирате живота на ума, на сърдцето, на волята, на душата и на духа, турете за основа на живота си идеята за братството и приятелството. Съвременнитѣ хора говорятъ за братство и приятелство, но като дойдатъ до приложение, не издържатъ. Тѣ се натъкватъ на редъ атавистични чувства, мисли и желания, които нарушаватъ чистотата на братството и приятелството. Рѣдко ще срещнете мома или момъкъ, които да запазятъ помежду си братски и сестрински отношения. Въ края на краищата между тѣхъ възникватъ такъвъ родъ чувства и мисли, които помрачаватъ свѣтлината въ тѣхния животъ. Тѣ не трѣбва да се смущаватъ, но трѣбва да се справятъ съ своя атавизъмъ. Какво отъ това, че нѣкой ялъ и пилъ? Трѣбва ли за смѣтка на миналитѣ поколѣния вие да страдате? Други сѫ яли и пили, а вие се нагърбвате да плащате тѣхнитѣ дългове. Въ Писанието е казано, че за всѣко престѫпление се въздава до четвъртия родъ. Единъ отъ древнитѣ пророци е казалъ, че който яде киселецъ, зѫбитѣ му скоминясватъ. Съ други думи казано: който пипа огънь, той непременно ще се изгори. Ако бащата е ялъ киселецъ, и ако е пипалъ огънь безъ участието на сина, само бащата ще носи последствията на своя изопаченъ животъ. Обаче, ако бащата и синътъ сѫ пили заедно, и двамата ще носятъ последствията на своя ненормаленъ животъ. Това не значи, че трѣбва да се страхувате отъ влияния. Каквото да правите, вие сте потопени въ свѣтъ, отъ чиито влияния не можете да се освободите. Благодарете на разумнитѣ братя и сестри, които грижливо пазятъ тѣлата ви, когато вие се излѫчвате въ време на сънь. Ако нѣмаше кой да пази тѣлата ви, вие щѣхте да ги намѣрите ограбени и разрушени. И тъй, дойдете ли до Божественото, спрете се съ всичкото уважение и почитание, безъ да Го отваряте. Ще дойде нѣкой да ви пита, вѣрвате ли въ Бога. Ще кажете на този човѣкъ: Мога да ви говоря върху астрология, хиромантия, графология, но по въпроса, вѣрвамъ ли въ Бога, не казвамъ нито дума. Това е въпросъ, отъ който стоя далечъ, не се занимавамъ съ него. — Сѫществува ли Богъ? — И съ този въпросъ не се занимавамъ. Когато запитали Хермеса, великиятъ Учитель на Египетъ, какво представятъ злото и грѣхътъ, той стисналъ устни и премълчалъ. Ако бѣха задали този въпросъ на нѣкой обикновенъ човѣкъ, той щѣше да извади ножа отъ ножницата си, да разрѣже връвьта, която свързва злото, и ще започне да говори. Не, стане ли въпросъ за злото, ще стиснете устнитѣ си и ще мълчите, както Хермесъ е мълчалъ. Отворите ли устата си, ще я напълните съ нѣщо лошо. Тъй щото, не говорете за злото, но дръжте се за доброто и за красивото въ свѣта. Нека доброто и красивото въ свѣта бѫдатъ мѣсто за почивка въ живота ви. Нека красивото и доброто бѫдатъ вашитѣ рѫководни начала. Съвременнитѣ хора обичатъ да философствуватъ и се натъкватъ на въпроса за душата, която разглеждатъ ту като материално, ту като духовно проявление. Когато говоримъ за душата, ние имаме предъ видъ козмичната душа, която съдържа всички слънца въ себе си. Тѣ представятъ нейни клетки, въ които тя прониква, за да ги движи. Козмическата душа манипулира съ тия слънца, както желае. Следователно, тя е господарка и на материалната, и на духовната имъ страна. Когато сѫществата не съ пробудени още, ние казваме, че козмическата душа е материална. Пробудятъ ли се сѫществата, започнатъ ли да се движатъ, въ тѣхъ се проявява духовното естество на душата. Казваме, че всичко въ природата е одухотворено. И най-после, когато сѫществата започнатъ да живѣятъ смислено, да мислятъ и да чувствуватъ правилно, казваме, че душата проявява своето Божествено естество. Каквото да се говори за душата, каквито теории да четете, въ края на краищата всѣки трѣбва да задържи онова вѫтрешно разбиране, което има въ себе си. Не е важно, че не може да го изкаже съ думи. Важно е, че това понятие, което той има за душата, го задоволява. Христосъ казва: „Скръбна е душата ми до смърть.“ Тѣзи думи изразяватъ материалното състояние на душата. Тѣ подразбиратъ нѣкаква физическа болка. Когато нѣкой счупи ръката или крака си, казва: Заболѣ ме душата. Значи, болката е толкова силна, че се отразява на душата. Мине ли болката, всичко се забравя. Обаче, има състояния, които съ по-страшни отъ всѣкаква физическа болка. Тѣ се отразяватъ на духовното състояние на душата. При онова положение човѣкъ мѫчно забравя това, което е преживѣлъ. Споредъ нѣкои учени душата представя съвокупность отъ умствени способности въ човѣка. Умственитѣ способности сѫ въ зависимость отъ проявитѣ на сърдцето и волята. Значи, душата представя сборъ отъ прояви на ума, на сърдцето и на волята на човѣка. Дойдете ли до френологията, тя разглежда тия прояви по другъ начинъ. Тя изучава умственитѣ способности на човѣка споредъ развитието на различнитѣ мозъчни центрове и отъ тѣхъ вади заключение за интелигентностьта на човѣка. Като ученици, вие трѣбва да работите съзнателно върху себе си, да пресъздадете своя мозъкъ, да преработите неговата материя. Това не се постига въ единъ животъ. Много работа се изисква отъ човѣка, докато постигне съвършенство. Ако изучавате клеткитѣ на човѣшкия мозъкъ, ще видите, че клеткитѣ на моралния човѣкъ се различаватъ коренно отъ тия на обикновения човѣкъ, а още повече отъ тия на престѫпника. Каквото е изработилъ човѣкъ въ единъ животъ, оттамъ нататъкъ ще продължава да работи. Нищо въ природата не се губи. Следователно, дето и да сѫ разпръснати клеткитѣ на даденъ човѣкъ въ пространството, въ края на краищата, когато той отново слиза на земята, всички негови клетки ще се събератъ на едно мѣсто и ще образуватъ новото му тѣло. Въ създаването на човѣшкия организъмъ се крие голѣма мистерия. Когато се казва, че планетитѣ иматъ влияние върху човѣшкия организъмъ, това показва, че тѣ сѫ му дали нѣщо. Това е законъ въ природата. Влияние има само тамъ, дето сѫществуватъ отношения на взимане и даване. Като знаете това, вие трѣбва да бѫдете смѣли и решителни. Това не значи да мислите, че всичко можете да направите. Има нѣща, които човѣкъ безусловно може да направи, но има и такива, които не може да направи. Единъ старъ дѣдо възседналъ магарето си, а редомъ съ него вървѣло едно младо момче и си говорили. Момчето казало: Дѣдо, хайде да си поговоримъ по нѣкои философски въпроси. — Хайде, дѣдовото, азъ съмъ старъ, опитенъ, всичко зная и всичко мога да направя. — Не, дѣдо, макаръ да си старъ, не можешъ да направишъ всичко. — Всичко мога да направя, дѣдовото. — Щомъ всичко можешъ да направишъ, слѣзъ отъ магарето, азъ да се кача на него, а ти да вървишъ пешъ. — Вижъ, това не мога да направя. Следъ нѣколко деня младото момче се качило на магарето си — отивало въ града. То настигнало дѣдото, поздравило го и продължило пѫтя си. Дѣдото го извикалъ и му казалъ: Синко, хайде да поговоримъ за една работа, която може да стане. — Каква е тази работа? — Да слѣзешъ отъ магарето, за да се кача азъ. — Момчето веднага скочило на земята и казало на дѣдото: Заповѣдай, дѣдо, качи се на магарето, азъ мога да вървя пешъ. Значи, това, което за стария е невъзможно, за младия е възможно. Следователно, когато нѣкой се запита, дали е младъ, или старъ, нека си отговори, може ли да слѣзе отъ магарето, да отстѫпи на дѣдото, а той да върви пешъ. Ако може да направи това, той е младъ; не може ли да го направи, той е старъ. Въ дадения случай магарето ще послужи като символъ, съ който ще разрешавате задачитѣ си. Намѣрите ли се на кръстопѫть, кажете въ себе си: Мога ли да слѣза отъ магарето, да отстѫпя, или не мога? Какво правятъ повечето хора? Щомъ се намѣрятъ предъ известна мѫчнотия, тѣ казватъ: Защо ми дойде тази мѫчнотия на главата? Все азъ ли трѣбва да страдамъ? Кога ще се смекчи сѫдбата къмъ мене? Каквито въпроси да си задава, човѣкъ не може да си отговори, защо страда. Не е той единственъ, който страда. Всички хора страдатъ. Той е здравъ, има здрави очи и уши, да вижда и да чува добре; има здрави рѫце и крака, да ходи и да работи; има книги на разположение, да се просвѣщава. Какво повече иска? Наредъ съ него седи слѣпъ и глухъ човѣкъ, който не може да работи, но благодари на Бога и за това положение. Кой отъ двамата стои по-високо? Казано е въ Писанието: „Който изтърпи докрай, той спасенъ ще бѫде“. Следователно, ще дойде день, когато тия двама души ще смѣнятъ положението си: на недоволния ще се отнематъ благата и ще се дадатъ въ рѫцетѣ на доволния. Сега, отъ всички хора се изисква да дойдатъ до съзнателно разрешение на въпроситѣ. Задачата на човѣка не седи въ избѣгване на страданията. Човѣкъ трѣбва да страда, но разумно. Когато страда, той трѣбва на придобива нѣщо красиво. Не е въпросъ да убива желанията си, но да ги облагородява, докато единъ день ги постигне. Красивитѣ желания сѫ бистра планинска вода, която полива всичко, каквото срещне на пътя си. Като не могатъ да реализиратъ желанията си, мнозина се обезсърдчаватъ и започватъ да отричатъ всичко. Тѣ казватъ: Богъ не сѫществува, душа не сѫществува. Ако, наистина, душа не сѫществува, защо хората се занимаватъ съ въпроса за нейното сѫществуване, или несѫществуване? Душата сѫществува, затова, именно, хората се занимаватъ съ нея. Човѣкъ обича да говори за това, което знае. Тази е причината, поради която човѣкъ всѣкога говори за живота, за душата, за добродетелитѣ. Безъ тия нѣща слизането на човѣка на земята е безпредметно. Най-понятна и близка идея за човѣка е тази за живота. Каквото да прави, човѣкъ все за живота говори. Той излиза отъ него и се връща къмъ него. Какви сѫ формитѣ на живота, това не е важно. Формата се опредѣля отъ мислитѣ и чувствата, отъ потика на душата и на духа. Колкото по-мощенъ е духътъ и по-възвишена душата, толкова по-сложна и красива е формата, въ която животътъ ще се излѣе. За да разбере живота въ неговата пълнота и цѣлокупность, човѣкъ би трѣбвало поне за моментъ да влѣзе въ всички форми, да разбере състоянието, въ което се намиратъ. Това, обаче, може да направи само адептътъ, само посветениятъ. Затова е казано на слабия да не се свързва съ грѣшния, да не би и двамата да паднатъ заедно. Само силниятъ може да се свързва съ слабия и съ грѣшния, и то временно, докато ги подигне. Като ученици, отъ васъ се иска силна, съсрѣдоточена мисъль. За да постигнете това, вие трѣбва да правите редъ упражнения и усилия. Запримѣръ, вие сте се наели съ издаване на списанието „Житно зърно“. Какво показва името на списанието ви? Че трѣбва да орете, да сѣете и да жънете. Ако почвата му не е добра, трѣбва да я наторите. Ако има плѣвели между житото, трѣбва да ги оставите настрана, да не се смущавате отъ тѣхъ. Почвата на списанието ви ще се подобри съ увеличаване на материалнитѣ срѣдства. Колкото повече абонати имате, толкова по-добре ще върви списанието. Ако има абонати, които не искатъ да плащатъ, ще гледате на тѣхъ като на плѣвели, които сами по себе си ще отпаднатъ. Работете усилено съ мисъльта си, да заставите абонатитѣ си да плащатъ, а тия, които не сѫ се записали, да се запишатъ. Съ мисъльта си можете да постигнете голѣми резултати. Мощно нѣщо е човѣшката мисъль! Тя прониква навсѣкѫде и преобразява нѣщата незабелязано. Единственото препятствие на вашето списание е материалната му подкрепа За да знаете, какъ ще върви, направете му хороскопъ, да видите, кои планети му влияятъ благоприятно и кои — неблагоприятно. Съ издаване на списанието ще се изпита вашата разумна воля, вашия умъ и вашето сърдце. За всичко това, обаче, се иска искреность и чистота: искреность въ списването му, както и въ прокарването на самото списание въ обществото. — Само свѣтлиятъ пѫть на мѫдростьта води къмъ истината. * 21 Лекция отъ Учителя, държана на 20 февруарий, 1927 г. София. — Изгрѣвъ.
  2. Signs of Manifested Human Consciousness 11th lecture on 27th of December, 1922 - We read essays[1] on the theme of “Elements of the human written tradition”. - We read works on the theme “Signs of manifested human consciousness in its highest form”. - Next time you should write on the theme: “Defining characteristics of the Physical Body”. Imagine that one point signifies human consciousness or the manifested universe. Outside of that point is the unmanifested Universe. Suppose that the matter of the external Universe has different densities, and hence different states. After that, assume that different light rays come out from that given point, i.e. we say that this center, this very point starts to radiate. Every ray represents a separate being. When these beings encounter the external environment, which has different densities and different states, then they will transform their own character. This change in character of these beings is the reason for the differences which exists among them. Differences exist not only among people, but also among spirits, among Angels, as well as among all advanced Beings. What is the reason for this difference? A plethora of external causes. So, to a certain extent, every ray is influenced by its environment. The infinity determines these relationships, and determines the forms of everything that is finite. And so, when you show a certain characteristic (peculiarity), know that it is due to the original environment in which you found yourself. One day, when you return to a given point, your nature will change. Then you will complete your evolution, as it was originally determined. Know that no matter what kind of deviations you make in life, they will not change your path in the least. Many people think, that by meandering in one way or another, they will change their path. No, the esoteric disciple should know that in no way can he change the original direction of his Life. Not only the disciple, but also no being is in a state to change the direction of their path until he achieves his goal. When a snake makes zigzags moves, wriggles with its body, does it change its path or its nature? It does not. Why does it wriggle? To move. Why does the lightning twist? Because it encounters an environment with a different density than the one from which it came. Therefore, every deviation in the human character is due to the fact that one encounters a denser environment than the one in which he moves. A higher density environment offers a strong resistance, which he cannot withstand and deviates from one side to the other. He lives with this deviation, until he encounters another obstacle that will bring him back on the right path. Finally, by drawing a straight line between these deviations, this straight line, determines the direction in which consciousness moves. When one is young, he moves by meandering here to there and thinks that he changes the direction of his path, but, when he gets older, he thinks that he is smarter, that he has resolved his problems. The grownup resolves the problems of his life to the same extent as the young person. Both the grownup and the young person are far from the Truth. Such a difference exists not only between people of different ages, but also for the very same person. For example, human eyes represent two circles, the left eye represent the physical world and the right– the spiritual one. This is the reason why the ray that comes out of the left eye is always pointed towards the Earth, and the one that comes out of the right eye is always pointing upwards. In his evolution one moves from the physical to the Spiritual and from the Spiritual to the Divine world. If someone is moving with lightning speed from the Spiritual to the Divine world and moves several billion kilometers away from the Spiritual world, you will think that this person is close to God. However, if he is seen with a telescope from the Angelic world, they will say that this person is moving very slowly, as a star moves in the sky when seen from the physical world. From the Angel’s point of view, this person is far away from God, but for the people he is close to God. You should know one thing: no matter the speed with which you move, you should aspire upwards, to the Divine world. For this purpose develop everything that is bestowed into your consciousness. Move upward and forward without fear of the deviations you make. The deviations are not falls. Reason philosophically on this topic. When a light ray passes from a rare to a dense environment, or vice versa - from dense to a rare environment, the ray will bend, will deviate from its path. This kind of deviation is also experienced in the human consciousness, when it passes from rare to a dense environment. Therefore, in his current development (individual and social) there are many deviations in his consciousness. When you realize this, be cautious, be careful of these deviations. Modern people, societies and nations are structured in the way in which materialistic worlds are structured. Everyone is moving in circles concentrically arranged around a single center. For example, ten to fifteen people make up one circle and influence each other, as the planets influence each other. Usually those who are closer to the center are moving faster than those who are farther from the center. When you know this, you will notice that nobody can escape the influence of those individuals who enter the same system as one’s own. In this sense, nobody can be independent. People represent groups of individuals, focused on a single center, who influence each other. When the Divine consciousness awakens in someone, he can determine the relationship with those who enter his system. In that conscious relationship with them, he will not dissent, but will assist in a Divine way. Usually to each system of higher Beings, there corresponds a system of lower beings, consequently one should be careful, to know in which way to influence the beings in his own system. Not only do beings within the same system influence each other, but also systems have influence on each other. In that interaction of systems, the Universe grows and develops. In the center of all systems sits the Divine consciousness, the Divine Spirit which regulates everything in Nature and in Life. Each person needs to define himself, to know which system he belongs to, how many people enter this system, what is the speed with which they move in the physical, heart and mental realm, what materials their system is composed of and how many millions of years ago it was formed. The mental state of a person will depend on the state of the whole system, this law is immutable. Therefore, to change the mental state of someone, there needs to be a change in the mental state of all beings who enter the same system. There is a certain connection between all beings of the same system: if you are in America among strangers and is attacked by someone, immediately a person from your system will appear to protect you, will believe you are right. Why would he protect you? Because it is in the interest of the whole system. The larger the system you enter, the greater the number of people who empathize with you. If you enter a small nation, you will have few people who empathize with you. This does not in the least limit the human will but shows that the direction of the human Spirit is precisely determined and must go in this direction, because here are opportunities and conditions for the development of its activity. If someone objects to this order of things, he must return for renewal to the common center. When it is said that the Earth must “fall on the Sun”, this is not meant literally. This means that the Earth must enter new conditions of development, to fall under the influence of a new Sun. Now we will do a mental exercise: imagine that you are moving with enormous speed and entering the Sun. You will be watching who can reach where. This exercise requires a great concentration of thought. How many of you have reached the Sun? With their thoughts, some have reached the middle of the path to the Sun. It's hot in the sun, everyone can't go there. Others remained in the so-called icy, cold area. Others rose to a magnetic belt formed of dense and hollow matter. One of the belts between the Earth and the Sun is called the river of death, through which all souls who go to the other world pass. Anyone can attempt to get through this belt. It is enough for a person to concentrate his thought strongly, to detach from his immediate environment and immediately enter a completely dark area without any ray of sunlight. One can check with the clock how long it took to pass this area. Whoever makes this experiment should be very careful, not to be afraid of the great darkness. On coming out of this belt, one will pass into the next, in the so-called astral belt, where the light is soft, pleasant, as at dawn. On the way back to earth, one will pass through the same belts again. As you can see, between the Earth and the Sun there are different areas, different fields, each of which contains special forces, energies. Between the Astral and Mental worlds there is a so-called ice or electrical region. This region contains a huge supply of electricity that would be able to completely replace the coal we use today for heating. The future race will have methods by which it will be able to harness this electricity to illuminate and heat the entire Earth. As you do this mental exercise, you will be so focused that not only your mind can travel but also your whole consciousness. Then you will feel two currents – one goes from the Earth to the Sun, and the other returning back. In this way, there is a proper exchange between the solar energy and your own. It is good to do this exercise when you are in a bad mood. Second exercise: direct your mind, heart, Spirit, and soul to the Divine Spirit that encompasses everything in the world and ask for assistance in the realization of everything sublime and noble in you. This Spirit embraces all consciousnesses, acting inside and outside of them. Scripture says, "The Spirit of God is moving across all the Earth." Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen 11th lecture of the Master, held on 27 December 1922, Sofia. Encounters in Nature (Youth Esoteric Class. Year II (1922–1923). Volume I. Sofia, 1935) translation - Nevenka Dimitrova [1] The disciples were writing essays on various themes given by the Master Beinsa Douno. They would read these essays at the beginning of every lecture.
  3. Signs of Manifested Human Consciousness Eleventh Lecture held by the Master in front of the Youth Esoteric Course, 27 December 1922, Sofia Fir-fur-fen Tao Bi Aumen Secret Prayer A summary of the topic “Elements of human speech" has been read. The works on the topic “Signs of manifested human consciousness in its highest form” have been read. For next time, write on the topic: “Distinguishing marks of the physical body ". Imagine a certain point signifies the consciousness of man or the manifested Universe. Out of this point is the Universe which has not yet been manifested. Furthermore, suppose the matter of the outer, manifested Universe, has different densities and thence different states. After that, assume that different kinds of beams go out of that particular point, i.e. we say this centre, this point starts to radiate. Every beam represents a separate being. When these beings get in touch with the external environment which has different densities and different states, they will change their character. This change in the character of these beings is the reason for the difference existing between them. There is distinction not only amongst people but amongst the spirits, amongst the Angels, as well as amongst all Advanced Beings. What is this difference due to? It is due to a number of outer reasons. Therefore, every beam is influenced by the environment to a certain point. The infinite determines the relations as well as the forms of the finite. So, when a certain peculiarity shows in you, you should know it is owing to the primary environment you have fallen into. One day, when you return to the given point, your nature will change. Then, you will finish your evolution the way it has been initially fixed. Therefore, you should know that whatever deviations you make in your life they will not alter your way at all. Many people think that by zigzagging to one side or another they could change their way. No, the esoteric disciple must know that there is no way to change the initial course of his Life. Not only the disciple, but no being is capable of changing the initial course of its way until it gains its purpose. When the snake zigzags, coils its body, does it change its course or its nature? No, it does not. Why does it coil? In order to move. Why does the lightning twist? Because it meets a medium of different density compared to the one it moves in. Therefore, each deviation in the human character is due to the fact that he meets on his way a denser medium than the one he moves in. The denser medium shows him big resistance; therefore he cannot withstand and turns off to one side or another. He lives with this deviation until he meets another obstacle to make him return to the right track. Finally, when you draw a straight line between these deviations, this line determines the direction towards which consciousness moves. As long as he is young, one moves by zigzagging here and there, and thinks he is changing the course of his way; when he grows old, one thinks he is smarter, and has already solved his tasks. The old man has solved his tasks as much as the young one has. Both the old and the young man are far from the Truth. Such difference exists not only among people of different ages but also inside one and the same person. For example, the eyes of man represent two circles: the left eye expresses the physical world, and the right one, the spiritual world. That is why the beam that goes out of the left eye of man is always directed towards the Earth; the beam that goes out of the right eye of man is always directed upwards. In its evolution, one moves from the physical to the Spiritual and from the Spiritual to the Divine world. If someone moves with the speed of lightning from the Spiritual to the Divine world and moves several billion kilometers away from the Spiritual world, you might think this man is close to God. However, if he is observed by telescope from the Angels` world, they will say this man moves very slowly, like a star in the sky observed from the physical world. For the Angels, this man is far away from God and for the people, he is close to God. You should know one thing: whatever speed he moves with, a man should have the striving to go upwards, to the Divine world. For that purpose, he must develop everything that is put in his consciousness. Go up and forward, do not be afraid of the deviations you make. Deviations are not falls. Think philosophically on that issue. When the beam of light passes from a thin to a dense medium it will inevitably refract and deviate from its course. The consciousness of man experiences such deviation when it passes from a thin to a dense medium. Therefore, at the present development of man /in his individual and social development/, a number of deviations take place in his consciousness. When he knows that, one must be careful and be aware of these deviations. Present-day people, societies and nations are organized the same way as material worlds are. They all move in circles concentrically situated around a center. For example, ten – fifteen people make one link and influence each other the way planets influence each other. Usually, the ones closer to the centre move faster than those that are further. Knowing this, you will notice that no one can escape the influence of those individuals who enter the same system as his own. In this sense, no one can be self-autonomous. People represent big groups of individuals, concentrated in a centre, who influence each other. When the Divine consciousness in man awakes, he can already define his attitude towards those who enter his system. In his conscious attitude towards them he will not counteract but assist them in a Divine way. Usually, to every system of higher Beings corresponds such a system of lower Beings; consequently one should be careful, to know how to influence the beings from his system. Beings from one and the same system not only influence each other but systems also influence each other. In this interaction of the systems, the Cosmos grows and develops. In the centre of all systems lies the Divine consciousness, the Divine spirit that regulates all things in Nature and Life. Everyone should determine his own status and realize to which system he belongs, how many people enter this system; with what speed they move in physical, cordial and mental respect; of what material their system is made and how many million years ago it was formed. Therefore, the mental level of man will depend on the state of the whole system – this is a fixed law. So, in order to change the mental state of man, the mental state of all the beings with which he enters in one and the same system should be changed. There is a certain connection between all the beings in one and the same system: if one of you is in America among unknown people and he is being attacked by somebody, a person from your system will immediately appear to protect him and defend his right. Why will he protect you? For the sake of the whole system. The larger the system is that you enter; the larger will be the number of sympathizers you may have. If you enter among a small group of people, you will have a few sympathizers. It does not restrict human will at all, but shows that the direction of the human Spirit is strictly fixed and he must walk in this direction because here are given the opportunities and conditions for the development of his activities. If someone opposes this order of things, he must turn back and be swallowed by the common centre. When it is said that the Earth will fall to the Sun, it should not be understood literally. It means that the Earth should enter new conditions of development and fall under the influence of some other Sun. Now let us do a mental exercise: imagine you are moving at a great speed and entering the Sun. Watch yourselves how far each of you could reach. This exercise requires a huge amount of concentration. How many of you managed to reach the Sun? With their thought, some of you reached the middle of the road. It is hot on the Sun; not everyone is able to go there. Some other people remained in the so-called icy, cold area. Others rose up to a magnetic zone made of thick and porous matter. One of the zones between the Earth and the Sun is called Death River by which all souls pass going to the other world. Everyone could try to pass by this zone. It is enough for a man to concentrate deeply in his thought and detach himself from the environment; he will immediately enter a completely dark area, with not a single sunbeam. He can check by his watch how much time it took him to pass by this area. Whoever makes this experiment, must be very careful, and should not be afraid of the big darkness. When he goes out of this zone, he will enter the next one, the so-called astral zone where the light is mild and pleasant like the break of dawn. On his way back to the Earth, man passes by the same zones. As you see, there are different areas, different fields between the Earth and the Sun, and each of them contains specific forces, energies. Between the Astral and the Mental world exists the so-called icy or electric area. It contains a huge reserve of electricity that could completely replace coal that we use nowadays for heating. The race to come will dispose of methods by which it could get this electricity to work for lighting and heating of the entire Earth. While doing this mental exercise you must be concentrated so that not only your thought will travel but also the whole consciousness. Then, you will feel two currents: one coming from the Earth to the Sun, and the other going back. Thus, a correct exchange between the solar energy and your energy takes place. It is good to do this exercise when you are spiritually indisposed. Second exercise: direct your mind, heart, Spirit and soul to the Divine Spirit that encompasses everything in the world and ask for its assistance in the realization of all that is elevated and noble in you. This Spirit encompasses all consciousnesses, and acts inside and outside of them. Because of that it is said in the Scripture: “The Spirit of God floats all over the Earth." Fir-fur-fen Tao Bi Aumen Source
  4. Ани

    1922_12_20 Self – Defining

    Self – Defining Secret prayer A resume on the theme “The Purpose of Breathing System“ was read. Essays on the theme of “Elements of human speech“ were read. What is the topic for the next time? – “Self-defining in life”. What do you understand under the word self-defining? -For a someone to self-define, they should define their relations towards their surroundings. - Do you agree with this definition? What thing is the defining of the unit? I think that the self-defining of the unit lies in it giving the initial acceleration of things i. e. it brings things on the stage. What does the self-defining of the two? -Polarisation. What is polarization? -Manifestation. 2, the number two, means the matter i.e. the law of material world. In others words, the unit represents forces which set things in the material world, in matter where they find form, i. e. where they are shaped. If one is father of things, two is their mother. One gives the first conscious sparkle to Life. One is the first noticeable cause of things, two – the second noticeable cause. What is the self-definition of number three? –Three is the meaning, the aim to which everything in Life seeks to find. Therefore everyone can say: I am one. Why? Because I display myself. I am two. Why? Because I am nurturing my idea as a mother rears her child. I am three. Why? Because I have an aim which I aspire to, to navigate my idea by. So a person is one, two, three in the same time. All numbers that you use represent relations, powers, reasonable creatures, which are at a different stage in development. In this sense one, and two, and three represent Reasonable beings. When one is said, we understand the collective, the God’s mind, which includes everything in itself. In the pair two great centres incorporate themselves – God’s and Angel’s consciousness. In the triad three centres display themselves - God’s, Angel’s and human’s consciousness. Therefore there is no division in unity; there is only one consciousness in it –God’s. Though in two and three division of the collective consciousness comes. Exactly that’s why when there is word about two, three and more ones, things begin to divide and tear into splinters. What is the self-definition of number four? Number four represents the absolute measure with which all things in the visible world are measured, in the whole Cosmos. When they come to four, cabalists stop. They add 1, 2, 3, 4 and they receive 10: 1+2+3+4 =10. When they add these numbers, they bring about the reverse process – subtraction: they subtract one, two, three and four from ten and get: 10-1=9 10-2=8 10-3=7 10-4=6 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are members of 10 and numbers 9, 8, 7, 6 are derived from the first four numbers. Therefore numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are self-derivatives of one. What does for a person to define himself or herself as one, two, three and four mean? Which elements are contained in a human being in one number so that he or she can define themselves? There are Spirit, soul, mind, and heart. And then we make out the respective proportion: the Spirit of man is related to his soul in the same way his mind is related to his heart. This proportion we can express in letters: S: S = M: H This shows us that a person should define himself or herself as Spirit, soul, mind or heart. In the same time he self-define as an integral – as a wholesome of four constitutes his or her elements. When the word is about self-definition one must have a clear idea how to define himself or herself. Occult science is a positive, exact science – each word in it corresponds to the main idea. You can’t say that one will define himself or herself. If you say this, the question what will he or she defines himself or herself follows. What will man define himself as – as one, two, three, four or all of them in multitude? If he defines himself or herself as one, i. e. as a main force, one shouldn’t add the properties of two. Can one become two? One can become two only after we break it, only after we break it into two parts. Then we get two times low then one itself. Is two equal to one? You say 1 and 1 makes 2, 1+1=2. So according to you two is two times bigger than one. But we say that there is no number higher than one. How can one be equal to two then? Here it is, you can see wherefrom sophistic has originated in philosophy. You can say that everything can be taken for granted after it is given proof. If it has to be proven, it can be proved very easily by the work of mathematics, that two is bigger than one. When you say that 2+1=3, this is not right too. In mathematics you use today, statements are not true in the absolute sense of the word. Three really is the result of addition of 2 and 1, 2+1, but only if we regard the integers two and one as a constituent elements of one, 1, however not as independent whole numbers. Number three is a composite of the results of number two, 2, plus 1, not of the numbers two and one alone. A teacher comes in a class and says to one of his students: ”Stoyancho, draw a horse over there!” Stoyancho comes to the blackboard and draws a horse. All children from the class say then that Stoyancho drew a horse on the blackboard. What for a horse is this? The drawing doesn’t resemble a horse at all. Can a child from a first grade draw this? If a painter looks at the picture, he would say that this isn’t a horse at all. The same the horse is, the same are the concepts of many contemporary people about God. As children in their pictures make only a draft for the things known, so is the way the contemporary people have various ides for God: they have nothing absolute, nothing clear, definite what God is. So, when the word is about self-defining, what should a person define himself or herself into? A person should define himself or herself in the quest of his or her Spirit, in the vocation of his or her soul, in the reason of his or her mind and the feelings in his or her heart. This explanation for the self-defining is given to you not to be rewritten in a book but to comprehend it for yourselves. This you write down in a book will be only a theoretical self-definition and this you will welcome in you, will be a practical self-definition. The last definition one has given to himself or herself sets one on one or another way. When I say that a person has to define himself or herself that doesn’t mean that they should join a party or identify themselves as members of one nation. For a person to define himself or herself means to be aware of the powers he or she masters, to define the direction to which he or she will direct them towards, to use his or her life reasonably. As you see, the theme I gave you in the beginning of the lecture, for the self-defining, has already been examined. If you have intentions to write about it, you will repeat the thing we talked just now. That is why next time you will write on another topic and that is: “Characteristics of human consciousness, manifested in its highest realization”. When you wrote this composition, I’ll give you some explanation on it. Now imagine that the straight line AB is a one, which has changed its position, instead of being vertical, it has a horizontal direction. As a straight line this unity means different things. If it were examined from geometrical point of view, you would say that the shortest distance between two points. If you look to find it in human’s face, you will find it in several places i.e. if you bring the upper and lower lip together, you will get a straight line. However, if you lip is a little opened and the lips a little apart, they will from an ellipse. The natural position of mouth is to form an ellipse. When the will of man is at work lips come together and form a straight line. That is why the straight line is manifestation of will. And indeed, when a person moves his or hand in front of himself or herself, or aside, stretched or clenched in a fist this movement means manifestation of strength. The position of the hand is a straight line. If hand slides down and takes a passive position, will stops working. Where there is no will, there lines intercept. Angles are formed always at the sides of these lines: angles mean unfulfilled dreams. Therefore the angles of intercepted lines mean bending of will due to which desires have not been fulfilled. Geometry studies angles and categorizes them into right, sharp and obtuse. What does the term angle mean in geometry? -The space between two intercepting lines in a place is called an angle. Is there any idea in this definition? -There is no idea in this definition. We can give another definition for angle then: each unfulfilled dream of a person results into an angle. If there are many angles on the face of a person this means that he or she has many unfulfilled dreams. These angles have different sizes and directions. In the same way they give away the contradictions upon which someone has come. Bending, angles one can encounter in Nature also. For instance, the valleys are formed by interception of the layers. Moreover, each valley is enclosed from both sides in planes, which are foot of the mountain. If we take valley as a place where life makes display of itself, we will make the conclusion that between contradictions there are always conditions for Life to show. If you look at the angle ABC, with its vertex turned upwards, it sets us up before a contradiction, which is contrary to the laws of spiritual life. After sometime this contradiction turns into good for people. If the same angle is turned with its angle downwards, this shows that the contradiction is for Earth i. e. it comes to contradict the Earth’s laws. But if you take for instance two mountain peaks, with their peaks turned downwards, they will cause rain. Therefore for rain to start two contradictions are needed in the Invisible world. An angle, with its vertex turned downwards, signifies creating conditions for a rain. And then, when you come upon a certain contradiction, to a certain returning action, you will know that it is defined through the following law: to each action responds a reaction, and to each action, contraction. Therefore between two evils, between two misfortunes and two contractions, one good is given birth to always. Between two goods one evil is born. That’s why it is said: ”Two goods can't exist at one place”. This law is in force only on Earth. What do evil and Good mean in life? Evil is the least shown Good; Good is the most shown Good. In other words, evil is the beginning to Good and Good is the end of Good. I will prove this statement with the following example: you take one lamb, you slaughter it, roast it and eat it. To you it means a good thing and for the sheep it means evil. After some time, when you become familiar with the great laws of Life. You meet the same sheep in the woods, take it in your hands and carry it to a meadow where it feeds on green grass and say: ”You can stay with me, I will take care of your life, I will keep you, I won't hurl a hand at you. I thank you for the good you did for me in the past. I was not an educated man then but I have a greater light in me, I understand the laws and I want to repay to you. ” This is the end of Good which is the real Good. Evil appears when a person at cases when a person comes in touch with some of his ideas thousand years old. In the past they were good but now they bring evil with themselves. For example, when a fish eats another, this is the way of Nature – it doesn’t do any evil to the fishes. But if today by atavism one man eats another, this is a great evil to both of them. If one fish eats another, the eaten continues to live through the eater but if one person eats another they both die. Therefore the desire of men to swallow another person is evil – this is a desire that has lived its time up - it is a remainder of the remote past upon which a person from time to time encounters. Therefore in nowadays life evil is not more than ideas that have expired in time. And so, what is evil? Evil means old ideas, unrealized attempts in the past. Today all this is avoided. People have tried these ideas in the past; there is no need for them to be repeated. Good means new God's ideas, which give new directions for realization of human wishes. Through good a person addresses his or her strength towards the world of God. When they ask you why a person must not be evil you will say: ”One shouldn’t be evil as not to repeat his or her past. ” Why you must be good? To fulfil the aim in your life, to enter the great world of Being. So evil is the wide road a person should not walk back; Good is the road along which a person already walks to realize his or her wishes in a new, God's way and to realize the meaning of Life. I will explain my idea with the following example: imagine that you have lived some time on the North Pole. Then after some time, with the movement of Earth you move too and you come to the equator. The Time that takes you to come to the equator amounts to twenty -five thousand years. What will happen to you if you return to the North Pole? You will certainly die. Then returning to the past is simply nothing but returning to the North Pole again. What will happen to you if you come back to the North Pole again? You will certainly die. Therefore returning to the past is nothing but a return to the North Pole. In this sense Evil is nothing but an Ice Age, Ice period which brings Death to the human beings. Once there were conditions for Life but today these conditions do not exist. If someone come upon these conditions today, he or she will certainly die. This is a return to the beginning. To return back means death: to go ahead this is Life. That's why nobody can not and should not return to the road upon which he or she has walked on. Why? Because the conditions of Life have already been altered. Now you know what evil and Good is. These thoughts are necessary to cast more Light in the human's consciousness. If Light of the consciousness is bigger we can talk already for alertness of human consciousness. What is consciousness? Much is written on this matter in many philosophical and occult books that you can read. In a few words, consciousness means a store of positive Knowledge, invested in Spirit, soul, mind and the heart of human beings. Having this knowledge he or she have clear idea for things and knows in each case how to act. A man that is conscious never does wrong. He or she benefits from his previous experience due to which today nobody in whatever way do permit themselves to do wrong. Man unconscious of his or herself can do wrong but only to the point of gathering enough experience, until his consciousness wakens. The word consciousness is formed by the Latin root conscience (знание, съзнание), the suffixes -ous, -ness in Bulgarian this is expressed by the prefix su-, which is correlated with the second Latin meaning of the world – suchastie (Bulg.), which assumes many items and people gathered at one place. In Bulgarian this idea finds its expression by using suffix instead of prefix. Therefore the meaning of consciousness is to make a link between the consciousness of the God's and human’s Spirit, to make a bridge to connect the God's and human's world. So, self-defining is expected by all of us. Unless you do not self-define, you can't talk a comprehendible language. Whatever is spoken to you, in whatever fashion you cannot comprehend it. When you self-define, you will be addressed in a mathematic language and this language you will understand. Mathematic language is short, clear and strictly defined. There are no repetitions, superfluous words and ambiguity of sense. When you define the relation in that your Spirit, soul, mind and heart are to the First Cause, you will be completely defined. Self-defining is a matter of consciousness. To accomplish this aim you have to read what the ancient authors have written on the topic of consciousness and self-consciousness and after that I will talk on this matter. If you know different languages then on your consciousness was written in German and French and in English. You can read and broaden your knowledge. You have to study the manifestations of consciousness not only as a philosophical, an abstract thought but also as an application – third and super consciousness – fourth. In whatever period of the spiritual life one finds himself or herself such an expression his or her life will have on the earth. But you have to know that consciousness can't be defined outside man. Some philosophers say that consciousness is the person himself or herself. No, a person is more than consciousness. Consciousness is an element that goes in the person but not in the individual itself. What is the difference is there between cognition and consciousness? Cognition is a superficial thing and consciousness is inward, acquired through long experience – it is a positive knowledge. To have knowledge about sugar means to have read somewhere about it, that it is white, that it is sweet and that it easily dissolves in water. To be conscious of the substance sugar means that you have seen it, you have tasted it, you have dissolved it in water. Cognition means to know things in embryo – consciousness their gradual development until they grow up. Until it grows, fruit goes through four gradual phases: consciousness, self-consciousness, subconscious and superconscious. When fruit is ripe we reach a state of superconscious. The four phases of consciousness represent the different Angle's Hierarchy. In some respect Angels stay higher than Gods do. They don't wrestle among themselves as Gods do. Because of their purity, they are a means God's Spirit. Read; think over consciousness, to be able to realize the sense of this concept. Under the concept of consciousness some philosophers understand the meaning of things. They are not far from Truth in this respect. Some philosophers under the word consciousness understand the form of things. When they consider consciousness in this sense, they depart from the Truth because the idea for consciousness in their minds alters. Secret prayer Source
  5. Ани

    1922_12_13 A Law Of Interrelations

    Law Of Interrelations Ninth Lecture of the Master, given to the Youth Esoteric class on the13th December 1922, Sofia Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen Secret prayer The writings on the topic "The Function of the respiratory system" were read. For the next time write about the topic: "Elements of the human speech". Figure 1 Now, let's take the first straight line АВ. It is not formed randomly, but has come from some rational source, from some rational being. In that case its formation is due to a known cause. How is the straight line defined in geometry? (- It is defined as the shortest distance between two points that’s a straight line.) Or the straight line represents a process, done with the least expenses. From the line AВ down we draw a perpendicular ОС. After that we draw the curving MN, as we suppose, that it comes out from the same centre, from which the straight line ОС goes. What is the length of the line MN compared to the perpendicular ОС. The line MN is longer than ОС, because it is curving. Let's assume that the line ОС represents a propeller of an airplane. What happens to the airplane, if the propeller amplifies, accelerates its motion? The airplane begins to go up. What happens to the airplane, if the propeller slows down its motion? The airplane begins to go down. What is the relationship between the energies in the two cases? When going up the airplane prevails over Earth’s gravity; when going down, this gravity no longer opposes its motion. Figure 2 Assume now, that the curves А and В (Figure 2) are conditions, in which Life can manifest itself. We assume that the curve А presents a mountain place, exposed to strong winds. A friend of yours planted plums at that place and says that as the plums begin to grow and ripen, will give you some. The curved line В represents a valley, in which another friend of yours planted plums and promises that when they ripen, he will give you some. Which of the two friends of yours has a greater possibility of fulfilling his promise? - The one living in the valley. What are the chances from one to a hundred of fulfilling his promise? If you have one sick person, where should he live, in order for him to be cured sooner – on the hill or in the valley? On the hill, he will recover sooner, than in the valley. Therefore the unfavourable conditions in that respect are favourable in another; and the conditions favourable in one respect are unfavourable in another. So, the law can be deduced that: after every misfortune comes a good fortune. In explaining of that law, I will give you an example: you are sick, and expect plums from your friend, which he promised you. Your friend who is living in a mountain place А. You wait a day, two days, a week, two, a month, he sends you nothing. One day, you decide to go to him yourself to check why he does not send what he promised. You go to him and you both enter into explanations. He guides you around his estates, shows you his gardens, and tells you under what conditions the trees are cultivated and, in these explanations, and walks you stay with him the whole month. Meanwhile, under the influence of the pure mountain air your illness disappears, you totally recover. I ask which is more valuable in that case – plums or health. Here, one misfortune of yours is followed by one good fortune. The law of interrelations works everywhere in Nature and can mathematically defined determine what the ratio of one quantity is to another. Assume that somebody promises to do you a favour with something. The phrase to do a favour is a positive one. In that case, can you define what are the chances from one to a hundred of someone doing you a favour? Sometimes, out of a hundred promises only one or two can be carried out; this proves that the individual, who promises, finds himself under conditions of the physical world. Sometimes, out of a hundred promises, ninety-nine can be carried out; this proves that the individual finds himself under conditions of the world of Angels, where the possibilities for realization of the given promises are greater. At last, out of a hundred promises a hundred and one can be carried out; this means that the individual finds himself under conditions of the Divine world. So, you can see what the possibilities for the realization of ideas in the physical, Spiritual and the Divine world are. There is a certain interrelation between these possibilities. This can be easily defined if a person knows in advance where the given energy that will be harnessed to work comes from. The source of the energy determines the possibilities. This means that there is a certain interrelation between the energy and the possibilities, which this energy contains. Therefore, in the physical world the possibilities of the realization of a promise can be one or two to one hundred. For example, you want to meet a rabbit in the forest; the possibility of meeting is only one to a hundred. So, there is a small possibility of meeting it, many conditions can prevent this meeting. You want to meet somebody, who promised to meet you; the possibility is only two to one hundred of meeting him, all of the rest of the cases to one hundred are exceptions. And this is why we say, a man who promises a lot, fullfils little. If you come to the Angelic world, out of a hundred promises, ninety-nine promises are fulfilled. In this world even the most sublime Beings find themselves under conditions, where the chances of fulfilling promises successfully are ninety-nine to one hundred, and with a one in a hundred exceptions. But in the Divine world, there is not even one exception of failure, there out of a hundred promises, hundred and one promises are fulfilled. Angels are concerned with the life of the plants. If somebody starts out to dig a field and to plough it and sows it for ninety-nine years, the field will yield crops just as many times as he has sown it; at the hundredth time, this man gives up ploughing, and he does not sow the field. Do you think that this field will yield crops? It will yield nothing. That namely is one exception in the world of Angels. In the Divine world, if somebody refuses at the hundredth time to sow the field, a hundred people will force him to sow it. Whether he wants it or not – this man will sow the field and not only a hundred times but even a hundred and one times. In the Divine world no exception are permitted. Whether a man or spirit, if you deal with the laws of the Divine world, no exception is allowed. And, so, after every happy occasion in Life comes an unhappy occasion. To every mountain, corresponds a certain valley – this is the law of Nature. So it is when somebody descends, that means, that he is standing on a high place; when he climbs, he is in a low place. The climbing up of a mountain demands an upsurge in the human Spirit; the going down in the valley demands a man’s attention. In the two cases there are obstacles, but those, which man encounters in climbing up are bulging out and protruding; and these, which make the man go down, are concave. These obstacles will make someone find the source. - "What if I bend to the left or to the right?" –No bending can happen. Only one thing is possible: either to climb up or to go down. In this respect, there is a law in Nature, and namely: after every happy occasion comes an unhappy occasion, after happiness follows sorrow. Sorrow and Happiness are two different states, through which the human soul must inevitably pass. Can Sorrow and Happiness be provoked by one and the same cause or to be experienced by the same person? Happiness is a mountain peak, and sorrow – is a valley. Therefore it is said, that the one who suffers, goes down into the valley. As he reaches the valley, a man begins to plough, dig, to sow, as a result of which his hands are covered in blisters. The difference between the mountain peak and the valley is the same as is between Happiness and Sorrow. The mountain air is thin, pure and cold; the air in the valley is dense, impure and warm. Planting in the valley is more lush, abundant, and on the top - weaker, and scarcer. Can a person be constantly happy? No, he cannot. If you look at the musical notes, you will see, that they are whole, half, quarter, octant etc. Each of them lasts for a strictly defined time. Between each note and the duration, there is a certain interrelation. On the basis of that law, happiness and sorrows have a duration of a set time. Some happiness and sorrow last only a moment, equal to the duration of 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, or 1/8 note. Sometimes, their duration is longer, equal to quarter, half and a whole note. Some happiness and sorrow have an echo, due to which they last more than the defined time for them and we say they are long lasting. Happiness and sorrow in Life are only fleeting, and we say when they last long this is because of their echo. For example, someone hits you; the pain you feel is a result of the first strike. If the pain is still there, it is a reflex of the first strike. So, between the intensity of the energy and the duration of time there is an interrelation. As we are aware of that, you can estimate mathematically how much time – in hours, minutes or seconds – a certain pain will last. It is necessary to know the strength, with which the strike hits. It is noticed in this case, that the pain gradually lessens – in the first moment it was strongest, but this moment does not repeat itself. The law of interrelations is applied everywhere in Nature and Life, but you have to study it, so that you can make use of it in a sensible way. You know for instance that suffering lasts a moment only and after that it’s followed by its echo, which goes on for hours, weeks and months. Right here you will apply your will! When you have a toothache , you will know that the pain lasts for moments only; that’s why with the strength of your will, you will try to stop the reflections of this pain. What do people do nowadays? When a tooth aches or when they get a disease, they say: „I know that I will be ill at least a whole week." And so it happens - they consciously succumb to the reflection of the disease. No, one should know, the reflection of the illness lasts only a few moments, and it depends on someone’s mental state how long the reflection of the illness will last. It can be determined mathematically what part of the second will continue a given suffering or a certain pain. Thus, when you are overcome by certain kind of a suffering, you remind it that that it is short lived, not to let it linger for hours and days. As you say so, the pain will go away. The same happens also with Happiness – it is a short-lived one. Even if you want to keep it for a long time, it leaves, because in your mind the thought is already well formed that it will leave soon. And indeed, it becomes so. As you can see, there is an interrelation between thoughts and wishes: after each strong thought there comes a feeble character manifestation within a person, after every noble feeling some weakness is manifested. As you know, you must be ready to face these things in a calm way. As you climb up to the top, you know, you must definitely get down. It’s required for you to be careful, to be always ready, to beon the alert. And then, if you have taken care you will get down slowly, calmly; otherwise you take the risk of falling. After a bad feeling and after every bad thought you need to show some strong, lofty thought and a noble feeling. In this way, Nature is bringing balance in all manifestations of Life. The cause of these abrupt changes is due to the fact, that we are interconnected with worlds, higher or lower than ours, which influence us in one way or another. When we are sad or we break the balance in Nature, help comes from the world of Angels, until this balance is restored. As our disposition is lifted up, from the Lower world come beings to rob us and we lose all we have gained. Therefore, with every violation of the Divine arrangement and order from your side, On behalf of you, highly conscious beings come to recover that balance. If you are worthy or not for that help, they will not ask you to pay. The purpose is to put order in Nature, to restore its original condition. Then to what is success owed and people’s failure? Before answering that question, you must ask yourself what success you expect - material, spiritual or intellectual? Have you asked yourself exactly what you would like to be or what you want to obtain? Often thoughts, wishes and feelings come to you, which are not yours, and as you are not aware of this, you want to make them come true at all costs. For example, you read some author and when you finish his book, you feel a strong desire to be a poet or a writer like him. This is not your thought, but this was a former wish of the author of that book to become a poet or a writer. He wished that so strongly and achieved it, but you cannot become a poet. Why? You are not programmed for these sufferings, for this road, through which this author passed. Be sure that this wish will disappear soon – because this was a wish of another person. Until this author became a poet, only he knew what pains and sorrows and hardships he overcame. How many times he became discouraged and encouraged again, how many times he despaired and was so near to suicide, how many times he was catcalled and mocked! This nobody knows – here is the result. We read a book, admire and we dream to be poets like him – but how, in what way can we achieve if we are not interested. The poet must go through much suffering, there's not a poet in the world, who has not suffered. And here the law of interrelations has been followed, and namely between the suffering and the achievements. Therefore between the physical, heart, mental and will-powered life of a person there exists a certain interrelation. With regard to this interrelation, it can be precisely worked out, how long it takes for the extreme materialist can become an extreme idealist. Years ago, a lawyer came to me from Varna, a socialist by conviction, and we discussed different questions, I told him, that after four years there wouldn’t be a trace of his present convictions. - „No, he said, this is not possible, I am a convicted socialist!" - „Write down what I say, and you will check whether I speak the truth.“ After two years, he married, he had a daughter. He lived well with his wife, and he loved her. One evening, he went to a meeting and came home a little later than usual. His wife was home, working on something; when she felt sleepy, she went to bed and left the light on. By accident, the light fell over, so that the gas spilled on her bed and she was burned. The sorrow and suffering for his wife changed him totally and he became strongly religious, and forgot all his socialist ideas. Soon after that, he was expelled from the socialist circle. When he met me one day in Varna, he said to me: „Just imagine, what you predicted for me, has happened! Nothing is left now from my first convictions.” I say, as you know the law of interrelations, all of you must be very careful, not to break the great laws, because you will fall under other laws, which won't spare you. In the Holy Scriptures it is said: „The one, who stands up high, must know that he will fall. The one who falls, must know that he will stand up again." Now you need to reflect correctly, maturely, to know that, with regard to the esoteric science nothing happens by accident, nothing is arbitrary. The esoteric science is positive, it considers all elements, and Nature works with it. If a person complies with the laws of this science, he can avoid many troubles in his life. To what are these troubles owed in Life and in Nature? They are owed to a certain violation of one of the great laws. Figure 3 Now I will show you the four graphical regions of the manifested Life (Figure 3). The straight line А shows the physical life, the straight line В- the life of the heart, the straight line С- the mental and the straight line D – the will-powered life of a person. The Energy, which is developed in the first cycle of man's life when he grows physically, is precisely determined in quantity and time of duration. After that, this energy goes in the second cycle of one’s life, when he develops emotionally. From there on, the energy goes into the third period when one develops mentally. At last it enters in the fourth period – in one’s life of will power. When it reaches the bottom, the energy takes a reverse movement upright and makes a circle, one turn of the powers. Knowing this thing, it can be calculated mathematically after how many years, how and where this energy will be seen. Also it can be said to what extent this energy will be visible and what results it will produce. This explains why the wishes, impulses, aspirations of a person show up periodically. A young man wishes to learn, to evolve mentally. He begins to learn and work in this direction for two or three years. After that, his impulse for studying is gone, and he moves to another desire. After a certain period of years, he is again in front of his first desire to study. This depends on the law of interrelations. The time is dependent on the will, the strong thought, the strong feeling. For example, the length of time during which the man will study depends on the intensity of the desire to study. If some special obstacles appear for the fulfilment of this desire, one suffers, and feels unhappy. The obstacles are a reason why some laws are broken. When you are young, you must research, to estimate how long a thought will last in you and after how long it will show up again. So, because of the law of interrelations that after happiness will follow unhappiness; after every sickness will follow health. Under the meaning of the word illness, I am not meaning normal illnesses, when one aches physically, but I speak about those conditions, which are provoked by the violation of the harmony between feelings and thoughts. Everyone of you must ask himself whether he has defined himself by the law of interrelations. You have to define yourself. The one has not self-defined, remains forever in the barn. The one who stays in the barn, he wins nothing, but he also loses nothing. Do you know what the self-defining is? If you do not know, write next time about the topic „Self-definition in Life". You must define yourself, because soon you will be in front of esoteric customs, where they will examine you thoroughly. When they find that you wear stuff, for which you did not pay duty, they will take them away and they will fine you. They will examine you with an X-ray device, to find out what you carry in yourself. So because they will examine you outwardly and inwardly, they will take away even the least excess, that is found in you. So, throw away all unnecessary things, so that you are not fined. In this sense, to define yourself means to throw away all your excess, all your unworthy stuff, which will cause you suffering and pain and trouble, and keep only those matters, which cause you Happiness and Joy and with which you can work. The esoteric science with which you are engaging, is positive, but at the same time a dangerous science. Once you have enrolled in that School, you have the privilege to be taught that science in the lightest, acceptable form for you. If you were in some other time, there is no way you would not have been accepted into the School in any way. In ancient times they did not accept disciples younger than 33 years old. That's why you must be cautious not to play with the laws of Nature. Nature’s laws are alive, and conscious, they cannot be transgressed. When it’s about esoteric forces, esoteric laws, the disciple must know that games are not allowed. I don’t want to scare you. The fear is necessary, but not that ordinary fear. The disciple must have a reverent feeling to the Great, to the Divine in the world. If this Divine feeling of respect is not developed in him, it will be replaced with fear. This fear I call Divine, sensible fear. In such fear, all noble feelings in a person can grow. The one who consciously studies the esoteric science; develops in himself courage, decisiveness, initiative, diligence and capacity for work. As you make a mistake, do not excuse yourself by blaming the conditions, by blaming your mother and father, but always be ready to correct your mistake. Leave aside your mother and father. When you work consciously and with Love, you are in a state to use the conditions and to create out of yourself what you wish. When you make a mistake, correct it right away. As you correct your mistake, walk again straight ahead again. As disciples you must study the esoteric chemistry, to know what elements your blood needs. If iron is not sufficient, in your blood, you should somehow provide it. Otherwise, the lack of iron in your blood will impart more feebleness, variability to your character. If there is little gold in your blood, you will be deprived of nobility in your character. So this means that every new element, imported in your brain, in your heart or the will power, gives a new direction in your activities. Study the chemistry well, so that you can transform your forces inside yourself. Then you will know how to temper the iron in you – from soft iron to turn it into steel. Some of you need hardness in your character, others need softness, third - nobility, fourth - consistency, fifth – Love for God, sixth - mercy, prudence, imagination and so on. Everybody can say about himself: „One is enough." He must find out what he lacks, and then seek a method of obtaining this element which he lacks. Everyone needs one thing, but this thing is of big importance for his development. This is the important thing which he learns from the law of interrelations. Secret prayer (prayer in secret) Fir-fur-fen Tao Bi Aumen translation - Nevenka Dimitrova
  6. Ани

    1922_12_13 A Law Of Interrelations

    A Law Of Interrelations Ninth Lection of the Teacher, held to the Youth Occult class on the13th December 1922, Sofia Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen Secret prayer The writings on the topic "The Function of the respiratory system" were read. For the next time write about the topic: "Elements of the human speech". Figure 1 Now, let's take the first straight line АВ. It is not formed randomly, but has come from some rational source, from some rational being. In that case its formation is due to a known cause. How is defined in geometry the straight line? (- The shortest distance between two points is called a straight line.) Or the straight line represents a process, done with the smallest expenses. From the line AВ down we draw a perpendicular ОС. After that we draw the curving МИ, as we suppose, that it comes out from the same centre, from which the straight line ОС goes. What is the length of the line МИ compared to the perpendicular ОС1. The line МИ is longer than ОС, because it is curving. Let's assume that the line ОС represents a propeller of an airplane. What happens to the airplane, if the propeller amplifies, accelerates its motion? The airplane begins to go up. What happens to the airplane, if the propeller slows down its motion? The airplane begins to go down. What is the relation between the energies in the two cases? When going up the airplane passes through gravity; when going down, this gravity already does not resist. Figure 2 Assume now, that the curves А and В (Figure 2) are conditions, in which Life can evince. We assume that the curve А presents a mountain place, exposed to strong winds. One friend of yours planted plums at that place and says that as the plums begin to grow and ripen, will give you some. The curved line В represents a valley, in which some other friend of yours planted plums and promises that when they ripen, he will give you some. Which of the two friends of yours has a bigger possibility of fulfilling his promise? - The one living in the valley. What are the chances from one to a hundred of fulfilling his promise? If you thus have one sick, where must he live, to be cured sooner – on the hill or in the valley? On the hill, he will recover sooner, than in the valley. Therefore the unfavourable conditions in that relationship are favourable in other relationships; and the favourable conditions in one situation are unfavourable in other relationships. Hence, there can be issued the law that: after bad luck good luck comes. In explanation of that law, I will give you an example: you are sick, and expect plums from your friend, which he promised you. Your friend lives in a mountain place А. You wait a day, two days, a week, two, a month, he sends you nothing. One day, you decide to go to him by yourself to check why he does not send what he promised. You go to him and fall in explanations (not clear meaning!). He guides you around his estates, shows you his gardens, and retells you under what conditions the trees are cultivated and in these explanations and walks you stay with him the whole month. Meanwhile, under the influence of the pure mountain air your illness disappears, you totally recover. I ask which costs more in that case – plums or health. Here, one misfortune of yours is followed by one fortune. The law of interrelations works everywhere in Nature and can mathematically be defined as an interrelation of one quantity to the other. Assume that somebody promises to do you a favour with something. The phrase do a favour is positive. In that sense, can you define what are the chances from one to a hundred of someone doing you a favour? Sometimes, out of a hundred promises only one or two can be carried out; this proves that the individual, who promises, finds himself under conditions of the physical world. Sometimes, out of a hundred promises, ninety-nine can be carried out; this proves that the individual finds himself under conditions of the world of Angles, where the possibilities for realization of the given promises is greater. At last, out of a hundred promises a hundred and one can be carried out; this means that the individual finds himself under conditions of the Godly world. Hence, you see what the possibilities for the realization of ideas in the physical, Spiritual and the Godly world are. There is a certain interrelation between these possibilities. This can be easily defined if a person knows beforehand from where this certain energy flows out, where it will be harnessed into work. The source of the energy defines the chances. This means that between the energy and the possibilities, which this energy contains, there's a certain interrelation. Therefore, the possibilities of the physical world for the analysis of one promise can be one or two to one hundred. For example, you want to meet one rabbit in the wood; the possibility of meeting is only one to one hundred. Thus, meaning although there is a small possibility of meeting it, many conditions can prevent this meeting. You want to meet somebody, who promised you this meeting; the possibility is only two to one hundred of meeting him, all of the rest of the cases to one hundred are exceptions. And this is why we say, a man who promises a lot, carries out less. If you come to the world of Angles, there of a hundred promises, ninety-nine are carried out. In this world even the most sublime Creatures are under conditions, the chances of carrying it out successfully are ninety-nine to one hundred, and with an exception of one to one hundred. But in the Godly world, there is not even one exception of unsuccessfulness, there out of a hundred promises, one is carried out. The angles deal with the life of the plants. If somebody starts out to dig a field and to plough it and sows ninety-nine years ahead, the field will yield crops just as many times as he has sowed it; at the hundredth time, this man refuses to plough and he does not sow the field. Do you think that this field will yield crops? It will yield nothing. That namely is one exception in the world of Angles. In the Godly world, if somebody refuses at the hundredth time to sow the field, a hundred men will make him sow it. Want or not – this man will sow the field and not only a hundred times but even a hundred and one times. In the Godly world no exception are permitted. Whether a man or spirit, if you deal with the laws of the Godly world, no exception is allowed. And, so, after every happy occasion in Life comes one unhappy. To every mountain, corresponds a certain valley – this is the law of Nature. So it is when somebody descends, that means, that he is standing on a high place; when he climbs, he is in a low place. The climbing up of a mountain demands an upsurge in the human Spirit; the going down in the valley demands a man’s attention. In the two cases there are obstacles, but these, which make man climb up are bulging out and protruding; and these, which make the man go down, are concave. The obstacles will make man find a spring. - "What if I lean to the left or to the right?" –Nothing can happen. One is possible: either to climb up or to go down. In that relation, there is a law in Nature, and namely: after every happy occasion comes unhappy, after happiness follows sorrow. Sorrow and Happiness are two different states, through which the human soul must inevitably pass. Can Sorrow and the Happiness be provoked by one and the same cause or to be experienced by one person? Happiness is a mountain peak, and sorrow – a valley. Therefore it is said, that the one who suffers, goes down into the valley. As he reaches the valley, a man begins to plough, to hoe down, to sow, as a result of which his hands are covered in blisters. The difference between the mountain peak and the valley is the same as is between Happiness and Sorrow. The mountain air is diluted, pure and cold; the air in the valley is dense, impure and warm. Planting in the valley is more luxurious, exuberant, and on the top - weaker, rarer. Can a man always be happy? He cannot. If you look at the notes, you will see, that they are whole, half, quarter, octant and etc. Each of them lasts for a strictly defined time. Among each note and the time, there is a certain interrelation. On the basis of that law, happiness and sorrows have a set time duration. Some happiness and sorrow lasts only a moment, equal to the duration of 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 note. Sometimes, their duration is longer, equal to quarter, half and a whole note. Some happiness and sorrow have an echo, due to which they last more than the defined time for them and we say they are long lasting. Happiness and sorrow in Life are only fleeting, and we say when they last long this is because of their echo. For example, somebody hits you; the pain you feel is a result of the first strike. If the pain is still there, it is a reflex of the first strike. So, between the intensity of the energy and the continuance of the time there is an interrelation. As we are aware of that, you can estimate mathematically how much time - hours, minutes or seconds – a certain pain will last. This is necessary to know the strength, with which the strike hits. It is noticed in this case, that the pain gradually lessens – in the first moment it was strongest, but this moment does not repeat itself. The law of interrelations is applied everywhere in Nature and Life, but you have to study it, so that you can sensibly make use of it. You know for instance that suffering lasts a moment only and after that comes its echo, which is goes on for hours, weeks and months. Right here you will apply your will! When a tooth aches, you will know that the pain lasts for moments only; that’s why with the strength of the will, will take away the reflexes of this pain. What do people do nowadays? When a tooth aches or when they get diseased, they say: „I know that I will be ill a least a whole week." And this is happens - they consciously wield to the mirror of the disease. No, a man must be aware, how long the reflexes of the illness lasts only few moments, and it depends on the mental state of the man how long will be present the reflexes of the illness. It can be determined mathematically what part of the second will continue a given suffering or a certain pain. Thus, when you are overcome by a kind of a suffering, you remember that that it lasts for a short time, not to let it be forgotten for hours and days. As you say so, the pain will go away. The same happens also with Happiness – it is a short-term one. Even if you want to keep it for a short time, it leaves, because in your mind the thought is already well formed that it will leave soon. And indeed it becomes so. As you watch, there is an interrelation between thoughts and wishes: after each strong thought there comes an instance of personality of man, after every noble feeling some weakness is expressed. As you know, you must be ready to face these things in a calm way everywhere. As you climb up the top, you know, you must get down at any cost. It’s for sure that some of you want to be careful, to be on the alert. And then, if you have taken care you will get down slowly, calmly; otherwise you take the risk of falling. Every bad feeling and after every bad thought you will show some strong, lofty thought and a noble feeling. In this manner, Nature is bringing in balance in all missions of Life. The cause of these abrupt changes is due to the fact, we are interconnected with worlds, higher or lower than ours, who influence us in one or other way. When we are sorrowful or we break the balance in Nature, from the world of Angles comes help, so long that this balance is regained. As lifted up our distribution place is lifted up, from the Lower world come beings to rob us and we lose all the gains. Therefore, with every breaking of the Godly arrangement and order on behalf of you Sensible beings come to recover that balance. If you are dignified or not for that help, they will not ask to pay. The purpose is to put order in Nature, to restore its first condition. Then to what is success owed to and the bad luck of people? Before answering that question, you must ask yourself what success you expect - material, spiritual or mental? Have you questioned yourself exactly what you would like to be or what you want to obtain? Often come to you thoughts, wishes and feelings, which are not yours, and as you do not know that you want to make them come true at all costs. For example, you read some author and when you finish his book, you feel a strong wish to be a poet or writer like him. This is not your thought, but this was a former wish of the author of that book to become a poet or writer. He wished that so strongly and achieved it, but you cannot become a poet. Why? You are not assigned for these sufferings, for this road, through which this author passed. Be sure that this wish will disappear soon – so this was a wish of another person. Until this author became a poet, only he knows what pains and sorrows and hardships he overcame. How many times he discouraged and again encouraged, how many times he despaired and was so near to suicide, how many times he was catcalled and mocked! This nobody knows – we are in front of a result. We read a book, admire and we dream to be poets like him - how, in what way can we achieve if we are not interested. The poet must go through much suffering, there's not a poet in the world, who has not suffered. And here the law of interrelations has been adhered to, and namely between the suffering and the achievements. Therefore between the physical, hearty, mental and will-powered life of a man there exists a certain interrelation. With regard to this interrelation, it can be precisely evaluated, after how long the extreme materialist can turn into an extreme materialist. Years ago, a lawyer came to me from Varna, a socialist by conviction, and we discussed different questions, I told him, that after four years there won't be a trace of his present convictions. - „No, this is not possible, I am a convicted socialist!" - „Write that, which I say, and you will check whether I speak the truth.“ After two years, he got married, he had a girl. He lived with his wife well, loved her. One evening, he went to a meeting and got home a little later than usual. His wife was home, working on something; as she felt sleepy, she went to bed and left the light on. By accident, the light fell over in a way, so that the gas spilled on her bed and she was burned. The sorrow and suffering for his wife changed him totally and he became strongly religious, forgot all his socialist ideas. Soon after that, he got expelled from the socialist course. As he met me one day in Varna, he said to me: „Imagine, what you predicted to me, this happened! Nothing was left from my first convictions.” I say, as you know the law of interrelations, all of you must be very careful, not to break the great laws, because you will fall under other laws, which won't spare you. In the Script it is said: „The one, who stands up high, must know that he will fall. The one who falls, must know he will stand up." Now you are required to reflect correctly, maturely, to know that, with regard to the occult science nothing happens by accident, arbitrarily. The occult science is positive, it considers all elements, and Nature works with it. If it complies with the laws of this science, a man can avoid many troubles in his life. To what are these troubles owed in Life and in Nature? They are owed to a certain violating of one of the great laws. Now I will present to you the four graphical regions of the manifested Life (Figure 3). The straight line А is showing the physical life, the straight line В- the hearty, the straight line С- the mental and the straight line О – the will-powered life of man. The Energy, which is developed in the first cycle of man's life when he grows physically, is exactly distributed in quality and time of duration. After that, this energy goes in the second cycle of a man's life, when he develops emotionally. From there on, the energy goes into the third period when man develops mentally. At last it is entering in the fourth period – in the man's life of will power. When it reaches down, the energy takes a turning movement upright and makes a circle, one turning of the powers. As it is known about this thing, it can be calculated mathematically after how many years, how and where this energy will be seen. Also it can be said to what extent this energy will be visible and what results it will produce. This explains why the wishes, upsurges, strivings of man show up periodically. Some young man wishes to learn, to evolve mentally. He begins to learn and work in this direction two-three years before. After that, his upsurge for studying is gone, and he moves to another desire. After a certain period of years, he is again in front of his first desire to study. This thing depends on the law of interrelations. The time is dependent on the will, the strong thought, the strong feeling. For example, the length of time during which the man will study is dependent on the intensity of the wish to study. If some special obstacles appear for the fulfilment of this will, man suffers, feels unhappy. The obstacles are a reason why some laws are broken. When you are young, you must do research, to estimate how long a thought will last in you and after how long it shows again. So, on account of the law of interrelations that after happiness will follow unhappiness; after every sickness will follow health. Under the meaning of the word illness, I do not understand the normal illnesses, when a man aches physically, but I speak about these conditions, which are provoked by breaking the harmony between feelings and thoughts. Everybody of you must ask himself whether he defined himself by the law of interrelations. You must be self-defined. Who has not self-defined, stays forever in the barn. Who stays in the barn, he wins nothing, but he loses nothing. Do you know what the self-defining is? If you do not know, write next time about the topic „Self-definition in Life". You must define yourself, because soon you will be face to face with occult customs, where they will examine you narrowly. When they find that you wear stuff, for which you did not pay duty, they will take them away and they will fine you. They will examine you with a roentgen device, to find out what you carry in you. So because they will examine you outwardly and inwardly, they will take away even the finest excess, to be found in you. Therefore, throw away all waste, so that you are not fined. In this sense, to define yourself means to throw away all your excess, unworthy stuff, which cause to you suffering and pain and trouble, and to keep only those matters, which cause you Happiness and Joy and with which you can work. The occult science with which you are so interfering, is positive, but at the same time a dangerous science. Once you have enrolled into that School, you have the privilege to be taught that science in the lightest, perceptive form for you. If you were in some other time, in no way would they not take you into the School. In ancient times they did not accept pupils younger than 33 years old. That's why you must be cautious not to play with the laws of Nature. Nature’s laws are alive, conscious, they cannot be overridden. If some of the occult forces come, to occult laws, the pupil must know that he must not play a game with them. This should serve to scare you. The fear is necessary, but not that usual fear. The pupil must have a reverent feeling to the Great, to the Godly in the world. If this feeling is not developed in him, it should be replaced with fear. This fear is namely called Godly, sensible fear. In such fear, all noble feelings in man can grow. Who consciously studies the occult science; develops in himself bravery, decisiveness, initiative, diligence and hard-work. As you make some fault, do not excuse with the conditions, with your mother and father, but always be ready to correct your mistake. Leave aside your mother and father. As you work consciously and with Love, you are in a state to use the conditions and to create out of yourself what you wish. As you make any mistake, right now make it right. As you correct your mistake, walk again straight ahead. As pupils you must study the occult chemistry, to know what elements your blood needs. If iron is not necessary, there is not enough iron in your blood, in some way you must provide it. Otherwise, the lack of iron in your blood will impart more feebleness, variability to your character. If there is little gold in your blood, you will be deprived of nobility in your character. So this means that every new element, imported in your brain, in your heart or the will power of man, gives a new direction in his activities. Study the chemistry well, so that you can convert your forces inside yourself. Then you will know how to temper the iron in you – from soft iron to turn it into steel. Some of you need hardness in your character, others - softness, third - nobility, fourth - consistency, fifth – Love in God, sixth - mercy, prudence, imagination and so on. Everybody can say about himself: „One is enough. " He must find out what he lacks, and then to seek a method of obtaining this element which he lacks. Everybody needs one thing, but this thing is not of big importance for his development. This is the important thing which he learns from the law of interrelations. Secret prayer Fir-fur-fen Tao Bi Aumen Source
  7. Ани

    1922_11_29 Unity of the Consciousness

    Unity of the Consciousness Lecture eight read by the Master to the Youth Occult Class on the 29th of November 1922, Sofia A secret prayer Contemplation The essays on the theme “The Function of the Respiratory System” were read. Figure 1 In Figure 1 there are two parallel lines СВ и DА, which are moving in opposite directions, crossed by the third line АВ. At the intersection of the two parallel lines with a third straight line, angles of 30˚ are being formed. Upon the movement of the parallel lines the consciousness also participates. It is denoted by the intersection line АВ. It is the main line. In the living geometry these lines are lines of force. Each of their movements have a strictly fixed sense. When you bring your right hand or your left hand forward, these movements have a special significance and a special meaning. If you move your hand in the direction of the straight line СВ, this movement also denotes something. After you pick up an apple seed, you bend your fingers, you reach to the ground and you plant the seed. As soon as you make this movement, your next step will be to make the opposite movement – you rise upwards again. In a few years the tree will grow and bear fruits. In order to pick these fruits from the tree you reach your hand upwards and then you lower it. Upon these movements – the lowering of your hand when planting the seed and the reaching of your hand upwards to pick a fruit from the tree that you have planted – the letter И is formed. This letter is the first letter of the word Truth1. What does this word mean? The truth tastes of the fruits you formerly planted. Now you have two other lines which denote movement of an opened circle. This circle is formed by the two curved lines АВ and ВС. The movement of the curved lines АВ and ВС points downwards – it points to the dense matter. In this way the Hebrew letter W (vav) is formed – this letter represents a person with lowered hands, a person during a process of thinking, a person in a process of contemplation. These two curved lines can also move upwards within the thin matter, the result of which is a diagram opposite to the first one. The diagram in Figure 2 represents the state of a man who involuates (spirals downward), i.e., who descends into the thick matter. If you join the two diagrams the result will be Figure 4, which represents two beings turned upside down and two other beings turned upwards. If you turn the letter W upside down, the letter М will be formed, which was formed as a result of the movement of the human consciousness in its evolutionary state. In Hebrew this letter denotes the beginning of the human intellect, or the beginning of the human mind. In other words, this letter denotes conversion of the energies from one state into another. And indeed, by the help of the thought, man attains the ability to convert the energies. Figure 2 A great knowledge is hidden within the letters, which is why they have to be studied explicitly. Each letter is a key of a certain order of energy which man has to convert – if it is low, he has to convert it higher. The Cabbala studies the letters. For instance, a man has a name that he does not like and he is not successful in his life at all. What should he do in order for his life to improve? He has to change his name and to think of such a name for himself that will be in harmony with his state. Indeed, if you listen to the names of people, you will notice, that some names contain such combinations of sounds which definitely offend your ear. When a man passes through a certain dedication, they assign him a name that corresponds to his astrological aspects. If you examine the letter а, you will see, that it was formed from the symbol of infinity, (that is the lower-case letter a, not the capital letter A) it is loaded; pregnant with something. This denotes that in this letter the infinity is limited by something and gets pregnant. Figure 3 As the letters denote a certain order of energies, likewise every limb of the human organism is connected with a certain order of forces, with a certain order of energies. For instance, the human nose is an expression of man’s intelligence and of his intellect. Consequently, the stronger this human’s intellect is, the longer his nose is. If from the middle of the face you drop a perpendicular towards the nose, this perpendicular determines the size of the angles formed by the lines of the nose. The lines of the nose are the two rays of the angle, while the width of the nose represents the size of the angle. The more the rays of these angles depart from the perpendicular, the more the intelligence of the man decreases. The smaller the angle gets, the more man’s intelligence increases. In general, the intellectual force of the man is projected by the help of the nose. The smaller this angle is, the stronger the intellect of this man is - the brighter his mind is. The larger this angle gets, the more his intellect decreases, while the natural, the objective mind of this man becomes stronger. The stronger the human feelings are, the wider the lower part of the nose at the nostrils is. Generally speaking, the length of the nose is connected with the intellect, while the width of the nose is connected with the human feelings. Having in mind these general principles, you should observe and study the form of the human nose in order to see what variety of deviations from the normal position determined by Nature were formed. Figure 4 All the lines with which we denote the human nose, the human eyes, and the human mouth are lines of force. These lines of force determine the intensity of the very forces that function within man. Studying the eyes of the human you will arrive at the conclusion that the wider the opening of the eyes is – the greater the sensitiveness, and the capability of the human for perceiving. The narrower the opening of his eyes is – the weaker his sensitiveness. The human sensitiveness is connected with the observational capability of man. The more observational the man is, the better the lower part of his forehead up to the eyebrows is developed. This part of the forehead is well developed within the natural scientists, because they observe all the phenomena in Nature. Within the philosophers, who are occupied with abstract ideas, with the so called metaphysics, the upper part of the forehead is more developed than the lower one. When the lips of the man are thick and well developed, it denotes that in this man the appetite or the sensuality is well developed. If his lips are tight, then his sensitiveness is not well developed. Consequently, the outer symptoms or marks of the human face show especially well with what this person has to cope within himself and in what way he has to proceed as to regulate the forces of his organism. Knowing these symptoms the man will be able to shape his nose, his ears, his mouth, and his eyebrows. For this purpose he should study the movement of the lines of force, as well as their outer and their inner projections. In order that the movement of the lines of force within the human being can be proper and harmonious, man should protect his consciousness, i.e., he should not tolerate any kind of split in his consciousness. The slightest split in the human consciousness brings within man two equal opposite forces which mutually neutralize themselves. For instance you feel a desire to do some good which is linked with some material offering. Immediately the fear appears that your interest might be violated; this fear quickly opposes your desire to do good and these two forces mutually cancel and neutralize each other. As long as you run into these two opposing forces, you say, “I will postpone this good deed till the conditions become more favourable.” On another occasion you begin to feel a strong drive to make a scientific research, but suddenly you imagine that this research will need years of hard work, so you drop your investigation. After that you enter some spiritual society, as you like to work for your spiritual development, but as soon as the thought that this is not the right time for a spiritual life crosses your mind, you leave this society. Today you neglect one good desire; tomorrow you suppress a certain drive within yourself, so finally your consciousness splits up. No, in order to develop your spiritual power you should never give up your good desires and strivings, you should never block and split your consciousness. The spiritual forces in man develop only upon union of the consciousness. You should know that all of you are exposed to the influence of all the outside beings that have the desire to lead you away from the way. Having all this in mind you should take safe measures for recovering the initial state of your consciousness. If you retain your twisted philosophy, though, you might think that upon split of the consciousness there is some science or an acquisition. No, as regards the split of the consciousness there is not any science, any philosophy, or any acquisition at all. Consequently, whenever a desire arises within you to do some good, do not put off doing it, no matter what or how much it costs you. The desire to do good is a positive force, which gives something to the human being and never takes away anything. As soon as a desire to do even the smallest good arises within you, realize it. If you refuse to do this good, then you will feel some sadness or an indisposition. This sadness, this indisposition is your punishment because you haven’t done the good. A person who refuses to do at least the slightest good and who throws off the grief he has suffered as a result of this, will run across some misfortune. Not long after that he will, through carelessness, slip and break or dislocate his leg. This misfortune is a result of the split in his consciousness. And after that he will call a doctor, he will pay him, and then he will lie in bed for two or three months. What has he gained from all this? So all the misfortunes, all the sufferings in the human life are due to man’s reluctance to do the Will of God. In life nothing remains unpunished. – “Well, we will pay for this in some other life.” – You will not pay in any other life, though – you will pay now. Less than a week, a month or a year will pass and you will see the results from your lapse. Therefore, knowing all this, be careful of even your slightest strivings and desires. Do not neglect the small desires, do not block their manifestation. As disciples of the occult School you have to be careful and you must never block your consciousness. No matter what mistake you make – no matter if it is a small one, or a big one – be ready to make an inner confession. You have to be honest before yourselves. For instance, some young man enters a university, wants to study, to receive some education, but he is poor, he has no resources. At one time the Providence submits him to an examination in order to see in what degree he is ready to withstand his own honesty. The obstacles are being combined in such a way that he finds himself in front of the open safe of a wealthy man, he looks at the safe, then he looks at the door of the room, because he is afraid that somebody might come and see him, and after he makes sure that he is alone, he reaches in the safe, takes out two thousand levs and says, “I’ll use this sum to graduate, and after I start work I’ll help some poor students so they also can graduate some university.” What happens next? The theft is revealed and he gets caught. He starts to excuse himself, saying that he didn’t know what was in store for him, that he didn’t know he will have to bear responsibility, he thought that because he had to graduate university this was the assistance rendered to him by the very Providence. It is impossible for a man to know what the consequences will be from a theft. If he doesn’t know what these consequences might be, he will learn them in prison. Man should be honest before himself, he should confess, he should admit the mistake he made. In this way he will free his consciousness from the useless burden. This means: do not block your consciousness! So, do not neglect in yourself even the smallest Divine desire. As soon as such a desire arises into your heart – realize it. Each Divine desire is like a small seed, which you plant into the soil. As soon as you plant it, it will grow and give fruit, which you are free to pick and taste. Whenever you hold some Divine desire within yourself you are consciously blocking yourselves as a result of which you expose yourselves to the influence of many diseases. All the diseases are a result namely of this blocking caused by the failure to execute the Divine desires, which are driving you to do good. You should know that you cannot play games with the laws of the Wise Nature. Nature does not allow anyone to play games with her. Whoever tries to play games with Nature even once, will get his punishment very soon. As disciples all of you should have unity of consciousness. If you do not have such unity, then you cannot be disciples. Even if you attend the class here, you will not be accepted by those above. Unless you gain unity of consciousness, you cannot be any disciples at all. In the School disciples with a bright mind, noble heart and a solid back – to be able to bear - should be accepted. Feeble and ill disciples should not be accepted in the School. Let those who are feeble and ill stay at their homes; let them come after they recover their health. The disciple should have a diamond will, and should be able to put things into practice. No one expects from you great feats, no one wants you to save the world. You are required to do only the smallest and microscopic application of the Good. Whenever you feel some noble impulse, no matter how small it might be, give effect to this impulse. Just a minute will be necessary to realize this impulse. For instance, you go to work and on your way you meet a poor beggar; suddenly you feel a desire to say a kind word to him. Stop for a minute and ask him how his things are going. You might say, “Why should I waste my time to stop by this beggar and talk with him? If you are not ready to stop for a minute, then they will make you lose one hundred minutes. Unity of consciousness is required from you. As soon as you attain such unity, you will be able to regulate the forces within your organism. If you lack unity of consciousness, you will be led out of your way, and you will go along the left road. It is dangerous to split the human consciousness. Imagine that someone is descending to the ground with a parachute. Upon his descent the parachute must be opened by any means; if it is not opened, then death is inevitable for the one, who is using it. The opening of the parachute resembles the unity of consciousness. Why? Because Life resembles the opened parachute. By analogy with this we say, that Life resembles the unity of consciousness. Only upon this state of consciousness will you be able to control your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. You should make experiments and you should try to control yourself and to test the strength of your will. For this purpose I will suggest that you make the following experiment: we will take a big needle – a packing needle and we will stick it to a certain depth into your hand till the blood comes. After that every one of you will see how long it takes until he is able to stop the bleeding of his hand by the help of his will. After that everyone will see how long it takes to stop the pain in his hand by the help of his will. This pricking with the packing needle is just the insults and sorrows, caused to you by your relatives. If you are able to forget and transform the insult quickly, then you are a person with strong will. Only the strong people will subject themselves to this experiment, i.e. the fearless people - we will leave the timid people aside. Nature does not like timid people – it sentences them to death. It has respect towards the bold people and it is always ready to help them. Only the person, who possesses a strong will in the laws of the Wise Nature, can be bold and fearless. The timid person transgresses these laws each time – for this reason Nature has a special opinion for Him. Each person should strive towards unity of consciousness as a method of healing, as a method of work upon yourself. No matter what illness you get, it is enough to regain the unity of your consciousness, so that you get up from bed healthy and cheerful. The higher forces of consciousness are being directed towards your organism and begin to influence it until they cause a turn in your body as a result of which all the energies start to flow upwards and start to move in opposite direction. In this situation the foreign matter in the organism, which cause the diseases, immediately disappears as the dust disappears from the surface of the drum. If one of you catches cold, let him apply the same method in order to see how long it will take to restore his health. Usually, the cold lasts, at the most seven days. Sometimes it lasts for three weeks and in exceptional cases it lasts for three months. By the help of this method, though, you can cure someone of the cold in five minutes; if you do not succeed to cure yourselves of your cold in five minutes, then try to free yourselves from it within at least two or three hours, or within two or three days. Many people complain that their memory has become poor and has started to fail. The initial strength of your memory can easily be recovered. In what way? Through recovering the unity of your consciousness. In what way can this be done? As you throw out from your mind and heart all those thoughts and feelings which are disturbing you. The consciousness split is a reason for memory weakening. At the same time the consciousness split generates fear within man. Some child steals an egg from his home and from fear that his mother will catch him he pretends to be ill. The fear from the punishment is a result from the consciousness split in this child. The fear denotes a weakness of the feelings, while the pride denotes a weakness of the mind. The destructive capability of man is due to a certain contortion of his creative abilities. When the forces and the energies in the human organism divert from their right course, the man begins to devote himself to fictitious, imaginary thoughts and feelings, which cause him unnecessary sufferings. For instance, someone imagines that so and so has offended his honour. Who might offend? (UNCLEAR) And what exactly is the honour? The contemporary people are sensitive, they are easily offended, and their feelings are easily outraged. The scientists say that the man has five types of feelings, i.e. five senses. From what was the word сетиво (sense), усет (insight) derived? We say у-сет, or у-сат. The letter у denotes the man, who has seeded something. The root of the word is сат, which denotes manifestation, and at the same time also denotes something, which is limited. Consequently under the word усет (insight) we understand something which was seeded into the soil or into the consciousness, within a limited space in which it starts to grow. The root сат has a Sanskrit origin and denotes something that can be manifested, something that can be limited. The letter а in the root сат has gradually changed upon its descent, upon its involution, until it has been converted into the letter е. So, from у-сат the word усет (insight) was formed. Which of the other words that you know resembles the word усет (insight)? – The word възприятие (perception). If you remove the preposition въз, there remains the word приятие, which begins with the letter п. This letter denotes fertilization. So at first the energies are being retained, and after that they are being subjected to fertilization. The word sense denotes an external process, while the word perception denotes an internal process; it denotes growth. After the Perception, grasping follows. This grasping comes from the word хващам (grasp) something with my hand; it is a physical process. But the word схващане (grasping) begins with the letter с which shows, that the thing the man has grasped by his hand, is in an ascending state, it moves upwards. In order that this thing can grow upwards we should create favourable circumstances for its growth; we should fence it off from all sides. In order to fence something off, the human mind should function. The letter щ in the word схващам (grasp) shows, that the mind can function only when the will is also participating in order to remove the external contradictions. After it grows, what was sown will pass on to a higher stage and will come back to life. Consequently, in the grasping as a process we can denote several phases: the seeding of something, the growing of the seeded plant, and the ripening – the conversion of these energies into fruit, into something alive. The main idea of this lecture is the unity of consciousness. Where there is unity of consciousness, neither twisted thoughts can exist, nor any negative feelings. In order to reach this unity you have to be honest within yourself, you don’t have to deceive yourself. Each of you should confess his good and his bad features without trying to exaggerate or to decrease them. Judging himself properly, the disciple will be able to direct the forces of his organism all on his own. Every person has shortcomings, but some men do not like to admit this. At the present conditions of Life the shortcomings are in fact blessings for the human being. By their help man can evolve. For instance, suppose that someone is physically feeble, thin, but at the same time Nature has put into him such forces, through which he can improve his physical condition. Someone else has a sharp mind, but the centres which are behind his ears are too well developed, so this man is susceptible to destruction. What should he do? Because he has a sharp mind, he will find a way in which to transform this energy, to direct it towards the front part of his brain and to put it to work. This energy is necessary, but it has to be used wisely. For instance, the anger represents the coals, which are being thrown into the fireplace in order to put the car into motion. So you should put the coals into the fireplace, you should put the water into the steam-boiler, you should transport the steam through the pipes and you should put it to work. In this way the machine will be set in motion and will move forward. Another kind of energy within the human being is the fear, which also has to be put to work. As an element, the fear should be joined to the reason and as a result one complex body or compound called wisdom should be formed. Then we’ll have the following equation: С + Р = Б. Translating this into the chemical language, the fear will be the base, the reason will be the acid, while the wisdom will be the salt. In the realm of the animal kingdom the fear is in the first place – it rules there. The hind legs of the rabbit have undergone elongation as a result of the fear. The long ears of the rabbit show that it is wise – it is able to hear well and to think well. The rabbit likes to climb steep places – that is why its forefeet have become shorter than his hind legs. The rabbit runs very quickly upwards, but when he has to run downwards – it often rolls. The hands in man resemble the hind legs of the rabbit. The hind legs of the horse bend in one and the same way as the human hands; the forefeet of the horse bend in one and the same way as the human legs. These questions are side-issues, but it is good to contemplate upon them, to see to what this analogy is due. So, as disciples you should attain unity of consciousness and an Absolute impartiality towards yourself. The impartiality is necessary for the development of the disciple. Where there is impartiality growth should be also present; where there is no impartiality – there you cannot find any growth. When we talk about unity of consciousness we have in mind the participation of the Divine consciousness, as well as the participation of the Divine Spirit, which functions within the entirety of Nature. Where impartiality exists, a contact of the human Spirit with the Divine Spirit also exists. Every evening before you go to bed, stand upright and get in touch with the great Light within the Divine Spirit and say: “In the name of the absolute justice, I confess my mistakes and I am ready to correct them.” Without excuses, without any delay mistakes should be corrected – they should not be excused. When you promise to do good, keep your promise without fear. – But the consequences might be bad. – It is better to make a mistake, than to go back. Let’s say that you have promised to some person one thousand levs; someone comes to you and starts to tell you that this man is not honest, that he will spend your money for food etc. Whatever happens with your money, don’t change your mind. Thus you will make one mistake only, while if you change your mind and refuse to give him the money you promised, you will make two mistakes. As soon as you have promised to do some good, you should not change your mind. Even if your promise was given by mistake, you should nevertheless keep it. Be brave and decisive. In no way can you avoid the karmic consequences. In order to acquire boldness and decisiveness, start with the small experiments for which little knowledge is needed. Do not strive towards great experiments, because you are not ready for them and you still don’t have the knowledge necessary for them. Now write down the following three rules: Put the Truth into your Soul and you will attain the Freedom you are looking for. Put the Wisdom into your mind! The Light will come and the Knowledge will give you its help. Put the purity into your heart! Love will come and the real Life will begin. Write down these rules on a separate sheet of paper and put this sheet on your table, or hang it onto the wall, so that you can read them whenever you like. After you get up in the morning, the first thing you should do will be to read these rules and to contemplate over them. Read the first rule and say to yourself: “I should put the Truth into my soul! Why? So that I can be free, so that I can attain my Freedom.” After that read the second rule and say to yourself: “I should put the Wisdom into my mind! Why? So that I can acquire Knowledge.” And finally you say to yourself: “I should put Purity into my heart. Why? So that Love may come.” A secret prayer 1 Truth – In Bulgarian this is the word ‘Истина’ Source
  8. Purpose Of The Respiratory System Seventh Lecture by The Master, Petar Danov, Beinsa Douno, Held before the Youth Esoteric Class on November 22nd, 1922 Sofia Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen (This song is for harmonizing and healing – it regulates the streams of the forces in the human body, put it in harmony with the nature. The words are in an old divine language, they could not be translated literally. Approximate translation is – "Without fear and without darkness" Fir-fur is that which leads a person, and fen is that which removes the handicaps, cleans. Tao is that which surrounds, keeps the man as an environment he is immersed in. Tao means the Absolute, Not manifested, Infinite. Bi – that which manifests itself. Aumen means all qualities that contain the Divine – all that should grow and manifest itself in its integrity.) Secret prayer Now read the positive words you have written as part of your assignment. Next time you will read the negative words. For the next time, write on the topic: “The Purpose of the Respiratory System”. I will now give you an esoteric exercise, which you will do in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. You will raise your hands upward and pronounce the word light, while observing the change in your condition. Do the exercise for ten to twenty-five seconds. The hands are placed one next to the other in front of your forehead, with palms turned towards the face. After that you will lower your hands and place them on the upper part of the nose, as you pronounce the word fragrance. After you pronounce that word, you will observe what change is taking place in your condition. Finally, you will place your hands under your nose – on the upper lip, and you will pronounce the word sweetness. Again, you will observe the changes in your condition. The first word you will pronounce is light, then – fragrance, and finally – sweetness. The words go from an ascending to a descending stage: the substance of the word light is the thinnest, then it is the one of fragrance, and the most dense substance is that of the word sweetness. It feels strange to you why I am giving you the topic “The Purpose of the Respiratory System”. What knowledge do you have of breathing, why does man breathe? One breathes to maintain life, the burning inside his organism. What is burning and what is breathing? According to some, breathing is a process of cleaning. There are more than six hundred million cells in the lungs, locked in miniature chambers, miniature laboratories. When air enters the lungs, each one of these cells for a short moment serves a twofold purpose – physiological and psychological. In that sense breathing is a double process of nutrition. In a single minute one inhales twenty times, twenty lunches, and in an hour – 20 x 60 = 1200 inhalations, which amounts to 1200 lunches. If each of those lunches cost a hundred leva, then each hour for every human being 120 000 leva would be spent on breathing. For twenty-four hours one would then cost Nature 2 880 000 leva. At each inhalation Nature lays the table for someone, and at each exhalation she clears the table. At each laying and clearing of the table workers (cells) perform their duties. The work of those workers who have the ultimate task of purifying the blood is complicated. Despite all of their complex functions, you deem that those cells are not wise. The cells of the human body are wise. The cells of each organ, of each limb of the human body have a special job and purpose. And so, breathing is a dual process – physiological and psychological. The ultimate purpose of breathing as a psychological process is cleansing the mind. Therefore, breathing is related to thinking, to thought. Which kind of breathing is the best? There are three types of breathing: upper, middle and lower (depending on which part of the lungs does the most breathing). The lung resembles a complex laboratory in which a lot of energies intersect. The prana of the air penetrates into the lungs and helps oxygenating the blood even where air can hardly penetrate. The elements of Life are placed into the blood so purified. Full breathing is the best. When breathing, one must appreciate the air as an irreplaceable good. When you look at the air as an inestimable good, it penetrates even the most distant cells of the lungs, sends them its prana, its vital energy, which they extract and send throughout the organism. Mainly Love helps full breathing. So Love is first and foremost necessary condition for full breathing. When breathing, one must appreciate the air as an irreplaceable good. When you look at the air as an inestimable good, it penetrates even the most distant cells of the lungs, sends them its prana, its vital energy, which they extract and send throughout the organism. Mainly Love helps full breathing. So Love is first and foremost necessary condition for full breathing. When breathing, one must appreciate the air as an irreplaceable good. When you look at the air as an invaluable good, it penetrates even the most distant cells of the lungs, sends them its prana, its vital energy, which they extract and send throughout the organism. So Love first affects the lungs. The one who loves, expands, and so do his lungs. When a person perceives a good consciously, and with gratitude, Love begins to work inside him and elevates him. This Love is positive, ascending, and expanding for a person. Every Divine energy, which descends from above, must pass initially through the respiratory system, from there ascend to the mind, and then descend to the heart. When speaking about Love, many say that Love is blind. This expression is a remnant from the time when humanity existed under influence of the Moon – the period of constant changes. Actually, Love reveals itself in rational Life, because, by itself, Love is the most elevated thing in the world. Where Love permeates, there is Life, and culture. The Divine day begins with Love. It is said in the Holy Writing: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”. Everybody can say something, but first, one is required to perceive air along with prana, and with the Divine energy which is infused in it. When it penetrates into the mind and heart, then that energy will give someone an impulse to express himself, to say that which he is thinking of. Therefore, he who wants to speak reasonably must learn to breathe properly and to think properly. Have you ever tried to breathe silently, so that nobody can hear you? When you breathe deeply, you breathe loudly, and everybody around can hear you. It is an art to be able to breathe deeply, but silently, so that nobody can hear you. When you breathe deeply, put your hands on your stomach, so that every time you inhale and exhale air your hands lift. You must study the process of breathing properly, so that you could describe it in both the physiological and psychological manner. Study the various methods of breathing, to see which method will be the most efficient to apply. Try with every inhalation to think about the light, for you to be able to connect with its energies. Those energies are found in the air, from where you have to obtain them. When thinking about fragrance, you will obtain from the air a different sort of energies; when thinking about sweetness, you will obtain yet another sort of energies. When you are thinking about these words, while breathing simultaneously, you will see that each word reflects differently on the pulse of your heart. The smallest, slightest changes in the pulse speak of one’s delicate experiences. The abrupt changes in the pulse speak of one’s grand experiences. When a person is inspired by elevated thoughts and feelings, his heartbeat is rhythmic; his pulse is regular, and harmonious. When one lives in the field of rude, low feelings, his pulse is disharmonious and irregular – he loses the natural rhythm of his pulse. In such cases it appears to you that a person’s heart stops. This is how the heart of people who suffer from palpitations beats. There is one thing you have to learn: to breathe properly. Why? Because by breathing properly you will purify your thoughts, you will purify your blood, and you will also purify your brains. Speaking of breathing, you have to know the composition of the air. What elements are included in the air? Air is a mixture of one fifth of oxygen and four fifths of nitrogen. So the Intellectual world deals with elements of the physical world. What is released during breathing? In the process of breathing oxygen is absorbed from the air, and carbon dioxide is exhaled. In what state are the elements oxygen and nitrogen found in the air? - In a molecular state. In general, when a particular element has already been obtained from some complex body, it is in a molecular state; when it is being produced from the complex body, while its atoms have still not managed to combine into molecules, it is in an atomic state; and finally, when some complex body is dissolved in water, its elements are found in an ionic state. When are elements most active? - When they are in an ionic state. They are less active when in an atomic state and least active when in a molecular state. One has to observe himself, to see what his condition is when he is moody, excited, and angry; and what his condition is when he is calm, and in a good mood. Good and bad moods reflect on the breathing, and on the pulse. He who understands this will be able to detect a person’s physical and spiritual mood by his pulse. As disciples, you must study all of the conditions; to distinguish their substance by density, and by composition. For instance, what is the substance of anger – dense or thin? - Dense. What compounds is it made of? - Explosive substances. Anger is dangerous because of the explosions that accompany it. When one has been furious, he feels like he has been burning, as if there had been a fire inside him. A lot of time has to pass until he repairs all the damage from that fire. The damage happens in his organism. What is anger due to? - Superfluous energies in the organism. When a person has a lot of desires that he cannot fulfill, part of the energy which has been allotted for their attainment remains unused – that energy is the cause of anger in a person. Unprocessed substances in the brain cause a slight process of rotting, of fermentation, and as a result anger is provoked. Unfulfilled desires produce anger. When one is angry, this shows that he has many unrealized, unfulfilled desires. What is the cure for anger? - Implementation of those desires. Superfluous energy accumulates behind man’s ears. Among very angry people these areas have evolved significantly. Phrenologists call these centers destructive. These centers are connected with the motor muscles of the mouth and therefore, when man becomes angry, he starts moving his mouth. He who understands the law of transforming energy will know how to direct the excess energy from his ears to his brain and harness it to work. He who does not understand this law, when he gets angry, will put his tongue to work – back and forth, until he casts that energy out and relieves himself. The tongue is a machine-gun, and the words – the gunfire that pours out here and there until it runs out. When you want to know which words are negative, go to an angry man, take a pen and a sheet of paper and start writing. He will speak such negative words, that you will not be able to find them in any dictionary. If you want to know which words are positive, go to a grateful, content man, and listen to him. As a method of influencing against anger, esoteric knowledge recommends that the disciple should give up his numerous desires. The disciple is not allowed to have many desires simultaneously. Why? - Because they could not develop in the right way. It has been determined how many square meters of land are needed for a fruit-tree to grow well. If you had a quarter of an acre of land you wanted to plant with vine-stocks, you would be able to plant ten vine-stocks at the most. Should you plant any more, they develop poorly, and they would give puny fruit. Therefore, in order not to obtain puny fruit, do not rush to realize all of your desires at once. Desires of a person are in an embryonic state, and therefore he must gradually hatch them one by one, so that he can feed them in order for them to give good fruit. Every desire of a person is a capital that can be transformed into kinetic energy, but it must wait for its time to come. Every desire is a power that will give its results, but this power must be awakened at the right time. The desire must not be awakened neither earlier, nor later than the right time – for every desire there is a determined time and space, when it can be realized. If you do not observe this time, you will encounter a number of negative states, among which anger will be in the first place. When a person cannot achieve one of his desires, he becomes envious. When he begins to envy, anger will come as well. Should you want to liberate yourself from anger, you have to fulfill your desires. In order to fulfill them, they have to be few in quantity. How many desires can you realize annually? - One desire. How many classes can a disciple finish annually? - One class. The most capable of students can finish two classes, and a disciple of genius – three classes. The genius studies too, and passes grades, but for him there is a special school. The genius is also prone to mistakes; he has the circumstances to make mistakes more than the ordinary person. The genius wins a lot, loses a lot, and suffers a lot; the ordinary person wins a little, loses a little, and suffers less. To regulate the energies of your organism, you have to breathe properly, deeply. Thus, the numerous desires divert man’s attention. You meet someone – thoughtful, head bent down, looking towards the earth. That man has many desires, and as a result his breathing is poor. This has also been noticed in the life of eminent actors. When a capable actor becomes too ambitious, blood circulation inside him becomes irregular, his breathing – incomplete, and as a result he becomes nervous and gets angry. The remedy for anger is finding a friend of yours who is negative, passive; ask him to put his left hand on the right side of your head and you will see that after a short time all of the surplus energy in you will pass over to his hand and you will be relieved. You have been positive, active, and he – negative, passive, as a result of which between yourselves a right exchange has occurred. So the angry person must find a quiet, calm person to whom he can transfer some of his excess energy. It is not bad that someone gets angry, but he should know the law, harness this energy to work. It is preferable to get angry, than not to be angry at all. There are people who are passive and when they get angry they cannot express their anger externally. They act as quiet people – in reality they are not quiet. Passive anger generates fear, and active anger generates vengeance. Vengeance is particularly strong when someone tries to oppose anger. When a person gets angry, give him an opportunity to display his anger; should you stop his anger, he would start taking revenge. Why are some people incapable of getting angry? - Because they do not have a surplus of that energy. They resemble those drunkards that want to drink, but either they have no money, or there are no taverns open. So they do not have the circumstances to get drunk and so by necessity act as sober; they are ready to go to the nearest open tavern and get drunk. The truly sober, virtuous man is the one that despite having all conditions to drink or get angry, is still unable to get off his balance. Such a person has willpower, has self-control. He who has a weak willpower succumbs even to the slightest temptation. Now, as disciples of an esoteric School, you must study the contradictions that you stumble upon. You have to study the various states that you go through. Sometimes you sit, you feel somehow oddly uneasy, and you do not know where to put your hands: you put them in front – you are not comfortable, you put them along your body or behind you – again you do not feel comfortable. If you understood the deep meaning of your condition, you would describe it easily. Hands represent the human willpower. When you do not know where to put your hands, this means that you do not know with what kind of movement you have to manifest your willpower. When you put your hands behind your back, in front of you or alongside your body, by doing this you are looking for the most suitable method of manifesting your willpower. As soon as you find a suitable place for your hands, you will have already solved the question as to what way you should manifest your willpower. As a first method of manifesting willpower, there is the application of the law of transforming energies in your body through the lungs. Eastern nations pay great attention to breathing as a method of work in many directions. Western nations also wanted to use this method, but as utter materialists, it gave them bad results. They wanted in a quick way to achieve a lot of things, but paid dearly for that haste. Love is required from people, so that they could use properly the knowledge of breathing. Without Love there can be no breathing. The first condition is that Love participates in breathing. If Love does not participate in breathing, you can have no success. In that situation the organism cannot handle its superfluous energy, as a result several negative states are born within the human body. When breathing is not done properly, semi-organic substances start to build layers of sediments in the organism, which are the cause of all illnesses. Thanks to these sediments, these semi-organic materials, the human blood cannot be properly purified, and this causes the growth of many microbes. Now you have an idea of how complex the breathing process is. It is enough to imagine those six-hundred million workers, who work selflessly day and night, so that you can comprehend what a great process is preformed inside your organism. Besides, each cell has its own strictly defined specialty. If you do not consider this process consciously, you will say that living is not worthwhile. No, living is worthwhile. Each inhalation and exhalation is the result of the work, the effort of millions of workers. Therefore, breathe consciously, with Love, if you want always to have a good inner disposition. Should you get a bit angry, all harmony in the organism is disrupted, and along with that, breathing becomes irregular. To understand how expensive each human is to Nature, make a calculation on how much is spent on a person per year. As you know how much is paid for twenty-four hours, you will easily calculate the expense for a year. And that is an expense only for breathing. Calculate after that how much is spent on workers in the stomach, in the brains, and in all other organs and limbs. After all this, somebody will come and say that Life was worth nothing, and that everything had been given to us for free. So is for those who do not understand. One, who understands, knows how expensive Life is, even for the smallest creature, and even more for a human being. You are fed by Nature, without realizing how many resources it spends on you. Indeed do children realize how much their parents spend on them? However, when they grow up, when they start supporting themselves, then they see how much they have cost their parents. It is not an easy job raising a child. When you render an accurate account of all the resources Nature spends on you, you will understand what a great thing human life is. A then a great feeling of gratitude will awaken in your soul for the Life that has been given to you. Only at this consciousness level will you understand the deep meaning of the words “On blessing we live”. Secret Prayer Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen translation - Nevenka Dimitrova
  9. urpose Of The Respiratory System Seventh Lecture by The Master, Held before the Youth Esoteric Class on November 22nd, Sofia Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen Secret prayer Now read the positive words you have written. Next time you will read the negative words. For the next time, write on the topic: “The Purpose of the Respiratory System”. I will now give you a psychic exercise, which you will do in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. You will raise your hands upward and pronounce the word light, while observing the change in your condition. Do the exercise for ten to twenty-five seconds. The hands are placed one next to the other in front of your forehead, with palms turned towards the face. After that you will lower your hands and place them on the upper part of the nose, as you pronounce the word fragrance. After you pronounce that word, you will observe what change is taking place in your condition. Finally, you will place your hands under your nose – on the upper lip, and you will pronounce the word sweetness. Again you will observe the changes in your condition. The first word you will pronounce is light, then – fragrance, and finally – sweetness. The words go from an ascending to a descending stage: the substance of the word light is the thinnest, then it is the one of fragrance, and the thickest substance is that of the word sweetness. It feels strange to you why I am giving you the topic “The Purpose of the Respiratory System”. What knowledge do you have of breathing, why does man breathe? Man breathes to maintain life, the burning inside his organism. What is burning and what is breathing? According to some, breathing is a process of cleaning. There are more than six hundred million cells in the lungs, locked in miniature chambers, miniature laboratories. When air enters the lungs, each one of these cells for a short moment serves a twofold purpose – physiological and psychic. In that sense breathing is a double process of nutrition. In a single minute man inhales twenty times, twenty lunches, and in an hour – 20 x 60 = 1200 inhalations, 1200 lunches. If each of those lunches cost a hundred leva1, then each hour for every human 120 000 leva would be spent on breathing. For twenty-four hours he would then cost Nature 2 880 000 leva. At each inhalation Nature lays the table for man, and at each exhalation she clears the table. At each laying and clearing of the table workers perform their duties. Complicated is the work of those workers who have the utmost task of cleansing the blood. Despite all of their complex functions, you deem that those cells are not wise. Wise are the cells of the human organism. The cells of each organ, of each limb of the human organism have a special position and purpose. And so, breathing is a twofold process – physiological and psychic. The ultimate purpose of breathing as a psychic process is cleansing the mind. Hence, breathing is connected with thinking, with thought. Which kind of breathing is the best? There are three types of breathing: upper, medium and lower (depending on which part of the lungs does the most breathing). The lung resembles a complex laboratory in which a lot of energies intersect. The prana2 of the air penetrates into the lungs and helps ozonizing the blood even where air could hardly penetrate. Into such sublime blood the elements of Life are placed. Full breathing is the best. Mainly Love helps full breathing. So Love is first and foremost necessary condition for full breathing. When man breathes, he must value the air as an irreplaceable welfare. When you look upon air as an invaluable welfare, it penetrates into the furthest cells of your lungs, sends them its prana, its vital power, which they extract and dispatch over the whole organism. So Love first affects the lungs. He who loves, he expands, and so do his lungs. When man adopts a benefit consciously, and with gratitude, Love begins to operate inside him and elevates him. This Love is positive, ascending, and it broadens man. Every Divine energy, which descends from above, must pass initially through the respiratory system, from there ascend to the mind, and after that go down to the heart. When speaking about Love, many say that Love is blind. This expression is a remnant from the time when humanity existed under influence of the Moon – the period of constant changes. Actually Love reveals itself in rational Life, because, by itself, Love is the most elevated thing in the world. Where Love permeates, there is Life, and culture. The Divine day begins with Love. It is said in the Holy Writ: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”. Everybody can say something, but first, man is required to perceive air along with prana, and with the Divine energy which is infused in it. When it penetrates into the mind and heart, then that energy will give an impulse for man to express himself, to say that which he is thinking of. Therefore, he who wants to speak reasonably must learn to breathe properly and to think properly. Have you ever tried to breathe silently, so that nobody can hear you? When you breathe deeply, you breathe loud, and everybody around can hear you. It is an art to be able to breathe deeply, but silently, so that nobody can hear you. When you breathe deeply, put your hands on your stomach, so that every time you inhale and exhale air your hands lift. You must study the process of breathing properly, so that you could describe it in both the physiological and psychic relation. Study the various methods of breathing, in order to see which method will be the most efficient to apply. Try with every inhalation to think about the light, in order for you to be able to connect with its energies. Those energies are found in the air, from where you have to obtain them. When thinking about fragrance, you will obtain from the air a different sort of energies; when thinking about sweetness, you will obtain a third sort of energies. When you are thinking about these words, while breathing simultaneously, you will see that each word reflects differently on the pulse of your heart. The smallest, slightest changes in the pulse speak of delicate experiences of man. The abrupt changes in the pulse speak of grand experiences of man. When man is inspired by elevated thoughts and feelings, his heartbeat is rhythmic; his pulse is regular, and harmonious. When man lives in the field of rude, base feelings, his pulse is disharmonious and irregular – he loses the natural rhythm of his pulse. In such cases it appears to you that the heart of man stops. Thus beats the heart of men who suffer from palpitations. There is one thing you have to learn: to breathe correctly. Why? Because by breathing correctly you will cleanse your thoughts, you will cleanse your blood, and you will also cleanse your brains. Speaking of breathing, you have to know the composition of air. What elements are included in air? Air is a mixture of one fifth of oxygen and four fifths of nitrogen. So the Intellectual world deals with elements of the physical world. What is released during breathing? In the process of breathing oxygen is absorbed from the air, and carbon dioxide is exhaled. In what state are the elements oxygen and nitrogen found in the air? - In a molecular state. In general, when a particular element has already been obtained from some compound body, it is in a molecular state; when it is being obtained from the compound body, while its atoms have still not managed to combine into molecules, it is in an atomic state; and finally, when some compound body is dissolved in water, its elements are found in an ionic state. When are elements most active? - When they are in an ionic state. They are less active when in an atomic state and least active when in a molecular state. Man has to observe himself, to see what his condition is when he is moody, excited, and angry; and what his condition is when he is calm, and in a good mood. Good and bad moods reflect on the breathing, and on the pulse. He who understands this will be able to detect a man’s physical and spiritual mood by his pulse. As disciples, you must study all of the conditions; to distinguish their substance by thickness, and by composition. For instance, what is the substance of anger – thick or thin? - Thick. What compounds is it made of? - Explosive substances. Anger is dangerous because of the explosions that accompany it. When one has been furious, he feels like he has been burning, as if there had been a fire inside him. A lot of time has to pass until he repairs all the damage from that fire. The damage happens in his organism. What is anger due to? - Superfluous energies in the organism. When man has a lot of desires that he cannot fulfill, part of the energy which has been allotted for their attainment is left unused – that energy is the cause of anger in man. Unprocessed material in the brain causes a slight process of rotting, of fermentation, and as a result anger is provoked. Unfulfilled desires produce anger. When one is angry, this shows that he has many unrealized, unfulfilled desires. What is the cure for anger? - Implementation of those desires. Superfluous energy accumulates behind man’s ears. Among very angry people these areas have evolved significantly. Phrenologists call these centers destructive. These centers are connected with the motor muscles of the mouth and therefore, when man becomes angry, he starts moving his mouth. He who understands the law of transforming energy will know in what way to channel surplus energy from his ears to his brains and put it into work. He who does not understand this law, when he gets angry, will put his tongue to work – back and forth, until he casts that energy out and relieves himself. The tongue is a machine-gun, and the words – the gunfire that pours out here and there until it is all over. When you want to know which words are negative, go to an angry man, take a pen and a sheet of paper and start writing. He will speak such negative words, that you will not be able to find them in any dictionary. If you want to know which words are positive, go to a grateful, content man, and listen to him. As a method of influence upon anger, occult knowledge recommends that the disciple should forgo his numerous desires. The disciple is not allowed to have many desires simultaneously. Why? - Because they could not evolve regularly. It has been determined how many square meters of land are needed for a fruit-tree to grow well. If you had a quarter of an acre3 of land you wanted to plant with vine-stocks, you would be able to plant ten vine-stocks at the most. Should you plant any more, they would grow weak, and they would give puny fruit. Therefore, in order not to obtain puny fruit, do not rush to realize all of your desires at once. Desires of man are in embryo, and therefore he must gradually hatch them one by one, so that he can feed them in order for them to give good fruit. Every desire of man is a capital that can be transformed into kinetic energy, but it must wait for its time to come. Every desire is a power that will give its results, but this power must be awakened at its allotted time. The desire must not be awakened neither earlier, nor later than the allotted time – for every desire there is a determined time and space, when it can be realized. Should not you abide by that time, you would stumble upon a number of negative states, among which in the first place would be anger. When man cannot achieve one of his desires, he becomes envious. When he begins to envy, anger will come as well. Should you want to liberate yourself from anger, you have to attain your desires. In order to attain them, they have to be few in quantity. How many desires can you realize annually? - One desire. How many classes can a disciple finish annually? - One class. The most capable of students can finish two classes, and a disciple of genius – three classes. The genius studies too, and passes grades, but for him there is a special school. The genius is also prone to mistakes; he has the circumstances to make mistakes more than the ordinary man. The genius wins a lot, loses a lot, and suffers a lot; the ordinary man wins a little, loses a little, and suffers less. To regulate the energies of your organism, you have to breathe correctly, deeply. Thus, the numerous desires divert man’s attention. You meet someone – thoughtful, head bent down, looking towards the earth. That man has many desires, and as a result his breathing is poor. This has also been noticed in the life of eminent actors. When a capable actor becomes too ambitious, blood circulation inside him becomes irregular, his breathing – incomplete, and as a result he becomes nervous and gets angry. The remedy for anger is finding a friend of yours who is negative, passive; ask him to put his left hand on the right side of your head and you will see that after a short time all of the surplus energy in you will pass over to his hand and you will be relieved. You have been positive, active, and he – negative, passive, as a result of which between yourselves a right exchange has occurred. So the wrathful person must find a quiet, peaceful person to pass a part of his superfluous energy to. It is not bad that man gets angry, but he should know the law, and put that energy to work. It is preferable that man gets angry, instead of not getting angry at all. There are people who are passive and when they get angry they cannot express their anger externally. They act as quiet people – in reality they are not quiet. Passive anger generates fear, and active anger generates vengeance. Vengeance is particularly strong when someone tries to oppose anger. When a man gets angry, give him an opportunity to display his anger; should you stop his anger, he would start taking revenge. Why are some people incapable of getting angry? - Because they do not have a surplus of that energy. They resemble those drunkards that want to drink, but either they have no money, or there are no taverns open. So they do not have the circumstances to get drunk and so by necessity act as sober; they are ready to go to the nearest open tavern and get drunk. The truly sober, virtuous man is the one that despite having all conditions to drink or get angry, is still unable to get off his balance. Such a person has a will, has self-control. He who has a weak will succumbs even to the slightest temptation. Now, as disciples of an occult School, you must study the contradictions that you stumble upon. You have to study the various states that you go through. Sometimes you sit, you feel somehow oddly uneasy, and you do not know where to put your hands: you put them in front – you are not comfortable, you put them along your body or behind you – again you do not feel comfortable. If you understood the deep meaning of your condition, you would describe it easily. Hands represent the human will. When you do not know where to put your hands, this means that you do not know with what kind of movement you have to display your will. When you put your hands behind your back, in front of you or alongside your body, by doing this you are looking for the most suitable method of displaying your will. As soon as you find a suitable place for your hands, you will have already solved the question as to what way you should display your will. As a first method of displaying will, there is the application of the law of transforming energies in your organism via the lungs. Eastern nations pay great attention to breathing as a method of work in many directions. Western nations also wanted to use this method, but as utter materialists, it gave them bad results. They wanted in a quick way to achieve a lot of things, but paid dearly for that haste. Love is required from people, so that they could use properly the knowledge of breathing. Without Love there can be no breathing. The first condition is that Love participates in breathing. If Love does not participate in breathing, you can have no success. In that situation the organism cannot handle its superfluous energy, as a result a number of negative states are born in a man. When breathing is not done properly, semi-organic materials start to build layers of sediments in the organism, which are the cause of all illnesses. Thanks to these sediments, these semi-organic materials, the blood of man cannot be properly cleansed and causes the growth of many microbes. Now you have an idea of how complex the breathing process is. It is enough to imagine those six-hundred million workers, who work selflessly day and night, so that you can comprehend what a great process is preformed inside your organism. Besides, each cell has its own strictly defined specialty. If you do not consider this process consciously, you will say that living is not worthwhile. No, living is worthwhile. Each inhalation and exhalation is the result of the work, the effort of millions of workers. Therefore, breathe consciously, with Love, if you want always to have a good inner disposition. Should you get a bit angry, all harmony in the organism is disrupted, and along with that, breathing becomes irregular. To understand how expensive each human is to Nature, make a calculation on how much is spent on him in a year. As you know how much is paid for twenty-four hours, you will easily calculate the expense for a year. And that is an expense only for breathing. Calculate after that how much is spent on workers in the stomach, in the brains, and in all other organs and limbs. After all this, somebody will come and say that Life was not worth anything, and that everything had been given to us for free. Such is for those who do not understand. One, who understands, knows how expensive Life is, even for the smallest creature, and even more for man. You are fed by Nature, without realizing how many resources it spends on you. Indeed do children realize how much their parents spend on them? However, when they grow up, when they start supporting themselves, then they see how much they have cost their parents. It is not an easy job raising a man. When you render an exact account of all the resources Nature spends on you, you will see what a thing man is. Then in your soul will awaken a great feeling of gratitude to Life, which has been given to you. Only at this consciousness will you understand the deep meaning of the words “On blessing we live”. Secret Prayer Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen 1 1 lv. = 0.5 euro today, although in the days the lecture was written, a lev was worth far less than that. 2 This is an ancient Sanskrit word that describes favourable energies in the air. There is no equivalent neither in English, nor in Bulgarian. 3 In the text a unit equal to a fourth of the acre is used. I could not find an equivalent in English and I decided to leave it as it is. Source
  10. Ани

    1922_11_08 Harmonization of Energies

    Harmonization of Energies Master’s Sixth Lecture delivered at the Youth Esoteric Class on 8 November 1922 – Wednesday, 19.00h, Sofia Fir-für-fen, Tao-bi-aumen Secret prayer Your topic to write on for the next time is, “The Difference between Soul and Spirit”. When writing on the topic each one of you should try to feel free, not to be under the influence of anyone else’s opinion, or of what certain authorities have written. Each one shall be one’s own authority. Write about what you know and what you understand the soul and spirit to be. You may also read what other authors have written on the issue, but it is important for you not to be influenced, to be true to your own understanding. What is your understanding of the word difference? You talk about the difference between two variables, between two equations. What we mean, when two variables are compared, is the difference between them. There is a quantitative difference; there is also a qualitative difference. People speak about difference in colours, so there must be a difference between the quantities of vibrations. We also talk about difference in the beliefs of various people; what is meant here is the degree of human evolution, and the lifestyle people keep. Everyone lives according to one’s beliefs. Human intelligence, as well as human life, is determined by one’s beliefs. Therefore, people say, “Do not dwell upon what one says, but dwell upon the way one lives.” One’s life style determines one’s beliefs, one’s views, and convictions. Some say that they believe in God, but when requested to do a favour they immediately delve into their memory to find out whether the person requesting the favour has done any wrong or harm to them. And if one is found, then they immediately give up doing the favour. Such people remember the evil for years. What belief can this be, to remember the evil? I now want to take your attention to the consonants. In this particular case neither the character of the letters nor the symbol, expressed by them, is of importance; the importance is the intensity of energy contained in each letter and needed to pronounce it. For example in order to pronounce ‘b’ one brings the lips nearer and applies a little tension. The upper lip is connected with the forces of the Astral World. Two types of energies flow out of the lips simultaneously: active energy from the upper lip, and passive energy from the lower lip. The letter ‘b’ stands for the creative principle in Nature. Note that when one wants to do something, one is tense, and makes an effort as if pronouncing the letter ‘b’. Chest thrown out, eyebrows puckered, straining oneself, one says, “Baa, I can do this thing!” Which is to say; that having pronounced the ‘b’ sound you connect to certain types of energies in Nature. This shows that nothing is accidental, nothing happens by chance. The graphic sign for the ‘b’ sound may vary with different peoples, but the particular energy related with the sound is not accidental. The intensity of this energy is a precisely determined quantity. Having pronounced this sound, one manifests one’s desire to create; in order to realise one’s desire, one should know how to pronounce it. When God pronounced this sound, He created the world; He said, “Let there be Light!” The Holy Scripture is known as The Bible, where the first letter is again ‘b’1. While pronouncing the sound ‘v’ you place the upper teeth upon the lower lip. Teeth are connected with the physical world. Hence, when pronouncing this sound there goes a unification of an active principle from the physical world (teeth) with a passive principle from the Astral world (lower lip). When pronouncing the ‘g’ sound, you have to pay attention to the position of the tongue. The word ‘glottal’ begins with the ‘g’ character2. Such is the shape formed when pronouncing the ‘g’ sound. This shape stands for infinity. When pronouncing the sound ‘g’, the tongue touches against the palate, close to the throat, which is to say that you have to understand the measures used to determine the infinite order of energies or figures. With the sound of ‘g’ there is a little rounding of the epiglottis, not of the lips. This sound represents a musical figure. The energies connected with it come from the Spiritual World, therefore the word ‘God’ also begins with the same letter. The letter ‘G’ designates infinity3; it is the sign for infinity. When we say that God is infinite, boundless, this particular attribute is contained in the letter ‘G’ standing at the beginning of the word. When pronouncing the ‘d’ sound, the tongue touches the palate, up there near the teeth. The tongue stands for the reasonable principle in human beings. The palate represents an active principle from the Divine world. Thus, when articulating the ‘d’ sound the principle of Reason within human beings interacts with the Divine world. The function of the tongue is three fold: to taste, i.e. to try the taste of things, to move, and to talk. When articulating the ‘d’ sound its tip only touches slightly to the Divine World. The sound ‘d’ contains such an active power, which is capable of reconciling the oppositions between the physical and the Divine Worlds. This letter represents an equilibrium law. The ‘d’ contains such rules, through which the forces of Nature can be regulated, counter-balanced and harmonised. When articulating the ‘e’ sound, there is a slight contracting of the throat and the tongue has a special position in the mouth – it touches slightly upon the lower teeth, upon its passive side. The letter ‘e’ stands for propagation in Nature. At the same time, it also designates two semi-circles, resulting from the division of the circle in two parts. The sign, placed in this position denotes the sound ‘e’, while when it is turned to face west, the same sign denotes the number ‘3’4, if turned upwards to face north, then it denotes the Hebrew letter for ‘sh’, ‘shin’, ‘w’. From this point of view, the sign of the letter ‘e’ denotes descent of Divine energies into the physical world, to be utilized for the propagation and realization of everything that wants to manifest, to materialize itself. When articulating the ‘z’ like in the word measure [mezə], (the Bulgarian sign for this letter is ‘ж’), there is a small hole between the palate and the tongue. This is to show that this sound is connected to such energies, which facilitate the growth of organic seeds in Life. If you examine the Bulgarian letter ‘ж’ carefully, you will note that it consists of two shin’s or of two letters ‘e’ – one facing up, the other facing down. This is to show that there is a double growth in this case; the upper growth is in the branches where there are blossoms and fruit, and the lower growth is in the roots, which grow, get stronger and propagate. Hence, the sound ‘z’/‘ж’ is connected with forces and energies fostering growth and evolution.5 Fig. 1 (up) and 2 (bottom) One should study the sounds in order to get connected with the energies flowing through them, so that one can experience the influence. It is the energies, which come out of the thoughts, feelings, words and acts of human beings, which account for the harmonic or disharmonic situations experienced by human beings. Imagine you are thinking about a friend of yours, and when you remember about him or her, you feel pleasurably harmonically predisposed. What is the reason for this predisposing? The good thought you are sending out to your friend. Thoughts do not travel along straight lines; they follow sort of wavy lines. At the same time, your friend is sending out a good thought to you, and is at the same time, preparing to visit you, as he or she had promised. Your thoughts meet your friend’s thoughts and the thoughts of both of you follow a proper exchange. As thoughts are wavy in shapes, the ups in your friend’s thoughts coincide with the downs of your thoughts and they continue on their way (Figure 1). What you feel is harmony spreading over you. However, the least suspicion in respect of your friend breaks the harmony of your thoughts and you feel a headache, a tension around the temples. Suspicion causes the collision of your thoughts. How do such collisions occur? The ups of your friend’s thoughts no longer get into the downs of your thoughts, but ups meet ups, hence the repulsion of thoughts (Figure 2). This repulsion is the cause of your headache. So, when there is harmony in the thoughts of one person or between the thoughts of two or more persons, there always appears Light; as soon as the harmony between thoughts is interrupted, darkness and obscurity come to one’s mind. This law can be verified everywhere in Life. A teacher explains a problem to his students. If a student is in doubt whether he or she can understand the problem, immediately the explanations given by the teacher vanish and the problem becomes obscure, non-understandable. Therefore, when the teacher explains something, the students must be in harmonic connection with the teacher. A single doubt interrupts the connection. When the students are in connection with their teacher, the latter elevates their thoughts higher, links them with the vibrations of his own thoughts and the students are happy and find the subject clear and easy to understand. They are glad that there is light in their mind and consciousness. This is how, when two harmonic thoughts meet, there appear waves, which flow properly along their course. The ups of the one thought get into the downs of the other thought and thus they form one wave (Figure 1). Similar is the position of two cogwheels, when they get into each other. If the movement of these two wheels is altered this immediately leads to disharmony and they stop moving. If they do not stop, there will be frictions, which may break some of the cogs. You may perform an experiment, to find out what impact harmonic and disharmonic thoughts have upon people. Out of two thoughts in harmony, one is positive – it is connected with the cold currents in Nature; the other thought bears negative energy – it is connected with the warm currents in Nature. As long as one keeps moving between these two currents, one finds oneself feeling all right, and healthy. Then in the one hemisphere of one’s brain there appear cold currents, while in the other – warm, magnetic currents. When the head gets hot, one finds oneself sick. In order to restore one’s healthy condition, one has to trigger a certain split of the mind within, so that there would be two different currents running in the two hemispheres of the brain. As soon as such a state is achieved, blood starts circulating properly and one starts feeling healthy. Rain in Nature is also formed under the same conditions, namely when two different currents – the one warm, the other one cold – meet. The same can be said about the origin of one’s thoughts and desires – they are also formed when two opposite waves or currents meet. Let’s go back to letters and words. When you pronounce letters, it would be good if you write them and study the movements of the throat, tongue, and lips. Little by little, you will move from letters to words. You will see that many words are grammatically correct in writing, but there is a certain lack of correspondence between their meanings and the forces acting within them. For example, the word criminal, by its meaning is a bad word, but as far as the forces or energies contained within are concerned, it exhibits an ascending movement6. When you call someone a criminal, you mean a person violating the law. However, the energies contained in this word are of an ascending order. This word is of a noble origin. With the Bulgarians when a child starts walking, i.e. the child makes its first step in life, the mother makes honey bread and invites neighbours to a treat. Consider there is a prison awaiting the criminal, while there is bread awaiting the newly walking child. This shows that even though certain words have acquired negative meanings, they have not completely lost their purity, have not been corrupted. I shall explain how this happens in the following example: Imagine you have a beautiful bottle made of pure high-quality porcelain; and you pour strong acid into the bottle. Acid is harmful, dangerous, but it does not corrupt the bottle, it does not penetrate through the holes of the porcelain. When the bottle is emptied you want to pour pure fine water into it. What do you have to do? You rinse the bottle thoroughly, and you see that it becomes pure, so that you can freely fill it with water. What does this show? This shows that the contents of the bottle were impure, but the very bottle itself has retained its primary features. Similar is the situation with the word criminal, which is corrupted only in its sense, but not in its primary origin, substance, and vibrations. As soon as we get rid of its sense, it acquires the features it originally had. Apart from form, contents and sense, words also have age. Some words come to live only a few years; others – a hundred, two hundred years, while still others – live a thousand years, two thousand, and longer. The word criminal is not a negative word, but it acquired a completely different meaning in Bulgarian and has become corrupted. Similarly, the word chantteuse is corrupted. It is of French origin. France is its native land, its mother and father are there, and it means a lady-singer. This word is of a high, noble origin. When it left its fatherland, it was motherless and fatherless, wandered among foreign peoples, knocked on foreign doors, which completely distorted its sense and meaning. Wherever it wandered, it was made do servant’s work – to wash up the dishes, and consequently the word today is corrupted. Chansonnier is understood today to mean an easy profligate woman of low morals. So, while you are studying various languages, pay attention to the positive and negative words. For example, the word light is positive, while the word darkness – is negative. Darkness always follows Light. These are two sisters; one is dressed in dark clothes, the other – in light ones. Having dipped below the horizon, Light becomes invisible. Darkness, however, follows it closely. Therefore, darkness is the opposite force to Light, to Love – hatred, to the Good – the evil. Light, Love, and Good are positive words, while darkness, hatred, and evil – negative ones. While classifying the words in such a manner you will dwell on the word criminal, to find out which other word corresponds to the contents implied in it. You have to find the father and mother of the word criminal, to study its origin. If the mother and father of this word are good, noble people, it is impossible for their daughter or son to be criminals – this is the law. Although, sometimes while a person is growing there are deviations – but there is no way such a deviation can be a crime. You say that the word criminal can be substituted with the word evil-doer. This word means a person who works according to negative methods. While studying the positive and negative words in any language, you have to dwell also upon the neutral words. For next time make a list of fifty positive and fifty negative words so that you could see whether the contents and sense of the words always correspond to their outer appearance, to their external expression. Being esoteric disciples, you have to do a number of exercises, to reach a point where you would understand words by their contents and sense. Why? Because esoteric disciples are not allowed to use ambiguous words. When you want to state a Truth, the words you use have to be positive in form, in content, and in sense. Moreover, each word represents a picture, an image of something alive, be it from the physical or Spiritual worlds. Remember the first esoteric musical exercise you were given at the Esoteric School. The first musical exercise was from the physical world: “Force alive, spring-like, flowing”. It represents a live picture of flowing moving waters. The second musical exercise was “The Sun is rising”. When you articulate the words the Sun is rising, you start thinking. You can see, before you, a live picture of the rising Sun – you can imagine how the Sun is rising, how it sends its light to all Nature, and what this light performs. “The Sun is rising, sending its light, bringing joy to life.” What is this Joy due to? Joy is due to the fact that all plants shoot, grow and develop. This is another picture, but it belongs to the Astral world, where the energies are superior, finer than the ones in the physical world. The third musical exercise that was given to you was “Honey Sweet”. It also conjures a number of pictures in your imagination – about the Sun, the flowers, bees and their lives, their culture, their great purity. These pictures bring meaning to the words of honey sweet. It is from these pictures that the idea, contained in the words honey sweet, stands out. The sweet has come from the Sun and has penetrated the flowers, from where bees suck it out and processes it. They convert it into honey and use it for food. When you try to visualize the picture about the life of the bees, the first that meets the eye is their physical cleanliness and great assiduousness. The tiniest deviation from the law is enough to inflict a severe punishment to any bee. Well, when studying a language it is good for you to classify the words in such a way that each one falls into the relevant world – physical, Astral or Mental. Thus allocated, each one at its own place, the words will be clear, understandable in meaning and content. Then there will be no such ambiguity, as you sometimes encounter with certain words. For example, you often use the word love, but some feel shy when they pronounce it, while others are wondering what kind of love is meant. This shows that this word has several meanings, which result from the various currents within it – ascending and descending. The fact that you ask yourselves what kind of love is meant shows that there are several kinds of manifestations of love: love manifested among animals, among people, among Angels, and finally there comes the Divine Love. What is the difference between Angels Love and Divine Love? As disciples of Love, you will say what the difference is between the one and the other kind of love. (- Divine Love contains forces, conditions for growth) – Divine Love stands out with Absolute fidelity – within it there is no changing, no betrayal; it does not alter by form, or content, or by meaning. Angels love alters by form, but never by content and meaning. If it does not alter by content and meaning, then this shows that Angels love is free of passion. If you talk to an Angel about passions, the Angel will understand nothing: Angels are absolutely ignorant in this respect. As far as human love is concerned, you are familiar with it, no need to dwell upon it. You all know that human love is interspersed with animal love, and this is precisely why it changes by form, by content, but not by meaning. It includes passion and excludes Purity. A distinctive feature of human love is that it always imposes restrictions. Suffice to say that if somebody falls in love with you, he or she immediately restricts you. He or she says, “I love you and you will mix only with me and my friends, you have no right to befriend anybody else outside this circle.” Animal love changes by form, by content, and by meaning; it is forgetful of everything. If we examine closely the Latin word anima meaning soul, and the word animal7, by content and by meaning, we consider them positive words. When we want to exaggerate something, to show that the energies flowing somewhere are lower, we use the word animal, but this word, does not in the least, contain lower energies within it. There are, for example, animals that manifest love at a level higher than human love. A rat was observed taking grains to a pigeon, to feed the pigeon. We consider animal love at a lower level, because it is predominantly connected with matter. It does not acknowledge a world higher than the material one; as soon as the material world stops existing, the animal love comes to an end as well. Animal love goes as far as their interests are connected with matter. Human love, however, spans both worlds - the material and the Spiritual worlds. When you study the bird life, you notice that they get together in great numbers not out of love, but out of need to defend themselves, to attack their prey etc. They disperse as soon as the danger is over. Human beings also pass through all of these states. In order to arrive at great Love, human beings have to go through all the phases of Love – through animal love, through Angels love and finally one will enter Divine Love. These are phases of Love, which one has to observe and study within oneself. So, as long as human beings are preoccupied only with material life, they are within the confines of animal love; as long as human beings are preoccupied with material and spiritual life, they are within the confines of human love; as soon as human love sheds passion, human beings enter upon Angels love; and finally when human beings get to know the reasons for all phenomena in Life, they enter upon Divine Love. If you want to verify the truthfulness of my words, keep an eye on your manifestations, as well on the manifestations of the people close to you, so that you can find what phase of Love you have reached. You will notice what subtle distinctions there exist in the various manifestations of Love with different people. Being esoteric disciples, you have to study Love in all its manifestations, in order to understand the supreme Love – God’s Love. If the word Love is not determined, the reason for this is that it contains four types of currents within, amongst which there is a certain correlation. Out of these four types of currents in Nature you can make four equations, where you will designate Divine Love with the letter “D”, Angels Love – with the letter “A”, the love of human beings - with the letter “M” (from the word manas, meaning man), while animal love – with the letter “N”8. If the stomach prevails over the other organs, one manifests human love; if the lungs prevail, one manifests Angels love; if the brains prevail, one manifests Divine Love. Fig. 3 Now, if the width of the head, i.e. if the width of the brain is bigger than the length, this shows, that with this person animal love prevails. The width of the head is measured by the distance from the one ear to the other one. The bigger the width of the head, the greater the intensity of forces active in these centres. Apart from its width, each organ has certain activity, which is a function of its volume, of the space it takes at a given moment. If you draw radii from the middle of the ear to the front and upper part of the head, the length of the radii will allow you to determine the kind of love within this person (Figure 3). If the OA radius is longer than the other radii, human love prevails; if the OB radius is longer than the others – Angels love prevails; if the OC radius is longer than the rest – Divine Love prevails. Hence, the length of the radii determines the intensity of Love manifesting itself in a person. The length of the radii determines the degree of Love’s intensity. Fig. 4 If we draw two lines from the ear – one, OA, above the nose, and the other, OB, below the nose, there will be an angle of 30 determining the intelligence of the person (Figure 4). The value of this angle determines the various degrees of intelligence with animals. Originally, the brain’s centre of gravity was located somewhere behind, but alongside the gradual evolution of humankind, the centre of gravity moved to the front part of the brain. This is exactly why the forehead of the human being is straight, while that of animals – is slanted, sloping. This is the reason accounting why animals walk on four legs, not on two like human beings. The AOB angle determines the intensity of mental energies with human beings. If you examine how the word love9 is written in Bulgarian, you will notice that the first letter ‘v’ represents an angle, similar to the AOB angle. This angle is composed by two variables – AO and BO, which head in two different directions and counteract each other. When you write the word love, you will notice that the ABC angle (Figure 5), which is a replica of the letter “V”, is also formed by two variables AB and BC, moving in different directions. In order to implant reason into Love, you have to link the A and C points with a straight line, so that you draw a triangle. In this situation, the three sides of the triangle can be equal, but their lengths depend on the direction of movement of the AB and BC lines. If these lines are longer or shorter than the AC line, there will be a right-angled triangle, to which one can apply the Pythagoras theorem: the sum of the squares of the two catheti is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The surface area is a measure for forces. Thus, the forces acting within the square of the hypotenuse are equal to the sum of the forces acting within the squares of the two catheti. Fig. 5 Often in life, people talk about the straight path, which is symbolically represented by a straight line. However, the straight line does not in the slightest mean a straight path. The straight line determines the shortest distance between two points, but in no way does it determine the straight path. Why? Because even villains choose the shortest path, without actually taking the straight path. There is a huge difference between a straight line and a straight path. The straight path is determined by the intensity of the forces acting within a person. I shall give you a graphical representation of this idea (Figure 6). There are the forces – M and N – coming from two different directions and moving towards point A, but they encounter the resistance, CD, and are repelled. This resistance is a rock, in the middle of which there is a spring A. The M and N forces heading towards A, represent the forces of the mind, MA, and of the heart, NA. When these forces encounter the resistance, CD, they go back, forming a circle. Having traversed this circle, they go back to where they have come from. To avoid repulsion these forces have to be employed to work. This is to be done by the will. The will is a force, which employs one’s thoughts and feelings to work, and produces a number of actions. When a person has a weak will one’s thoughts and desires form a circle each, without performing any work. When a person has a strong will, such a person employs his thoughts and desires to work and thus performs something. Fig. 6 These are explanations, which distract students’ attention. Such explanations are needed as a break. This is how teachers treat little children – when the teacher notices that the children are tired, the teacher discontinues the lesson and tells the children a story. When they have had enough rest, the teacher goes back to the subject. Now you too, listening to my explanations about the forces, find it difficult to relate what I started my lecture with and what I am now telling you. The relation is in the point that whenever you pronounce a word, you have to manifest a thought, a feeling, and an action. From an esoteric point of view, each articulated word, each movement contains either positive or negative forces within. For example when you want to hit someone, you make a downward movement; when you want to prevent someone from committing a crime, you make a movement with the arms ahead. The upward movements we make contain ascending forces and can be positive or negative. The downward movements are descending and can be positive or negative. Now that you know this, you should be very conscious of your movements. Never keep your head facing downwards, to the ground, as you will connect with the forces of the Earth, which will affect your thoughts. Therefore, keep your head up, so that you will connect your thoughts with the forces coming from the Sun. It is at times necessary for one to take a look at the ground, but if one constantly looks at the ground, this person will be distorted. The Bulgarians have a saying, “Beware of a person who looks at the ground!” The Turks have a saying, “One who looks at the ground, burns the hearts around.” Each movement is a function of certain forces, regardless of the fact whether one is aware of these forces. These can be coming from the mind or from the heart. Movements can also stem from the consciousness, from the self-consciousness, from the sub-consciousness and from the super consciousness of the human being. Disciples should watch themselves, should study the movements and the forces related with such movements, so that disciples, via words, can regulate them properly. Now that you write on the assigned topic, “The Difference between Soul and Spirit”, for some time dwell upon the words spirit and soul; give it a thought. These will enlighten your consciousness and you will write something on your own. These words are ideal as they carry Light within themselves. By dwelling upon the words, you will learn how to understand the profound meaning implied in them. Esoteric disciples should never be in a hurry. Having, calmly and quietly pronounced several times the words soul and spirit, at the word soul you will feel a special warmth, special mildness in the pit of the stomach and will experience a desire to caress everything around you. Having pronounced the word spirit you will feel a special strength, special activity. The word soul generates mildness, while the word spirit generates strength. The word soul produces an internal opening towards a certain centre, while the word spirit – opening towards the external, accompanied by a desire to conquer the world. These are experiences you will go through having pronounced soul and spirit. You will then ask yourselves, “Am I a soul?” – “I am a soul, because I sniff, I smell something.”10 As you can see the Bulgarian word for soul has several meanings: sniff, smell something; strangle11 somebody, i.e. take somebody by the throat, i.e. try him or her, whether they are souls or not, whether they live or not. You will then tell yourselves “I am a Spirit.” Having said this word you will experience a current of a force flowing into you, of an activity having a desire to break loose, get outside. Having pronounced these two words, two currents will form; one flowing from outside, passing through the head and going down to the sympathetic nervous system; while the other one flows out of the sympathetic nervous system, passes through the heart and hence spreads over to the head. When pronouncing the word soul, the currents come from above and penetrate inside the organism; when pronouncing the word spirit, the currents follow an outbound direction. Now that you know this, you should regulate the energies in your organism properly. If the energies of your organism are not properly distributed, this will cause a number of sufferings for you. Now that I watch you, I can see that your energies are not properly spread – there are more energies clustered at certain places, while at other places there are less energies clustered, and subsequently you have disharmonic experiences. When we say that a person has a character, this means that the energies within this person are distributed exactly at their proper places and are in harmony with each other. Being disciples, you have to understand the law on the energy transformation within your organisms, not to be left to deal with deviations. To this effect, you have to regulate the forces of your organism, to balance them, to control your mind and heart, to direct your will, to understand the relationship between the Spirit and the Soul. As soon as you accomplish this, you will be able to perform the duties you have to Nature; you will also reach the objective you are aiming at – to get to know God, to know yourselves. This is the meaning of Life. To find the meaning of Life – this is one of the great tasks of esoteric disciples. To achieve this, disciples have to start with the smallest task – work upon one’s body. This takes exercises, efforts and diligence. Secret prayer Fir-für-fen Tao-bi-aumen 1 The Master makes reference to the beginning of the Holy Scripture – Genesis. The Bulgarian for Genesis is Битие [bitie] - a word beginning with the letter ‘b’. In order to retain the Master’s idea Genesis was translated as Bible – thus retaining the same reference source and keeping ‘b’ as the first letter/sound of the word. (tr. note) According to the Hebrew Bible, God created the world with 'b' (beth) and the first word in the Hebrew Bible is (Bereshit) which means in the beginning. The Book of Genesis is called Bereshit in Hebrew. Genesis means the coming into being of something; the origin. (Ed. note) 2 The Master makes reference to the ‘g’ sound – and his example is the Bulgarian word ‘гърло’ [gə:rlo] meaning throat. Moreover the sound ‘g’ is articulated in the throat, but is not present in the word throat. So, to preserve the reference to the ‘g’ sound and to the organ of articulation, гърло [gə:rlo] was translated as glottal. One more so to say deviation from the original – the Bulgarian letter for the sound ‘g’ is “г” – the Master says that this is the shape that stands for infinity. Perhaps, infinity can also be seen in ‘g’? … 3 The Master comments on the Bulgarian block capital letter for ‘G’= ‘Г’, which is a lop-sided ‘L’ sign. Quote: The ‘G’/‘Г’letter consists of the figure 1, upon which the sign for infinity rests… but the figure 1 is not a constituent part of the English letter ‘G’. So the translation of the above sentence in italics was condensed to: The letter ‘G’ designates infinity, it is the sign for infinity. 4 The mirror image of ‘E’ in Bulgarian is ‘3’=[z]; as the Master talks about multi-functionality, I was trying to find a letter which the ‘E’ sign would designate when facing west. Well, in English, when ‘E’ faces west, it designates the number/figure ‘3’ 5 The Cyrillic letter ‘ж’ presents a problem. It has no single letter/sound correspondence in English – the directly corresponding sound can be represented by a graphic sign only in the English transcription in [plezə] in pleasure; [mezə] in measure. 6 In this context, the Master comments on the Bulgarian word for criminal - „престъпник” [pres’təpnik]. The point the Master makes can be understood only through understanding the meaning vested in the Bulgarian word – it is derived from a verb meaning to take a step beyond. However, this word has two meanings a) to take a step beyond on the physical level, and 2) to take a step beyond on the moral level, i.e. beyond the limitations set by law; the second meaning translates in English as transgress -‘trans’=beyond & ‘gradi’=step. Hence the common deep sense in both meanings of the word in respect of a criminal and of a child. These comments do not directly refer to the origin of the English word criminal. 7 The Bulgarian word for ‘anim-al’ i.e. ‘живот-но’ is derived from the Bulgarian word for ‘life’ i.e. ‘живот’ - just like the English word ‘anim-al’ is derived from the Latin ‘anima’ – although anima and life are two different words the Master traces a derivative pattern and comments on the root word – life in Bulgarian – the closest approximation in English was achieved through the Latin word anima meaning soul in English.. 8 The Master wants animal love to be designated by the Bulgarian letter ‘ж’ standing for ‘животно’ = ‘animal’. 1. This letter has no directly corresponding English letter; 2. The English word animal begins with ‘A’; 3. ‘A’ was assigned to Angles’ love – So, ‘N’, being the second letter in the word animal is suggested to stand for animal love. 9 The Master refers to the Bulgarian word for Love = Любов [ljubov] (the two words begin with the same sound), and comments on the shape of the first letter ‘Л’ in relation with the angle – similar shape, hence resemblance to the angle, has the English letter ‘V’, although as if turned upside down. This letter is present in the word Love. But the first letter of the English word, unlike the first letter in the Bulgarian word does not show any resemblance to the angle – which is the point the Master makes. The translation deviates from the original text only in that it compares not the initial letters of the two words, but the initial letter of the Bulgarian word to the third letter in the English word, as these two bear resemblance. 10 The Bulgarian word for soul has several meanings. Moreover, the Bulgarian words for soul, sniff and smell are homophones, i.e. these three words, having three different meanings, are spelt and pronounced in the same way. 11 The meaning of strangling is achieved by shifting the stress of the word to the second syllable Source
  11. Ани

    1922_11_01 Tuning of Forces

    Tuning of Forces Year 2, Lecture 5 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on November 1, 1922, Sofia Fir-fur-fen Tao-bi-aumen Silent Prayer The disciples essays were read on the topic "The Distinctive Features of Life". What is meant by the word coordinate in mathematics? (Coordinates are mathematical constructs which determine the position of points in a coordinate system.) Imagine that you have the four coordinates of a point. Do they relate in the same way to the centre of the coordinate system? No, they don't. Therefore by coordination we mean correlation, tuning of forces. Picture a point in space; this point is alive. Since it is alive, it is in a state of motion. If there are two points, they will form a straight line. This straight line will have only one dimension, that of length. Therefore, when two points move consciously, they form a straight line, which has a concept of only one dimension. The two points can move only along this line and only in two directions: upwards or downwards. If two points, A and B, move in opposite directions, they will meet in one point after a period of time, but they will not be able to pass by each other. If you asked these points if the beings from their world could pass by each other, they would say, “According to the laws of our world, when two beings meet in one point, they cannot pass by each other. In our world all beings can meet only face to face and when they part, they turn their backs to each other.” So, when they are coming towards each other, they face each other, and when they turn around to go back, they have their backs to each other. Why is that? Because they cannot pass by each other. However, in the world people live in, they can go and come back always facing forward. Therefore, all relations amongst beings are like mathematical formulas that we need to translate so that we can apply them consciously. So, if two beings move only in a straight line, they will know only one thing, the point. In their mind, the line is but the sum of multiple points, and they will never even suspect that all these points form a straight line. If you asked them if straight lines exist in the world, they would say, “A straight line may exist, but it is not a part of our world.” Therefore, according to these beings, the point is the measuring stick for figuring out the world. They view the point as an infinite unit, i.e. as 1 π. The number π cannot increase infinitely because, at a given moment and at a given occasion, a given thing in the world can only be measured by a specific unit of measurement. Different things are measured with different units of measurement. For example, the concepts and objects of the one-dimensional world can be measured using linear metric units. However, can a plane be measured linearly? No, the plane, being a part of the two-dimensional world, can only be measured in square metric units. The plane is also a living, conscious being that has its own unit of measurement. When the beings from the one-dimensional world ponder the question of right, they reach only relative conclusions. For example, those beings who move only in a straight line say about themselves that they are the only beings who are right. Why? Because the only movement they know is that of the straight line, they do not recognize the curved line. If I ask these beings, “Could you stab someone in the back,” they would say, “Not under any circumstances.” “How about in the chest?” “This we can do.” “Why?” “Because, in our world, there is only a front but no back.” If one of the wisest beings of the one-dimensional world finds a way to bend a straight line to form a circle and thus manages to leave the conditions of the one-dimensional world, created by the straight line, then when beings A and B move towards each other, they will eventually touch their backs. We call this movement falling. These beings will be bewildered by the fact that they can touch their backs. This is the situation of the fallen and sinful people in the world. They do not face each other but have their backs towards each other. The sinful people are people of the one-dimensional world. He who knows the laws can make these people pass by each other. However, this is something impossible to do for the beings from the first dimension. Now picture the point on which one of these beings stands. Here is my question: can this point move in a right angle, i.e. can it move perpendicularly to the line to which it belongs? No, it cannot do that. Why is that so? It is so because this point can move only in one direction. If you could photograph the movement of the beings from the one-dimensional world, you would see this movement as a straight line. However, the individual shifts of the beings themselves would be marked as individual points. If the points that make up the straight line start moving perpendicularly to themselves, they will form a plane. How is a plane different from a line? The line is the border of the plane. The line has an infinitely remote point and the plane has an infinitely remote line. What lies behind this line? Nothing. However, this nothing marks the boundary of reality; it marks the boundary of what has been manifested. This, which has been manifested, lies behind this nothing. This nothing does not imply at all that it is impossible to manifest that, which has not yet been manifested. You wonder how nothing can beget something. Well then, how can the imaginary unit, which is a nothing in itself, become a real one when raised to the fourth power? Now let us put aside the one-dimensional world and move forward to the world of two dimensions. Let us imagine that I meet two beings who are at two opposite poles and I ask them if they can meet; I ask them if they can unite the two ends of the straight line into one point. Their answer is that this is impossible for them to do. This means the following: two beings who are of opposite opinions cannot share the same place by any means. This statement is true about their world. However, we can prove to them that this is in fact possible to do. How? By forming a circle. Therefore, the two ends of the straight line are the end boundaries of the broken circle. These two beings - who have been thinking, until now, that their views are diametrically opposed to one another, and as a result, they cannot meet in one place - can under certain conditions, form a circle and meet in one point. If you ask the beings from the two dimensions if there are planes in their world, they will tell you that in their world there are lines, but no planes. According to these beings, the world is made only of points, and lines. I ask these beings, “If the lines of your world move perpendicularly, what will they form?” “We do not know,” they answer. “This knowledge is transcendental, and is beyond our consciousness, and experience.” They have no idea that if the lines are connected in a perpendicular direction, they will form a myriad of worlds, similar to their world, and that all of these worlds together will form a plane. If the plane moves perpendicularly to itself, it will form a cube. So, if the line moves perpendicularly to itself, it will form a plane. If the plane moves perpendicularly to itself, it will form a cube. A cube is a three-dimensional shape. People belong to the three dimensional world. We asked the beings from the first and the second dimensions what they thought about movement in their world. However, we will not stop at that. Now we would like to know what they think about the movement of the beings from the third dimension. I ask the following: is it possible to bring together all the points and all the borders of a cube? How many sides does a cube have? Six. How many edges does it have? Twelve. Is it possible to bring together all the edges of a cube? It is impossible to bring together the points, the boundaries, or the edges of a cube. Picture twenty-four cubes with differently coloured sides. One of these cubes is positioned in the centre of all the rest. If the central cube changes its location, the rest of the cubes will move, too. Can you tell, in this case, how each cube will be positioned in regards to the central one? Even when the cubes are repositioned like that, you will notice that neither the points nor the sides of these cubes can be converged into one point. The four-dimensional shape that is formed by eight cubes is called a tesseract. The cubes within this tesseract move from the periphery towards the centre. And so, the four-dimensional world is characterized by its four coordinates; it is the world of time and space. That is why simple people say that time can fix everything. The tesseract is a shape of the fourth dimension. The four dimensions determine the relationships among all beings. These dimensions are used in mathematics, as well. They can also be applied in people’s actual life. For example, people cherish certain moral views about what is right; they have the notions of positive and negative, and they judge things with those views and notions in mind. Some people maintain that the negative cannot be turned into positive; this, however, is not true. The negative can turn into positive under certain conditions. Take, for example, a man who owns a small sum of money, but needs another ten thousand leva. He goes to a banker and gets a loan of ten thousand leva from him. Now, this banker who used to have a hundred thousand leva available is now, having lent ten thousand of it, left with a hundred thousand minus ten thousand leva in his safe. On the other hand, the man who started with a small sum has now added ten thousand leva to it, and thus, his sum has grown. However, the time comes when his payment is due and he has to pay back the loaned money. After he has paid back his debt, he is left with a sum that is minus ten thousand leva. In this case, the money in the banker’s safe increases by ten thousand leva. When it comes to monetary exchanges, people come across a number of crimes. What are all those crimes about? He, who lends money, creates conditions for crime. Why? Because he, who has borrowed the money, has to resort to lying when he cannot pay it back on time. The one who returns the money on time passes for an honest person. On the other hand, the one who lends the money passes for a benefactor. These are all external appearances and one cannot judge people’s character based on those things. Imagine that you have ten thousand leva in your safe and you depend on it; you build your happiness based on this ten thousand leva. An acquaintance of yours comes by one night and pilfers your money. As soon as you learn that this person has robbed you, you say a number of bad things about him. A few days later, this same person comes to your home disguised as someone else and starts conversing with you. One thing leads to another and you finally come to the topic of the ten thousand leva, and you complain that you have been robbed. “No problem,” he says, “I can help you by giving you another ten thousand leva. I am a rich man and I have a lot of money at my disposal; I won’t even know that I have taken money out of my safe.” “I am extremely grateful,” you say. “I have never met such a generous person in my life!” I ask this now: are your conclusions in either situation correct? The person who robbed you and the one who gave you the ten thousand leva are one and the same man. Is it possible, then, for one and the same man to be both a criminal and a benefactor? We can draw the following conclusion from this example: in their relationships and their actions people can be both good and bad but, in essence, they are neither good, nor bad. What does this indicate? It indicates that a person may be working with the positive at a given moment, and then at another moment that same person may be working with the negative. With this in mind we can define the bad as something negative, which creates suffering for people and the Good as something positive, which brings joy to people. However, in Nature both the negative and the positive have the same value. This is not so for us, though. Why? Because we apply different measures to qualify things: one person’s measure is not the same for another person. In this case, in mathematics, we speak of the so-called incomparable values where we are dealing with unrelated constructs. For example, what is the formula for the area of the circle? The area of the circle equals π.R2 where π equals 3,14…, i.e. it is an immeasurable number. The letter R designates the radius of the circle and it can be a different figure. The circle is an emblem of something related to the notions and concepts of the fourth dimension. The circle designates time. It can be measured by using different means and that is why we speak of the quadrature of the circle. If this is so, you should know that in Nature there exists one absolute measure and that this absolute measure can be applied to everything. When moving, this measure exists everywhere simultaneously; it is everywhere with all its points no matter how intangible those might be. People cannot comprehend this measure and it will always remain incomprehensible to them. Therefore, the circle represents the ideal world for the first dimension, the cube represents the ideal world for the second dimension, and the tesseract represents the ideal world for the third dimension. The tesseract is formed by eight cubes. It cannot be drawn, i.e. it cannot be represented on a plane. The same way a plane marks the boundary of a cube, a cube marks the boundary of a tesseract. Can you imagine a tesseract and picture the way it will move in space? This is impossible for the common mind, but the impossible in one world is possible in another. Therefore, it is possible for two people to make peace with each other; it is possible for hatred to turn into Love; it is possible for falsehood to turn into Truth; it is possible for injustice to turn into Righteousness. What is the modern people’s concept of lying? Imagine that someone borrows ten thousand leva from you and promises that he will return it after a certain period of time. However, he does not keep his promise after that period of time has passed. The period is extended for a few months more and then that person appoints a new date by which to pay his debt. This date arrives and he is unable to keep his promise again. What does lying come down to in this case? It comes down to an inability to keep time. How do you define time; what is it related to? How do mathematicians and philosophers define time and space; how and with what do they define the projections of these forces? They use a clock to measure time and certain measures of length to measure space. Mathematicians often calculate the intensity of certain forces, which act on certain energy lines. (Time, in physics, is measured according to the quantity of performed work.) In mathematics, one letter is multiplied by itself, which shows that certain values can grow. To what degree can they increase, i.e. to what degree can they grow? They can grow to an infinitely great degree. This is growth! Every impulse, every urge is part of time; every expansion is part of space. Therefore, time and space are manifested in one and the same moment. When energy passes from one state into another, we call this transition time; the expansion at any given moment we call space. Now, Good and bad can be given new definitions from the viewpoint of time and space. In general, Good and bad are two processes that are manifested in the conscious life of man. That, which simultaneously grows and expands, we call Good, and that, which simultaneously moves and shrinks, we call bad. In this sense, bad is a process of division. When people are divided, when there is division and subtraction amongst them, this is the bad in the world. When there is addition and multiplication among people, this is the Good in the world. However, in Life, as it is in all of Nature, these two processes take place simultaneously. For example, when we speak of expansion, this implies that a body or a shape used to be small once. In that case, even the smallest expansion is noticeable. Therefore, if one wants to expand a body, one needs to make it small first. A verse of the Gospel says that the righteous will resurrect and the sinful will disappear. This means the following: the righteous will grow and the sinful will become smaller. Many think that this is impossible, but it can be proved. For example, the ground is covered with ice and snow in winter and you consider this to be real. However, you do not see the little seeds hiding in the ground. Therefore, you do not see the Good that is hidden in the ground. Since you do not see the Good, you do not consider it real and you say, “For years we have known this condition of the earth, the way it is all covered with snow and ice. If we want to remove this cover from it, we need to break through it with hammers.” This is how you think in regards to evil. However, as soon as the Sun comes out, this age-old ice and snow starts to melt, then it turns into water and sinks deeply into the earth. Where did your reality go; where did the evil in the world go? However, the activity of the Sun does not end here. It continues to grow and under the influence of its warm and bright rays, the seeds that were hidden in the ground start to sprout. Before long, the earth is covered in grass, trees, and flowers. Where did the evil go? The evil had to go down, melt and disappear in order for the Good to come in its place. If you look at the Earth from the fourth dimension, you will see that it is covered with a huge layer of ice. You are the Earth. There is the following line in the Lord’s Prayer, “Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Therefore, the Earth has the ability to fulfil God’s Will, i.e. everything that is planted in it has the ability to grow and develop. Since people represent the Earth, they, too, can fulfil God’s Will. Some think that people will be able to fulfil God’s Will only if a new social order is instituted. However, the social order is only a shadow of Life. Therefore, the shadow is something changeable and the fulfilment of God’s Will does not lie in variables. Every object casts a shadow, but the shadow itself is not a constant as it comes and goes. If this is so, then the social order, being the shadow of Life, may exist or may not exist. For example, the shadow of an object is largest in the evening, smaller at noon, and very small or non-existing in the morning. Man represents the Reality of things and everything else is fictitious. You might say that man is influenced by economic conditions. I ask you this, was there man before any kind of economic conditions existed? Yes, man existed before any other conditions; it was man who created all the conditions. It is ridiculous, then, that the creation could influence the creator. Man should not be fooled by claims that economic conditions are a factor in human life; hence, man should not be influenced by those conditions. Man is above all conditions. Religious people might say that it was religion that created man. This, too, is not true. Man existed before religion and before all economic conditions. Scientists, on the other hand, say that science will fix the world. Was there man before science? Therefore, man, who has created religion, and science, and economic conditions, has the ability to change everything himself. This is the idea that should remain in the minds of all people and become the foundation of their life. The human Spirit is the main factor in Life. If the human Spirit makes a decision, everything - religion, science, and conditions- will change. When this happens, people will act according to Nature’s laws. And now, people act according to their own understanding, and beliefs. Someone writes a maxim about Life, and everyone tries to act according to this maxim. This maxim is a personal view; it is not Nature’s view. For example, most people today pass as Christians because they believe in Christ. This is true, they are Christians, but Christ was not a Christian? Why? In order for him to be a Christian, he should have believed in someone else, someone outside of him. What do we know about Christ? We know that Christ preached about Love and fulfilled his Father’s Will. Christ never preached Christianity. The heathens created Christianity; it did not exist before Christ. What is Christianity? Christianity is a collection of formulas and rules that are imposed on people. We believe in the Absolute measure of things; we believe in one principle that regulates all manifestations of Life. Every teaching that is based on Absolute measures, on Absolute principles, is outside religion, outside science, outside any conditions, i.e. such a teaching is above religion, science, and conditions and can change them at any time. When the human Spirit moves parallel to God’s Spirit, it can be the master of everything in its life. Today some people argue amongst themselves about who is orthodox and who is not. Others, on the other hand, argue about communism. Was Christ orthodox? Was Christ a communist? He preached the idea of Love that has existed before time and will exist for all times. You may say that communism, too, preaches love among people. True, communism also preaches love, but this love is still misunderstood. This love cannot give people what they need. Religion, science, and economy represent mathematical relations and coordinates. Religion is an upward movement; economy is a downward movement and science is a horizontal movement; these are three coordinates that are in a certain relation to each other: they have one common point. Since they have one common point, they also have common interests. What do their common interests lie in? For example, if a factory makes icons, what determines the number of icons that it must produce? This number depends on the number of pious, religious people who believe in icons. If the factory depended on people who do not believe in icons, it would have gone bankrupt. If the rules of a religion state that people should not eat meat and butter, before long a number of butter makers and butchers would go bankrupt. What will the butchers and butter makers do after that? It is science, then, that will come to their aid, “The latest scientific data shows that the doctors recommend that the consumption of meat and butter should increase.” Right away, the condition of both the butter makers and the butchers improves. Now, we can use one of the mathematical theorems of Pythagoras in order to define economy, religion, and science in scientific terms. Let us say that one of the sides of a right triangle represents religion, the other side represents economy, and the hypotenuse represents science. Then we can rephrase the Pythagorean Theorem like this: the possibilities of science contain the possibilities of religion plus the possibilities of economy. Therefore, science, i.e. the hypotenuse, will solve the religious and economic problems. The delusions of the religious people are in the fact that they think that religion will fix the world. The world will be fixed only when we look at religion as one factor and at science and economy as another two factors and we find the relationship among these three factors. Now, let us demonstrate this idea through the equation a2+b2=c2. These parameters are religion, economy, and science. So, the sum of the squares of religion and economy equals the square of science. Two other equations can be derived from this first equation: a2=c2-b2 and b2=c2-a2. What can come out of these two equations? Here the mathematicians have the floor. Religion, economy, and science are concepts of the mind. In that case, we can talk about another way of reading the Pythagorean Theorem, namely, we can say that the possibilities of the mind plus the possibilities of the heart equal the possibilities of willpower. Then we can come to yet another application of the Pythagorean Theorem by saying that the possibilities of the mind plus the possibilities of the heart plus the possibilities of willpower equals the possibilities of the soul. In this case, we reach the equation for a sphere. Finally, we can talk about one last application of the Pythagorean Theorem: the sum of the possibilities of the mind, of the heart, of willpower, and of the soul equals the possibilities of the Spirit, i.e. a2+b2+c2+d2= Д 2 These are forces and relations that you need to work with. Therefore, willpower is an equal force to the mind and the heart; the soul is an equal force in relation to the mind, the heart, and willpower; the Spirit is an equal force in relation to the mind, the heart, willpower, and the soul. Besides these several equations, we can form one more equation, namely, that the sum of the possibilities of the mind, the heart, willpower, the soul, and the Spirit equal the abilities of God. This can be expressed in the following formula: a2+b2+c2+d2+ Д 2= Б 2. We can form yet another philosophical equation: the sum of the possibilities of the mind, the heart, the willpower, the soul, the Spirit and God equal the abilities and the possibilities of the Absolute, of the Infinite. This we can express through the formula a2+b2+c2+d2+ Д 2+ Б 2=A. Through this last formula, you enter the boundaries of the transcendental realm. These mathematical formulas will help you make calculations in astrology and some other sciences. Let us assume that you take the mind as a given factor, as a given force. Let us say that this force is placed within certain conditions and possibilities where it can manifest itself. What are these possibilities that we are talking about? They are the Signs of the Zodiac. Let us say that the mind has manifested itself on the night of the first day of March. Given these conditions, it is already predetermined what possibilities the mind will have to manifest itself. Likewise, it can be determined what possibilities the mind has to manifest itself if it has appeared on the second, the third or any other day of March. These are all mathematical relations. When you do these calculations, you should record precisely when the mind has appeared. You can do the same about the heart, if you decide to pick the month of July for its manifestation. The human mind and heart never manifest at the same time. The mind comes together with the physical body. First comes the body, then the mind and finally, the heart. When a child is conceived, the extremities (legs and arms) form first, then the rest of the organs are formed (the liver, the respiratory system, etc.) and finally, the heart is formed. The heart is formed at the moment when the activity of the willpower in the child is manifested. It is manifested at the moment of birth, when the child cries. When the child takes in its first breath, its heart starts beating, i.e. it manifests itself. Therefore, when a man manifests the Conscious life, this shows that he has already left the uterus of Nature. When a man manifests his consciousness, this shows that he has left the limiting conditions of Life and has started to live freely. This is the day of birth. The first thing a child does when the willpower is manifested is cry; then it lifts its arms up. When it lifts its arms up, this signifies that its willpower has manifested itself and has started to act upon the child’s consciousness. When the hand starts to regulate precisely the direction of its movement, this shows that the child is already manifesting its conscious willpower. It is a different story if these movements are harmonious or not; what matters is that the child’s willpower has started working within the child. Only a correctly manifested willpower yields harmonious movements. What did you understand from everything that has been said tonight? (That every world has its main unit of measure for defining and measuring things.)1 Truly, when we say for a man that he has a limited mind, i.e. that he is limited in his thinking, this means that he moves in the one-dimensional world, in the world of the line. For example, the miser lives with only one idea in mind; he thinks only about money. In his mind, the coin forms a centre, a point around which everything else revolves. In this respect, he is a man of the one-dimensional world. On the other hand, someone else may only think about building a house, getting married, finding a companion, and having some children; such a man lives in the two-dimensional world. Wherever he goes, he speaks of the two selves - me and you - he lives in the plane. Will these two people be able to live harmoniously, should they get together at one place? When two people get together at one place, this means that they will go in a new direction. Picture a deep well with a thousand steps leading downwards. There is a person sitting on each step and there is a big, sturdy pole in the middle of the well. All the people, who live in the well, look up through the opening and say, “I wonder what is up there, in that world?” The life in the well is arranged in such a way that they give orders to each other while being unable to raise each other further up; everybody just sits in their place and will not move from there. The one, who is on the highest step of the well, is only ten meters from the opening, but he does not realize it; he thinks that he is far from the opening. All the people in the well have been in this situation for years and none of them has been able to rise even a step higher from their situation. After a while a wise man comes along, looks down into the well, and seeing all the people in it, asks them, ”What are you doing down there?” “We are sitting in one place.” “Can’t you move?” “No, we can’t.” “Will I be able to help you?” “It is very unlikely that you could. We have been sitting here for years and we have been firmly planted each one in our own place. This pole here has been sitting in the middle of the well for a thousand years.” Then the wise man brings a rope with a hook on one end and lowers it into the well. Everybody watches to see what will happen. What happens is that the hook catches the person on the highest step by his clothes, and without realizing it, he finds himself outside the well, in the bright, wide world. The rest wonder where their friend has disappeared, how come he just vanished from before their eyes. The absence of the man on the highest step creates a small movement in the well. The second one immediately moves up to the place of the first one, and in this way, everyone climbs a step up. The wise man asks them probingly, “What is happening down there?” “One of us has left the well and the rest of us have climbed a step up.” This is what we call evolution. “Can you move now?” “We can’t.” He lowers the rope into the well again and catches the next one. The rest move again and climb another step up. The wise man lowers his rope this way into the well 999 times, each time pulling a man out until there is only one man left in the well. This man says, “By now I have travelled 999 steps up. I am ready to leave the last step I’m on.” I ask this now; can this gradual climbing from one step to another be culture? This is no culture at all. Is there anything important about the ladder you have been climbing? There is nothing important about it. The important thing is in the rope and in the hook. This is where the world’s culture lies; you lower the rope into the well, catch someone with the hook and fling him outside the well. Evolution, on the other hand, is all about the gradual climbing of the steps. It is about time that the Fifth race should leave the hole of this well. By the word hole, I mean the thick matter. I will use an example to explain to you more clearly the meaning of the well. There is this rich farmer who owns millions of wheat grains. Come spring, the farmer goes into the barn and asks the grains, “Are you comfortable in here? Do you have the opportunity to expand?” “No, there is no room in here. We are too close to each other and have no conditions to expand, and as a result we cannot stand each other.” The same way people enter each other’s space and think that they are happy. The farmer picks up a grain and holds it in his hand for a while. The grain looks happily up at him and feels free. Then it asks its master, “What do you plan to do with me?” “I plan to put you into better conditions.” The farmer picks up a scoop of wheat grains, takes them out to the field and seeds them with a sweep of his arm. Each grain falls onto the ground and into a little hole that feels like a big well to the grain. This well is no deeper than fifteen centimetres; not many grains can fit into a well this size. When it finds itself alone in the well, the grain starts crying and complaining that here, too, is not a good place. The farmer tries to convince it that it is going through this process for its own good and that soon a hook will appear that will bring it up to the ground surface. Before long, the moisture starts working on the grain and tells it, “Come on, go out of the well already so that there is room for other grains.” The little grain starts climbing out of the well little by little. Therefore, the well, i.e. the restrictive, limiting conditions of Life that one enters, represents the thick matter. The same thick matter also envelops the human consciousness. If one wants to crack open this layer, this shell of consciousness, one needs the help of moisture, light, and the New life; one needs the help of Love, too. God’s Love, being a supreme force, will sweep over these conditions and will give a new guidance and a new direction to one’s consciousness. In order for this to happen, one ought to pass through several phases; one ought to leave the barn and then enter the well, i.e. the soil where one will be covered with more dirt until one grows out of it. The process of growing is but the action of the intelligent forces of Nature; the forces of warmth and light which are like the rope in the hands of the wise man of the previous story who pulled the man out of the well. Half of your brothers – the roots - will stay behind in the well, waiting the day of their salvation. One day, they, too, will leave the well and others will climb up to their place. Most people today need to leave the last well they are in; the well of the flesh. When they start moving consciously, they will leave this well, too. And so, Righteousness, the Absolute measure which we apply to Life, is neither in the one-dimensional, nor in the two - or even the three-dimensional world. It is in the four-dimensional world, in the world of the fourth dimension. It is in the world of time and space that good and evil are defined. When you apply time and space correctly as a measure for things, you will feel a deep Joy and harmony inside. If you do something wrong, immediately you will feel grief and disharmony inside yourself. Then you will know that the world, in which you move, is not harmonious. However, the world of the fourth dimension is harmonious. No crimes can take place there. Why? Because this world has round, circular walls. Imagine yourself living in a world that is like a cylinder. At the base of this cylinder are stashed all treasures; all the gold is there. If a thief enters this world, he will take some of the gold as soon as he sees it and he will start climbing up the walls of the cylinder. If he decides to rest for a while and put the gold aside, it will slide right down to the bottom. It does not matter how many times the thief will climb up and down to take the gold from the bottom of the cylinder, for, at the end, the gold will end up in its place. For this reason, there are no crimes in the four-dimensional world. One may get robbed time and over again, but his money will find its way back to him in the end. That is why Bulgarians have a saying that where water has flowed before, it will flow again. In this case, where money was once, it will come back again. So, each thing that has been lost or stolen in the Divine world will go back to its place. This is the law. There are no crimes in the Divine world. There the desire may exist for crimes but no conditions exist there for realizing such desires. The people from the second and the third dimension have the habit of stealing but as soon as they enter the fourth dimension, they find out that all crimes are pointless. What is the point in stealing something if it is going to return to its place right away? The same law is applicable to ideas, as well. Let us say that you are sitting quietly and peacefully when an illuminating, elevated idea comes to your mind. You feel happy and want to remember it, but you realize right away that this idea has disappeared without a trace. What is the reason for this to happen? This idea was not yours. It was someone else’s idea, which happened to pass by you on accident after which it returned to its owner. Therefore, all ideas, all desires, all feelings that you forget easily, are not yours, but someone else’s; those are stolen ideas and desires. Sometimes people lose their love. Why? It was a stolen love. All things that are lost easily are things stolen. You should be thankful that you live in a world with superior and intelligent Beings who continuously correct your actions. If you lose your love, you should know that it was not yours. Nobody can take away what is yours. Remember this: the Real, the Divine is never lost. When Love comes to a man, it cannot be taken away by any being if it belongs to this man. Moreover, Love does not change; it always remains the same. If you lose your love or if it changes, then it is not yours. Being disciples, you should be aware of this. Once you know this, you will neither apologize nor deceive yourselves. The young always speak about Love. If so, why don’t you define only one of Love’s properties? If you cannot define one of Love’s essential properties, then I will tell you one of those: Love gives Freedom. Therefore, when you feel love for a being, the first thing you will do is give freedom to this being. If you feel love for an ox, you will take off its harness and let it roam freely. Love has the desire to free every living being, so it can freely use Life’s goods. Love gives Freedom to all living beings and this is its essential quality. You need no other philosophy. There is a way to tell if the ones, liberated by Love, have understood this law; the way to tell is to see if they, in turn, have the desire to liberate those who are still enslaved. That one, who does not have this desire, this aspiration in oneself, has not understood Love yet. Therefore, being the disciples of the same School, you should not limit yourselves. Limitation is not a manifestation of Love. When you speak, you should give everyone the right to say what they think. When one of you speaks, the rest should listen. You should instil it in yourselves that every person's thought is right. If you do not think so, you suspect that this man is being insincere. You should wait patiently for the others to finish what they are saying. When you write your essays, you have the desire to write a lot to demonstrate that you are learned. This is a false situation. You might write a whole thesis about Love and its qualities but when it comes down to applying it, you fail. I will give you the following task; if you see someone bound in ropes, go and free him. When you go closer to this man and notice that the rope is tight, you will need a knife. Buy a knife and cut the rope. You might object, “Yes, but this knife is expensive and all I have is a hundred leva in my pocket. I need this money for food and drinks; you should send someone else to free this man.” If you say this, it is a sign that you have no Love. What you do not know is that this man is a millionaire and he will thank you for freeing him. Indeed, if you free him, he will say, “Thank you, my friend, for freeing me. Many people passed by me, but no one stopped to free me. I will thank you because you did this big favour for me. You freed me physically and I will liberate you financially. You want to learn, to develop intellectually. I am at your disposal.” And so, he, who has Love, is free; he, who has no Love, is roped. If you have feeble faith and weak willpower, you are roped; you need someone to come along and cut the ropes to free you. New methods and application are necessary for a man to become free. Just reading is not enough; rather, what has been read and learned should be applied. There exists a certain relation between reading and applying. There are mathematical relations in everything in Life. For example, how is the physical body related to the Etheric, the Astral, the Mental and the Causal bodies? According to esoteric science, each one of man’s bodies represents a certain entity. The Physical body is one entity, the Astral body is another, the Mental body is a third one, and the Causal body is a fourth entity. These four bodies represent four coordinates. Each of these bodies has its own energies. You should be able to understand these energies so that you can transform them and translate them from one world into another. Once you have achieved this, you will be able to correct your mistakes easily. Now when I observe you I notice that some of you often put one or two hands up to their temples. Why? Too much energy has collected around the temples, due to which the mind cannot think properly. When you put your hands over your temples, what you do is take away part of the excess energy that has collected around these centres. But you should place your hands conscientiously. First, what you need to do is polarize your hands in a higher field of activity, so that when you pass this energy through your hands a few times, your mind should become clear right away. Sometimes the energies in human hands are connected to lower fields and then he will not only be unable to help himself, but he will even make his situation worse. If this is the case, it will be beneficial if you call someone else, whose hands are magnetic and has good energies and this person should massage your temples. Therefore, do everything consciously. If you follow all the necessary rules, you will achieve results fifty to ninety-five times out of a hundred. However, you must know why you are doing something and how you should do it. You should remember that the essential properties of Love are that it gives Freedom and that it sacrifices everything. God gives everything and never thinks of Himself. People do the exact opposite; they think only of themselves and give nothing. In fact, the situation needs to change in the sense that God should think of us and we should think only of Him. In other words, we should take in God’s Love, we should work for its sake and apply it everywhere as a specific, strictly defined measure. Now, let us close the well! Secret prayer Fir-fur-fen Tao-bi-aumen 1 Whenever the disciples in the audience respond to a question posed by the Master throughout the lecture, their comments are transcribed in italics and placed in parentheses. Source
  12. The Distinctive Features of Life Year 2, Lecture 4 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on October 25, 1922 Wednesday, Sofia Fir-fur-fen Tau-bi-aumen Secret prayer The disciples' essays on the topic “The Distinctive Features of Life” were read. Contemporary people say that Life is motion. Do you agree with this? How do you understand Life? The following verse was read: “A kind word on the tongue is the key to people's hearts.” What is the most important phrase in the above verse? – “A kind word”. Where does the kind word originate from, and where does Love originate from? Can we say that Love originates from Life? Can the cause originate from the effect? You might say that Love creates Life. No, Love cannot create Life. Why? Because Life itself cannot be created. The process of creation is a mechanical process. You can create, you can build a house, but you cannot create Life in that sense. Then you might say that Life doesn’t exist. Life is without beginning and without end. Can you say that something that doesn’t have a beginning and an end exists? In its original sense the word exists was in an ascending state, but gradually it started to descend and today in the Bulgarian language we see it in a descending state. The word exists stems from the root “са” (Bulgarian for "are"), which means manifestation, expression. That is, Life manifests itself. I’ll ask you several more questions. Can something that manifests run off? If your answer to me is that each thing that manifests runs off then I’ll ask you, where does Life remain? What do you make out of the word life? When you read your essays, I notice that you strive to write something beautiful, using beautiful phrases for this purpose, however, you aren't concerned as to whether these essays contain the Truth. In this respect you resemble those fashionable ladies who wear beautiful and expensive clothes to present themselves before the world, without paying attention to whether their clothes are warm or comfortable. However what is allowed to a worldly man isn't allowed to an occult disciple. When a worldly man is hungry, when he has travelled for several days without bread and has no relatives whom he can address, he will beg from this or that person. He will appeal to their nobility, to their benevolence that they might give him something to eat. But if an occult disciple finds himself in such a situation, he isn't allowed to speak as words are unnecessary. He should only say, “I am hungry!” – Nothing more. A third word would be irrelevant. Whoever hears him, will say, “The man is hungry; let’s give him something to eat.” Everyone knows what hunger is. If the hungry man starts to explain why he is hungry, how long he has been starving for, everyone who passes him by will say, “Never mind, don’t listen to him, this man isn't hungry.” Hunger is something powerful by itself. Each explanation would make it powerless. Let’s come back to the question of Life. What is your opinion – is it possible to define what Life is? Some people say that Life is consciousness, i.e., that outside consciousness Life doesn’t exist. The word consciousness is composed of a prefix meaning "with" and a word meaning "knowledge" – it means something accompanied by knowledge. Our Life doesn't include the whole of Life in existence, consequently Life cannot originate from consciousness. Consciousness cannot embrace our life even, let alone the entire life in existence. If we assume that Life is motion, the very motion itself is embraced by consciousness. This means that it is even less appropriate to view Life as motion. Now let’s trace out this thought further. What do you think – is consciousness something permanent? No, it isn't permanent. Is it possible then to measure Life by such an impermanent measure? If consciousness is something permanent, let’s subject it to a ten-day fast and see if it preserves its form or changes it. In this situation we will notice that consciousness, which initially was bright, gradually starts to darken. While your consciousness is bright, you are quiet, calm, and content. As soon as it starts to darken, you become nervous, discontented, and not able to control yourself. Consequently, if consciousness is a permanent, constant measure, it can be said that Life is consciousness. But it is impossible to compare Life with such an impermanent, changing value as consciousness. An artist draws a beautiful picture and he is glad at the sight of it; what is his joy due to? Is it due to the picture itself, or to something else? Can someone be delighted with an object in which there isn’t any Life at all? Can he feel delighted at the sight of a precious stone? Man cannot feel delighted with a picture, or some precious stone. The Delight is a result of something else. A young man loves a young lady; if this young man finds a precious stone and gives it to his beloved as a present, he will be glad. Yet his joy wouldn't be due to the precious stone but to the fact that he has given it to his beloved. If she didn’t exist the precious stone wouldn’t have any value to him. So, let everyone answer to himself what his Life consists of. Reflect on this topic. Consider especially the word life and watch closely how you will feel it deep inside you and how this word is connected with you. Don’t look into what philosophers or scientists have said about life. The important thing is what this word means to you. Pronounce the word life in syllables, pronounce it in a drawling voice, as a song, while observing the impression it will make on you. At first sight this word seems simple, but it contains one of the greatest truths of Nature. You haven’t asked yourself the question whether you are alive in order to feel how interesting Life is. Now you pass for disciples from a special class. But suppose that you take all your essays about Life and read them to a seriously ill person. Do you think that your essays would be able to awaken the Life in him? What are your essays like? Let’s say that you go to bed in the evening and in the morning you start telling others that you went somewhere and you met a lot of people. Would this be true? Your body was in bed, your legs and your arms didn't move from their places – how did you walk then? Were you awake, or were you asleep? You were asleep. If you had been awake you would have remembered where you went. Such is your state in your everyday life too – you think that you are awake. No, you aren't awake. You are still sleeping, but it is time to wake up. I am not the only one who says you are sleeping – you say it yourselves too. When some new idea enters your mind, you say, “I woke up! I wonder why I have been sleeping until now?” As soon as you find yourselves in greater light, you say, “Now I can see, I feel like I am awakening from a deep sleep.” That you are in a sleeping state can be seen from the fact that all the objects around you and all your notions are scattered and disconnected in your mind. When I am saying that you are in a dreaming state I don’t mean to criticise you, but I do want to give a new direction to your thoughts. What does the word "sleeping" mean? Imagine that you go to a music teacher and you want him to give you lessons. The teacher shows you the violin, the bow, he opens the sheet music and he watches closely what you do. You see a violin, a bow, some dots, some lines – some of them going up, others going down – and you leave. This is not music yet. You are intelligent and capable, you have the desire to learn music. The next day you still want to study music so you visit your music teacher again. He shows you the same things, but he also gives you a sheet of paper and a pencil and watches closely what you do. You take the pencil and you start describing the function of the violin, the bow and the notes etc. Again this isn't music yet. On the third day you go to your music teacher, you take the violin in your hands and you start practicing. He shows you how to hold the violin and the bow; he shows you how to play. Day after day you continue in this way until one day you are finally able to play on your own. All the notes need to enter your mind, your consciousness and then you can say you know what music is. Life is something similar. While you didn't know how to play you were asleep as far as music is concerned; as soon as you learn how to play, you become awake for music. Have you tasted Life? You say that Life is joy. Have you tasted joy? There is a lot of grief in life. Have you tasted this grief? Human beings haven't tasted real grief yet. Is the grief of the sheep that loses its life and that of the man who loses his hat one and the same? What kind of grief is that of the man who has lost his hat? This isn't grief at all – it is pure illusion. There is one single kind of grief that I know and it is the grief upon the loss of Love. There is no greater suffering for a human being than to taste Love and then lose it. This grief is true; it is real. Consequently, it is possible to grieve only for the Real and not for the illusions in Life. When does a man rejoice? When he finds what he has lost. There are two important things which Life requires: food and water. This means that hunger and thirst are two strong factors which can deprive all beings of Life. When a human being is hungry, the Life in him manifests and demands food. Unless he eats some food, he feels anguish, unrest and suffering; the minute he eats the food, peace and contentment fill him. This is the way simple, uneducated people understand Life. You might ask, “Are only food and water necessary for Life?” Life requires a lot of elements. I’ll give you the following example: imagine that they lock one person in a room and from time to time they bring him bread and water. He stays in this room for a year or two and everybody knows as he himself knows that he is alive and he is living in this room. After a time they take this person out of the room and place him in a beautiful garden. In this garden he is able to walk freely, breathe fresh air and enjoy the light. He says, “Now I am alive.” Shortly after they take this person to a rich library and let him read whatever he likes there according to his preference. He starts feeling satisfied and happy and says, “Now I live much better, I am beginning to understand the meaning of Life.” As you can see, in the first example this person is alive, but he lives as a prisoner. In the second example he is also alive, but he lives like a free man. In the third example he lives with all his inner and outer needs met. Life should be understood in all its most subtle manifestations, in all its most subtle requirements. A person who experiences Life in its most subtle and meaningful manifestations is always satisfied, because the sphere of his activity is widening. He experiences the pleasant feeling of growth, the feeling of life in his mind, heart, and soul. I am using the word "soul", but this is something obscure to you. The soul is outside of time and space. What are time and space in reality? They are two temporary measures which are used to define things in the material world. Life causes a warm and pleasant feeling in man. Once someone has experienced this feeling, he can never forget it. Imagine that you are climbing a slippery cliff; you go slowly, carefully, but accidentally you slip. At that moment a friend of yours grabs your hand and prevents you from falling. This change in your feelings, the horror that you experienced and the support that you received awakens a tender, warm feeling in you – a feeling which is a manifestation of Life. No matter what trials you undergo in life, you will never forget this feeling. The stronger your friend's love was, the stronger this feeling is in you. He supported you at the risk of losing his own life. Analyse this feeling inside you in order to understand at least the external side of Life. What characteristics do people attribute to Life today? Some people say that Life brings joy, grief, and motion. Others say that Life is a state of the soul in which the soul becomes aware of itself, i.e. a state in which the soul is aware that it lives, that it is in harmony with itself and with the great law of Nature. Being in harmony with yourself means that everything inside you should be in complete order. Imagine that you have a nice and well-arranged garden; imagine that all its pathways are covered with sand and you are walking along the pathways, satisfied and happy. Inadvertently, though, you forget all the things you carried with you on the pathway – a jar here, a small chair there, scattered stones somewhere else. In the evening you go home satisfied that everything is organised and in complete order. It happens that the very same evening while you are deep in your philosophical contemplations, you decide to go out to have a walk in the garden and get some fresh air. While walking on the pathways, you stumble over the jar and you wonder who has left this jar in your way. Then you stumble over the small chair or a stone and you wonder who has left these things in your way. You have forgotten that you yourself have left these objects on the pathways of your garden. After stumbling over one object after another you finally say, “It is really strange how the world has turned upside down!” Who has turned the world upside down? You yourself have turned your world upside down, you yourself have put these stumbling blocks in the way of your life and now you wonder who has put them there. You stumble over some object and you start grieving. Do you really have to grieve because some small chair has been overturned? Should you feel sorrow because you stumbled and fell on the ground? You should feel sorrow if you learn that some enemy of yours has put this stumbling block in your way. But if you know that you are the only reason for this, then there is no need for sorrow. And then nothing else remains other than to reach down, pick up the obstacle and put it aside. Therefore, when studying Life, start with its most essential and simplest manifestations. As regards the essence of Life, this is an issue that you will never solve. Understanding the essence of Life means understanding what God is – in His fullness. It is impossible to understand God in His complete fullness. You cannot even understand the brightness of His consciousness. He is constantly alert, His consciousness embraces everything, and He is sovereign - unlimited and powerful in his ability do whatever He wants to. To you this is incomprehensible. Within yourself you become aware that you cannot do whatever you like, and so you feel unhappy. There is no need to suffer because your growth lies namely in your helplessness. Today you are filled with joy, you are jumping, singing, you think you can achieve everything; tomorrow you see that you cannot achieve anything. Today you are ascending, tomorrow you will descend, but you don’t know why you ascend or descend. It is exactly in these contrasting states that you grow. If someone asks you why you have come to this world you will not be able to answer. If someone asks you where you have come from – again you know nothing. Some philosophers, some scientists say that you have come from the outer world, but you don’t remember this. Do you have some memories from the outer world? Not only you don't have such memories, but you don’t even remember anything from the first year of your life. Do you remember anything from the first year of your childhood? You don’t. You don’t remember anything from your second or your third year even. Perhaps only in the fourth year of your childhood did your consciousness gradually start to awaken and as a result of this you have preserved some memories from that time. When you reason and analyse things in this way, you will see that there are some issues which are difficult to solve and which you'd better set aside. For instance, what would you write on the topic: “What is God?” Some would write that God is the Primary great force, which has created the world, which pervades the atoms and the molecules and which sets them into motion – this force has created the whole Cosmos, all the worlds, all the oceans, all the seas, etc. This isn't God. Others would write that God is Love. What does this Love consist of? When God, that is God’s Love, penetrates in man, he feels inside a warm, expanding feeling towards everything that is alive in the world. Such a person isn't narrow-minded, he sees things properly. Nothing is able to disturb his balance. They might rob him of his millions, they might deprive him of his houses – he wouldn’t wince. He knows that the warm and great feeling he has inside is worth more than any wealth in the world. When they rob him, he penetrates those who have robbed him and becomes a master again. When a certain form disintegrates, Life takes on another form, but this feeling remains. There is no form in the world that could limit this feeling. The problem is not that the form might disintegrate, but that the person may lose this feeling, that Love may abandon him. Anyone who has this feeling in him will remain quiet and calm even if he meets a bear on his way. Why? Because he would penetrate the bear with his consciousness, and the bear will surely step back. A person who has Love knows that the One lives within all beings. As long as you look at all people and all living beings as something separate from you, as something separate from your consciousness, you will always suffer. Then bears will attack you and people will cause you harm. You should look at all living beings as consciousness through which one and the same Life flows. There is one Life; one consciousness penetrates all living beings. Now I will give you one task, one experiment to do: to transform one of your sorrowful states into a joyful one. Imagine that you get up early in the morning and deep within yourself you feel a great sorrow. You feel like working – you don’t feel like working, you feel like talking with someone – you don’t feel like talking, you cannot stand anyone, you don’t love anyone. Your grief continues to increase and you reach a state of great despair. What should you do in this situation, how can you help yourself? Here is what you can do: for a moment remain quiet and calm within yourself and go over your sorrowful state in your consciousness. After that, try to transform this state of yours using the laws of harmony. If you succeed in achieving this, you will notice that a small amount of Joy penetrates your consciousness and your grief gradually weakens until it disappears completely. It means that Joy penetrates grief, so it disappears completely. Then you find out that there is no need for sorrow. If the opposite happens, then grief penetrates Joy and drives it away. Everyone has experienced this: today he wins one hundred leva and he is delighted, tomorrow he loses one hundred leva and feels sad. These weals and woes are temporary and transient but with their help people grow and evolve. These are experiences that each of you has passed through and continues to pass through every day. For example, you are a disciple in an occult School and you have thought of something nice and you are glad, you are satisfied with yourself. Then your Master comes to you and tells you that you don’t know a B from a bull’s foot, that you know nothing; immediately you believe him and you become disheartened, your mood changes. I am asking you – should the disciple get discouraged at once? If he has knowledge, can this knowledge disintegrate because of one word coming from his Master? Imagine that on your back you carry a rucksack with forty kilograms of gold; suppose that you meet an acquaintance of yours and he asks you: “What do you carry in your rucksack?” – “I carry forty kilograms of gold.” “You are mistaken, you haven’t got any gold in your rucksack.” – “Don’t I? I’ll prove it to you right now.” So you take your rucksack off your back and you start counting the gold. I say: this is what true Knowledge is. The one that has Knowledge cannot have doubts in it. So when they tell you that you know nothing, you should get your rucksack off your back and start examining your knowledge. The task of the occult School is to free disciples from the outdated views which have deposited in their consciousness from the past. The value of contemporary people’s views is similar to the value of paper money, of the banknotes that they use. For instance, at present gold is hidden and people use primarily paper money whose value decreases every day. So there is some uncertainty in the lives of people – some uncertainty which they should free themselves from. The same holds true about knowledge too. Some thoughts and ideas are stored in human subconsciousness which aren't real and which don't have positive value. For this purpose your consciousness should be stirred into action, so you can free yourself from your unreal knowledge and keep with you only the knowledge that comes from life experience. If you cannot help yourselves, then ask some friend of yours to help you. If he understands the laws, your friend will change your state and you will see that this knowledge which you used to attach great importance to before, is worth nothing today. We call these changes in your states occult massages. Contemporary medicine recommends massages. Occultism also recommends them, but under the condition that the disciple’s mind is focused and concentrated. Whatever experiments you do you should know that not all of them will be successful. If ten experiments out of one hundred are successful, they are enough to add something to your belief in the laws of Intelligent Nature. Let’s come back to our main idea - Life. Many people say that Life is motion. There is motion only where this pleasant inner feeling is at work – the feeling of Love towards all living beings. Wherever this feeling is at work, there is Life. When you get up in the morning you should experience this feeling inside you, so you can be positive, active, and have an impulse for work. This is what it means to feel the impulse of each living being, irrespective of whether it is higher or lower than you. The first law of Life is the law of polarities. This signifies that the circle, which represents the entirety of Life, is geometrically divided into two equal halves. The letter "ж", with which the word “живот” (Bulgarian for "life") begins, is composed of the two halves of this circle, which have been turned with their back sides towards each other and joined by the diameter of the circle. This movement continues to infinity. These curved lines are called parabolas. If a body moves along such a curved line, it will go to infinity. When a body starts from the right thumb and moves upwards along the forefinger, one year, ten years, one hundred, one thousand or more years later, it will come back through the left hand, descend along the forefinger and reach the thumb of the same hand. If you join the tips of both thumbs and both forefingers, they will form the shape of the human being. These two semicircles which form upon the opening of the thumbs and the forefingers of both hands represent the polarization of human life. Consequently, man has originated from the movement of these two circles. The circle itself represents the Divine consciousness in which the human being moves. This consciousness is a common centre for all movements. The second law through which Life unfolds is the law of descending and ascending. During descent a reduction takes place, whereas during ascent widening and increasing take place. At these two points the warm and tender feeling in a person diminishes at one moment and at another moment manifests itself again, i.e. at times it decreases, at other times it increases. This pleasant feeling lasts for one moment only, but when it is lost, a certain gap remains in human consciousness. Even the smallest reason is capable of bringing a person to a position where he loses this pleasant and beautiful feeling. However you can gain this feeling in the same way that you have lost it. Consequently you should conceive Life as a moment – it manifests itself within the realms of time and space, but it is beyond time and space. Therefore Life cannot be embraced - it can only be felt. That is why a person can only note that a certain feeling has appeared, or another one has disappeared, but he cannot define when exactly it happened. The moment in which Life manifests itself is beyond time and space. If you draw a straight line over the middle of a human face, the letter "ж" will be formed. This shows that the human face gets polarized, that it can be divided into two halves. In one of them feelings occupy the first place and thoughts are second. In the other part of the face it is exactly the opposite – thoughts are in the first place and feelings are second. When we talk about the human who is made of flesh, i.e. the human who descends, we mean that his feelings have gained mastery over reason. When we talk about the spiritual human, we mean that intelligent Life has supremacy over his feelings. This can be seen from the very face of a human. When someone's lower feelings take over his thoughts, the lower part of his face gets harder and broadens; if noble thoughts and feelings prevail in him, then the upper part of his face narrows and gets more delicate. This can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the direction in which somebody's inner life moves. For one week you should make the following observation on yourself: when you wake up in the morning, observe carefully if this pleasant feeling is present inside you. It is a constant feeling and it is present in everyone, but you have to watch yourself, perceive it properly and distinguish it from other feelings. As long as you focus on yourselves, try to feel this pleasant feeling of Life, observe it without criticizing. Some of you will notice that this feeling manifests in your mind, others – that it manifests in your heart, while others still will notice it manifesting in their consciousness. If it is in their consciousness, they will perceive it as a small, tender, pleasant light. It comes out from the centre of their consciousness as an intelligent force. Even the lightest touch of this light, of this intelligence is enough to transform a person and make him perceive things with greater wisdom. This is what awakening of consciousness and wise living mean. When you fall into a gloomy state, this light centre gradually starts to darken and small black dots which are in constant movement begin to form around it. While they are moving, they cast a shadow over the bright beams of this centre. Now I wish for you as disciples of the occult school to live and to make use of your own experiences – not the experiences of other people. As long as you use your own life experience, you will sit on the Eternal cliff where no dangers or surprises are possible. If you don’t have your own experience, then everyone will be able to deceive and fool you. You might say for some things that they are real, and for others that they aren't real. I am asking: are you alive? If you are alive, if you are on the eternal cliff, everything is real there. This can be proven easily. How? Take the candle of your life and see if you can read with its light. – “I can't read.” Since you can't read, then you aren't inside Reality. Come to me now and see if you can read with the candle of my life. – “I can read.” Since you can read then both of us are in Reality. This Reality never changes. Martyrs, who have a well-developed sense of Life, never change. Tortures, persecutions and suffering aren't able to shatter them or make them hesitate – they always preserve their feeling of Joy. Therefore, when it comes to Life, you shouldn't look for it anywhere on the outside – neither in Space, nor in the Sun. Where is Life? It is inside you. If you want to find Life you need to concentrate on yourself. This feeling of Life that occultists call Divine consciousness moves with a very high speed. It moves with such a high speed that in a single moment you can go wherever you want to – the Sun, Sirius, Venus etc. Because this movement is absolute, it seems that it absorbs all remaining movements while its own movement remains unnoticed. Those of you who haven't had such an experience would say, “It might be so, but it might also not be so.” Some day, however, when you find this feeling inside you, then you will see how high the speed of its movement is. Then you will feel that the whole Universe, all living beings – from the smallest to the largest, from the tiny flies to the Angels are within you. This movement manifests everywhere – it is Life itself. I wish that this feeling manifests within you and that all of you recognize the Life inside you. Do the following experiment: watch yourself for a whole week and see if you can discern this feeling within yourself. You will surely find something. All the ancient schools have taught us that man cannot know the lives of other people unless he gets to know his own. You shouldn't think that your present life is bad. No, it is the best life that you can have now. For the time being you cannot be given a better life than your present one. Next time I will subject one of you to a test to see what he has learnt from the lecture. The disciples will use words to offend him, and we will see if he is able to transform these words. It is not easy to pass such a test. Of course, those who will be subjected to this test should have a strong back and be able to endure. Don’t think that you will do without such tests. All of you will pass through a sieve. This test is scary! It is a whole operation which requires great composure. When they want to put somebody to the test they place him in a retort and there the tests begin. Once they see themselves in a retort, or lying on the operating table, many of you will say, "We never thought that these people who are so noble could treat us with such cruelty.” You should know that in the occult School the following morale is applied: they start badly and they finish things well. As long as the end result is positive, then the actions are considered moral. For us it is the end results which are important. You shouldn't think that we want you to give up your life. Not at all - we just want to show you the shortest route; we want to set in motion everything that has been deposited into your souls and remained there as potential for ages; we want all the seeds and forces within you to be developed and cultivated. If this is not achieved, then given the way you are living now, at some point you will stumble and come to a halt in your development. This is the reason why the occult schools have been kept hidden from people. Why? Because without understanding the laws, due to their curiosity people have caused them great mischief. They have done what some people still do to blossoming trees today: some person passes by a tree in bloom and without thinking much reaches out and breaks off a branch. After ten people break off a branch each, the tree becomes crippled. When a person does experiments there is a danger that after several people pass him by, each of them might break off a branch and cause him some harm. That is why Christ was telling His disciples that they should beware of swine. When the trees are blossoming, enjoy their scent from a distance, but don't touch their blossoms. Such is the great law of Nature. Now here is an analogy: when a school or university student is interested in the subject his teacher or professor is teaching, then the latter behaves especially well; if the student is careless about his lessons, then the professor is careless towards him, too. In the same way, as soon as we show an interest in this important psychological moment in Life, the Beings who are superior to us and who have completed their evolution, begin to show interest in us and to help us. An inner connection is established between their consciousness and ours. These Beings are close to you, but in order to feel them your consciousness needs to awaken and the tender feeling of Life to manifest inside you. Then you will feel that there is Life where you haven’t even imagined; you will feel that this Life is intelligent – something you haven’t thought of so far. Intelligent forces will then begin to flow in from places you haven't expected. This will be the result of your first experiment. In that case if you have decided to go, let’s say, to Musala, one of these intelligent Beings will start talking to you and determine the programme of your trip. It will tell you what time you should start, what paths to take, it will even tell you where you will meet a bear, so that you don’t get scared, etc. You start for Musala and everything happens as you were told. After that you will be told that you will meet an old man who will stop you and start a conversation with you; further on you will meet a beautiful young woman who will only smile at you. So you keep walking and indeed everything happens as predicted. When you get back home you remember all this and say, “Does anyone really talk to me?” Yes, of course someone talks to you. This Being makes a second attempt, then a third attempt with you; it says, “You will go to such and such a place, you will dig there and you will find a treasure. After that you will go further into the forest and after walking for ten kilometres you will dig in the soil at this particular place and you will find a valuable manuscript. You will find out the key to this manuscript and read it." I am asking now, is this an illusion or reality? – Whatever it says to you always comes true. When the spirits talk to you, however, nothing happens as they say – nothing comes true. When the intelligent higher Beings talk to you then everything turns out to be absolutely true without any exceptions. Finally, after you have done these experiments, your friend will tell you; “Be careful in your life because we see everything. Be careful in your thoughts, wishes and actions, because we know everything.” Then you will believe in this feeling inside you and will have gained valuable experience. And again you will hear the voice of your friend: “Always be cautious!” Secret prayer Source
  13. Ани

    1922_10_22 The Occult Music

    The Occult Music 4 th lecture of the General Class, 2 year. Oct. 22, 1922. I will give you a brief explanation about the occult music. The occult music differs from the common music with the following two characteristics. In the occult music are first given the basic features. It is something like sketching: an artist will draw first the nose, the brows, the eyes, the mouth, the ears — the basic lines and then will gradually develop the picture. We are proceeding in the same way so that you may learn how gradually the music develops, beca use there is nothing that grows up at once in nature. Tonight we will develop another part of the song "living power, springing, flowing"; a new addition, because the song is not yet finished. In the occult music it is not acceptable to have words or tunes with two meanings. In it every word must have only one meaning. If you sing a word with some vibrations you may have a good idea, but when you express it in your subconsciousness the idea will enter which these sounds contain. Now you will learn without criticizing because I do now only the sketching of the basic lines. The words may sound to you somewhat funny but there is nothing comical in them. I am choosing old words. For example for tonight I am choosing the following musical sonorous words: Venir, Benir, Bikhar Benoum II beyout, il bezoot Om beyout II bezoot Om beyoot Zoon mezoon, zoon mezoon benom too meto The mystic meaning of these words is approximately the following: Thou, the Great one, who blesses everyone and everything, be blessed! Lord, bless the great, bless youth, the beginning of life. Bless the young, sprouting divine life. Bless the divine that is conceived in the soul — the Breath of God that we have received in the beginning. These words being in an occult language cannot be translated word by word. For example I will take the following words in the Bulgarian language: The sun is rising, it sends forth light that brings joy to life. These are words with an occult meaning. Now if you want common poetry here we have an example. I gave these words to a friend of ours to interpret them in the spoken language, (The song was read as it was interpreted by our friend Grandpa Blago.) This is ordinary poetry. I explained right away to our friend what mistakes he has made. These are not grammatical mistakes but rather from the occult point of view: the Bulgarian word "obronvam" has two meanings: one meaning is ""shed" (leaves, tears), and the second is "injure" (the prestige of someone). He has used it in the following metaphore: "We shall shed a kind word." The second word with two meanings cannot be well explained and interpreted. Each word must have one and only one meaning. This way I would want you to uproot all old habits. When the words start to vibrate in you all the dust that you have accumulated over the centuries, all your habits will jump away as does the dust when you beat the drum. Now we don't know how to free ourselves. The occult music is one method for freeing. Everywhere, even in the most distant past music was being used, but the religious people have misused it. From the point of view of the occult we want to apply music scientifically in all its fullness. Basically it is very simple outside but for the world — very complicated. Besides, when you perform this music you must have the disposition of a child. You step forward to sing a song and say "I am an old person". What does "old" man mean? If saying that you are an old man you mean that you are feable, weak, let us be frank and accept this truth. Yet if by this word you mean that you have become wise — let it be so, but there should not exist two meanings about it. If by the word "young" you understand foolish, a child that takes advantage to have certain shortcomings, then in this sense neither old nor young are in their proper place. We must always avoid all negative words. When you come to the school of the occult do not permit your mind to keep words with two meanings, if possible keep all words with negative meaning on the outside; you must not cast them away, we may have some use for them, but we will not permit them to enter our parlor or our living room. We will tell them "you do not possess the required value". Further, in the music of the occult one must apply feeling. This music does not permit any wavering in the voice, as some do. Does this come from the depth of the soul, if this trembling indicates noble feelings then you may tremble, but if it means nothing, why should you tremble then? This is a lie, falsehood. This way you create a certain diversion that may cause a catastrophy as a result. Nature does not tolerate deviations. Do not believe that if nature sometimes closes its eyes that it does not observe everything and that you may cheat nature. When it catches you and takes you into its laboratory, you come out from its other end completely purified, but you will have to pass through at least 10 retorts. This is a general law, it is unchangeable, there are no exceptions for anyone. When I speak about nature I have in mind the manifestations of nature. To me nature is the manifestation of God in life. Because God had begun to manifest He will never agree with our childish concepts and change the order of things. Those things that now exist have been tested over and over again. He has examined everything not only once but thousand times. The world that He has created is the best possible world that God has chosen from the experience of the past centuries. He has created this world as one of the best worlds. This does not say that better worlds will not exist, but for the present conditions this is one of the most beautiful ones. At the present conditions of the whole of creation, of the boundless creation, this world is one of the best, i.e. when I say that it is one of the best I understand that in it are existing all conditions and possibilities for a proper development. There exists no power that could cause us to run off the rails. No one exists who could force us to do wrong. We err because of our own will. I speak to you as disciples, I want you to be strong, to stay away from temptations° He who can be tempted has a weak character, his will has the quality of iron, of granite. Why do people get tempted? For example there is a beautiful woman. God has created this woman so that people can enjoy seeing her. One man wants to possess her; another, too, wants to appropriate her. I ask, why should not people enjoy looking at her? God has created this monument so that everyone who passes by can be glad. The Turks say "It is good for one to observe beauty." This statue is exhibited so that people may look at it and improve their own taste. Someone wants to possess this statue and steals it. If the statue is big, he would not be able to take it, but if it is small and made of gold, he simply takes it. I ask, is the statue or he who has stolen it to be blamed? If one catches him, he will say, "some devil has stolen it". Where is the devil? The devil is in us, The desire to possess the statue, to sell it, to gain a pleasure, all this comes from the devil. We speak only about facts, but behind these facts exist instigating reasons. They may be conscious, or subconscious, they may be simple like a weapon. Several people may come together with the intention to steal but one person is the stimulator, the real factor, and the others express it. By studying the occult music you will sing: This is a method for rejuvenation. We need to bring music into our thoughts and emotions, this harmony that will make us feel deep in ourselves something singing, as if we can hear this harmony. This is a condition that will soothe our hearths and our minds, and will give a new direction to our thoughts. You may say: "God will send His Spirit and He will accomplish this or that". Well, are you sure that when the Spirit starts doing it, you will not start to complain, asking God if He could not do this in a different way? He have strange conceptions of things and sometimes we even would want to advise God how He should have created the world. The people who have created music were very intelligent. Music itself is a deep sphere of Creation. These people have understood the divine laws and have expressed this creativity through music. These laws cannot be changed. When the vibrations of the tunes are decreased we have one kind of music, when they are intensified, we have a different kind of music. Music is expressed according to the feelings. Religious people have adopted music for the expression of their religious feelings. Those who want to express their worldly feelings have applied music for worldly purposes. Everyone has used music for his own purpose. Yet the purpose of music is to educate and ennoble man. I would not want someone to come to the class here and to say: "What are these people doing here! They do not pray but some are playing instruments, others are singing. Are these people disciples of the school of the occult?" You will keep away such people that come with the intention to criticize. Now write down the words of the new occult exercise: Izgriava sluntseto The sun rises Prashta svetlina It brings light Nosi radost za zhivota tia. And the light brings joy for life. We will make an experiment: one person will sing alone the exercise and after that the other will sing: Sila zhiva, izvorna, techoushta (living power, welling, flowing). The exercise is still not finished. Do not be hasty! I am teaching you how to build occult songs„ (The Master sang alone Izgriava sluntseto … and we all sang after that Sila zhiva, izvorna techoushta.) After we master these exercises we will give a concert and will make an experiment by introducing here and there these exercises, so that we may be able to see what the results of the occult music will be. Now, write down these words: Venir Benir, Bikhar Benum, il biout, il bisout. Write also the word "sy-mou-tou-sy" which will be an exercise. Now we will sing first sy-mou-tou-sy with the following tones: sol, si, re, sol, since the exercise "Venir-Benir" is more complicated, when we sing sy-mou-tou-sy first normally and then gradually with lowering and raising our voices the first exercise will become easier for us. After that we will sing "The sun is rising". You are singing like students in school, aren't you? After we will sing it one more time I want to see if you have memorized it. (We sang the whole song.) Let those of you who cannot sing listen until this song penetrates into their consciousness. As the words are arranged there is a certain meaning which is absolute. What brings light? Light brings living power like a welling spring. Each word is in its place; whatever you may think, it is a power, the power of light. Sing now silently "The sun is rising." (We all sang.) In the words "Zoun-mezoun" is to be found the secret meaning. In these words is the inner meaning of all things. "The sun rises, it brings light", these things are far away from us. In the words: "living power, welling, flowing" we can experience the power from within, but the light we can try to experience only through our eyes. Therefore the first part of the song is the preparation; a man must be prepared and this takes a long period of time. For this reason this exercise is not yet completed. I am interpreting the music of the occult into modern language, We are moving in a reverse way. Before the words "Living power, welling, flowing" we must place other words, as does an artist, so that the whole exercise may be completed. The first part is the preparation, the second part is the part of action, it expresses that which does the building. "Zoun-mezoun" is then the meaning — the result of that which has been built. When I was explaining to you these words tonight the weather was beautiful but now it has become slightly humid. The humid weather is not good for the music of the occult, it makes the vibrations slightly unfavourable. Now you can sing these four syllables: sy-mou-tou-sy and exercise with them. Have you remembered them? The tones are: sol, si, re, sol. If you sing these tones with their common sounds: sol, si, re, sol they lack occult significance. With the sounds "sy-mou-tou-sy" the meaning is different. Let's sing three times "sy-mou-tou-sy" and the fourth time we will keep singing the last vowel longer. Music is expressed through the same organs as speech, the same membrane in the throat which serves for speech serves also for singing. Therefore singing and speech are brother and sister because they come from the same center. For this reason this membrane must be used constantly for singing. The first thing that happens to a man who comes in touch with the Black Lodge is the harshening of the voice. When the voice becomes harsh the membrane becomes altered, the character of a man changes also because these vibrations are very sensitive. Place in your mind the thought that you are mobilized and say to yourself: "I am mobilized by divine music and I cannot sing but according to all the regulations of divine music." Implant this thought in your mind because this is most valuable. Do not permit anyone to get hold of your throat. When you sing you must be very free. Do not pay attention to what people may say. You may stop and sing even in the center of town. People may think that something is wrong with you but you say to yourself: "I do not care what people say because I sing according to the divine way. If people are courageous to sit in taverns and drink beer, I will be courageous to sing in a divine way. Why should I be the fool and you the right one." This is an important decision. Some among you may think that a certain decency must be observed. I agree that in the world there are certain rules but we have left the frame of common decency. We do things which are very decent. Go to a place where there are many people, where you have friends and start singing. Maybe now you have in your mind certain second thoughts but after ten years you will go out into reality and sing. When you decide to do something the sacrifice which you make must be worth it, it must bring respective fruit. This is an exercise for you to become courageous. You are afraid but this fear must disappear. I would recommend to you to go into the woods to loosen up and sing as loud as you can. Give expression to your emotions. Now when we sing somewhere you think what will this man say, what will the other man say. We can sing also very silently. I am for the inner spiritual freedom. Every one of you must have spiritual freedom. When you sing do not raise your voice, rather listen to yourselves to be sure that you take the correct tones. I have a second violin which I have been lending to different violinists but they said that they cannot play it. I will bring it with me next time to class. I must put into it a certain element of softness. When I put this vital power into the second violin this violin will not play well, because I will take this vital power from this violin and put it in the other violin. In the violin as well as in everything we can put this vital power and it will become alive. We can put into a violin our double and it will penetrate all the pores, at will penetrate into the whole violin. This way the violin has a special voice with fine vibrations. Great violinists and pianists do this. Singers that sing well bring into their larynx, into their soul this special softness. If you could put into your voice this element of vitality you will have a perfect voice and everyone will like to listen to you. But our soul must enter into our larynx. The soul must go everywhere. If the soul enters into the larynx we will sing well, if it enters in our head we will think well. You must know how to tell your soul where to go and it will listen to you. Say: "I want you in my throat." — Good, as you wish, what is your next desire? — Go into my mind I wish to think well. Yet you say "Please, if you wish go into my mind." No, this is not right. You must say definite words, for example say: "Go into my throat to sing for me a beautiful song as you know how to do this." It will sing such a song and you will have a recollection from the past. The soul sings. And now, when the poor soul wants to sing you interfere, saying: "I know that you have the desire to sing but my son is sick and you may disturb him." No, if the soul starts to sing your son will be cured. But you say to your soul: "Please do not sing because my husband is not well disposed." Do not interfere with your rational soul in its manifestations! Every desire, every impulse must be sacred as are sacred the thoughts and desires of God. There is no exception. Because the strivings of the divine soul in us are sacred, and every impulse, whatever it may be, is sacred, too. In the soul everything is noble. You cannot have any doubts. All the soul's impulses are noble, sacred, pure, holy. To every sacred impulse in the world there is one exactly opposite, a reverse impulse. A man has two souls. A noble desire appears in a man and immediately comes the so called evil soul. It will make you walk in the opposite way. This has been proven by experience. I believe that of those who are here every one has made this experience. Therefore, in the school of the occult observation of the laws is required. You must keep the divine laws. When you come to them you will say: "This is a law!" After you have made an experiment and have attained the result you may contemplate, you may ponder over this result. When you have made something you may explore to find what it is made of. But as long as it is not accomplished do not touch it. You can take your watch apart and see how it is made, but as long as your watch is not ready yet you are not supposed to touch it. And so, music is one of the great resources in the world. With it you can attune yourselves. We will use music as a weapon, artillery, machine-gun fire. We will not use music for enjoyment only but as a protection. What does the psalmist say? "Praise the Lord with guitars and with cymbals." I would add to it: with violins, with trumpets, with zithers and all the instruments that are now available „When the Bulgarians see a violin they think that only the devil can play it. For them the bagpipe is more honored and the bagpipe-player has a higher esteem than the violinist. I do not know why, but this is true. There is also this saying that the violinist cannot take care of a home. To me this is right, because the violinist who does not look after a house is a violinist! He is devoted to his violin. If he would put his mind into the home he would not look for the violin. Being absorbed in the violin he says: "Let someone else look after the house, I will make people happy. Those that are sad I will make joyous, those that are sick I will cure." For this reason, we, too, need music. These are short remarks about music. Let's now read some of what you have written on the crying of little children. (Some of the papers were read.) Not all of you have written your paper. Nor did you write a resume on the works of the class. Write only on the core of the theme — on the crying — only the basic aspects, but all of you must write, even maybe only two words, but they should be written. Someone may say: "I cannot write." Write two words even if they are nonsense, but write. If you say that you cannot write you remain in a negative position. Some of you come to the class without having written their themes. This is not right. Here in this school such disobedience is not accepted. The crying is the first exercise in music. This is enough. But it must be true crying, because I have observed some children that do not know how to cry. A child that cries truly makes the first exercising in music. A child that only whimpers and does not know how to cry wants to say: "How should I begin this song?" when it brings out a tone it is not musical. True crying is the first musical exercise! In this respect the tears help. Some children scream, get red but do not shed tears, their eyes bulge out, they try and cannot come to true crying. If the mother is not there this attempt for crying can come to a true crying and after a while they fall asleep. In fact there exist songs and exercises like for example this with the syllables "sy-mou-tou-sy" if they are sung in a monotonous way one can fall asleep. Variety is necessary. One must sing with small interruptions (the master sings stacatto) and then legato. As soon as the vibrations become monotonous one can fall asleep. All states must interchange. The tone "si" is a soft tone. When God sent Moses to Pharaoh what did he say to Pharaoh? —"Sy", "symou". When you say "mou" this tone is very strong at the end. In it there are two movements. The "U" in the occult science has a double movement, one movement is downward and the other — upward. What is the difference between "mo" and "mu"? Have you noticed when you sing the sound "mou" which organ of the throat participates, and which one for the sound "mo"? (The Master sings the exercise "sy-mou-tou-sy" separately but very silently.) You must sing with zeal (ardor). Make observations upon your own condition. For example if you are mentally ill-disposed, make an analysis. Take your watch and start to repeat this exercise and see after how many minutes this condition will change. Sometimes your mood must change and sometimes not. Yet when this energy comes to a point close to bursting and collects in one part of your body we must then stop this explosion, we must give a way of this energy to be used for the accomplishment of some work. Modern men suffer from accumulation of energy. Sometimes this energy gathers in your mouth, sometimes on the tip of your nose, sometimes in your ears. If you only touch such a man's nose immediately this energy will manifest. You could touch such a man everywhere else but not his nose. Others accumulate energy on the upper or lower side of their hand. When this energy collects it may cause explosion, a morbid state. Often certain diseases are caused due to such accumulation of this energy. It is rough and it causes these depositions. The depositions are due to the electrical currents. When the vibrations are coarser this semi-organic matter collects around the joints and when the weather changes the muscles contract, as a result we have at that point occurring some pressure, some friction. These semi-organic matters being solid when they pass through the tissues create friction, gradually inflammation, a chemical reaction occurs and as a result we have swelling. I would proceed to explain to you these processes but I feel that your minds are too critical. For example if I give you a password: "Could you give us another formula?" No, you need will power in order to fulfill an experiment. A friend of mine, a healthy, young man told me the following: "I was given the assignment to write on a certain problem but suddenly I had acute pains in my appendicitis. I had such pains! I started looking for a doctor but from within I listened to something telling me: 'Say to your appendicitis that you are mobilized, that you serve God and that the pain must leave you, that the time was not proper for it to manifest, since it is my time now for that.' Half an hour later the pain disappeared." Who was the cause of that? If he did not speak to the pain in such a resolute way he would have been sick at least for three weeks, with all the complications, the visits of doctors, etc You must say to the disease when it comes: "Listen, friend, I am mobilized! This is it! I live in a divine world where all "beings live in harmony what do you want from me? Go out!" The sickness is a being. Modern doctors are funny. When a swelling occurs they immediately cut it. Now, these things which I am explaining to you should not be taken into the outside world because to those people things must be explained in their own language and according to their concepts. We cannot speak to modern men of science about rational worlds, or rational powers because superficially they act mechanically, automatically. If you should tell these people that you understand these powers you will not be considered an intelligent person. They say: "This is not true." These people cannot believe us. When you go deep into understanding man you will see that two currents flow mostly through the feet in and out. Sometimes the toes are open, or rather in the ethereal double which is connected with the physical body there are certain openings. Some beings can enter through the feet and move in one way. There are currents that enter through the nose. For example a being enters in you to investigate your body and after that cannot go out. When it examines your body it finds a nice place, it likes it there and builds for itself a little home and says: "I will not leave this place, it is nice and I will make for myself a little home." It starts to break up your substances and as a good mason it knows what to use for building its home. You must say to it: "Listen, friend, you cannot build here. Have you asked for permission? Have you mobilized yourself? You must stop with the building! In the name of the great divine law which governs the world you have come as a guest and must leave „ If you do not obey I will find ways to dispose with you according to all the rules which I know." And it goes. Yet we are afraid when something like that happens. How? We call the doctor and when he examines the sick he shakes his head indicating that the condition of the patient is very serious. Modern men are hypnotized. How? The sick man sits and looks at the doctor. The last one checks the pulse. Again he shakes his head and says: "The pulse is irregular."—The poor man wonders what could this indicate. "There is a heart failure," — Failure? He is all scared and his heart begins to beat even faster. The doctor gives a prescription and immediately someone rushes to the pharmacy. This is funny, heart failure! There is no such thing. I can make everyone of you to have such a heart failure. There certainly exists the danger for heart failure. In occult medicine the true symptoms exist which indicate if the heart has a certain organic damage or not. He who studies the occult medicine will find this out. The symptoms appear by themselves on the nails. For example when one becomes sick from tuberculosis there are certain signs which appear on the nails, also. Correct diagnosis of the character of a disease can be made also within one hundred and ninety days. Now comes the doctor and checks the tongue, it is white which indicates that the stomach does not function well. He checks the eyes, they are yellow. This indicates that the liver has a malfunction. The tongue, the eyes — not normal. The third method for checking is counting the pulse — irregular. It indicates also some irregularity in the function of the heart. Well, what is wrong with the heart? The nerve which regulates the heartbeat is defective. There is a break there and sometimes this break slows down and another time it loosens a little and the heart starts to beat fast and one can become afraid. You must say to your heart in this case: "Listen, friend, it is a law that the heart of a man must make seventy-two beats in the minute and you must be obedient." You will repair the break and will not permit any more beats because in the present conditions of life in which we live seventy-two beats are enough. When you meet a man who loves you, you will say to him "Friend you can loosen your brake and make your heart beat seventy-four times a minute." When a person comes to your house whom you love you will say to yourself "Let my heart beat seventy-five times in a minute, even more." You will inform it that when the heart beats more often accumulation of energy will occur at certain places. At present the human heart does not pulsate regularly. You have not made experiments to observe how the heart pulsates and how many changes there are in the way it pulsates. This is a whole science! If you made some research in this you could notice yourselves the changes but when you do not understand this science there is a chance that you may get afraid. When you make your observations you will find how many kinds of currents there exist, how the pulsation of the whole cosmos occurs, how the flows of energy occur in nature. The heart indicates the pulsating of the whole universe. And, according to our heart we may define what kind of flows occur at a certain point on earth. This is a whole science. For this kind of study one must be very sensitive. At the end of the fingers exist certain swellings in the form of tentacles. These must be developed considerably to become very sensitive so that they may notice these flows. When the sensitiveness of the nervous system becomes excessively developed little swellings, very fine organic swellings are formed. With such refined sensitivity one can feel with the slightest touch these currents. Let's now return to music. You must begin to sing in order to be able to tune yourselves. After that we will proceed to the second exercise which is "Venir-Benir." At this point I must warn you to keep separate the songs of the occult. You must not mix the occult exercises with ordinary music. These exercises are to be sung at special occasions. There is certain time when these exercises will be sung so that you may have respective results. You cannot sing them all the time. You must be very serious about the singing of the occult music. With the ordinary singing it does not matter when you sing but when you sing occult music your consciousness must be awakened, there must not exist any splits in the consciousness. If we sing this way we can achieve in one year very good results. You must protect these exercises. Now I am presenting to you the following theory and we will apply it experimentally in the most elementary things. Sing the song "The sun rises, it brings light," Singing with the necessary concentration as I indicated above our sun will come to rise. When I say that our sun will come to rise I do not imply the external sun but there exists another sun that brings inner light. We do not sing to the physical sun. When our inner sun rises it brings us its light that brings joy to our life. Then comes the living power, that wells up and flows. These are symbols. They indicate that you enter the world of reality. If it was a question to criticize, there is not a stricter critic than I am. I have noticed that when I speak some criticize my way of expression. If we would "begin to criticize precisely I would come with such a criticism about the Bulgarian language that maybe only 250 will remain. Only two hundred and fifty words will remain and these will be the roots of the language with which something rational may be expressed. Now we can use a number of words and will achieve no results at all. Many preachers and clergymen speak but where are the results? They cannot have any results. For this reason when a translation is made of the Scripture a man must understand very well the language of the occult to understand the words in their deep meaning. My intention is to interpret exactly according to the original. In the Scripture some ideas have been translated to such an extent literally that if the prophet or Christ would appear they would wonder about the inventiveness of the mind of these interpreters, how it was possible for them to distort the thoughts and say that which none of these men have ever dreamed nor have these things come to their minds. And modern men say: "This is the most accurate translation according to the original." The interpreter has translated it wrong and then comes someone else after him, reads the Scriptures and says: "Thus has been written in the Scriptures." — Have you been able to verify the translation with the original? — "No, but the Spirit has told me." The Spirit has spoken to him yet he continues to cite the same wrong translation. This is not right! Even I have been thinking sometimes what other word to use instead of love. The only powerful word in the Bulgarian language is "blagost" which is sweetness, the natural sweetness of honey or fruit. When something is sweet it cannot be bitter. Yet what is love? This word has no roots, it has no symbol. What means love we do not know, where it derives from, we do not know. The Bulgarian word equal to love "obich" has also no root. We do not know wherefrom it originates. The word "blagost", something sweet, is a very strong word. When we find such words about which we have experience, in us are generated such thoughts and ideas which function rationally. For example in music there are certain tones (the Master sings "the sun rises", "izgriava sluntseto") which are very harmonious, after that follow such tones in the song which are not that harmonious but this is because of the nature of the language. The other tones come because of the words. Each word must express an image. "The sun rises" —this is a festive, ideal moment. In the occult exercises there is always an image. All European languages, whichever you may take, lack important elements for the interpretation of the occult exercises. At present there are some musicians in France who make experiments to interpret the ordinary music into occult. They begin to compose occult songs, but the last ones are arranged in a very special way. After some time we will have occult music which will bring something completely new. Now you must be ready! Such musicians exist and in them the occult music will be born. You must study theory of music. Silent prayer. Source
  14. Ани

    1922_10_18 Psychic Observation

    Psychic Observation Year 2, Lecture 3 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on October 18, 1922, Wednesday 19.00h, Sofia Secret prayer The disciples' essays on the topic “The Distinguishing Characteristics of Life” were read. I will now give you a psychic exercise. You will all take out your notebooks or notepads and write down the title of the exercise: ”Psychic Observation”. The exercise is not difficult, but it isn't easy either. You need to do the exercise on an empty stomach. Exercise: hold your left hand up, with your fingers spread and bring your palm against your face. Place the index finger of your right hand on the index finger of your left hand (their tips should be touching). Observe the thought which passes through your mind at that moment, and note it down concisely, using two or three words only. It is possible that no thought passes through your mind – this shouldn't bother you. Observe whether your thought is pleasant or not, whether it is negative or positive. If it is negative, mark it with a black dot; if it is positive – with a light-coloured dot. You should be sincere in your observations, noting things as they are in reality without feeling embarrassed about it. For instance, you travel from Sofia to the village of Dragalevtzi. You see all kinds of things on both sides of the road, left and right. If you want to give an accurate description of the road, you will note everything as you saw it, without embarrassment. Do not think that if you state a given fact as it is in reality, you will look bad. This fact doesn't represent yourself; it is something separate from you. As you put your index fingers together so that their tips are touching, you should concentrate your thought for a minute. After that you will place your index finger on the middle finger of your left hand and you will again concentrate for a minute; you will observe what thought passes through your mind. Then you will place your index finger on the fourth finger of your left hand, then on the little finger, and finally - on the thumb. You will hold your index finger on each finger for a minute, observing your thoughts as before, and noting them in your notebook. As you do this exercise, you will notice that there is specific cosmic energy coming out of each finger. Each finger is a channel for a particular type of energy, a specific current. When the index finger goes through all the fingers of the left hand, you will put your hands together so that only the tips of your fingers are touching. When your hands are in this position, you will think positive thoughts. Do this exercise twice a day – in the morning and in the evening at no predetermined hour, but mostly after you have finished the work you had planned. This is the first part of the exercise. The second part of the exercise differs slightly from the first one in the following way: you hold the right hand up, fingers spread, palm against the face. The index finger of the left hand supports the index finger of the right hand, but this time at the middle point of the finger, not at the tip. When your fingers are in this position, you will concentrate your mind for about ten to twenty seconds. After that, the middle finger of the left hand will support the middle finger of the right hand and you will once again concentrate your mind. Then the fourth finger of the left hand will support the fourth finger of the right hand and so on. You will concentrate your mind for ten to twenty seconds when supporting each finger. While holding all your fingers in this position, you will raise your hands above your head, concentrate your mind for some time, and then bring your hands down. You will do that three times, then bring your hands down, but the last time they will separated from each other. You will do this exercise for a week – this means a total of fourteen times. When you do this exercise, you will observe the manifestations of your consciousness and the extent to which it is awake and expanded. Take this exercise seriously. Do it when you are by yourself, not in front of people, so that they don't spoil it. If somebody sees that you are holding one of your fingers up, he or she will say, “This person is calculating something.” When they see that you are holding two fingers up, they will wonder what it is that you are doing. The two arms of man were formed under different conditions: the right arm – during the involution* of man, whereas the left one – during his evolution. So when humans were coming down from the Invisible world, most of the energy was passing through their right arm. However, this energy had first passed through the left half of the brain, then – through the heart, and lastly – through the mind. You will be very careful when you do this exercise, and you will observe what changes take place in your consciousness. It is possible that no changes happen – this shouldn't discourage you. The exercise is interesting in itself even if you don't expect much from it. Such movement of the fingers is nothing other than music. In the future it will be possible to create such an esoteric instrument that could be played. This exercise has a practical application. When you are feeling down and risk losing your balance, do this exercise a few times until you restore your normal state. You should reflect on your thoughts while touching each finger. When you touch your index finger, you will say to yourself, “I must be noble in all my deeds!” When you touch your middle finger, you will say to yourself, “I must be just, to reason correctly about all things in Life!” When touching the fourth finger, you will say to yourself, “I must love science and art!” When touching the little finger, you will say to yourself, “I must be equitable in all my business deals, to comply with all the laws of the material world!” Therefore you will make yourself the master of your objective mind and you will say to it, “Listen, I want you to be a noble, just, reasonable servant, do not lie to me or steal from me, and finalize your deals properly. If you don't follow these instructions, I will fire you.” This is how you will converse with yourself, with your objective mind. When it realizes that it has a good, reasonable master, the objective mind is always ready to listen. There are two minds manifest in a person, but the Higher mind should rule over the objective mind. It is the objective mind that dominates in animals, which is why they are cruel. It is the subjective mind that dominates in herbivorous animals. The Bible calls these two minds “the two men” – the man of Flesh and the man of Spirit, who always live together. When you do the exercise you should also think about the planets that correspond to each of the fingers. The thumb, for example, is influenced by Venus, the index finger – by Jupiter, the middle finger – by Saturn, the fourth finger – by the Sun, and the little finger – by Mercury. Once you complete both parts of the exercise, you will do the following movement of the fingers: you will place the right index finger on the tip of the left little finger and you will slide the index finger down the hand, all the way to the wrist; from there you will slide it up to the tip of the fourth finger; from there again down to the wrist and up to the tip of the middle finger; from the tip of that finger, the index finger slides down to the wrist and then up to the tip of the left index finger; from there down and up to the tip of the thumb. In this way the right index finger will go to all the planets, passing through Mars – the planet of war, and the Moon – the planet of the imagination. The fingers of the hand should be spread apart. When you do the exercise, it is good to note the exact hour, minute and second you started it. This exercise requires great precision because it is connected with time and space. It is preferable that you do that according to the sun clock. Those who are sensitive may do the exercise the moment the first sun rays appear on the horizon. It is then that you will have excellent results. Whoever is sensitive can turn their backs to the east and feel when the first sun rays appear. Exactly at that moment, they will feel slight pleasant warmth in the Solar plexus. The spine is capable of perceiving the warmth of the first sun rays since it is connected to the sympathetic nerve system. Someday we could do the following experiment: in the morning before sunrise, the whole class will go out in the open, turn their backs to the east and concentrate. Everyone needs to be blindfolded at the time in order not to be able to see. I will be on the watch to see when the first sun rays appear. I will be asking you from time to time if the Sun has risen. Those, who are sensitive and have sensed that slight warmth in the Solar plexus, will immediately say, “The Sun has risen!” Everyone can do these experiments on their own and test their sensitivity. Sometimes you sense that warmth, but you doubt whether the Sun has risen or not. Every doubt causes a split of consciousness. As soon as your consciousness splits, you lose your inner impressions. * Involution is a term used by the Master Beinsa Douno which means the opposite of evolution. Source
  15. Distinctive Qualities of the Will Year 2, Lecture 2 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on October 11, 1922, Sofia Without fear! Without darkness! Secret prayer For next time, please write on the following topic: "Distinctive features of Life". What are the distinctive qualities of the will? The first quality of the will is firmness. Firmness is the supporting pillar of the will. So the will has to be as firm and unwavering as a crag. The second quality of the will is bravery and fearlessness. The third quality of the will is the ability to apply things in practice, to bring them to realization, but without procrastination. Often a negative thought would come to a person's mind. Can't the manifestation of will stop the person in his act? When we talk about will, we have its positive manifestations in mind. The negative displays of will are accidents. If a train stops in the middle of the track, this is an accident. Its stops are pre-determined - from one station to another. Every stop which is different from the specified ones isn't part of the timetable of the train. Therefore firmness, bravery, fearlessness, and ability to apply things in practice are necessary qualities for the will to manifest itself in the physical world. In addition to the physical world, the will manifests in the mental world as well. The distinctive qualities of the will in the mental world are understanding, realizing, grasping, and sensing. What you have understood, you will realize; what you have realized, you will grasp, what you have grasped, you will sense. Can you go from the stage of grasping to that of understanding? No, you will walk in a consecutive fashion. One of the distinctive qualities of the will in the Divine world is its nobility - the will must be noble and be motivated a noble impulse, a noble stimulus. When you know the distinctive qualities of the will in three different worlds, you will be able to influence your body, your heart, and your brain. For example, understanding, realizing, grasping and sensing are methods through which you can influence the front part of your brain. The closer a certain brain centre is to the physical world, the bigger the influence it is subjected to from the physical qualities of the will - firmness, bravery, fearlessness without procrastination. The development of the upper part of the brain, i.e. the development of moral feelings can be achieved through noble stimulus, which is brought about by compassion, truthfulness, love of God and love of the fellow men. The human body serves as a tool for exercising the will. In order to come into contact, into direct communication or proper exchange with the powers of Nature, by all means you need to know how to control your body. The organs in the body have to be under the control of the will. People make volitional and non-volitional movements, their bodies have volitional and non-volitional functions which shows that many things don't depend on their will. For example palpitation, thoughts, feelings are outside of the control of human will. The science of the occult offers a number of methods for controlling human thoughts and feelings. As much as people may deny the fact that thoughts and feelings are out of the control of the will, this can be proved easily: it is enough for somebody to pierce you with a needle and you would jump immediately and change your mental state, even reach a point of explosion. Exploding, getting angry are processes which are out of the will's control. They are processes of fermentation. Each fermentation process is due to a special kind of bacteria which causes souring. Many similar bacteria exist in the physical, as well as in other words. In order to free yourselves from the influence of these bacteria, you need to exercise your will and thus affect the brain, especially the power of imagination. The brain must be under the will's control. Imagination represents the opening in the dark room, the camera obscura, which needs to have light-sensitive photography glass in it. It is up to the photographer whether he will open or close this camera obscura. When he is about to take a photograph, he opens the camera. When imagination is not under the will's control, the lense of this camera is continuously open. As a result timely and untimely, conscious and unconscious imprints are made in the brain. If you understand the laws of Nature, you will know when to open and close this camera. There are situations when you don't need any external impressions at all. For example, two people are arguing, you stop, open your camera, and take impressions. These impressions are passed on to the brain and two or three hours later they are still being played out in your mind. Some time needs to pass before these impressions wear off and the brain returns to its normal state. Take another scenario: you are passing by a restaurant at 12pm - it is time for lunch. You want to go in and have a meal. You feel your pockets and it turns out that you don't have any money. You start walking down the streets dissatisfied and indisposed as you keep bringing to mind the image of all these people eating. You pass by a second restaurant, then a third one and you see everybody eating. Your mood keeps deteriorating and you wonder why you have to fast today. Through this fast mindful beings have put you through a test to examine your will. On that specific day you shouldn't walk by restaurants. Of course that is exactly when you have the desire to walk around all the restaurants hoping that you will meet some friend who will invite you for lunch. On that day you should stay home and philosophize about it, "So many years I have been eating and drinking. What have I gained from this? Can't I not eat and fast for at least one day?" That is how an occult disciple should think. Fasting for a day doesn't mean torturing oneself with hunger. Staying hungry for a day is incidental, it is something temporary in life which should be perceived in a positive way. As you can see, Nature's methods are completely different from man's. Things in Nature aren't as systematic as people would have them be. At first sight, everything in Nature seems disorderly. When you climb onto mountain tops, you see valleys, forests and fields where everything is in a big state of disorder - here you see big trees and right next to them - some small ones; there you see big and small flowers all mixed up; somewhere else you see big and small stones next to each other or they are scattered around. You watch and you wonder at this disorder. When a human arranges a garden, in the first rows he puts the smaller flowers, then the bigger ones and arranges everything in this consecutive order. If he arranges stones, he will first place the smaller ones, then the bigger ones, etc. However, someone who understands the laws will be able to see through the external disorder and understand the sensibility, the intelligence of Nature. When moving in Nature it is important to think and to study Nature's methods and laws. Learn about the development of one tree and you will see what harmony exists in its different parts. You see that one tree has bent a little. This is not accidental. The bending of the tree shows that it has met some kind of obstacle on its way. In order to overcome this obstacle the tree has bent a little. It means that some intelligence has supervised the development of this tree. Therefore, when we see warping or some kind of disorder in Nature this hints at the unfavourable conditions which exist on Earth. If these conditions have been overcome, this shows that great intelligence exists in Nature. Similarly, human thoughts and feelings are scattered and disharmonious. Why? Because the conditions you live in aren't optimal. What do you need to do? You need to rebuild your brain and your heart. How will you rebuild them? By putting new content in them - new thoughts and feelings. Rebuilding your brain doesn't mean ruling over it. People often say that they need to take rule over Nature. No, nobody can ever rule over Nature. Nature represents the body of God. God will never let anybody rule over His body and do with it as he pleases. By wanting to impose their rule on Nature, contemporary people get into big misfortunes and evil. Thus Nature gives them a good lesson and shows them that they can't rule over it. They need to obey her and listen to her. Do you think that the father will let his son put a strap on his mouth and play with him as if he were a toy-horse? Ruling over Nature means ruling over our thoughts, feelings, and desires. Another distortion that can be observed in contemporary people is their belief that they need to influence and control each other. This is easy but it isn't allowed. The Dark Brotherhood has a number of methods for that. If you tie the legs and arms of a sleeping person, you have already taken over him. After he wakes up you will tell him: "Now you have to obey my orders." What do you gain by doing that? You can take control over the person's body but never over his mind and his heart. After he frees himself from the rope, he will do the same with you. While someone is sleeping you can tie him up, and once he is tied up, you can exert an influence on him, but after he wakes up the influence will remain only over his body, not his mind, heart, soul or Spirit – these can never be tied up or obey someone else's orders. Thus exercising the will of The White Brotherhood requires every thought to be pure, frank, proper and noble. A strong will expresses itself in conciliatory deeds, not in rough physical action as contemporary people see it. Imagine that one day you are given one hundred opportunities to do evil and one opportunity to do good. Your willpower will show in these hundred cases if you use it in a conciliatory way. However, if you commit a hundred evil deeds, the one good deed won't be able to compensate for all the crimes you have committed. Therefore, everybody needs to exercise self-control and use his will to understand his relation to Nature and to his fellow men. In order to study the manifestations of the will you need to watch the plants. If you go into a pine wood, for example, you will see that pines grow near to each other and take on the shape of a cone. By growing close to each other they save space. Pines transfer this quality to elms, as well as to other trees that grow around them. For example, elms that grow near pines take on a conical shape, but if they are far from them, they grow both upwards sideways. Pines, however, always keep their conical shape. This shows that pines have spiritual discipline, they aren't materialist. Therefore, when it expands sideways, the will has materialistic aspirations; when it keeps its conical shape and its constant desire to grow upwards, its aspirations are spiritual. I will now give you a method for the development of the will. This is the so called conciliatory method. It is only for people who have a strong will. The method is as follows. Imagine that you are a student, you have 25 000 leva in savings for your allowance but somebody accidentally gets into the room and steals your money. This sets off a number of trials: your landlady throws you out of her house, the restaurant owner doesn’t allow you to eat in his place, your friends leave you and you remain on the street alone, without accommodation, wandering through the streets without any help. When you imagine this, watch yourself to see what feelings awaken in you. If you get scared and say to yourself that you hope such a trial never comes to you, you will have failed. Irrespective of how much you pray to be spared such a trial, there is a possibility of it happening to you, and there is a possibility of it not happening to you. Both are possible. Do you think that when you enter a musical school you won't be given difficult exercises? If the student says to his teacher that he only wants easy exercises, the teacher will say, "Go and find another teacher!" Those who want to learn must be ready to do all exercises - both the easy and the difficult ones. If you go to a painter, you will experience the same. If you say that you want easy exercises only, the teacher will say, "Go and find another teacher!" Therefore, once you enter the occult School, you should expect difficult tasks. If you are under the illusion that you will be given easy tasks only, the teacher will say, "Go and find another teacher! This school isn't for you!" Therefore, just as exercises are necessary in science, music and art, methods are necessary in occult science too. If you don't apply in practice the methods that are given to you, you will not reach the intended aim and will not gain the necessary knowledge. There are people in the world with a strong, firm will. When the time comes for an operation, such a person gives his arm for an incision to be made without any anaesthetic. He remains calm, not a single muscle quivers on his face and when the operation ends, he says, "Have you finished already?" How did he develop that will? He did it with the help of exercises, by applying different methods in practice. I would like you to have that kind of will as well. When the knife reaches the bone, to be able to put your hand upon the wound and in twenty minutes for it to be healed. A person with a strong will can do that. Why? Because he can concentrate the prana in the air and aim it at his wound. In order to achieve that kind of willpower, you need to be merciless about your mistakes - not to criticize yourself but to state things the way a seismograph registers earthquakes or the way the light-sensitive slab in photography imprints images. Don't be blind to your mistakes, but correct them! How will you correct your mistakes? Visit any musical school and you will see how the teacher corrects his student. They play together and if the student makes a mistake somewhere, the teacher says, "You don't play correctly, start again". And they both start again. After the disciple corrects his mistake, the teacher says, "Now let's move on, take the next position!" When making a mistake, should the student put the bow down, start crying and say, "Teacher, forgive me, I made a mistake"? There is no reason to cry or to interrupt the process of playing. He needs to move on. And so when you make a mistake, don't put the violin and the bow to the side but go on making one attempt after the other until in the end the tones of your violin blend with the tones of your teacher's violin. After that continue forward.What is the violin for a human? The violin represents the human body. What do music students do? When things don't go well, they sell their violin. Keep the following rule sacred: even in the hardest conditions in life do not sell your violin! A violinist who sells his violin because of difficult circumstances in Life is doomed to great suffering. - "He had debts, which he had to pay for." - If he has debts he should play. In this way he will pay for his debts more easily than if he sells his violin. From an occult point of view, it is not allowed for a disciple to sell his violin. If he sells his violin, he will find himself out of the school. Every disciple must have his own violin; the school doesn't loan violins. Therefore, no matter what your body is like, or what kind of deformities it has, you are able fix it. How? You can fix it through exercises. Just as the sound of a violin gets better and better with playing, in the same way a human body can be improved and developed through exercises and effort. For example, this year I may give you the task of working on your nose - of elongating it or to widening it by 1-2 millimetres. It is easier to widen the nose than to elongate it. In order to make your will steady and positive, you need to change the thumb and the lower part of your chin. The lower part of the chin needs to jut out a little and have a small hollow. This shapes the chin, gives it a nicer form. The thumb has to widen and elongate. If you are unable to achieve that, what kind of will do you have? You say that people influence each other. I am asking, when you were students what influence did you render at university? You have convictions but you are afraid of people getting to know you, and try to pass unnoticed. You want to be like the rich tradesman who tries to pass unnoticed by the robbers, so that they don't rob him. That is the way a cowardly man acts. Whoever has a positive creed, a positive conviction, should be ready to defend his creed not with words but with actions. A man with conviction is like a current that passes through wires - wherever it passes it produces light and warmth. The minds of most secular people function mainly around the ears, near the temples, and as a result of this their thought can't move to the upper part of the brain. The experienced gardener sends the water there in order to moisturize these parts and induce higher thoughts in them. That is the way Nature works. How does it educate the materialist villager? As long as the harvest is rich, he goes around the taverns, drinks, says cheers to friends, doesn't think about anything. In order to make him think, Nature starts educating him. How? It sends drought. The villager sows but the harvest is small and the drought is big. The villager sits and thinks, "What is this about? How have I sinned before God?'' He thinks and raises his eyes upward. If no rain comes in the next two to three years, all that was planted will dry up. The villager becomes more reflective and more humble. Therefore when Nature wants to educate someone, she takes away from him the objects that divert his attention and prevent him from thinking. Another method which Nature uses with materialists is placing wedges. This method doesn’t need too much talking. You pass by any materialist and say to him quietly, "Do you think that matter is something real?" or "Do you think that our present life is permanent?'' You say these words and walk away, they are like wedges in a person's thought process. Then the person starts thinking. Nature aims to compel man to think, not to convince him. After his thought starts operating, he will search for you, he will want to speak with you upon the matter. But in this case too don't talk to him for too long, let him talk. When he expresses his thoughts, ask him: "Do you think that your views are right?" This will offend him and he will go on speaking and trying to prove that his views are right. When he talks you should listen to him carefully. It's enough to awaken his interest once and he will start looking for other opportunities to speak with you. He doesn't succumb, he even fights back consciously, but his thought starts working. Once his thought starts working, the energy of the new thought penetrates him and starts watering the upper centres of the brain. This method is called the method of plugging up. Through this method you will plug up the person in one place, so that he will search for an exit from somewhere else. You should make small experiments of this kind and see what results you will have. Reflection Without fear in boundless Love!
  16. Points of Contact in Nature Year 2, Lecture 1 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on October 4, 1922, Sofia Greeting: Without fear! Without darkness! Secret prayer All people ask themselves what good and evil in life are. Evil is useful in life as well as in nature, but it is not a necessity. When connected with the negative forces in nature, evil becomes a necessity. It represents the lowest vibrational frequency of Good. In life Bad, i.e. evil people, act as drains that impurities pass through. It has been written in the Scriptures that there exist impure and pure vessels. The impure vessels are bad people, while the pure ones are good people. Once they realize what kind of service they perform, evil people begin to suffer, gradually improve, and change their way of life. While they are not yet able to improve, they are dissatisfied with good people and say that they suffer because of them. This is the reason why evil people don't have a good disposition towards good people. Now that you know this, you should show understanding towards evil people. This is the occult view of evil. This explanation, however, isn't meant to encourage evil, but rather to help you understand its deep meaning as a law in nature, as a temporary necessity. As long as there are impurities in the world, there must also exist drains, vessels that these impurities can flow through. In the world, good and evil represent two schools with completely different programs and methods. The student of the first school should not pass into the second one, because he will lose the place which nature has determined for him. As long as he is in the first school, i.e. the School of the White Brothers, he will work with his head and his chest. Once he enters the second school, that of the dark brothers, he will work with the stomach and the liver where inevitably he will ferment. Therefore a man can live either in his head and lungs or in his stomach and liver. Then he will work according to the laws of either the White Brotherhood or the Dark Brotherhood. These two laws manifest everywhere in life. When someone raises only one finger, the index finger, for example, he wants to indicate with this gesture that he serves the White Brotherhood. The index finger is the flag of the White Brotherhood. When someone lifts two fingers - the index and the middle fingers, this indicates: "I serve both brotherhoods", or: "I give blessings on behalf of both brotherhoods, i.e. I will speak the truth when needed, when not - I will hide it." The two fingers are a sign of contradiction. This is dual morality: when the question is about God, I will work according to the first morals; when the question is about evil, I will work with both morals. In the first case I will work with the head and the chest, in the second one - with the stomach or the liver. It is up to you which rights a man should use - the rights of the white brothers or those of the dark brothers. When you raise both fingers and look at them this indicates that your subconsciousness is warning you to be careful in your actions and in your choice of method. By choosing the first method you will gradually learn to think correctly, you will learn that evil is not a punishment, nor is it something superfluous that you can change. One thing is expected of you: to be careful not to disturb the balance that exists between good and evil. The ratio between good and evil is determined by nature: for every one hundred good people there are ten bad people; and the other way round: for every one hundred evil people there are ten good ones. This is the first ratio, which is also the best one. There exist other ratios too: for every hundred good people - fifty evil ones, and the other way round, for every one hundred evil people - fifty good ones. The third ratio is as follows: for every one hundred good people - seventy-five evil ones, or for every one hundred evil people - seventy-five good ones. If for a given time period of 100 years the first ratio is in place - ten evil people for every one hundred good ones, a positive energy influx covering all aspects of life will be felt in the world; if it should happen that among one hundred evil people ten would be good, there would be a receding tide. For example, when a spiritual or religious wave comes into the world, then according to the first ratio, for every one hundred people ten people are non-religious; in the reverse case, for every one hundred non-religious people ten are religious, spiritual, good people. In no case can the number of good people fall below ten percent. There will never be a time when good people disappear from the world. The numbers one and ten are equally strong numbers. The number one represents the power of good people. Thus you should know that the positive and negative powers, i.e. good and evil are necessary for you but you should deal with them most wisely. This means that you shouldn't criticize each other and look for your negative traits, because you will get infected by them. When a student makes a mistake and strays from his path, the others should carefully look for the reason for his mistake, because they too can undergo the same trial. You cannot be judgmental about people's mistakes before you come to know Truth. How many ways are there to say the truth? There is only one way. If you use another way it will not contain the truth. For example, you visit a poor family. You stay there for an hour or two, it becomes dark and the host lights up a candle so that you can see each other better and continue your conversation in a lit up room. After an hour passes the host extinguishes the candle. "Why did you blow out the candle?" - "Sir, I am a poor man, my earnings are limited. If I let the candle burn out I won't have the money to get another one. Therefore if I light it up for a short time only it will last longer." This man speaks the truth. You visit another poor family, here too the host extinguishes the candle. "Why did you blow out the candle?" "Because, as you can see, we have a window looking out at the street and everybody can look into the room through the window." This man doesn't speak the truth. He points to the window as an excuse for blowing out the candle. In reality the reason is poverty. When you are asked something, you also answer either in the first or in the second way. Some of you say: I extinguished the candle because I can't afford to purchase a second one. The rest of you say: I extinguished the candle because people from outside look through the window to see what is going on inside. In other words, when one of the students makes a mistake he is ready to say the truth as it is in reality. He says: "I committed the crime, I am guilty because I don' t have enough moral strength to endure the trial." The disciple whom I compare to the second host says: "It is true that I have made a mistake but the fault lies with my friend who led me astray." I am asking, what kind of a disciple is he who follows his friend's lead? The disciple can follow only the lead of his Master. In order for you to come to know your Master I will describe to you the distinctive qualities of the Master of the White Brotherhood, as well as those of the one from the Dark Brotherhood. How does the good teacher differ from the evil teacher? The master of the Dark Brotherhood doesn't know truth and for this reason he pays great attention to the exterior: he dresses well in the best and most fashionable clothes, wears expensive jewellery, has rings with different precious stones. He says to his students: "Remember that you can find truth only with me." The Master of the White Brotherhood dresses in a modest yet always clean and neat way, and without any rings or other decorations. He says to his students: "Don't expect too much of me!" Therefore in order not to fall in error the disciple should know his Master not externally but internally. When a disciple of the School of the White Brotherhood visits his Master and starts to recount about some teacher who is very advanced and knowledgeable, the Master will not start attacking this teacher and calling him names, but will say: "You are right, this teacher knows much more than I do. He can accomplish certain things that I wouldn't dare to attempt. In this respect he is above me." "In such case I could go to him." "Go to him, you can learn something." He doesn't restrict his disciples but gives them full freedom instead. By going to the new teacher the disciple changes his place immediately: from the head he goes down to the stomach and the intestines where the impurities are, after which he ends up in the liver. When he sinks in these dark factories he starts to understand his first teacher and says: "I no longer wish to remain here. I would like to leave this prison as soon as possible. By not wearing any external decorations such as rings and other adornments, the Master of the White Brotherhood wants his disciple to find the inner wealth and purity of his teacher, his inner and not his external radiance. Realizing his inner poverty and dryness, the teacher of the Dark Brotherhood says: I will dress in rich clothes with fine adornments to be able to show my students what great wealth is in my possession." These are things of external value. Whoever has the desire to exhibit external wealth is poor on the inside. Whoever seems to be externally poor is internally rich. Beware of external delusions and remember that whenever a lot of promises are made, little is given; whenever little is promised, giving is generous. In the first situation you will run into beings of different levels of mental and emotional development and if you attempt to criticize them you will come under their influence. This is what fighting evil means. Whoever has tried to fight evil has always been defeated. All initiates and masters who have tried to fight evil have failed. Evil never succumbs, it is never defeated nor can it be brought under control. As an initiate, Apostle Paul said: "Defeat evil through Good." Thus Good can only partially restrain evil, so that these two powers can be balanced. Besides these two kinds of teachers there exists also a third one. These teachers make use of the methods of both brotherhoods but belong to none of them. Many of the teachers of the Dark Brotherhood have completed the school of the White Brotherhood, know all the methods and use them for the Dark Brotherhood. After finishing the school of the White Brotherhood some of the Masters of that school have also attended the school of the Dark Brotherhood so that they too know the methods of both brotherhoods. They use the methods of one or the other school according to the occasion. They take the liberty to do so because they are of a higher hierarchy than the others. The Masters of the White Brotherhood use the methods of their own school. The teachers of the Dark Brotherhood, who know the methods of both schools, often use the methods of the White Brotherhood for the benefit of their school. You need to know this because when you study the occult you may run into great difficulties and conflict. As disciples of a school of the occult you need to know your powers, because at the present stage of your development, with your present knowledge and moral strength, it is impossible for you to handle certain powers of nature. Why? - Because you can't withstand their inner pressure. I am talking to you now about these things in order for you to learn to differentiate between someone who speaks the truth and someone who doesn't. The Master of the White Brotherhood, the Master of truth brings three things with himself: freedom for the soul, light for the mind, and purity for the heart. The teacher of the Dark Brotherhood brings with himself enslavement for the soul, darkness for the mind, and impurity, defilement of the heart. These are the distinctive qualities of the schools of Light and of darkness, which every one has experienced. If you come across the school of darkness, immediately you will be prescribed a number of laws and rules which you simply must obey. As soon as you start obeying them you will notice that you fall into slavery and confinement. A long time may pass before you can be freed. It is difficult to escape from the iron hoops of slavery. Who can free you? - Truth. What will bring enlightenment to your mind? - Wisdom. What will purify your heart? - Love. What is Love? - Love is the most dangerous power in the world. Wherever it goes, it takes everything away: it opens and empties the purses of the rich, it carries away the full granaries of the farmers, it takes away the masters' servants. How does Love do it? By removing the servants' head-stalls. For a while it seems as if the connection between the master and the servant is severed, but later without the head-stall the servant goes to help his master free willingly. When this occurs you need to either accept love, or if you think that love has come prematurely, refuse it. - No, everyone needs to open their arms widely to accept love: the rich will empty their purses, the farmers - their granaries; the masters will free their servants. What should the state, the government give to love? One of the first forms of governing was monarchism, conservatism, i.e. repression. I am using this form of governing as a symbol, for clarification. I call these explanations first degree explanations. This means looking at the symbol as it is reflected in the nation. After that I will use another symbol figuratively, i. e. as a second-degree explanation. Such a symbol is the extinguishing of the flame of a candle. In this case the candle symbolizes life. Therefore every symbol should be examined first in its closest, most recognizable form, the way people use it, and later in its figurative sense. I wish that this year real, mindful harmony be created among you, but free willingly, not by force. This doesn't mean that you should tolerate everybody, but, knowing the law, at least not criticize each other. It is not a question of remaining blind to evil but rather of knowing that it is needed in this world. As soon as you see it you can distance yourselves from it. Once it becomes needed, evil has the right to exist. If it wasn't needed, it wouldn't exist. You are sitting somewhere entranced and suddenly an evil thought enters your mind. Why did this evil thought come? It came in order to take you out of this stupor. You need to be alert and not to get carried away. Therefore good and evil, positive and negative powers in nature, are as necessary as the floods and tides of the ocean. For example, you are sitting on a rock contemplating about God's Love, not realizing that the conditions where you are sitting do not comply with this Love. A child with a stone in its hand comes by, throws it at you and injures your head. This is a rising tide of evil which was aimed at you. Immediately you jump from the rock and start chasing the child. This way you were saved. Since you got carried away while sitting on the rock, if you hadn't run after the child you would have fallen into the precipice and lost your life. Without realizing it the child helped you escape this situation. There are hidden intelligent beings behind it who directed it to throw the stone at you. In this case you say: " Come evil, as it is worse without you". Therefore when someone injures your head and causes you sorrow, remember that rational beings did this through the child, thus wishing to tell you that you haven't come to this world to live blissfully. It is not a world of bliss. Therefore as long as you are in this world you shouldn't get carried away. Once you go to heaven you can get entranced, sing and jump as much as you like. In addition to high tides of evil there are also influxes of Good. Again you are sitting on the rock, but this time you are desperate, discouraged, ready to commit suicide. The same child passes by, throws the stone and fractures your skull. You drop the gun, put your hands on your head and forget about committing suicide. Good people come to your aid in this moment. They bandage your head and say some encouraging words. You relax, start thinking reasonably and say to yourself: "I am thankful to the child who injured my head, because if this hadn't happened I would have lost my life." Many such cases happen in life to good as well as to bad people in order to free them from evil. When an evil thought comes to your mind its purpose is to remind you that the world you live in is not yet the Kingdom of God, that you need to be alert. When a good thought comes to your mind its purpose is to advise you about which good deed to perform. These are thoughts you need to keep in mind as disciples of the occult. You may have many other philosophical thoughts, this is good too. This way you will be able to determine the degree to which the rules given to you are plausible. By evil and good, by negative and positive powers I mean powers that work in two opposite directions: evil operates in the roots, good - in the branches, in the blossoms. However both evil and good are necessary for life's development. Their services are strictly allocated. One day when you complete your evolution the Great Brothers who guide both schools as well as all of humanity will arrange a new way of living which is completely different to the present one. In the present conditions of life the plant lives like a plant with its head stuck in the ground; the animal lives like an animal; man - like a man, Irrespective of how much effort man makes, he cannot yet live like an angel. In the future man will pass through the favorable conditions of the angels, this however is not possible today. All of you are aiming towards the pre-determined peak but you need to remember that there is only one way that leads to this peak. The Master who is leading you is standing on that peak and saying: "There is only one way but there are turns that go down or sideways. Whatever diversion you may take, at the end of all ends you will see that the path is only one, the peak is only one." When you complete your evolution, i.e. when you reach the peak, you will meet your Master, who will show you a wide open field and say: "Now you can go wherever you wish, you are free." Until you reach the peak you will follow one path towards your Master. As soon as you reach him, many other ways open up and you can freely make a choice. As long as you are on the earthly plane there exists no freedom. Freedom exists high above, on the peak. Gaining freedom implies completion of one for of evolution and entering another one, a completely new one. In your present state you need to guard yourselves against delusions and thinking that another way besides the one pointed out to you, other easier methods for work may exist. The way is one and the methods are many, but remember that there are no easy methods in the world. Don't delude yourselves into thinking that because you are young you have the power to change the world. While they are students, young people think that they will write a book with which they will improve the world or that they will give a talk which will cause a radical change in people's way of thinking. Many of the prophets and teachers also have the same idea, but the Great Teachers who rule the cosmos know that everything will happen according to a completely new plan. When? After the end of this era. Now that you know this you should avoid criticism and not occupy yourselves with your negative qualities. This is a requirement of the science of the occult. When you stumble into one of your negative qualities immediately replace it with a good one. Do the same with your friends and brothers as well. Pay attention to what is good in yourselves an in your next of kin. Try as much as possible to avoid thinking about your shortcomings. You do just the opposite as if you have made it your conscious aim to occupy yourselves with your shortcomings. What happens in this case? Unknowingly you find yourselves in the Dark Brotherhood. The opposite happens too: if a student of the Dark Brotherhood is occupied with the positive qualities of his character he becomes a student of the White Brotherhood. Therefore I recommend that you work with your positive qualities. Regard your negative qualities as remnants of the past. I am not interested in the negative qualities of a disciple. I care to hear the truth from him. A doctor for example questions the sick person about his condition not because he is interested in his stomach or heart, but because he wants to know where the sickness is located. By pointing out your faults my intention is to help you free yourselves from them. In order to achieve this you need to know which virtue corresponds to the given fault. In this way you will influence yourselves. Good will chase out evil. I am not looking for the evil in you in order to reprimand you but rather to show you methods which cultivate the good instead of the bad. As disciples of an occult school you ought to act judiciously. I will not be telling you to be good and judicious. I am giving you methods instead which will help you act in the right way, judiciously. The mind needs to be fed food that conforms with reason. You may say that one needs to read books to feed his mind. - Do you know, however, what books you need to read? Do you know how you need to read? I would recommend to you the works of Shakespeare, Goethe, Kant or to read about the lives and deeds of the prophets and apostles. Many of the disciples read indiscriminately any book that finds its way into their hands and as a result their mind becomes cluttered. They spoil their taste for the truly beautiful and consider this or that not worthy. They become great critics with a high opinion of themselves. Once they notice that you are very knowledgeable, the White or the Dark Brotherhood will invite you to do some service. These schools need knowledgeable, educated people. If you are invited by the White Brotherhood, you will be sent as a preacher to a large church in America. After ten years you will be evaluated as to what category of preachers you fall into and how good your sermons are. If the Dark Brotherhood invites you, you will be made the prime minister of Bulgaria and will be instructed that these people cannot be governed with goodness and morality, but with an iron fist, with prisons. Thus you start sentencing one after the other until you make many enemies and accumulate a heavy karmic debt. All those you have jailed will create a number of misfortunes for you. This is what happens when someone is very knowledgeable. If someone knows a lot both schools will put him to work for their own benefit. For this reason disciples are advised to have positive knowledge and science. It is advisable for a disciple to be humble. The disciple must know every moment with certainty the source of every feeling, every action, every impulse - whether it comes from the right or from the left side. Every thought can have only two results, either good or bad. A thought may have good consequences in the beginning and bad ones in the end. And the other way round - it may have bad consequences in the beginning and good ones in the end. The same can be said about feelings and actions. And so all thoughts which cause constriction to the mind and deprive it of purity come from the left side and should be eliminated without fail. You have nothing to do with them. On the other hand, all thoughts which bring purity, light, and freedom come from the right side. Welcome these thoughts in yourselves and allow them to grow. When I speak of purity I mean living purity. Purity is mobile as are the colours of the spectrum. If you place a glass prism over a white cloth it will be colored according to the colours of the spectrum but only as long as the prism is exposed to sunlight. As soon as the rays of the sun stop passing through the prism, the cloth turns white again as it was before. Truth acts in the same way: it colours, beautifies things without staining them. As long as the prism of truth acts upon a certain object it colours it red, blue, green or any other colour; as soon as the prism is removed, the object turns back to its original state. You complain that someone has tainted you. This is an easy problem to solve. It is enough to remove the prism of truth from you in order for you to become pure again. In the White Brotherhood you can be tainted and you can become pure again. However in the Dark Brotherhood once you are tainted you cannot return to your original state of purity. Their colouring cannot be removed. The people of darkness are tainted with the colour from the Dark Brotherhood. Thousands of years must pass before they can remove this stain. Therefore in the White Brotherhood as well as in the Dark Brotherhood a cloth gets tainted but with the difference that a cloth tainted with the prism of the White Brotherhood can instantly become pure again, whereas in the Dark Brotherhood this is impossible. Living purity is connected with the law of Love and with the law of Wisdom. As long as you abide by these two laws you are pure. As soon as you make the slightest deviation you loose your purity. Living purity is not a constant quality of man. It is mainly a quality of love. This means that as long as love is present in a person's heart he or she is pure. Purity is a quality simultaneously of the mind and of the heart. Light is a quality only of the mind. As soon as light disappears from the mind, darkness and gloom set in. This is the diagnosis which defines the state of your mind and of your heart. These conditions further determine what path you will take. I wish for you to have this living purity. When it is present in your mind and heart you are joyous and cheerful. Man is not born pure, he becomes so later in life. Light appears instantly. It takes a long time for it to get ready, it manifests itself in an instant and disappears instantly as well. Thus living purity is a quality of mindful love. He who wishes to have this purity needs to be connected with love. Love excludes impurity, suffering, envy, hatred. It excludes all negative manifestation of life. Wherever love is absent all negative qualities exist. Wherever love enters there is peace, joy, gladness, growth, and freedom. When someone says that he suffers because of love he doesn't understand the law of love. We completely disagree with such a statement. One cannot suffer because of love. One suffers only when he loses love. This is a completely different matter. For as long as love abides in a person and illumines him, he is joyous and glad. When love abandons him he starts suffering. Why? There is no one to lighten him up. Therefore suffering and sorrow indicate that you have lost your love, that your candle has been extinguished, and that the object of your love has moved away from you. This may come contrary to your ideas about love but you can accept it as a new attitude. In the future when you write new literary works you will need to use a new language. At present you write: "This person is weeping for his lost love". Then you will write: "This man is weeping because his candle has gone out". Or "He or she is suffering because of the extinguished love, the extinguished truth." Sometimes you say that when someone is in love he or she becomes absent minded. In reality one becomes absent minded because of fear of losing his love or because he has lost it. He resembles a man who has lost his money. Love awakens in man the most sublime feelings and thoughts. If someone is weak, cowardly, hesitant and lacks intelligence, he lives without love. He who wishes to be intelligent, talented needs to acquire love and live with it. I am not speaking about that which people call love. These are feelings, passions which make a person unhappy. The disciple works with the common, human love and the Master - with the sublime love. When the Master speaks he uses every word appropriately. He knows why he uses a certain word, he knows what an effect it will produce. When a student speaks he doesn't know why he uses one word or the other. The Master's Love has been tried, it cannot be tested. The love of the disciple has not been tried, it needs to be tested. The knowledge of the Master has been tried, it need not be further tested. The knowledge of the disciple has not yet been tried and needs to be tested. The purity of the Master has been tried. He has passed through this test. The purity of the disciple has not been tried, it needs to be tested. Therefore the love, knowledge, purity, compassion of the disciple need to be tested. This is necessary and appropriate. Do not think that you can go a different way. This is the path that all your teachers have passed through, this is the path which you will also pass through. If you are tempted to criticize, you will delay your evolution. Boundless Love! Ceaseless Wisdom! Constant Truth! Write these thoughts down and work on them throughout the whole year. Contemplation. Without fear in boundless Love! Source
  17. Ани

    1922_08_27 I am the true vine

    I am the true vine I shall read to you the fifteenth chapter of St. John’s Book Jhn 15:1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.” This chapter is addressed to the disciples, not to ordinary people. The verse relating to the branches forms the first part of the chapter. The branches represent God’s Kingdom which is now developing on Earth. The second phase is contained in the verse: Jhn 15:3 “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” This is a comparison between the vine branch and the relationships the disciple forms. For just as a branch draws juices from the vine, so should the disciple draw juices from his Master during his development. In this process of growth our Father is a husbandman. You need to know that it is namely the principle of reincarnation which is represented by the inoculation of the fruit’s seed. Do not imagine that when you choose a wrong Path you can be planted just anywhere. No, there is a similarity in the act of inoculation due to which you are under a duty to follow this principle. Jhn 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”. This and the following two verses relate to the thought world: Jhn 15:5 “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.” Jhn 15:8 “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” These words of the Christ indicate the conditions necessary for you to become disciples. Someone says: “May I become a disciple!” Do read chapter fifteen and take note of the conditions. This is the only way for you to be disciples. Now the second phase of the disciple is taking place. What shall become of one after she becomes a disciple? The second phase you are now seeking is Love - it is the second consecration. To those who have to enter I shall say: Jhn 15:9 “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love”. The state which distinguishes a disciple is contained in the words:”…continue ye in my love.” Jesus says: Jhn 15: 10 “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love.” Now you want to be loved but you do not abide in Love yourselves. Which one of you abides in Love, could you tell me? Where is your Love? Christ has proven that he abides in Love; when He was crucified He cried, prayed and finally He bore all suffering voluntarily. This is what it means to abide in Love! Whether one is a disciple or a Master he still needs to prove his Love. This year, I want you to prove your Love. How can Love be demonstrated? To me, empty words mean nothing and promises do not matter, either. What is significant is this present Life and your task is to bear fruit. You wish for the Heavens to open up to you, for you to have all the strength you need, for God to do much for you, but you yourselves give nothing. As far as I can see the disciples in Bulgaria want a lot. It should not be this way! The rules have not changed for the disciples of any nation, tribe, of any period in time and any century, and they never will. Now you are seeking the Christ and speaking of Him, you wish His Love, you want to know Him and think you know Him. Is it possible for you to know Him and yet fail to abide in His Love? Christ clarifies: Jhn 15:11 “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and [that] your joy might be full.” Jhn 15:12 “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” The third point Christ addresses is that the Love which exists among all disciples should be the same as the Love which arises between the disciples and the Master: Jhn 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.“ Jhn 15:14 “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Jhn 15:15 “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” Jhn 15:16 “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” Jhn 15:17 “These things I command you, that ye love one another.” Jhn 15:18 “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you.” Jhn 15:19 “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Here, what Christ means by “world” is the Black Brotherhood, the Black lodge. It cannot love you. The modern world is governed by the Black lodge, its rules, orders and the formalities of the church are characterized by their ostentation and spirit of emulation. Further on Christ explains: Jhn 15:20 “Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” Jhn 15:21 “But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.” Jhn 15:22 “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they would not have had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.” Jhn 15:24 “If I had not done among them the works which no other man did, they would not have had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.” Jhn 15: 27 “And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.” This chapter you can read many times and ponder. It holds precious directions and exercises for any disciple. Now, you are all inspired by the idea of leaving the Path for the Spiritual world you have entered. This is a misconception. When Spirit and flesh live and work together, they inevitably quarrel but at the same time they are so connected that each needs the other; similarly, once you enter the world you need to do your work and defeat it. If you do not defeat the world you cannot be good disciples. You will win and all it holds shall be at your disposal. If you do not defeat it, you cannot be good disciples. Christ says “I defeated the world.” If Christ - our Master did so, then so can a disciple. Now, your desire is to go in the world in order to defeat it but it is also to obey its thoughts, wishes and actions. You think all that happens in this world is perfection. Which of you does not desire to see how perfect actors play their parts? Well, is there a greater show than real life itself?! Between an actor suffering on stage and an ill man suffering in bed, who is a better performer? Between an actor killed on stage and a man killed in real life, who is a better performer? Certainly, it is the latter. Observe life and you can witness top performances of a great variety - comedies, tragedies, drama. You say: “Let us go to the theatre, this drama is to be played”. I am telling you - I have seen better plays than that. Indeed, the playwright has created a good replica through his work, but I have to ask if you have seen the original version of this drama. It is ten times better. There are painters and musicians, who copy Living Nature and if we reach a state where we are capable of understanding her language, then we will be able to perceive a things’ true essence and will then have a better and more correct understanding. The sense of hearing of modern people is not that well developed, thus, we think that Nature does not speak. But it speaks very well, beautifully and eloquently. At some times of the year, on some days, the Master of the White Brotherhood can, through a cosmic path, descend into Nature. They say of such moments that the Heavens open and different apparitions come forward. There are moments in every age when the Master descends to us and if you are aware of these moments, you will see the Splendour of Nature. Sometimes God remains silent, sometimes He speaks to us. He is silent when He is occupied with an ever so grand a thought of creation of a new world. And it is namely when these Divine acts of creation take place that the greatest crimes happen as well, as then God is too occupied to be concerned with mankind’s folly and foolishness. So now you say: “Let us commit this and this act while God is silent, now is the best time!” But once God finishes his work, He turns to us and sees it all. He keeps a record of everything, never forgets anything and anyone, misses nothing and never falls asleep. He may seemingly fail to notice you and even when He looks at you, God manifestly does not see you. He keeps his silence; continues to do so even when He observes you, but you tend to mistakenly think He does not notice you and you take comfort in this false idea. No, he did and does see you. In order to achieve Love, you have to be disciples. In order to be loved by its mother, a child has to become a child. If it does not, it cannot be loved. Similarly, a disciple has to assume the position of a disciple in order to have Love. If you want to experience Love, you have to descend upon Earth, to accept some limitations and to realise your relationship with God. Once you become humble, you shall all feel eternal as God; you shall begin to abide in Him and shall seek no other. Once you accept the limitations and come here to work, this is when the Lord will show Himself to you in his Love. And for this manifestation of Love, you will need a body; what is more - it needs to be a harmoniously developed body. In it we need an excellent heart made of the finest matter, which exists in God’s world. Next, we need an excellent mind, created by the finest powers which exist within Nature. Furthermore, we need a soul which originated in the Divine substance, in His very essence - a soul which holds and reflects the functioning of the whole Cosmos. We also need a Spirit - this Divine ray of light which disperses Life as it is released. This is the being within. And when all of these elements are combined, then one becomes conscious that she exists simultaneously on Earth, in the Astral dimension, in the Causal and, finally, Divine world. Now, when I say you should be disciples this is not to say you are not ones but it is desirable that you should be diligent and capable and when faced with hardship, able to find the most suitable solution. If you had a daughter who you kept locked in a castle, then she would be completely pure. If you had another daughter who remained pure after being lead into society and surrounded by any temptation and ordeal possible, which of these two would stand higher? It is certainly the latter. If you find yourselves in favourable conditions and you remain pure, then this is excellent, however, what you need to know is whether through the tests and hardships of life you can still remain uncorrupted. One who has gone through the turmoil of life, through all the temptations and, yet, has managed to keep her purity, can be said to be a disciple. You wish to be disciples, to isolate yourselves from any temptation and thus remain pure. This is the easiest thing to do but then being disciples would lose its purpose. No, a disciple walks in the world, he is put to any possible temptation; however, if he resists, you know he is a disciple. But when you set out on your Path, you say: “May the hardship and the temptations be fewer.” What an odd set of conceptions! You will have just as many difficulties along your way as are necessary for your growth and development. Take for instance a secular school and its curriculum. In first grade it corresponds to the level of understanding of the pupils; in second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth grades - it is the same. If people arrange things in life in this manner, then imagine how much better at this must be our Lord! May God foresee everything! We have set out on our Path and now say: “Dear Lord, please give us not difficulties which will break us!” We give our Lord advice! What this means is that we do not truly believe in Him. This is a trial, a temptation. Instead we should say: “Dear Lord, we shall fulfil Your plan as You have drawn it up for us. May Your Will prevail!” Now, I speak to those who are already preparing, who are on the doorstep of acquiring their status as disciples. You would say you are already disciples. Yes, of course, but there are disciples of first, second, third, fourth grade and so forth; from one disciple to the next there is ample difference. Moreover, there are high-school students, university students and finally - esoteric students or disciples. The word disciple is different from student. Sometimes, when I say you are not disciples as yet, you disagree “How come we are not!”. You are like primary school students rather than high-school students. Then you become like high-school students but still not university students. Is this not true? It is. Oh well, let me ask you now what should be the qualities of the disciples in the esoteric school? All the qualities required of a disciple need to be clearly determined for you and you have to possess these characteristics. The aim of a trader is to be rich and this is a right aim. The aim of the fighter is to be strong and tough. The aim of the warrior on the battle field is to prevail over the enemy. The aim of the one who is hungry is to satisfy his hunger, of the one who is thirsty - to quench his thirst. The aim of the disciple is to learn. And thus, our goal throughout the year will be to learn. What exactly? How to love. The first thing to learn is how to love! The second is to learn the ways and methods in which this Love is manifested. The third task is to know the conditions which will allow us to demonstrate our Love. In order for people to love you, there has to be something about you. For instance, you love music; if you know how to play, I will love you. You like art, painting; if you excel at it, if you are a first -class artist and do a painting, I will love you. You love compassion; I see you perform an act of compassion which is of assistance to someone and you uplift them – I will love you for that. In consequence, in order to be loved by people, you must always manifest your Love to others; you have to demonstrate your Love for the weaker through your acts. In order to be loved by her child, a mother must be able to educate it. Then all say: “She is an excellent mother and a wonderful example to others.” But if she then abandoned her child and left its education to others, if she instead chose to frequent different meetings which concern her private interest and no public matter, and if she were to leave her children on their own, then anyone would say: “This mother should know better than to leave her children alone and fail to educate them”. Now, you may know all there is to know in the world but you do not know how to serve Christ, your Master, you are unable to apply His Teachings. When you need to apply the principles, you do not know how to go about it. If I were to ask someone whether the teachings of the Christ are applicable and capable of being practised in the modern world, she would reply they are inapplicable and incompatible. Also when Purity is concerned, you say “We cannot be pure, I am married and thus could not possibly be pure.” Even if not married this one would still be impure. A woman is to you like a carafe which serves to keep you from becoming dirty. But do you know when a man and a woman become dirty? When they have such a union where they have their eyes fixed on the outward expression of their relationship: the man looks at what is on the outside, the woman looks at the same. But looking at the exterior is what brings dishonour. When one stops giving importance to God within and admiring His Love, but starts to admire the outer side, then he is on the road to crime - he has committed all the crimes already. And then anyone can disarm you: you can be disarmed by the eyes of a woman, when they are dark, when she has a plump figure, or that she has a beautiful nose, that she has full lips, and so on and so forth. Further on you can be disarmed by the fact that someone has houses, a field, and money. Anything can disarm you and thus weaken you. This is no longer Love; this is what is referred to as “scene of the crime” in the Holy Scriptures. If you are for instance disarmed by the knowledge of your teacher and love him for nothing but them, then you are committing a crime. Knowledge is not a goal in itself because it is Love that brings Knowledge within. You cannot behold Knowledge until you have Love. You lead yourselves into believing that you can achieve Knowledge before you attain Love. Only the one who has Love in its completeness can have knowledge. Do not think that you can have any Power whatever without Love. All statements to the contrary are false and fictitious. You say you can accomplish something without Love. But look for examples of this throughout history - there is no single reformer, not a single Great Master who took on his mission without Love and had success. He may have had temporary success but then everything necessarily collapsed and went to waste afterwards. Therefore, I am saying now that all your power, if it is demonstrated without Love, will go to ruin, will be a waste. And then you will say: “Why did we have to take this venture!”. Yes, you cannot succeed without Love. Only with Love! I am telling the truth in a way no one has before: without Love one cannot do anything. Someone may say: “Once I acquire Knowledge, the road before me will be clear and easy”. No, first you need to have Love and then you will attain true Knowledge. In this respect, there are no exceptions. You may say your hearts are cold. Why? Because you do not have Love. - “But how do I acquire it?” Well, where are you searching for it?... I shall leave this question unresolved but remember that all in the world is unveiled only through this Love that is hidden within Divine Wisdom and Divine Truth. When you realise this thought you shall have a revelation and will have an impulse which will lead you to see all human souls in a different light. Then you will think of everything as dear to your hearts; even the most ghastly creatures like frogs and snakes: after you look at them through the enlightened eyes of this Love, you will say of them: “Poor creatures, how sorry I feel for them! What could the reason be for this plight of theirs?” When you come across a tortoise, you will stop and exclaim: “How sorry I am for you! I understand why you are wearing this carapace.” When you happen to see a snake you will not be afraid but shall say: “Poor thing, now I understand you, I know the reason why you are crawling and squirming”. And you shall feel solely compassion. Now, when you meet someone you tend to say: “What a hypocrite you are! I know all about you - you want to lie to me, to lie to your God and think I do not know. I am not lied to easily!” If you reason like this, then you have surely already been deceived. If you know the Truth, you will think: “I understand where this brother of mine has tripped and this situation is familiar to me.” You will then see through the reasons that he behaves in this particular way – he is solving a difficult task. I want to give such examples with the disciples who formed communes; I need examples and I reckon they will not be offended if I use them to demonstrate my point. So a disciple comes to me and says: “We have found the true Path, we founded a commune and as we are secured with a home, I can now leave work. We will start a commune in this city and will thus serve as examples and enlighten people”. I tell him: “Do not demolish your house before you build the new one, or in other words - do not leave your old position. “ Another brother then comes from Sofia to give a lecture on communes. A sister who hears the talk tells him: “This brother from the commune has found the solution and knows how many acres of his field he needs to work in order to feed forty to fifty people.” However, no later than four or five months afterwards, the brother refuses to feed these people. Why? The work was not well considered - it is not as easy as that to feed so many people. For this you need Love, Love! This way some disagreements occurred, the people in the commune had a row and then separated. And afterwards they come to ask the Master to fix the situation. This is what I can say: I will fix this when you can no longer make amends. Later these same brothers established another commune but it is not successful, either. While the idea is an excellent one, these brothers are lacking in Love - they wish to secure themselves before the others, so they take extra. Now, many of you wish to be my disciples in order to be well provided for. But with me, there is nothing secure. You will work just as I do. I have not provided for myself. Some will ask: “When you grow old, what shall you do and who will be there to look after you?” When I grow old I could stay hungry forty to fifty days – I will suffer a bit, will resist. – “But you could die this way.” We die when we eat and when we do not, so then what is the difference? If this is meant to happen to me, I find it irrelevant if it will be in abundance or in penury. This is an unimportant issue in which I take no interest. Therefore, the first condition for the establishment of communes is the presence of strong conscientiousness. Disciples join together and act in mutual assistance. However, in the communes which you are now entering, you do not allow others to take initiative and ordain in the Lord’s Name. I often notice that people seek to impose their views about things. For instance, in the country those who follow me say that they do so because the Spirit told them. Others, in order to facilitate my work, persuade the rest that it is necessary to fast and that was the order of the Master. These people go on telling stories on behalf of their Master. And those who listen to them wonder how come the Master tells them one thing and then a completely different thing to the others. Do not be fooled and ask me when you are confused. I am here with you so why not come and verify the truthfulness of all you have heard. I speak with the spirits as well. If I were in Paul’s shoes, I would say “If someone were to say I was a Jew I would say I was twice the Jew he is.” Thus, if someone claimed I had sessions and communicated with spirits, then I would reply I had twice as many sessions as he imagined. And in my communication I do not need mediums but talk to them directly. Some accept all the spirits say as the unshakable truth. No, on the other side there are just as many lies and impurity as there are here. There is evil there as well, and fermentation even more than here but it is all so subtle that you cannot see it. In order to grasp the far -fetched deceit and traps which haunt you, you need to have a sharp and perspicacious mind. When you enter the spiritual world the spirits will welcome you and hand you clothes to put on, will treat you to some food and will take you to their woods and meadows. But there are flowers there which intoxicate and induce sleep. So, when you wake up you will no longer know where you are. They start well in that world but end badly. So, when you find yourself surrounded by such flowers, do not fall asleep but keep your minds alert. Some will say: “If there are lies involved, then, it is better not to take an interest in the Spiritual world.” No, you need to know about it, but be smart and remember that spirits behave as we do, the difference is that they have finer bodies. They are bored sometimes and take an interest in earthly matters; sometimes they make up false stories like we do. Someone told me how a spirit in the town of Pleven called a person and told him: “You will conduct this experiment: take a candle, then look in the mirror and exactly at twelve o’clock you will see me as never before.” The man then takes the candle and at twelve he gazes at the mirror but sees nothing. At last he hears a voice: “Do you not see this donkey in the mirror?” Then he understands it is all about himself and it is all a mockery… Now, this should not cause you to lose heart in the least. If you know the rules, you will not go and look for the spirit’s reflection in the mirror but will awake within yourselves these spiritual senses. You cannot see a spirit with your physical eyes or understand it with your physical feelings. You need to awaken within yourselves spiritual senses and use them to acquire knowledge of the Spiritual world! Now, a disciple has to know his Master. The Master is not on Earth. He might have a physical body but he always remains in the Heavens above. In form he is down upon Earth through his body but in substance he is up in the Heavens. Therefore, wherever you are and whatever you do this year you need to acquire the Love of your Teacher! Years ago a young lady, one of the most intelligent women I have ever met, told me: “I have this rule: I interact with all people very well but when I meet someone, I aim to find her one best quality and as I focus my mind on it I cause her to manifest it and then, no matter how rude or bad she is, a reaction occurs.” A laic has come in her spiritual growth to this revelation and these results and I recommend her behaviour to you, it serves as a good example. When you meet someone, you should both try to find a good trait in each of your characters. Do not concentrate on the bad qualities of the other; they are temporary things which lead you away from the Truth. Only this practical experience can lead to success. Do not do it out of obligation or because it is imposed upon you, but endeavour to try it. Just as the young lady discovered this art, so can you. Christ says: “I am the true vine”. Imagine that you are on this vine, that you yourselves are a twig engrafted in Christ. Do not seek Him anywhere but do believe that you are a branch and aim to understand the language of the vine. You will learn Christ’s language! It is not Jesus who should learn a disciple’s language but the disciple who has to learn His language. And when you learn it and start speaking it, then nothing you shall request will be denied to you. If you wish to learn His lessons you need to learn His language and how to speak it. If you do not speak His language you will see that you can address your words to Him for days and yet fail to receive His attention. On the other hand, if you only say one word in His language, He will notice you and listen. During this one year I want you to learn the language of Christ. The beginning of this language is Love. So, start with this first word - to love. It is not the first one but you need to begin with it. In the Bulgarian language, the word to love has a higher moral content than the meaning to fall in love. To love expresses a stronger feeling. Thus, you need to ask yourselves if you love Christ. But do not reply “I love Christ”; reply that you have “come to love the Christ”. When you use this expression, you change the meaning you put in this word. And it is a more powerful expression. This is why you need to remember it and make it a part of yourselves. Sing it! If you had Love you could now write a song about this expression and it would be the best song you have ever heard. You will say: “Master, sing us the melody of this song!” I will answer sincerely: one who has come to love only sings to his beloved. But if this one does not love Him back, He is silent. Thus, the Christ is silent and cannot sing for you. Now, as far as a song is concerned: yesterday I sang to you “Bless and forget not”, I also sang “Fir-fur-fen”1. You can sing of things unknown but not of things familiar to you. In the future, your hearts have to become so delicate as to allow you to sense the different shades of things. There is spiritual sorrow hidden within your soul. If you only knew how big and deep it is! There is sorrow which cannot be expressed through a sigh - so deep are these feelings that only the soul which contains and lives them knows what grief is. Whoever experiences deep and overwhelming grief that exists in Nature, has his clothes whitened and he is purified and cleansed from within as well. But do not think whiteness is the key to everything; it needs to evolve into Light, go through Life again and bear fruit in the Divine world, fruit which will improve Life and find their realization in this manner. Therefore, this white colour has to be transformed into Light, the latter has to turn into action and thus be used in the conscious Life and then produce the fruit on the Tree of Life. And when we eat them, when the soul feels the presence of our Lord in His completeness and magnificence, when we taste the great splendour in the Word of the Great Master of the world, then we shall comprehend the deep meaning of His Word. This year, all of you shall have the necessary conditions and an opportunity to become familiar with the language of your Master and learn it. Many of you tell me you saw Christ in your sleep. I ask them if He spoke to them. - “No, he only passed quickly.” How do you expect Christ to talk to you when you do not understand His language? Once you have learned it, Christ will talk to you and say: “If you only have Love for one another.” Now many of you will go into the world. There you will experience hardship, misunderstandings, obstacles, doubt, but anything can be overcome with this inner Completeness achieved through the knowledge and use of Christ’s language. This is why instructions will be given to you and we will thus understand each other. What would happen if I could not put myself in your shoes? Why does the doctor understand the plight of his ill patient? If the latter took the medic’s hand and said: “Doctor, you are the only one who can cure me; to me you are God, my mother and father - I have no one else; only you can relieve me of my pains!” Then the soul of the doctor would awaken and he would say” I will help this patient.” But if the patient were to say: “You are a doctor and it is your duty to cure me, this is what I am paying you for!”, then he would remain silent and ignore him. If you want and ask, the Divine will awaken within this doctor and he will say: “I will help this man” Now many say: “If He shall so desire, God will cure me.” What do you mean - if God so desires – you are the one who has to desire recovery! Then start and pray according to all rules, cry if you must and say: “Beat me, crush me, but only You will help me!” Then God would say “This ill man deserves (to be healed) but I want to make him turn to me”. Some of you say: “We had better not go to the Master, it is better not to disturb him.” Others speak to me: “Master, I wanted to ask you something important but I am noble and do not want to disturb you like the others do.” I am telling you - you have now disturbed me more than the others. You, who had to solve this issue at that given time, failed to do so and you now wish to lie to me. The lie has entered your soul. I would prefer it for anyone to disturb me but to solve their problem expediently and in compliance with all rules and principles of Divine art, to solve it according to the principle of Love. There is one issue for the solution of which I have never refused advice. I have never refused to receive anyone whose heart was under extreme pressure. I have never let anyone down. If someone’s will power was very strong, I would tell him: “You have will power as strong as steel or granite, you do not need my help” Now I speak to you in the name of Christ, in the name of God: since Creation I have never failed to help a sufferer. I shall state this more simply - as they are written in God’s book: never since the beginning of the world’s existence or since the creation of Cosmos has a soul in plight knocked on the Lord’s door and failed to receive help; in spite of his constant engagement with His affairs, He is always ready to assist. Never has a troubled mind knocked on God’s door and failed to have a ray of Light sent to it. And there is no exception to this. So, when we approach God with all our mind and heart and when our souls are in hardship, He shall speak to our minds and hearts. Now, you wish to be disciples and this is a commendable aspiration. There is no more beautiful desire than to be a disciple! Whoever was once a disciple remembers these days with admiration. It is the same in an esoteric school. There is no more beautiful wish than to be its disciple. Now, as disciples I wish you all success on the way to Truth. I wish you to become familiar with the language of Love, its grammar - to know where to put the noun - in the beginning or in the end, the same with a verb or an adjective, a connector or an interjection. I wish you to learn the language of Wisdom and that of Truth. And next year when I say: “Tell me Truth”, then you will start talking about it in the appropriate language. How beautiful and how excellent this language is! Yesterday evening a disciple, whom I commend, came to me and said: “Master, I shall tell you a bitter truth about myself: I failed to resist love as I should have, I failed to preserve my purity.” So I told her: ”I congratulate you on your courage!” She had started to speak the language of Truth. This sister then went on: “I should have done this earlier but my will power was too weak; from now on I wish to speak the Truth like never before. I want to be pure - pure like I have never been before.” The story I have just told you is a perfect example, I commend this disciple and wish for everyone to follow suit. There are many disciples who are not better than her but are considered better. We have to be brave and decisive in the Lord’s eyes, to confess every sin and all uncleanliness. We need to open our hearts and let go of all impurity. Confession is what we all need! What confession? Perfect confession: you shall face your Master and tell Christ within your souls: “Master, I have not kept to Your Love until now, did not abide in Your Purity, but from now on I will apply Your Love in all its completeness!” Then the devil will come and say: “Wait, do not give a promise, are you certain that you will manage to keep it?” You will then say “I will keep it! I will keep Purity!” Then another temptation will come along and you will ask yourself if you can walk with this Purity. Where there is Love, there is Purity as well. Finally, one last temptation remains - you shall think: “This Master of ours wants to make us saints, to deprive us of all the goods in the world.” If I love the world, what does it matter that I renounce it? You think that if you give up the world or something else nothing will remain of you or what used to characterise your personality. Do you know what this sort of reasoning makes you look like? You resemble the frog that says: “If I were to leave the marsh, what would my life turn into?” Better life exists. Is not the life of a musician better than the quacking of the frog? Does not an artist who paints beautifully stand higher than the frog? Does not the one who reads David’s psalms and the Holy books stand higher than the frog that only quacks and makes noise? I am telling you - when you leave this life the perspectives before you will be a thousand times grander and more glorious than the present life. As you are formed today, when a mother and daughter meet and kiss, the former shakes off and says: “Your lips are cold.” Why is she discontent? Because in this kiss there have to be vibrations - your soul should vibrate as if it were to become this kiss itself. A mother considers this requirement as entirely natural. The daughter kisses her but the mother is not contented, she feels that the daughter loves someone else more strongly and gave them a warmer kiss. The mother sighs and wonders: “Is this why I gave birth to her? She gave someone a warmer kiss and neglected me.” Similarly, do not think you could lie to me with some last kisses. I do not kiss for last or accept leftover kisses. I speak in the Name of the Lord. He does not give or receive last kisses. When the Lord kisses you, you will rise, will liven up, will be resurrected, will become virgin and as pure as an Angel. Virgin signifies the kiss of God, the kiss of Christ. I wish for all of you one day to receive this kiss, to rise, fill with life, be resurrected and say: “Now I know this infinite Divine Love, the Love of Christ, our Master of whom many have talked for so long.” You have sought and seek Him still. This is the one and only Path! Live in the world, work but always keep these three things in your minds: first, all in the world receives its meaning and makes sense through Love, second, all in the world is only created through Wisdom and, third, all in the world is only protected through Truth. Whatever work you take up, put into it Love, Wisdom and Truth. May all be conscientious and then work will go smoothly. Whatever these Teachings are applied to, they have no exception. There are no exceptions to the principle of Love. Christ says: Jhn 15:5 “I am the vine, ye [are] the branches” So, if you start a commune, call upon Christ and say to him: “Lord, we want you to have a share in this commune and be with us; we begin in Your Wisdom, we begin in Your Love, we begin in Your Truth.” Do not venture upon setting up a commune for ten people only but open it to the whole Divine world - let it serve as an example to the world, this expression of Truth! Now we are setting up a School2. Some consider that its members will only be chosen ones. No - it is open to all with no distinction! Anyone who can love, anyone who can think for themselves, anyone who can speak the Truth is welcome to become a disciple. It is irrelevant whether she is big or small. Next year, we shall meet again and talk. Then you will bring those ten topics. Let the most capable student write something on the topic of Love - in prose or poetry – as she chooses. But may she express her ideas so that each word has its meaning and weight and at the same time remain natural - express Love as she understands it. On the second subject may the most capable student write something on Wisdom - what exactly it represents. On the third subject, may the most capable student write something about Truth. Each of your works should be no longer than twenty small pages. Do not write too finely to trick me. Only write on the lines and not between them; only on the front side of the page and leave the back side blank. Only ten pages - no more! Write less if you will but not more. You can say something about Love with ten words, ten sentences or ten pages at most. Now, let us have a release/relax a little bit. Do you realise your own situations? You are like the rings of a barrel which is tightened by the cooper. He tightens all the rings so that no gaps remain. Then he pours water and again makes sure there are no leaks. Finally he turns the barrel around, takes out the rings and uses a big trying plane… The barrel wonders how long the process will be. Until there are no more leaks. Now that the barrel is ready, the rush can be put but if a ring breaks, there will be work again next year. Now you will set yourselves free and say: “We are now free and under no obligation to abide by the rules!” But after we set you free do not think of walking away. No, you can stay tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - according to your work and circumstances. Do not think I am signing your passports; a day, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine or ten - you can stay. I decide for up to ten days, the residents of Veliko Turnovo decide for any longer periods. For they can say: “How long do these people intend to stay here and keep our Master occupied?” But I do not believe they will say such a thing since they have already experienced this last year. Out of Love you can stay for as long as you like, you are welcome. Eat and drink as much as you wish, but once you leave, go and pay your debts. Receive and treat others like we treated you! 27th August 1922, Veliko Turnovo3 1 “Bless and forget not” and “Fir-fur-fen” – music exercises given by Master Beinsa Douno at the annual reunion of the White Brotherhood in Veliko Turnovo, 1922. 2 Setting up a school – Master Beinsa Douno inaugurates the School of the White Brotherhood on February 24th 1922 in Sofia. 3 The lecture “I am the vine of truth” was first published in the literary miscellany “I am the vine of truth”, Varna 1992. Source
  18. Ани

    1922_08_04 Transformation Of Energies

    Transformation Of Energies Twenty-third lecture by the Master, held before the General esoteric class on 4 August 1922, Thursday, Sofia Secret1 prayer I will now talk for a while about transformation of energies. You should partly get acquainted with this great law of transformation. Let us say that you have a certain pleasant or unpleasant state of the Spirit, the soul or the body. State of the Spirit implies that you are thinking of something, that some thought occupies you; state of the soul implies some feeling in the heart. So you have some state either in your mind, in your heart or in your will. Well, precisely this state ensues from the tension of some force. For example, you are walking, and a tiny thorn pricks into your heel – for each step, you will feel unpleasantness. So a certain force has attacked this thorn, it influences your foot and you get restless. Whoever does not know the reason for your state – that this tiny thorn has got into your heel – would say: “This person just wants this and acts this way – twisting”, but this twisting comes from this thorn. As a rule, Bulgarians have with them such big needles and when they prick themselves with some thorn, they start picking with this needle until the thorn comes out; once it gets out, they put their mouths on this place to suck up some blood, and then they put a little salt on top of it. Well, now this thorn may get somewhere into your feelings, because thorns grow everywhere just like uninvited guests. And if it so happens that you walk along an unbeaten road where these thorns grow, then possibly not only one, but ten, twenty or thirty of them might puncture the sole of your foot. Now, these thorns are still more dangerous when a feeling rouses in you, let us say, a feeling of disgust or hatred. You may be a philosopher, you may be a religious person, but when this feeling comes, you will change; you will forget your religiousness and will show yourself just like you were originally. Twenty years ago I watched how two missionaries in North Bulgaria flew at each other’s throats and almost killed each other, but half an hour later they prayed, and after the prayer – this-and-that, they kissed and forgave each other. Now I ask what happened between them. The cause is one word – this word in a certain moment might be misunderstood, it may incite a series of other feelings and cause another kind of a state. You have to know the laws, to turn these forces into a positive direction, to replace them with something else. Now, let us say that we talk about hatred. You might ask: “Couldn’t we go without hatred?” – You cannot – the stronger hatred is, the stronger Love is, too. But when will Love be stronger? – As soon as this hatred is removed. Love will be so much stronger, as much as hatred has been stronger. Hence, hatred is a shadow of Love, and by this shadow we will be able to judge in what direction this Reality is located, because if you do not love, you will hate. However, there is a third state that is worse than hatred, because the one who hates you, is active; the one who hates you, takes from you – this person will either hit you, or lame you, or set your house on fire; if this person is a journalist, he will write in the newspapers to compromise you and will clamp you so that you can feel his hatred. This is a restrictive condition. The one, who cares for you or loves you, will do you Good, will recommend you at the proper place; if you are poor, this person will lend you money, make you a house – this is a process opposite to the first one. Now I will not dwell on psychology, where these two states have derived from, because the state of hatred has its origin, too. Initially this state was natural, but now this state of hatred is unnatural. Therefore, in present life, we should place hatred as a rear of Love, every time it is possible. And the esoteric law reads as follows: “Do not oppose hatred, because if you oppose it, you give it more power – if you oppose it, you acknowledge it a reality, and if you oppose this reality, you acknowledge it as a power. If you do not acknowledge it, then you should think only of Love, speak only of Love and leave hatred as it is – to act alone by itself. And Christ says it rightly: “Do not oppose evil”. Why? – In order not to give it strength – once you oppose it, you allow it to draw strength from you. If your mind is occupied with someone who hates you, and you want to oppose this person, you allow him to draw some strength from you. And we can say that hatred is theft done in a lawful way, blackmail, drawing of human energy. And the one, who hates you, will always exhaust you, hit you, break your head or leg. If it is in physical aspect, this person will hit and lame you so that you cannot oppose him; thus, he would like to take your energy both in an intellectual and spiritual aspect. Therefore, Christ says: “Do not oppose evil and think of Good within yourself”. So there is the difficult part, because evil – these are intelligent beings from the Brotherhood of Darkness2, and they say: “Oppose evil, because only in this way you will show your character” – for them, doing evil is life, while doing Good is death. As in the Lodge of Light evil is excluded and everyone is being punished for it, in the same way in the Lodge of Darkness, Good is excluded and everyone is being punished when doing Good. Also these moods you sometimes experience come through suggestion. For example, someone would come to persuade you, saying “You give him a lesson, prove to him that you are a good person, that you are not a simpleton; otherwise your prestige will be lowered – clench your fist and show yourself so that everyone trembles around you.” At the same time, another thought from the Brotherhood of Light comes to you, saying: “No, act after your Love, don’t pay attention to this, consider it not addressed to you.” And these two thoughts begin talking to you – the one school and the other one start talking to you. You sit and sit, and then say: “We shall take the road”. You are in the Brotherhood of Light and yet you work with the Dark ones, so you are to the left. Because every moment you are either to the left or to the right: you get angry – you are to the left, you love – you are to the right. This path is like this – each moment we will alter, now to the left, now to the right, until we come to the position to distinguish these states and immediately grasp the moment in which they want to tempt us. When you come to the position to grasp this moment, you have to let your intuition manifest and not oppose it – and once you do not oppose it, you will be victorious. Every time when one is able to withstand a certain temptation, a certain seduction, this person always gets stronger; but if one is unable to withstand a certain temptation or seduction, one falls and weakens – this is a law. When temptations come, you cannot avoid them. Temptations will come, tests will come, the question lies not in this; the bitter and sweet feelings will come – this is a law, there is no other path in the present conditions, and everyone should know how to receive them. This law is the same also in the Mental world: some thoughts are formed by the Brotherhood of Light, while others are formed by the Brotherhood of Darkness, and every single thought has its own utmost limits. Then I will define the following law for you: those who walk in the left path, they prolong the time in the beginning and shorten it in the end; while those disciples who walk in the Brotherhood of Light, shorten time in the beginning but prolong it in the end. I will now explain this law to you: for example, a worldly person has some time to think and discuss, it takes him one, two or three days, he thinks a lot about how, for instance, to cover a road of several kilometres – he would send a whole expedition to check the road, to investigate it, and would say: “This road cannot be travelled along.” While the person who lives in accordance with God, who walks in the Divine path, who has intuition, beholds this road all at once, and says: “God speaks so – it is possible to travel”. But once we come to the methods of the Brotherhood of Light, when we see the results in the end, we protract time. Now, the one who would lend you money, first protracts time for one, two or three months – the time will pass and when the term for collecting the money comes, he shortens the time, he will restrict you and you will pay, it cannot be helped. In the Brotherhood of Light, this process is reverse – we think in the beginning and then act, but when the fixed date comes for paying back, and someone wants to pay us back, we say: “We do not want this money, you can keep it for yourself” – this person extends time. And so, you will watch the process which takes place inside you. If, still in the beginning of your life, you want the fruit to come quickly, if you want the time to come soon for you to achieve something, if you want the results to come fast, then you walk into the left path – if you want to master something rapidly, then you walk in the left path. If, after having worked for a long time, you let the fruit come at last, and you are not in a hurry, then you walk on the right track, in the right way3. The one who has worked for one’s nation in the worldly manner, and who has walked in the left path, wants a monument to be built for him, and wants to be written about in the papers, and if they do not do so, he considers these people to be ungrateful. While a person who has walked in the right4 path, when the time comes for an anniversary, says: “There is no need to do this for me, let this be done after my death” – this person protracts time. If you wish for rapid results still in this life, you are to the left. If you hurry in the beginning, you are in accordance with God; if you protract in the beginning, you go according to the world. If you shorten the time in the end, you go according to the world; if you extend it in the end, you go according to God – this is a law inside you. And when you worry about the results of your life, about what you have done, you are to the left. You have done something and you worry – you are to the left. For instance, you worry: “What will happen to us, what if they don’t baptize our children, what if they don’t wed us?” – you already are to the left. So you have not come to this world to be wed and buried, these are side-matters. In which code of the New Testament is it written that one has to be wed and baptized? When God created the first man, was it written somewhere, that he would be wed, did God wed him? God created man in His image and according to His likeness; He said: “Be fruitful, subdue the Earth, live in accordance with God” - this is what the Lord has said. And later, when people came and began to live worldly, they used to say: “We must be wed, we must be baptized, the Lord has said so.” I am asking, who wedded the first man, who wedded the first humans? He who wedded the first humans, He will wed us, too. If this is a question of baptism, there are two kinds of baptism: with water and with Spirit. If it comes to baptism, we will prefer to be baptized by the one who baptizes with Spirit. The priest might dip me in his cauldron twenty times and I will still remain the same person. No, the Lord will baptize you, and if He baptizes me once, it is enough for me. Now, who will wed you? – God. And who will bury you? – If it is a question of burying, the Lord will bury you, because He will also bring you to life at least. If we worry, this shows that we bother about public opinion – then you are to the left. We could have in mind this public opinion, if it consisted of saints, of noble people, of people with the most sublime character, mind, heart and will – then we would accept their opinion. As for those who bother you – these are people who take bribes every day, at each step. What would these people say? Here is what a distinguished person of theirs used to tell me: “Though being bad people, we know that when a noble5 society appears, then bad people will crowd together and fly out at this society to justify their own sins.” And when they speak of you, we know that these are their sins, but we are not such stupid people. So when transforming energies, everyone should occupy oneself to see how much time it takes one to transform some energy. Now, you can make experiments – let two friends say to each other: “Tell me some offensive word, so that I can see how long it will take me to get over this offence”; pull out your watch and see at what time he offended you and how long it will take you to transform this offence. For instance, at 6 o’clock in the morning he offended you, and you will see how long it takes you to transform this feeling – whether you will be able to transform it in two minutes, in half an hour, in one, two or three hours. If you cannot calm down this feeling in a month, it means that your character is weak; if you can transform this feeling in one or two hours, if you can transform this offensive word, so that it becomes an ordinary word for you; and not only stand it but that this becomes a musical word for you – it means that you have a strong character. Now I am explaining to you the transforming of energies in the following way: let us say that you enter a restaurant; no matter if you are an esoteric disciple or a Christian, but you have no money, and the restaurant-keeper asks you: “Do you have any money?” – “I don’t” – “But you have a nice hat, I will give you a meal for that hat” – so you put down your hat. I am asking whom you should thank – your hat or the restaurant-keeper? – You should thank the hat. You enter the restaurant for the second time, you already have no hat, but your shoes are nice, you have no money, and the restaurant-keeper says: “I can give you a lunch for your shoes” – you take off your shoes and remain barefoot. Whom you have to thank? – Your shoes, not the restaurant-keeper. And if this restaurant-keeper tells you: “You should thank me that I fed you” – yes, but due to the hat; “Thank me that I fed you for the second time” – yes, but due to the shoes; i.e. the words of the restaurant-keeper are true to some extent. Maybe this restaurant-keeper just wants to test you, and the opposite might happen – he might just want to test you, to see what you will think about him, he might take your hat and give it back to you again, he might take your shoes and send them back to you again, i.e. he wants to conceal his virtue. So you will thank your hat, and he will give it back to you. When you thank your hat and he gives it back to you, he plays backgammon – he has won; but in the game, if he does not give your hat and shoes back, that settles the question – no gratitude. Now, our educators in church want us to thank them. All right, but if they have taken our hats, our shoes and coats, and do not give them back, but have given in exchange three meals to each one of us, then what shall we thank them for? I say: thank your nice hat, shoes and coat, that you could have three meals for them, but there is nothing to thank these educators for. All right, now I interpret: if a priest baptizes you, what will you gain? If you become a noble5 person after this priest baptizes you, it is good, but if, after being baptized by him, you become a scoundrel, the lowest good-for-nothing, then how much is his baptism worth? It is better if he did not baptize you. Hence, in each moment we should know how to transform these energies that accumulate every day in the form of feelings, thoughts and acts inside our body. We cannot require someone to be patient, we should not force patience upon this person from outside – he has to realize this from inside, this patience should be born within his consciousness. Patience cannot be present at every moment – sometimes patience is compatible while sometimes it is not compatible. In what cases must we have patience? If I am weak and someone is being hanged before me, I will have patience – this is God’s Will; but if I am a strong person and some people of a weak character are hanging someone before me, I will not put up with it, I will not keep my patience, I will stand up, bind them and try to dissuade them and I will not say that such is God’s Will. Hence, when are we recommended patience? – When I am weak, I will have patience, for the weak one has to be patient; when I am strong, I will not put up with it – once you are strong, you must help right away. Now this might suggest to you the thought that God is called long-patient, but do you know what God’s consideration for His long-patience ensues from? – The Lord knows that if He gets angry, the world will end, hence He is long-patient because of the consequences that might result from His anger. If He gets angry at one person, the world will be gone, because, if He gets angry, he will be angry in a way people have never seen. This is the reason why God is so long-patient. He knows that the people of weak character, the sinful people would not compel Him to betray the laws He has set up, to put Himself out of His own peace and follow their minds, and walk in their paths – He will walk in His own path. Therefore, in this respect, patience has its own place. And we should be like God – if someone criticizes us, we will walk in our path and will not stop to reason about criticism; if we stop to reason, we give strength to criticism. We will walk on the path that we are convinced of and that we have tested. Now, in Chamkoria6, in one of my talks I told my listeners that we, men, women and children at the age of 15 to 70, climbed up Musala7. – “It is a lie” – they say, - “It is not possible, you want to mislead us, a 70-year-old person cannot climb up Musala!” One of the attending persons sitting there says: “I am a witness of this, it is true.” – “But please tell us is that really true?” – People consider these things fiction. If people consider fiction the things you are doing now before their eyes, then how are you going to convince them of things they have never seen? In your reflections8 as disciples of an Esoteric school, you should always stop and consider matters. For instance, is it worth transforming the energy, do you have enough energy to spend and so on. Because in a certain case, we might have much more important work to do than deal with idle matters. And everyone has noticed that when a temptation comes, a thought always imposes itself in the following manner: you must decide something and you think that if you act in a certain way, then the affair will be settled, will be made easier; but if you act like this, not only will the things not be settled, but they get mixed up even more. In some cases it is necessary to drop this thought and absolutely ignore it, transform your energy and go on your right path, walk in the path of your own development. Sometime a person feels nervous and cannot bear9 something and says: “I can’t bear it”. Why do you suggest to yourself that you cannot bear it? This is a suggestion from outside. Imagine that four people catch you, bind you and ask you: “Can’t you bear it?” and hit you fifty strokes; then would you not bear it? – You will bear it and go beyond it. If four persons with these sticks compel you to bear it, then why could you not say, according to the same law: “I can restrain myself!” – You can, why not, only we, when suggesting these negative thoughts to ourselves, say: “I can’t.” You will suggest to yourselves: “I can, I can endure”; you would not say: “I can endure sufferings”, but you will bring Love into your soul and say: “With Love, I can bear everything!” Some stupid thought comes to you; do not deny this stupid thought, but tell yourself: “With Wisdom, I can do everything!” A lie comes; do not deny the lie, but say to yourself: “With Truth, I can do everything!” And then you draw out forces. So, when it comes to the moment to apply the esoteric law, you will always use positive words and phrases. If you use even one negative word of any nature, it will always bring bad consequences with itself. If you say: “I will get sick, I will die, our things are not getting better”, then bad effects are coming. No, all these thoughts are not for the esoteric disciple. Even the disciples of the Brotherhood of Darkness are much bolder in their statements – they come and use the positive methods of the Brotherhood of Light. A disciple of the Brotherhood of Darkness never says “no”, such a disciple says: “I will do good”, but when he gets the power, he uses it for evil. Therefore many of the Brotherhood of Light disguise themselves and go into the Brotherhood of Darkness to study their methods, while many of the Brotherhood of Darkness enter the Brotherhood of Light to study their methods – both schools have to be explored. For example, an evil person says: “I will win, I will become strong”, and a good person says: “I will become rich”, but both of them, after getting the strength, generally spend this strength – the one will do violence, and the other one will do beneficence, but both of them make statements. Now, each one of you, as a disciple of this Great school, should be positive in Good. You will not say: “I will take revenge on him”, but you will say: “I shall requite him by Love, I shall requite him by Wisdom, I shall requite him by Truth, Righteousness, Virtue, Mercy10 – that is how I shall be quits with him!” And only in this way these energies, these forces can be transformed from one state to another, because all energies are connected with Intelligent11 beings. We have to study the language of all Intelligent beings – and when you know their language, they will listen to you; but when you do not know their language, they do not help. Now we all study the language of things. Do you know what this Divine language is like? There are two things by which you can recognize it: when you have learned some of the Divine words and you have prayed, you will feel certain warmth down, in the pit of the stomach, your soul will expand and you will feel that you will soon get an answer, you receive encouragement. Then an hour, two or three hours have not even passed, and you get your answer just as you felt it. While sometimes you pray but feel some rigidity, some bitterness12, as if your prayer stands a span above your head, and no reply arrives – you speak to God in an unknown language and He does not answer you. When we speak according to His will, He answers us. Now, in the Esoteric school, the law of transformation of energies is related to the necessity of things. Every time when you start trying the law, you will begin with necessity in Life. You are hungry, you need only bread; you will take in your mind this first thought – to remove your hunger, to calm down your organism; you will not put in your mind any other thought, but you will only focus your thought to obtain bread, i.e. food, lunch, to feed yourself, this should be your thought. Once you obtain the first thing, you ought to calm down, for instance you may plan to sleep somewhere; then you will concentrate your mind upon sleeping. And then, according to the degree of necessity, all your needs will line up. If you observe this law in this way, then your prayer can be answered to, but if you put all these desires all together and if you want everything at once, all these things will be delayed and all your plans will not be achieved, because you have not observed this law of sequence. You will pray for the first thing necessary, for the thing that you cannot do without, then – for the second one, the third one, the fourth one and so on. This is how Divine law works – with mathematical precision, but if you change things and put the minor things in first place, the law changes by itself. Now, only by this law of transformation of energies, a judicious13 harmony can be created. For example, it would not be wise on my part to put on my worst clothes with a repulsive smell, enter your home and say: “Now, stand me, love me” – it is not allowed to treat any mistress like this, unless if it is to test her. I am not allowed, on my part, to tempt anyone, I have no right to do this, unless it is to test this person. Hence, on my part, I have to be so correct, so as not to give occasion to any of my classmates to lose his or her balance, neither to serve as a means of temptation, because neither will I gain something from this, nor does my classmate. Let us say that one of you, a brother, is off his balance, angry, and you gather and begin to say things about him which are not necessary – about his negative side; this passes through the whole class and then you all talk around that we have no other disciple like him – you have all failed your test, you are all to the left. Once this brother, this disciple, has made a mistake, you should all gather, make a prayer, send a grateful thought towards him, draw something from his mistake and say: “Thank God, that the Lord gave us a very good lecture and we thank this brother very much that he became a model and gave us a test.” Send him nice thoughts, he will be encouraged – then you are to the right, this is transformation of energies and that is how you should act. And so, for the future, as disciples of the School, you have to apply this law, it is a Force for you – only in this way can you develop properly. If you begin to put it into practice, you will notice a certain growing, enlightening of your mind, softening of your heart, strengthening of your will. Here is an example: I say that I have patience; you come into my room, I have some work to do, I want to write or correct something, I draw out my watch, but say nothing to you, because according to the esoteric law, it is not allowed to say: “I have some work to do, come some other time.” This is not allowed – according to the esoteric law when a disciple comes, he should guess by himself that it is time for him to leave. So I draw out my watch, look at it and the more this wish grows in me, that he should leave, the more the willingness to stay grows in him. Make an experiment: sometime you wish that someone leaves, while a wish, two times stronger, grows in this person to stay longer – he feels as if someone draws him, the process is reverse. Some other time you want a friend of yours to stay longer, because you love your friend, but less than five or ten minutes will have passed when your friend will say: “Good-bye, I will come again to your place some other time ”, he or she will leave – this is suggested to your friend by the brothers of Darkness. But if I set to myself the thought: “Wouldn’t he or she leave?”, all of a sudden my friend would find something else to tell me. No, you will draw out your watch and will see how long you will stay quiet and calm as Diogenes, without disturbing your balance – you will stay quiet and calm as if nothing happened, even though a whole day might have passed. If your friend stays a whole day and you do not lose your equilibrium, you have won. And your friend will say to himself or herself after leaving: “I should not have stayed so long, I overdid it a little” – your friend feels that he or she has given more. If your friend has stayed more, provoked you and thrown you off your balance, then after leaving, he or she would say: “I would like to go to him the same way one more time.” These are purely psychological processes which take place in you. Most of you have this kind of experience – this is a great law which you should understand and observe; this law regulates things. So, to create a character through transformation of these energies is not an easy job. Have in mind that the great Divine Spirit who has been working over you for thousands of years14, has changed your character only a little, you have done only a little job. Even when someone among you enters God, his character changes with such difficulty. There are moments when this person must absolutely change and enter the New Life, but before he or she comes to this New Life, this change happens very slowly. Once this person enters the New Life, things are radically changed already. So now you will think over transformation of energies – you will think, you will have the willingness to see to what extent you are strong. And you will all take care to transform your energies, to turn them into positive ones. Once you transform them, you win. Now, the rest of your time you may use for questions that interest you. (Brother Stoychev announced a few messages towards all of us regarding our forthcoming departure to the Gathering of the Universal Brotherhood of Light in the town of Veliko Turnovo.) This year we will apply the law, and those who come to Turnovo, will act and after that think. All will act – you will have experiments and you will think over the results of these experiments. As for those who want to reason, to think, let them not come – the ones who would like to reason, let them go into the world, this is a place for reasoning. We set to experiments – we have philosophized for twenty years, now it is time for small experiments. Some of you who want to be the first, to rank first, here is the experiment I will give them: let them go to Musala at evening time, and go through the Rila desert, through the Maritza river, the Toundjanska valley and return. After we return from the gathering, I will give this experiment to those who want to make it. The heroes will come alone and then leave by two at a time. If you cannot traverse on top of Musala, then what can you do? In ancient times, one could do as much in the world as the kind of a peak one could traverse – all adepts, all Masters of the past have gone through high places. Some of you want tests – such will be the test: getting to Musala at evening time by moonlight. There also may be another test: traversing Musala in a dark, stormy night with snow up to the knees. If you endure it, we will say that you are a first-class hero on the physical level. But if you cannot go through Musala even at daytime, there are no privileges with us, and we will say: “Brother, it is not a big thing, but you couldn’t do it”. So we will judge people by their merits and whoever endures it, we will give this person the first place. Why? – Because he or she deserves it. We will give you the first place and we will give you the last place. Now, this will be the first experiment for everyone (all of you are young), for all disciples. This is a very hard test – to go through this desert of Rila: your hair will bristle up, and some of you may be sick for several full weeks. When we went to Musala recently, a friend of mine walked back on his own, passed through the desert of Rila, and here is the experience he had: he remained alone with his wife, while two other persons walked way ahead; this brother confessed to me like this: “When you were gone, I used to see living people springing out of each bush, my hair bristled up”. And indeed, when you enter this valley of the Rila desert, it is desolate there; no birds singing, but you only hear the rustling of the leaves and branches of the trees. And only if you pass it in the dark at evening time! And if you climb up the southern slope! First of all you have to pass this way at daytime so that you have no illusion that it is easy; then you will pass it by moonlight, and finally – in a dark, stormy night. Only three tries, otherwise you will be lost, your life will be in danger there. Once you make this attempt, there are certain energies in these places, which you will make use of. This is one of the best paths, this is an occult valley – only spirits of silence15 are implanted there and they have expelled all birds. When you enter there, you feel that all these energies go only inwards, and you become more and more serious – something grand! When you pass Musala and enter the valley of the Toundja River, immediately your heart opens up and becomes merry, joyful. When passing on one side, you are serious, while when passing on the other side, you are merry; these two conditions are excellent. Nature in this desert of Rila is grand, majestic! One should spend there a day, two or three days, in order to see what a fine place it is for reflection. Disciples should begin with these experiments, because in Bulgaria you have comfort with these high places, with these mountains – in Egypt and elsewhere, they used to create these things artificially, while here Nature has given them to us without our efforts. Therefore, this year we will start with these methods, we will all be active. When you come now to the gathering, you will all work – no privileges. You, too, citizens of Sofia; there must be twenty or thirty extra people for every job – all of you should work willingly, no one saying: “I cannot do this job”. We will begin with the example of the eldest, the strongest ones, and then the youngest will work in the same way. One is the law that you will obey, one is the opinion. We will try the law and see what the consequences are. This position will give us Freedom, a certain faith so that we try God’s will and apply it without any correction. In cannot be otherwise – we will try this without any change. If a certain route is set for you, then you will accomplish it without variation. When we walked to Musala, I told them: “When we come to the places with snow, no one will walk this way, we will take the path slightly to the side”. However, four people deviated from this rule, rolled down, and two of them were saved by a miracle, they contused. A disciple walks along with me and says: “Let me go this way” – he wants to walk along the snowy path. You shall travel along the same path that I travel on. When the Lord tells you to cross the snow, you will cross the snow, but now you will go around and walk through the crags – every time you will walk along the path traced by God. We are thankful that these two persons were rescued so safely: they were a man and a woman who rolled about a hundred meters downwards – it was because of their disobedience, because they wanted to cross the snow. Now, obedience is required of you all, inner obedience. Some would say: “This spirit talks to me like this”. This Spirit is supposed to talk equally to each one of us. A spirit who says one thing to me, and to you – another thing, is not this genuine Spirit. This Spirit should speak to us one and the same thing – this injunction is one and the same for me and for you, and for all of us. His will has to be the Divine Will, which we ought to implement without any doubt. And then the results will be excellent. My experience is: where God’s Will is done, there are always good results, without any exception; where we stray from God’s Will even in the very least, there the bad consequences will come immediately. I will give you an example which a sister told me: she made her experiment to Vitosha16, but on her way back to Dragalevtsi17, she feels like drinking some water, approaches the fountain and wants to drink only two or three sips, to wet her throat, but something from inside tells her quite definitely: “Do not drink, walk on your way.” She comprehends this voice but thinks: “Just two or three sips.” She stops by the fountain – she has nothing to drink with, beholds a young girl filling her pitchers, asks her to drink from her pitchers and the village girl lets her do it, she raises the pitcher to her mouth, but does not manage to drink even one sip when she drops the pitcher from her hand and breaks it. Now she stands before the broken pitcher, still with a dried throat, but she thinks of this no more, but instead thinks of how to pay for the pitcher – she has no penny on her, and the village girl insists on being paid. This sister offers her hat to the girl. – “I don’t need your hat; I want money, fifteen leva18!” – “I don’t have it.” – “Find some; go back from where you came!” – “Listen,” – the sister says – “I am a teacher, I will not lie to you, I will go back to Sofia and will return here on purpose, to bring you fifteen leva” – she takes her address and name, and so the problem is resolved. Now, I have faith in you. I got a nice impression that there is good will in all of you. When I was looking at these a hundred and four people, climbing up towards Musala, standing before the snow, they asked me: “Master, shall we go this way?” I look – a dangerous road, snow; I say: “You may do it”. When these a hundred and four people rushed, they reached Musala in a little over than an hour. I say: with these disciples, high peaks can be conquered – this is a good feature in them, it can be used for good. And all of them came back safely, except for those two, the contused ones – it was an incident. There is good will in all who listen to me – experience shows this, but I want for all of you to make good use of your energies. Those of you who will remain in Sofia, whose things will not be possible to be settled, I want them to observe the days of the gathering – to get together in groups of ten up to fifteen persons, to be in touch, to make contact on the astral plane, so that there is a connection between us and them. I believe that this year many things will be straightened up. The Invisible world works a lot and we have to be ready. It is someone else who works now for our sake, and we will correct things that are worked out and will take care not to ruin God’s path, God’s plan, not to distort God’s Word. Let us implement everything word for word19, let us fulfil all orders – let us be model disciples of the Brotherhood of Light. Because not many years will pass, and there will come brotherhoods from other places, which will wish to unite with you, to see how you live – you have to be ready. Now, a very good future lies ahead of you, there is no reason for you to lose heart. They really put packsaddles on in Turnovo, but everyone puts his own packsaddle on. When you come, we ask: “Brother, this packsaddle is for you, this bridle is for you, can you put it on and take it off yourself on your own? If you can, take it, because we don’t have resources, we don’t have enough.” This is in the figurative sense. Once I say it, I will do it – I will be faithful to myself. The one, who is faithful to oneself, will be faithful to God as well. And there is no better thing than this – to be in the good graces of God, of the Angels, of the saints, to have the favour of God, what can be better than to be in harmony and concord with this Great law! They will not give us something that we cannot perform, they will not demand impossible things from us – they will give us things that are possible in conformity with our mind, heart and will – things which will ease and enlighten us. So we need not lose heart. Secret1 prayer 1 Here “secret” should rather be comprehended as “silent and confidential”, i.e. prayer which is only between God and the praying person. 2 The phrases “Brotherhood of Light” and “Brotherhood of Darkness” in this lecture are translated following the meaning. If we had to translate the original phrases literally, they would sound as “White Brotherhood” and “Black Brotherhood”, where “white” and “black” in the Word of the Master are always used only in their principal meaning, concerning the ideas of White (Light) and Black (Darkness) as basic opposite and complementary principles in the whole Creation (as, for example, it is in “Yin and Yang” in Chinese philosophy). To avoid any misunderstandings, the translator has preferred the words “Light” and “Darkness”. 3 “the right track” – “right” here is used in the meaning of “correct” “the right way” – “right” here is used as the opposite of “left” In the Bulgarian original they are two different words. 4 “right” here is the opposite of “left” 5 “noble” here is used in the meaning of “high-minded”, “magnanimous” 6 “Chamkoria” (from Turkish) – the old name of the resort in the Rila mountain in Bulgaria which is now named “Borovets”, in both languages it means “pine woods”, “pine-wooden” 7 Musala - the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula. This peak is in the Rila mountain in Bulgaria and is 2,925 meters high, which is equal to 9,596 ft 8 “reflections” here is in the meaning of “reasoning” 9 “bear it” in this context is used in the sense of “have patience” 10 “mercy” here is used in the sense of “clemency” 11 “intelligent” here refers not so much to the intellect, but implies that these beings have very high level of consciousness and understanding. It should be rather comprehended as “wise”. But since “wise” is connected with “Wisdom”, which has a certain definition in the Word of Master Beinsa Douno, the translator would not like to mix the meaning of both words. 12 “bitterness” here has the meaning of “lack of mercy”, “fierceness” 13 In the original, the word for “judicious” here is the same used above for “Intelligent beings” – only here it refers to an object, not a being. 14 “has been working over” here implies that the Spirit is still working over 15 “silence” here implies the idea of “being silent”, “saying nothing” 16 Vitosha is a mountain to the South of Sofia. It is situated between Sofia and the Rila mountain 17 Dragalevtsi is now a district in South Sofia, but at the time when this lecture was held, it was a village in the surroundings of Sofia, at the foot of the Vitosha mountain 18 “Leva”, plural of “lev” – Bulgarian currency 19 “word for word” – in the original here is used a Russian phrase meaning “exactly”, “literally” Source
  19. Ани

    1922_08_02 Functioning Of The Heart

    Functioning Of The Heart Year 1, Lecture 21 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on August 2, 1922, Wednesday 19.30h, Sofia Secret prayer There was a presentation of the disciples’ essays on the topic: “The purpose of the human heart.” For next time please write on the following topic: “The significance of the human eye.” When you were writing about the purpose of the human heart, did you stop and reflect on the centre of your heart? When the heart ceases to beat, physical life also ceases. When the heart ceases to feel, astral life ceases. Now I will give you the following weekly task: every day - in the morning, before lunch and before dinner - say the following words: “God, please create a pure and sacred heart in me!” After you have said these words you should reflect on the heart for five minutes. Some people say that the heart is a temple, others say that it is an altar of God. What is the heart for poets, a temple or an altar? Such sentiments indicate that people place a high value on the heart. What is the role of the heart in the human organism? It is very simple – it stimulates blood circulation. In that sense the heart plays the role of a conductor. It has a precise, mathematically determined size, according to which its function is also determined. There is a certain relationship between the physical and the spiritual functioning of the heart. Although as a physical organ it is small in size, from a spiritual perspective the heart is considered very important. As a result the heart becomes a master, which it doesn't have the right to be. This is an incorrect assumption. Only the human Spirit can be the master of everything. I am going to ask you the following question: “Does the heart or the Spirit feel?” How do contemporary psychologists explain the function of the heart in the Spiritual world? – As mere nervous impulses, as functions of the nervous system. As far as the psychic or inner-life aspects of the heart are concerned, people pay no attention. They walk by the heart like tourists without entering deeper into its inner life. Many modern tourists climb mountains, pick and eat blackberries, but never think about collecting some berries for the winter. You would say, "When winter comes, we'll buy blackberries from the store." Yes, but you will not find blackberries then. The heart needs to have reserves the same way a good housekeeper stores various fruits for the winter. It has been said that the heart is a temple of God. However, every temple needs an altar. The altar is the fireplace of the temple. The human body is likewise said to be a temple of God. The heart is the fireplace of this temple, and the fire burns always within it. What is the fire needed for? People warm themselves, cook, boil water on the fire and so on. If you bear in mind the role of fire in a fireplace, you will understand the functioning of the heart as a fireplace in the Divine temple. When it is warm outside, the fire is extinguished, but the fireplace remains. So in summertime people keep warm without a fire. We said earlier that when the physical heart ceases to beat, physical life also ceases. When sensations and feelings cease in the human being, the astral life comes to an end. When the astral life ceases, one falls into a sleepy state that resembles the application of anaesthesia. In the same way one can be intoxicated by smoke, ether or other gases. When the chimney of someone’s house doesn't work well, the house will be filled with smoke, so it should be ventilated through the windows. It will be impossible to stay inside and breathe the smoke. Similarly, each negative state indicates that the human heart is full of smoke. Why? Because the chimney of your heart, the chimney of your fireplace is stuffed. People say that everything is due to the heart, yet when they pass through difficult inner experiences, they look for the reasons elsewhere. I enter their house and see that it is full of smoke. I say, "Clean your chimneys, or fix them if they are broken!" The same is true for the heart. When you have emotional problems, I say, "Clean the chimney of your heart!" What is the chimney of the heart and where is it located? Reflect on this question for a while in solitude and find your own answer. You will be able to answer this question when you begin to study the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal bodies of the human being. In the same way that the Physical body has its physiology and anatomy, the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies have theirs. The physiology and anatomy of the higher bodies are similar to those of the physical body. When certain analogies are made, however, they should be true. If analogies are true in their comparisons, one will intuitively feel inner harmony and satisfaction with them. For example, someone has written a poem. He has read it several times, but he doesn't like it. He corrects it, reads it again and then leaves it for a while. He then reads it again and realizes that it's now better than before, so this time he likes it. This proves the existence of an intuitive sense within a person, a sense that indicates to him which choices are right and which ones are wrong. In this respect, as disciples, you should develop your intuition so that you become able to distinguish between right and wrong choices. If your intuition is well developed, after you have written something on a certain topic - as you have written about the heart today - and after you have read it two or three times, you will be able to determine immediately whether your work is true or not. If your text is good, both you and your listeners will be satisfied. If you are not satisfied with your text, in no way can you expect others to appreciate it. While you were preparing your essays about the heart, you should have asked yourselves if your heart was healthy, if it sensed in a correct way. Then you should have considered the number of its valves from an anatomic point of view. Lastly, you should have perceived the astral or the spiritual heart, and reflected on it for some time before finally writing the essay. This is the right way of thinking. Contemporary people don't think in depth. Imagine that someone tells you that you are a bad person. Is that true? If you don't think deeply on the matter, you will take these words to be absolute truth and you will feel insulted. However, if you are a servant and your master has ordered you to go out to the field and dig, and you have refused to obey the order, I would say: you are a bad person in relation to your job, but not in relation to your life. If the servant hasn't gone out to plough and sow the field, one of his basic obligations is unfulfilled. I am asking, is there any difference between a servant sowing the entire field or just a single grain of wheat? Whoever is ready to sow a single grain of wheat will be ready to sow the whole field as well. Whoever cannot sow a single grain of wheat cannot sow the whole field either. Therefore, when we say that someone is a bad person, we mean that he is bad only at a certain moment, but not in other past or future moments. He is bad for as long as his bad behavior lasts. In a future moment, when he thinks or does something good and noble, he will be a good person. Similarly, when we speak about the occult meaning of good and evil, we understand only a specific moment. This may last a few minutes, a few hours or an entire year, but then it will change. One cannot be only bad or only good for an entire lifetime. Even the wolf, who is considered cruel, may display nobility on some occasions, such as when it enters a flock of sheep, touches this or that sheep with its muzzle, then goes away, causing no harm. In such cases shepherds say that something unusual has happened, that the muzzle of the wolf was blocked so that it couldn't kill any sheep. No, this wolf has shown some nobility. After pushing a sheep, he thinks for a while and says, "All right, have it your way!" When a wolf enters a flock, he may act in three different ways: either choke the sheep; scratch them with his nails, thus frightening them and then run away; or push them a little without choking them and then go away without causing any harm. The same is also true of humans. When one behaves badly, he either chokes others, scratches and frightens them, or pushes and knocks them over and runs away. Therefore, when you say that someone is bad, you should know exactly which of the three situations has occurred. This is the reason why good and evil are relative. Relativity is determined by the period of time in which the energy is active and whether or not the activity has changed anything. When it is said that someone is unable to do evil, this means that evil action is determined astrologically, through the influence of certain planets over human beings. In simple terms, the right conditions must exist in order for someone to do evil. When someone acts outside of these conditions, the door for committing evil is closed to him or her. Outside of this closed door, the individual energetically knocks and hits upon it, but since it doesn't open, the direction is changed and the individual begins to manifest good deeds. The same law is valid for Good, too. Therefore, one doesn't always have suitable conditions for doing good, neither does he always have suitable conditions for doing evil. When writing your essays about the human eyes, think seriously about the good that can be attained through them. Reflect also on the good that comes through your heart. Make scientific observations on yourself in order to differentiate the experiences you have, as well as their effect upon you. For example, measure your pulse when you are in high spirits, then count the number of heartbeats that you have when you experience great joy or grief. It is interesting to observe the variations of your pulse as your inner states change. Also, you will receive certain mathematical data that you can use in your work on yourself. Notice whether the rhythm of your heart is steady or not, if it is long or short. You can determine your condition by the rhythm of the heart. Only in these ways can you receive concrete data to apply to your life. Otherwise you will accumulate capital, put it in the bank and count it without knowing how it was acquired. If you don't become bankers, you will dig, plough and sow the field in order to learn how wealth gets accumulated. Whoever hasn't acquired his wealth through effort and labour can only boast of having thousands, but such wealth is dangerous. As disciples of the occult who are given a great deal of knowledge, you run the risk of becoming too full or absent-minded. When you study many subjects, you may become disoriented, and as a result there will be many things that you won't hear, comprehend or perceive. You will hear physically, but you won't perceive inwardly. In that case no matter how much you speak to a person, he won't be able to understand anything. Such a person is like a young man awaiting the date with his beloved who can think of nothing else. No matter what you speak to him about, he will only think about his date. A hungry person is in a similar situation. You tell him this or that but he only thinks about food. Therefore, when an individual's consciousness is occupied with a certain thought, there are many things he won't grasp and will simply miss them. Sometimes your consciousness is also busy with external thoughts, not allowing you to perceive things properly. You read a poet, you admire him, yet you wonder what he intended to say in the poem. What did he want to say? He experienced despair and he masked it, so you think that his ideas are very deep. Some other time he was uplifted and fascinated, yet you're puzzled about his ideas. He has expressed his fascination, nothing else. These are external thoughts which are unrelated to the main subject. When describing his disappointments, the poet has gone through painful experiences. When describing his fascinations, he has been healed, especially after receiving financial support in the thousands, enabling him to travel overseas. However, a real poet views things from a Divine perspective and applies this in his life. A real poet describes things in their reality and is not guided by personal feelings. The same is also true for music and art. Now, when you reflect on things, I would like you too to expect nothing from anyone else, and nothing should be expected of you. When I refrain from speaking to you in a more concrete way, it's because I haven't yet met a person whose consciousness is as clear as the Sun – without a stain. Only those with clear consciousness can perceive things as they exist in the Divine world or in Mindful Nature. Therefore, as disciples of an occult school, you should purify your consciousness in such a way that everything you perceive can be understood and imprinted on you. You should break your telephone connection with the external world by saying, "We receive only from within, not from the outside world." When you come to class now, you are busy the whole time answering calls: “rrring” from here, “rrring” from there. You stand up, go away, come back, and fail to comprehend the subject you are being taught. How can you comprehend when you only busy yourself with these calls? The first task of an occult disciple is to learn to close his telephone lines. If someone wants to call you, you will say, "Excuse me, but my wires with the external world are disconnected." – "Why, how?"– "They're disconnected because of my occult studies at School. When I finish my lesson, I can receive and send messages again. Please don't bother me while I'm in class. Wait until the end of my lesson - then you may tell me what you need. Until then, wait for me outside." Source
  20. Development Of The Consciousness Lecture twenty-two read by the Master to the General Occult Class on the 27th of July, Thursday, Chamkoria A secret prayer First the essays of the disciples on “The Most Proper Way for the Will-power Cultivation” were read. After that brother Rouschev read an essay devoted to the material world. I will talk for a while on the development of consciousness. In this case I take the word consciousness in its broad sense. In the Bulgarian language the word consciousness consists of a conjunction meaning “with” and a noun meaning “knowledge” – this means “to walk with Knowledge, is to be aware of something.” This meaning is primarily spiritual. It means to be simultaneously aware of two different states within yourself, within your mind, i.e. to be aware of the right and the wrong deeds, to know the difference between these two deeds, to know the difference between the right and the wrong feelings. Well, when I talk to you about the consciousness some of you resemble those who like music. Those who listen to the music and who say: “The music is a wonderful thing”, but you cannot tell which is the better part of this music, you can’t tell the difference between the tones. If some of the tones are omitted, you are not able to grasp this, you are able to comprehend the general stream only, while an expert musician can discern exactly where the mistake is – he discerns it by the help of his experience. You, the occult disciples - if you cannot grasp certain tones, if you are not able to make out such differences within your consciousness as these expert musicians do, then you cannot be disciples. All right, now I shall consider this question from an occult point of view: if I write a clef on the staff and under the first line I write a zero without a tail, I’ll have a whole note. Let us assume that right besides this note I put a quarter note, then a quaver note, then again a whole note, then a half note, etc. will this quarter of a note boast that it is beside the whole note? Sometimes I notice that you the occult disciples begin to think this way – how much the small note is nearer the big note. But you shouldn’t do this – you’d better mind that the tone you emit blends with the first note and that you make these notes harmonise and mind what expression you can achieve within the common harmony of all the notes. You still continue to ask yourself in what direction you are as regards the whole note, and how far you are from this note. Sometimes you notice that you are at a distance of one division, of two divisions, of three divisions from it and you say to yourself: “We drifted a great distance away.” This is not the musical way of examining this matter. That note, which is able to give an expression, might be very far from the main note, from the first note – it can be at several sheets’ distance from the first note and yet give the best expression. And mind that military music, the music played when you are about to fight, always gives the highest possible expression from its very beginning and startles the audience. While the minor music begins quietly, quietly, then gradually gets louder and louder and finally becomes high-pitched – after that it again lowers and flattens. With major music this is not so. Now if you want to grow properly as disciples, you should understand Life in its interrelations – as God has settled it. It might be said that during the day you are like notes, but when you go to bed and when you wake up, your musical scale is not the same. For instance, tomorrow the relations between me - as your Master - and you - as my disciples - will not be the same as they are today; you think that they will be the same, but no, they will be quite different. There is another inner force that settles the things of Life and its place does not depend on the very note itself, but it depends on the respective musician. And you do not have the right to say “Why was I put at a lower position or why was I put at a higher position?” – Wherever you are you should play your role. If you are above or below, if you are a whole note or a half note, or a quaver, or a semiquaver note, or the thirty-second, or the sixty-fourth note, played by a drum, or play another instrument, you should merge your beats into one. No one should be able to discern your beats as they are of no importance at all. Because within this consciousness, which I am talking to you about, exists another consciousness – the Divine consciousness, to which your own consciousness should become a repercussion. You are not the reason for the world’s existence the world has not been created just because of you. God has created this world as a pastime, and human beings are toys for his entertainment. Consequently you are the toys for God’s entertainment. When you say: “In our self-perfection…” What is this self-perfection about? – It is about the attainment of God. In what way can you know God? – In His Love. All right, did you succeed in attaining Him in His Love? – “Well, in His Wisdom, rather.” – Did you succeed in attaining Him in His Wisdom? – “Well, rather in His justice.” – Did you succeed in attaining Him in His justice? – You didn’t, that is, you only did it partially. When His justice is being applied to you, you say, “It is of no use”. When His love is being applied to you, you say, “It is of no use”. When the Wisdom is being manifested in its high forms, you say, “This is too tangled, it is not for us”. When the Truth comes in its Light, you say, “It is not for our eyes”. So I am asking you: if the consciousness of each one of the disciples is at this level then what knowledge can you possibly have? Consequently, all of you should strive to harmonise your consciousness, i.e. to reflect correctly within your consciousness all the Divine thoughts, all the Divine feelings, and all the Divine acts. For the human being this is a kind of salvation, or I call it human consciousness brightening. The human consciousness can reflect anything – the human consciousness is like clear water that can reflect anything. And in this reflection we can see how the world has been created. So, I keep a close watch on you, I keep a sharp eye on you: you are engaged with things that you have experienced many times. For instance, now you are worried about what will you eat, what will you cook. But the wolf also worries about this – whether he will be able to find something to eat today or not. The bird also thinks of its food. If we begin to worry about such things like the birds that do not posses our mind(UNCLEAR), what will happen then? In fact, your food has been provided for because God has provided your food and if you realise this, you will be able to find your food. If you start to understand His language you will be able to find your food at the right time. Let’s say that someone from Sofia has sent you a parcel, and has written to you about this parcel in a letter, but you haven’t received the letter yet – that is why you know that the parcel has come, but you are not able to take it. (?) Well, in the occult science everyone should strive to learn the Divine language of things. Do you know what it is like to speak the Divine language? Let’s say that I teach some disciple the Divine language and that this language seems very strange to him. I teach him the first letter of this Divine language. This language has its own alphabet and you are being taught this alphabet every single day. So our prayers, beliefs, and love – all these are the means, by which this divine language can be interpreted to us and they are the means, by which we can attain its power. If you ask me why Love is necessary I will tell you that it is needed so that we can learn the Divine language. If you ask me why Wisdom is necessary, I will tell you that it is needed so that we can learn the Divine language. Why is the Truth necessary – so that we can learn the Divine language. As soon as you learn this speech, your present life will be given meaning. For instance, often the following question comes up within you, the following desire – to be loved, to be in love with. Do you know what it is like to love and to be loved? When you love somebody, you evaluate Love as follows: you make this person a garment, you make this person a present, you build this person a house, or you buy this person a horse, you give this person money and if this person is a son of yours you give him something more. In this way you express your Love externally, but this is not Love at all. Well, imagine that you are my servant, you are honest and I let you use my house and my horse for some ten or twenty years. Meanwhile I go somewhere and when I return I take all my things back – do you think that I would have done this out of Love towards you? I would have done this out of Love towards myself only. At present you, the mothers, underline that you have an ideal love and that you love your children unselfishly. Well, I don’t doubt that your Love is unselfish, but why do you love your children in the first place? You love them because you will get older and this son of yours will become a famous man, so there will be someone to take care of you. You have a daughter and you love her, why? So that she grows older, and she marries a rich scientist, who helps you. Can you say that this is not true? In no way can you convince me of the contrary. Within all your thoughts there lies an agenda of self-interest, an absolute selfishness. You come to me. Why? – In this I also see some selfishness – you come to me so that you can obtain something. When I tell you that I, in my turn, also want something from you, you say, “Help me win the lottery, and I’ll give half of the profit to the Brotherhood; help me win one hundred thousand levs, and I’ll give half of it to the Brotherhood.” After you win! This is what my disciples say, “After I win…” But this is not occultism, this is not discipleship – clear these ideas out of your heads. From you I want some absolutely unselfish toll for God – do you understand what absolutely unselfish means? In future all of you should serve absolutely unselfishly, without any expectations to get something in return. You are constantly trying to alight on the first place and say, “Now I am on the right, or - now I am on the left.” This is what the Disciples of Christ wanted. Some of them wanted to sit on the right hand side, and others wanted to sit on the left-hand side; two thousand years later the people still want the same. You cannot enter the Kingdom of God in this manner. You want to enter the Kingdom of God easily – this is not an occultism. In your consciousness there should emerge a higher idea. If I, as a Master, had the objective to use you, this wouldn’t be any Mastership – this would be just business. If I didn’t tell you the exact Truth, it’s because I have had a reason not to. I did tell the Truth to one disciple, and as a result he cried for two days; if I tell the truth to some other disciples, they might cry for three days – this truth will contain bitter things. The one who enters the Kingdom of God will be given greatest bitterness – they will put you in the strongest acids, and if you liquidate into them, it would mean, that you are not fit for the Kingdom of God. Now you have to prepare your consciousness. To prepare for what? To prepare for the truths that the Divine world will submit you to – and this divine world will indeed submit you to these truths. You are funny; you want to enter the Kingdom of God as guests. No guests are required in the Kingdom of God though. What does the girl, who is going to get married, think? Does she expect to have three of four housemaids to serve her after she enters her new home, while she is constantly sitting on a chair and getting dressed, is this what she thinks? When she is at the village, her husband’s father will want her to buckle down to the task of kneading bread, so that they can check if she is good at kneading bread, if she is a good cook, if she is good at washing, and after that, she will have to go to work in the field. Meanwhile we, the spiritual people, are often thinking that when we go to the Heavens, we will get guitars and that everybody there will play and sing to us. There will be playing there indeed, but in between the playing there will be many great things which will be done in this great world. And if you, with your present comprehension, are planning to enter this world, you will find yourself in great controversy. Imagine that you are in Heaven and that you have been provided with the best food, with the best music, with the best amusement, and that suddenly someone there comes with an order and tells you, “You have to get up now and go to Earth to visit a great sinner.” As soon as you get sulky, you will fail. But you will not get sulky then, no, you will get up and you will go to this great sinner. If someone makes you do such a thing, you certainly will get sulky though. For instance, if you have sat on my right side and someone makes you stand up for some reason, you would have said: “Once I had the opportunity to sit here and now they make me stand up” – all of you think in this way. I don’t mean to say that this is bad, - in fact this is good, but in the Divine world they say, that God is omnipresent. God is testing you – you don’t know where exactly He will manifest, and in what way He will manifest - you don’t know this, because it is not that important in what way God manifests Himself - the important thing is how all this will end? Imagine that I invite you to visit me at my place and I roast for you a nice hen, but then suddenly I say: “Now let’s go for a walk for three or four hours and after we return we’ll see whether we will eat the hen”, what would you say in response to this? Suppose that you are hungry, that you haven’t eaten for three days and that after I invite you for a roast chicken, I suggest that you go for a two or three hours’ walk; you would certainly say: “Is this the right time for a walk now?” You will severely criticize my deed, and you will say: “But Master!” But what would you say if it proves to be that this hen had been ill, and I tell you: “We will put the lunch off till later – we’d better go for a walk, than eat”? This means that I have asked you to go for a walk, and I have taken you far away, because I have considered, that if we had stayed at my place, that roasted hen could have smelt tasty and would have tempted you. Consequently we can conclude that all the temptations are nothing else but a diversion of our attention from the dangers which have been created in the world. In itself, each temptation is bad, but since it happens this means, that something greater, something worse would have happened – so this evil has happened in order that something even bigger doesn't happen. That is why a Bulgarian proverb says: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”. Consequently all the temptations aim at freeing us from the great evil, which is hanging like the sword of Damocles over our heads. As disciples of this School you should have in your consciousness a clear idea about the changes which are going on in the Divine world. What the people do is not important; the important thing is how the work is settled. The Divine Spirit, who makes these changes, gives to all the people whatever he chooses – you better try to understand the Divine Spirit, instead of trying to understand these minor spirits. Explore the Spirit who enlightens, who gives away the things, who is a source of the Divine Love, who is the bearer of the Divine Wisdom, who is the bearer of the Divine Truth, Justice, and Virtue. This great Spirit – it is He that you should have listened to, and if you had listened to Him, there wouldn’t have been any arguments at all – all these arguments, which are happening now, would have been settled quite easily. The other day I spoke to the first class about the transformation of the energies. Imagine that some friend of yours comes and insults you in a deadly manner – you make such an experiment, for one month you watch closely for how many minutes, days, or weeks you will be able to transform an insult. The goal is that not only should there remain no trace from this insult, but also when you hear it again, you should feel good. Watch carefully how long it takes for you to transform this insult into a pleasant feeling – this again depends on the power of your consciousness. If you cannot convert it within a month, it means that you are far from it. Then a month, two, three months, a year, two and more years pass and according to the law of karma after a great while, everything passes, God erases this recollection and you say: “It is over.” Yes, but such a person is not a disciple at all, and he hasn’t learned any lesson. You might consider that you have learned your lesson well only in the case where after someone insults you, you manage to erase this insult within an hour – and not only to erase it, but also to conceive a liking for the insulting word. If you master this science, it would mean that you are a disciple who has an understanding for the laws. Can you do this? Yes. When Christ says: “Love your enemies” this means that you should be able to convert the insult that someone has given you because when he, as your enemy, insulted you, he freed you from a greater evil. All of you should strive to clear your consciousness. Now I’ll tell you the same in a religious language: you should pray to God, you should call the Holy Spirit, so that you can apply the Divine Spirit. If with the help of your Love you can’t transform an insult, then you are not a disciple and your Love is weak and it is not Divine Love. All elements should melt within your Divine Love. Some of you might sigh. But the real disciple should not sigh “Oh, oh!” No, you should work. He might moan today, he might moan tomorrow, but finally he will say: “I understand everything now, I’ll not moan anymore, the task is solved”. I do not get angry that you moan sometimes, but when I hear you moan, I am watching to see if you still continue to work. When I hear you moan, and I see that you don’t work, then I say this matter won’t be settled by moaning. If you don’t adopt this method, which I am giving you tonight, you will waste your time, that is, you might graduate the school later. I am saying this, because some of my disciples repeat this class for fifteen years now - they say: “Master, tell us something more!”, but when I give them a more complex task, they say: “This is beyond our powers.” Then how do you want to go up a form? I don’t mean to say that I personally want this, but I am saying that everything in this School is fixed and necessary. It is not a privilege to love – it is a necessity; to be wise is not a privilege – it is a necessity; to love the truth is not a privilege – it is a necessity; to be merciful is not a privilege – it is a necessity. You should not say: “I can’t.” – No, you should just obey - this is a necessity. If you don’t obey this necessity, then death is in store for you. Why do you have to love? – Because if you don’t love, then there is no Life – if you love, there is Life, and if you do not love – there is no Life. If you don’t adopt this piece of wisdom, then the conditions of this Life will not manifest themselves. So when we talk about Love, when we talk about Wisdom, when we talk about Justice, when we talk about Truth, we comprehend the necessity of the Divine life. You should not ask why, but you should say: “I have to love, I have to be wise, I have to be just, I have to love the truth – this is a necessity, this is Divine, this is imposed on us, there are no exemptions” – that’s the way you should think. Some of you ask: “Why should we love?” – It is necessary that you should love. – “But why should we love a bad person?" – It is necessary. – “But he is so and so.” – It is necessary, don’t you see – such is the will of God. Do you understand what the will of God means? If you do not submit to His will then it will sweep away everything; if you submit to it – it stops. God will not submit to childish self-will and He will not give you answers to your questions what for and why – not at all. You must know: it is necessary. – “Why should I love?” – It is necessary; “Why should I be wise?” – It is necessary. That’s the way you should think and these things should be implemented within your consciousness once and for all. And they should be present not only within you - you should preach them to the others as well. So when they ask you what you study? You should answer: “I study that it is necessary to love!” – What else do you study? – “I study that it is necessary to have Wisdom!” – What else? - “I study that you should not make foolish things!” – What else do you study? – “I study that it is necessary to learn the Truth!” This is our doctrine: so it is necessary – you should not say: “I might, but only when I’m in the mood.” No, you should just love and that’s all. You should not do it depending on your mood – you should do it on order. You should submit – if you refuse, then everything will be over. So the reason for all the suffering in the world is just that the Invisible world wants to make the people reasonable, and wants to convince them that these sufferings are necessary. From the occult point of view, this is the reasonable side of the matter. From the Divine point of view, as long as these things are necessary, then they are to be realized most easily. For instance, it is necessary that you should eat. Is it difficult for you to eat? – No, it is easy. It is necessary that you should drink water. Is it difficult for you to drink water? – No, it is the easiest thing, one sip after another and you will drink it, just lift the glass and start. These are the easiest things. Now these disputes, which you carry on, stem from the fact that other beings exist in the world, and they obscure the human consciousness. Often the human consciousness gets obscure and the person cannot tell the difference between one thought and another, or between one feeling and another – he says: “That’s the way I think”, while the other person says: “Well, my opinion is so and so – let’s come to an agreement!” There is no place for discussions – there won’t be any contradictions as regards Love - it is necessary that you should just love. You might say: “But how, how can I love?” I’ll give you an example: when the little ducklings hatch, does their mother give them lessons on how to swim? As soon as they hatch, they know how to swim; does their mother teach them how to peck? They know how to peck as soon as they hatch. So I am telling you also: as soon as you come out of your egg you will know how to peck, and you will know how to swim. If you tell me that you don’t know I will tell you that you are kidding me, that’s how things stand. I am talking to you about the Truth, which is implanted into your soul, so that you may know it. As the chicken is able to peck and as the duckling is able to swim as soon as they hatch, the same holds true for you – you also know. The mother-duck says: “Cluck, cluck” – if we interpret her language this would mean: “Do as it was written within you.” As the duckling comes near the water, its mother croaks: “Croak-croak”, which means: Swim as it was written within this Divine book.” You might ask me: “How shall we love?” I’ll say: “Croak-croak” – you should love like it was written in the Divine book. There is no place for arguments – you can open the book and read. If you stop me, and you reason philosophically, you won’t be able to even enter the water at all. So have in mind that the fundamental Divine thoughts and ideas are invested and written into this Divine book and that everyone can read from it as long as they want to read and as long as they want to listen. Watch closely the chickens and the ducklings – when they hear the voice of their mother “cluck-cluck”, all the chickens gather and submit to her, i.e. when their mother calls them they all go to her. Well then, mind, that when God calls you and you do not listen, you will lose. If your mother, who is supposed to call you, says, “cluck-cluck” and yet you are not there, don’t you lose? If she says to you “cluck-cluck” and you go one or two minutes later – then you will find that everything has already been eaten. You say, “There is time enough in the future.” There isn’t time enough though – everything is fixed. This chicken cannot retreat to a great distance from its mother – it can move away to a distance of about one, two, ten, fifteen paces, but it cannot move away to a distance of let’s say one hundred paces or more. If it moves away to a larger distance, it will lose its mother. Likewise we, in our consciousness, cannot move away from God. You might say, “I shall move away from God” – all right, but if you retreat to a great distance you will not hear when your mother says, “cluck-cluck”. In our consciousness, we have to remain at such a distance from the world, that as soon as we fall under these Divine circumstances, we can detect what is the Spirit saying, and what our mother is saying - to be able to immediately grasp what was said and follow it - to realise her will. You don’t have to think about the consequences though, because within the realms of the necessity everything is for the Good. We finished at 8:50 a.m. A secret prayer Source
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    1922_07_26 Possibilities

    Possibilities Year 1, Lecture 20 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on July 26, 1922, Wednesday 11.40h, Cham-Koria Secret prayer There was a presentation of the disciples' essays on the topic: “Tall and short people and their distinctive features." What is the difference between possibility and necessity? Possibility is related to human processes, to human beings. Necessity is related to Divine processes that are imposed through the power of something higher than the human order. When we speak of possibilities, we consider what one should do in a given situation in order to utilize the favourable conditions provided by necessity. Now I will give you an example which illustrates the relationship between the high and the low principle in human nature. If a master has a good horse which he loves, a friendly relationship is established between them. The master rides the horse, the horse carries him on its back, and together they go threshing. The master dismounts the horse and harnesses it, and they begin to thresh. In the evening the master releases the horse from its work, mounts it and returns home. He goes into his house and the horse enters its stable. I am asking, where do the possibilities lie – in the master or in the horse? - In the master. Only the master has the power to change the circumstances of the horse – to improve or worsen its living conditions. The horse in its turn is able to make the circumstances of its master easier. Therefore, the lower principle in humans makes things easier, whереас the higher principle improves their circumstances. The relationship between a Master and a disciple is the same as the relationship between the master and the horse. The Master improves the situation of the disciple and the disciple makes the position of the Master easier. After the Master has improved the conditions of the disciple, the disciple should use them wisely. Therefore, possibilities represent for a human being nothing other than the rational principles contained within them. Every possibility should be utilized in order to improve the condition of the horse, which in its turn will bring ease to its master. How can the position of the horse be improved? Its stables, food and water can be improved. When the horse's situation is improved, it becomes stronger and healthier, it is better able to serve its master. Therefore if the master of your body doesn't improve the rational powers and abilities of his brain, the feelings of his heart, and finally the acts of his will, he cannot expect his life to be made any easier. As disciples of this School, you are about to learn how to transform your discontent which will be an obstacle for you for years to come. What is a disciple discontented with? A disciple may be discontented with himself – with his mind, heart and will. A disciple may also be dissatisfied with the surrounding environment. Whatever form discontent takes, whatever cause it might have, it is an energy, a force which should be used as an incentive for work. Discontent is due to a lack of something essential for human happiness. I am asking, where are you going to find that which you are lacking? If you lack Heat, where can you find it? In the Sun. If you lack Light, where can you find it? In the Sun. You will say that any burning or heating body gives off light. We also have, for example, heat coming from a lit oil-lamp, from a candle or a burning piece of wood. Yes, but this heat is secondary. Candles, wood and other combustible bodies have solar energy stored inside them which can be turned into light or heat according to necessity. However, the most pleasant warmth and the purest light come from the Sun. Primary Warmth and Light come directly from the Sun. Therefore, you should look for heat and light in the Sun. Where should you look for Love, Wisdom and Truth? In God. Therefore, the external side of God, i.e. His disk, is Wisdom, the content of the disk is Love, and its meaning is Truth. In other words, Wisdom represents the real, external, visible form of things, Love is the content of these forms and Truth represents their meaning. If you want to search for Love, Wisdom and Truth in a person, these qualities are there as a secondary manifestation. When you search for Love in God, you are in a safe place. Why? Because the Love of God is inexhaustible. It is a source that springs continuously, a fire that burns incessantly. You should pour your water into this source and add your oil to this fire. If you don't pour your water into the Eternal source, it will cease to spring. If you don't add your oil to the Divine fire, it will cease to burn, just as oil-lamps cannot give офф light without oil, or electric lamps without electricity. Oil, fuel and electricity are the conditions for burning. People find that many of these conditions bring contradictions to life. When the conditions are finite and limited, they bring contradictions, but when they are infinite and unlimited, they exclude all contradiction. As disciples of the Great School, try to understand the Boundless and the Infinite which is revealed in limited, finite, but intelligent forms. Then you will recognize the origin of discontent. The Infinite makes humans discontented. What can you do to relieve this? You can expand yourself. If you become like a big, wide tube, through which the water of the Divine Source can freely flow without tension or pressure, you will expand yourself and your discontent will vanish. Your discontent is due to the fact that you haven't used the favourable conditions for your development in a timely and mindful way. When do people get discontented? When they get old. All old people are dissatisfied with themselves. They realize they should have studied and acquired knowledge and experience in their youth, whereas they have wasted their time instead and are now unable to go back in time. All old people, with a few exceptions only, are extremely dissatisfied with themselves. Young people on the other hand are dissatisfied with the limitations that impede them and hamper the implementation of their wishes. Each obstacle or difficulty on their path causes them discontent. One should be satisfied with the conditions one is placed in and should try to use them in the best possible way. If an individual is dissatisfied with his position in life, he will be like the frog in the fable “The Stork and the Frog.” This is an occult fable with a deep inner meaning. One day a young stork, which represents a beautiful young man, passed by a swamp where many frogs lived. The stork looked at the swamp and saw the head of a frog popping from the water. In this case the frog represents a young woman. The stork stopped in front of the frog and began telling her about the world he lived in. "Do you know what heights we can reach, what kinds of spaces and skies we can see? I wonder how you can live in this dirty swamp!" – "What can I do, I have no wings to fly away." – “It's very easy, climb onto my back and I'll carry you up to the wide spaces - you'll see a new world and new heights." The frog got on his back and thus flew into the skies. But since she couldn't endure the new conditions, she exploded and fell on the ground. What lesson can be learned from this fable? – Each person should live in the conditions he or she has been placed in. If they leave the position where Providence has placed them, they will inevitably fall and get killed. The stork told the frog about the high, beautiful places too soon, and the frog came out of its swamp too early. Now, you should know that in occultism too there are dangerous and tempting places which can cause you suffering. Don't get on the wings of the stork too soon! What is dangerous for the frog is safe for the stork and the other way round – what is dangerous for the stork is safe for the frog. If the frog had succeeded in making the stork enter the swamp, the stork also would have suffered. The world the stork lives in doesn't offer opportunities for the development of the frog; neither does the world of the frog offer the stork opportunities for its development. Possibilities provide conditions for the development of one’s mind, heart and will. Human thoughts and feelings should be endowed with the qualities of width and depth, and intensity should be introduced into the human will. Now, do the following experiment in order to find out how wide and deep your thoughts and feelings are, and how intense your will is. When a friend of yours uses a bad word, observe whether and how quickly this word can be transformed in a positive way. The sooner you manage to transform the bad word, the greater the width and depth of your mind and heart are. Turning what is offensive into music is a form of art. If your aim is to say a bad word to your friend, be careful not to use too heavy and insulting a word, for it will produce a large, deep incision in him. Whoever has such an incision should observe the time required for its recovery. The Hindu heal their wounds in an easy way. They use a method of taking prana from Nature and directing it mentally to the sick area, so the recovery occurs in no more than twenty minutes. Therefore, an offense is nothing more than a small incision made in one’s mind, heart or will. Those who have a sufficient supply of natural prana should just concentrate on the wound and put their hand on it, and it will recover by itself in a few minutes. This is what strong and intense will means. Without this experiment you will be like some trader who thinks he is rich, but who has no money in his cash-box. So do this experiment consciously. When you see that a friend of yours is in a bad mood, go to her and say something that will challenge her. Then she will say an insulting word in response. Thank her, explaining that you have carried out a small experiment with her and that is why you have teased her. You are to choose a person for this experiment whose use of bad words you will actually expect. Then, turn to yourself and observe the time you need for polarization. Such experiments could arise in a natural way, with no need to create them artificially. It would be better for you if the experiments were natural. So, you will arrange your own experiments only if they haven't been arranged for you through natural means. All experiments and tests you are given in the School represent possibilities for attaining energy. Those who succeed in their efforts and pass their tests will gain energy. Those who don't solve their tasks will lose energy. You should know that contradictions on the path of disciples are needed for their physical, mental and spiritual development. Contradictions are a necessary law for the development of the disciple. When we speak about the laws and forces in Nature, we must take into consideration the Primary Law, according to which things are precisely determined. There is only one exception to this law that exists as a possibility, as a door to something new. According to this exception, nothing is impossible for God. He can do anything, either instantly or gradually. When it is cold outside, you are dissatisfied; when it gets warm, you are happier. When it is dark outside, you stumble and fall and get discontented; when it is dawn and Light comes, you are happier. As you can see, cold and warmth, dark and light are forces that either spoil or improve conditions. The mental states of humans change in the same way. As long as their consciousness is in darkness people believe they cannot attain their wishes. When the Sun rises in their consciousness, their wishes become attainable. Therefore you should study the possibilities in your present life so that you know what you need to improve and what you need to make easier - i.e. you need to know what possibilities you have for improvement and for making things easier. The lower should make things easier and the higher should improve conditions. Sheep, for example, serve people by providing them with milk and wool; people improve the living conditions of sheep. Improve the state of your mind so that it can make things easier for you; improve the state of your heart so that it can make things easier for you; improve the state of your will so that, by becoming intensive, strong and powerful, it can make things easier for you. Today I spoke of the possibilities that exist in Life. Good and evil are possibilities that exist in the Universe. Discontent and contentment, grief and joy are also possibilities. Each disharmonious thought, feeling or action produces grief in a person; each harmonious state produces joy. Grief represents the ploughing of a field, joy represents its harvesting. When people plough, the Earth is joyful; when they reap, the wheat is joyful that it has gone through a lot of suffering and has now freed itself. Secret prayer Source
  22. Ани


    THE LIVE POWERS IN NATURE Twenty - first lection from the Teacher, delivered at the common occult class on 20th of July, 1922, Thursday, Chamcoria (The forest school) Do you have a theme for next week? (- No) The best method for educating the will is for will to be your theme. What method will you present? The live powers in Nature. We will separate them into four categories: unconscious, subconscious, conscious, and self-conscious. Unconscious is in the minerals, subconscious – in the plants, conscious – in the animals, and self-conscious – in man. The unconscious powers in Nature act through the precious stones – in all of you one desire arises, one love to bring these stones, to use their powers, to know the important reasons why and for what. When we talk about the unconscious powers, we understand that their relations are distant, i.e. they do have some direct connections with human life, – one mineral stays far away from Life. Sometimes you use it to wear on your hand as a precious stone, i.e. we may say that it, like an accident, is inside Life. Now, of course, the Live Nature wants to act upon man’s consciousness – for these stones to act upon man with its powers. And we may say that these powers, these unconscious powers bring bigger reserves of energy, they spend (consume, use up) less??(unclear). [M1] In the mountain places, in these crags is enormous energy for the future development of the Earth. These crags have to break into little pieces through rubbing, to become radiating and then to come to the second phase – to enter into the plant life. These unconscious powers have a connection with our skeletal system. And often[M2] , it may be in the future that the precious stones will be used in some relation as an educational instrument to the human mind. We see, in the Revelation it was said that one town was made from precious stones, from many precious stones. This is to act upon the human imagination, because these crystals serve, more correctly, the refraction of Light and its bringing it into the human mind. That is why it is good for some of you to study precious stones. Precious stones, of course, have influence in the Spiritual world they are connected with it. The crystallizing of these precious stones in different forms shows that upon them works one sensible principle. For example, if one famous writer has some diamond, when he looks at it, it will put his thoughts in one way; if he has one precious stone with greenish colour – emerald or with bluish – sapphire – and it, at some stage, will exercise influence upon his thought. Now, of course the occult view of the precious stones is not like contemporary science. Occult science maintains that the precious stones are fruits – they grow and develop in a way as the fruits on Earth. And we may say that they are the highest presentation of the Mental field on the Earth, or they are creatures which live in the Mental field and show its activity on Earth through the precious stones. And those who can read will find in them a lot of knowledge. There is a lot of knowledge put in there, in these precious stones there are many things written, but whoever wants to and is interested, has to control the Akashic Records, they have to develop centres of clairvoyance, to understand the combination of these stones. Therefore, the practical putting into practice of these powers is their influence upon the skeletal system. If you have some ailment in the skeletal system, learn about the precious stones, transport them through your mind, transport the different kinds of Light through your mind – they will exercise the most curative influence on your organism, especially to your bones. This is practising and in the population: they put these pebbles on children’s heads so as not to catch the evil eye or not to lose themselves they will put some pebbles in his hat. The precious stones always attract these unconscious powers, they control it. Under the world unconscious powers, I understand these powers, which have no moral, because in the world there are some occult powers in which there is no moral. They are life powers too and when you get under their influence, they may do everything with you. For example if some of you pour out a little sulphuric acid on your body, it will not ask you if is it correct to break down, to attack – it will show its reaction. The subconscious powers are connected with the plant life, with the plants. And there begins the present life of man – with the subconscious life begins its sense – the body, the contemporary physical body has formed by it. Therefore, now in the world the plants exercise the biggest influence upon us. What is the practical application of the plants? – You always have to love the woods, this is the first thing. After you love the woods they are in connection with these subconscious powers, and they are necessary for your physical body. All the plants are one store in Nature where a man can draw from. It is not necessary for a man to be only among the trees but he has to learn to love them – this is one of the instruments in education. Love to the trees – this is one connection with them, to let them help us. When we enter in the conscious powers now, we go to the animals. We have to be more careful there. From the animals we have been taught many good things, but also many bad things – from the ox we have been taught industry, from the wolf we have been taught ferocity, from sheep we have been taught meekness and humbleness, from the bear we have been taught the irreconcilability in Life. The bear is very irreconcilable in Life – all tamers of animals declare that if the bear is insulted once, it doesn’t forget, it will always seek revenge, it is irreconcilable, it remembers for a long time, in the bear astral feelings are strongly developed. Now, the love of plants, for example, an occult disciple has to show [M3] when he starts to cultivate some fruits – the pear tree, the apple, the cherry, the plum, or some others. In general, they exercise a strong influence that is why in your yard you have to have fruits. Afterwards, it is nice when you are in Chamkoria among the pine-trees; they exercise an excellent influence upon the spiritual strivings of man. Go out often, speak with the pine-trees to give you this striving. When it grows uphill (upwards)??(unclear), the pine-tree is sharp, disinterested. Take some other tree – beech-tree or sycamore: when they are among pine-trees, they grow up the same, they adapt themselves, but when they exit, they immediately want to possess it. The pine-tree always takes the least space – there is no egoism in it. And afterwards, other characteristic in pine-trees: when its top is broken once, it does not grow any more – in that way the pine-tree shows us all the spiritual strivings in man. These are the spiritual feelings – if they [M4] spoil everything else plants[M5] in a man stops. That is why the occult disciples have to give priority to his spiritual feelings, to grow up – then everything in them can grow. It’s nice to go in these places, to look at the pine-trees, to examine them, to accept a little energy and good-will from them, which serve you through the year, to give you impulse, because in our present life we demagnetize ourselves. Every day anxieties, anxieties until the man demagnetizes himself, can’t think and has no good-will. Now, many of you have lived here for so long but haven’t made any attempts to speak with the pine-trees. But the sick may go to some pine-tree, to rest on it with his back, to think about it. The pine-trees exercise an excellent influence, the animals – too. Whatever animal a man likes, he is in position to perceive its qualities – it influences him because the conscious powers, when they pass through the animals, introduce good and bad qualities too. For example, from the cat, you can learn cleanliness, but simultaneously you can learn this greed – it has no patience to clean its victim, it is very unclean, from gluttony, it eats its victim with the coat. So from the cat you can learn clearness and to be quick but you can have the opposite qualities too – to eat unclean. There are spiritual people who don’t need much clearness[M6] , they say, “Let’s fill our stomachs, no matter what the food is.” The cat says the same. No, take for an example the donkey, from it you can learn one very good feature – how to choose water. You can’t let the donkey drink unclean water – it knows what water to choose, but when it comes to food, it eats unclean too. Now, all the animals like the dog, the cat, the fox, the bear, the wolf, etc. always exercise influence on people. And from the Astral world these forms are used often – when you sleep, throughout the time you sleep they present them to you. For example, you want to know what some man is like, want to trade with him – you dream of a wolf; it means that the man, who wants trade with you, has the character of the wolf. Or if you dream of an ox, or a horse, this shows the character of the man and you will judge from this – from the Invisible world people are always likened with famous symbols. One symbol of an animal is not bad, it means some Divine idea in a positive, or a negative form. Now when you think about the wolf, you may take it in a negative sense – to be as irreconcilable to the evil as the wolf is irreconcilable to the sheep, i.e. as it has cruel disgust to the sheep, as you are disgusted with evil??(unclear – Now?). In that way you can understand the power of the wolf in this relation and in a negative sense you can use its power. If you don’t know this law, immediately the power of the wolf will introduce in you cruelty and rudeness. All the animals and birds exercise some influence, strong enough influence, but you don’t have to reach the extreme. They influence collectively. For example a whole tribe of cats exercise influence. So, if you want to know what powers act you will see which animal or bird you think about and you will diagnose what powers function in you. And in the occult science there are some systems: let’s say that you have some of the conscious powers, i.e. these from the animal species; then you will transport other forms as the forms of any sheep, ox, or horse, to oppose the bad influence of the first forms – you will put the forms of animals with positive features, to oppose those with negative features. The powers of the animals can be separated into two camps: positive and negative, or destroying and building. That is why in the future when they teach about animals, it will be very interesting when a teacher, who teaches his pupils zoology, will explain to them what powers and influence it exercises upon people. He will have to know all this, so when he talks about the wolf he has to talk about the sheep, and when he talks about the bear, to see what the opposite of its nature is – in that way in the minds of the children, it will remain as two opposite forms. And now the teacher teaches only about the wolf and as a result can’t have this occult education. In future, that will change, then it will have contrasts; in teaching about plants, there will also be contrasts like these. When we come to the self-conscious powers, we understand a man in all his manifestations. With the self-conscious and the hyperconscious the human kingdom begins. When you meet a man, you have to distinguish what predominates in him – the physical, the astral, or the mental, does the mind in him exceed the heart or the will. If you have ten friends in whom the physique predominates, they are in position to maim you; you may almost pervert yourselves. Therefore, if you have one friend in whom the physical predominates, it will certainly put him in counterbalance with the mental – he will have one mental principle with which to oppose the physical. And that is why in the grouping of friends you have to put them in order like this: one, in who the body predominates, in the others – the heart, and in third – the mind, afterwards again – the body, the heart, the mind. If you have friends like these then the work goes harmoniously – because monotony is not good, for all to be only mental is not good. I do not want all of you to transform only to mental types because if you become a mental type you could become thin and get old, only the nerve system will remain and you will remain quite dry. If the physical predominates in you, you will to transform to bones and extensors. If the feelings predominate in you, you will begin to be compared to casks, because when the feelings predominate in somebody??(unclear – Now?), they develop in themselves an appetite which may be conveyed in eating and drinking – this is clearly an astral desire. But the physical life expresses itself with activity – this is the life of man and all the people who have a physical nature, they are in constant movement. The man, in whom the heart predominates in its low manifestations, subordinates to desires for eating and drinking, his entire life will be occupied with what to eat and what to drink – from the one end of life to the other only for eating will there be a question. That is why our manifestations have to change. If you do two hours of physical work, it immediately has to make work for the heart, afterwards for the mind – this is a rule, in that way it has to be educational. For now, almost unconscious, this energy balances itself but doesn't give good results – famous people become only mental types, we have different types for the heart or for the will but there are also balanced types. A man has to balance the energy in himself consciously: the physical – in astral, the astral – in mental and afterwards back. Laziness is one sign for work of the physical powers. Gluttony is one sign for superiority of the cordial powers – he may not eat but his mind is occupied only with thoughts about eating, in his mind are only the thoughts of eating and drinking, sweetmeats, syrups, and others, and that man whatever he does, nothing comes of it. Now when we come to the occult science it will join the eating. The eating has a form – in it there is a science too. Through eating, they educate people: if you feed a man for one week only with kasha, the second week – with apples, the third with plums, and the fourth – with cherries and if you know how to rob[M7] them from the trees, you will act upon in one rational way [M8] on his[M9] nature. Now vegetarian food is in use but there are no occult results. I will show you, first here in Chamkoria, a way to be acquainted with the crags – to look at them, to examine them; with how many crags there are to be acquainted with! After that, I shall show you to teach the pine-trees[M10] , to occupy[M11] and to examine the blueberry. Do you know what the blueberry represents for those who have weak stomachs? When they use them, in this way their stomach will be corrected. Mostly, afterwards, do your best to find which is the most beautiful place in Chamkoria – it will produce handsome combinations, it will concerns[M12] your mind in a way that you will deduce from the resort one blessing. Only in this way will you have it, if you will go only to a resort, and whatever you acquire, you will spend and after three-four months will be poured again[M13] . Can our walks be used in a way to enter Nature gradually? Many works have to be forgotten, many formalities have to be forgotten – when you come to a health resort(?? - health) like this, you have to forget about people for a while. Now you will create one diversion in your mind: you will learn about the pine-trees alone, its nature, its extent – you have to visit forty – fifty pine-trees in a day, to look at them, to examine, to make one acquaintance with them, to consider them as friends with whom you have met as living people. And when they enter in your mind, they will give you one new temper and when you come back into the city, you will be renewed. Do not be afraid that you may be estranged from Life. Afterwards, in Chamkoria, you may be interested in what animals live here – squirrels, roes, wild goats. It’s good to have the desire to see one wild goat and to give it mobility in your mind. If you meet a bear, this is good too – the bear is not so bad, it is good, the bear walks friendly but it’s frightful when you meet it. It is necessary for the pupils of the Occult school, because life is such that we lose the most important powers, which may come along with it, thus losing our balance. For example, if we talk about the spiritual constantly, there is danger of our life becoming monotonous. There is one law in Life that if the nicest things are repeated many times, they become spoiled. Many evangelic songs have been spoiled only because of this – somebody dies, they sing this song and it is spoiled. Do not sing songs to dead people – bury them without songs and when two – three weeks pass, sing that song far away from the grave. But how many times do you sing that song at the grave, afterwards, when you sing, it will be remembered in connection with the grave again, this must not happen. When somebody among us leaves, let some of the friends accompany him to the grave and nothing more. I don’t allow any one of my songs to be sung at the grave of some friends and whoever sings one song at the grave of some dead man, he is out of the School. No, with us, there will not be a song – we will bring him to the grave without a word, will wish him a good way, but will sing only after one month. We will not think about the grave, there is no reason to sing at the graveyard. In this way, you will not use even one of our songs for dead men – other songs you may use but to sing, “Dawn beautiful is dawns”…No dawn is dawns.[M14] (When somebody is ill, do not sing to the sick?) When somebody is ill – prayer, prayer, (by the original text) but the sick has to sing by him[M15] . If he sings a song and you are with him; if the sick does not sing, you don’t sing either. We will be distinguished from the others: here we don’t make a memorial service for dead people; we will do it for living people, but for dead men we will not – we will mention living people every day. And most of all, firstly, when some dying man calls us and starts to give instructions with what clothes to dress him in when he dies, we will call people from the world: “Come on bury him, he goes to God.” He gives instructions about which grave to put him in but he will not go anywhere, he will stay here, on Earth. And I say, You will bury the body but will know that the soul is not the body, the soul is free. And that man who leaves, has to know that he is alive, he will not stay in the grave – maybe he will stay there for forty days, his body will hang around for a while and afterwards will be set free, but may leave after a few days. But when somebody leaves, make one secret prayer, all can wish him a good way but not to sing any songs. The dead is something official – that life is dead, there is no reason to sing, he wants peace and calm. Whoever leaves, the first thing is that he wants peace and calm. Let God give him Light of the mind and Peace to the soul because when he looks at his life he may use the mistakes of the past. This you will keep from occult viewing[M16] ??(unclear – OK?), there is no reason to sing to the dead people. If some of our friends want to sing to him, then we will call some preacher – evangelist and will tell him, “You know how to sing to dead men, be so good to bury him and to sing to him and we will pay you.” If somebody wants to sing to him then the Orthodox or the evangelicals will bury him because they sing to dead people. But if he wants to be with us, we will make only one secret prayer – for God to give him Light to understand the deep sense of Heaven. When we send him on his way we will not sing, but those who meet him there, they will sing better to him. Let the angels sing to him, but there is no reason for us to send him on his way with songs, we don’t know what his work is. It doesn’t come, it doesn’t go to send with songs from this world, it’s better there to meet you with songs[M17] . And so, if some of you are ready to leave for that world, know that after they want to sing songs for you, we will tell them to choose an evangelic preacher or Orthodox priest who will want to sing to them. But as occult disciples you will leave without songs from this world, but upwards you will be met with songs, there they will sing to you. Last night I did you a little notice[M18] , didn’t I? The Occult disciple must have something mystical in his character – if this mysticism is lost, life becomes too empty and senseless. If we all become occult disciples we have to be blind to the mistakes. I perceive that after I make you notice[M19] , all the notices[M20] that I make are very expensive for me. Why do I make you notices[M21] ? I can let others make you notices[M22] because you don’t always have mystical tempers in your soul. And as disciples of one Occult school you will keep one rule if you want to finish your relations correctly: everyone will find one good feature in the other and will keep you in his mind – and then he will love you; and if he finds in you one good feature, you will love him too. Now you, when you meet, you look for the worst features and keep them in your mind. And then you start to pray, and go into the Occult school. But because you have selected the worst feature, after you have finished the prayer, you as if [M23] you think good about Ivan, Dragan, Petko, but it’s notable his bad feature that immediately spoils your temper acquired from the thought of the good feature. You, the occult disciples, to keep your character you have to know one rule for a law: to find in yourself one good feature. Every one of you has one good feature – find these good features among yourselves and keep it in your mind. Only in that way you will be able to help yourselves – and God will help you, and the Angels will help you, and the saints will help you. I shall adduce one example. I said to one sister, to one of the disciples, “Tell that sister this and this.” This sister said it to her and she answered, “Why doesn’t the teacher say it to me directly, but says it to the other?” What I said, she doesn’t want to do, but is occupied with small-minded works – no matter through who it was said, it has to be done. I say to her, “Don’t stay in this place!” Don’t ask why, don’t stay and don’t think because where I live is a very good place to live - for you my place is very dangerous, the person who lives with me has to be a hero. – “But shall not the Teacher keep us safe?” I am on the battlefield and the person who comes there must have the bravery to sustain these shells. I want to put you on the home front – at the back, far away. With all that, keep away from one delusion: it is not physical intimacy, which brings people together – the bringing together is in their souls. When their souls vibrate equally and when God’s Love penetrates us equally, these souls can understand it themselves. For example, I see how some of the disciples spoil the good temper in the others when they quarrel. Does the Sun mourn to us? It shines but sometimes a cloud will come and will distort its light. For example I came among you, I spoke from some objective; exactly[M24] you have a good temper along come two men, who start to quarrel, making clouds. And at the end, these two who quarrel stay – all the disciples leave and talk, “Petko, Dragan, and Stoyan said it correctly.” What education could there be?(or,could there be?)[M25] So the first thing: the disciples of the Occult school have to be obedient, absolutely obedient – if something is said, to do it. But he will say, “The spirit said to him.” Which spirit? The Divine Spirit is a Spirit of humbleness, Wisdom, Pravda, Truth; it is a Spirit that always takes the last place, it doesn’t order – wherever it goes, it will be last, it is ready to do a good turn to the poor. And this man in whom the Spirit works, will sit last at the table; if he sits first, God’s Spirit is not there, this is the way I know it. So when we come to the occult powers you will keep[M26] if you want to renew yourself. You will see that self-consciousness to execute the Will of God correctly. Afterwards, you have to verify how your influence acts upon those around. When I do notices to somebody [M27] every one of my notices[M28] not only has to dress the wound but I want to see if my dressing brought an advantage. If I make dressings for ten men and make the situation worse, it’s better for the wounds to stay undressed – if you can’t do Good, let somebody else do it. So I want these rules that I give you now to be executed constantly. I shall give you other rules. You will not suddenly become saints, because for a saint not one life, but many lives are necessary – it is perfection, it is not a law for salvation. Man has to start to vibrate in a way that in any given moment he will guess alone how to do the Will of God. Under the title holy man I understand a man with experience, consciousness, who knows how to help, but not only to take the name of holy man. A man like this is full with Knowledge, with all the virtues, and he always does the Will of God. Now we prepare to be strong, to help the great act. I say, the sixth race is coming. When the sixth race comes, you must have Knowledge and this Knowledge you will have now. So now the first thing: you will find one good feature in yourself – only for yourself, you will find one good feature, which God puts in you. To say that we are very bad, this is extreme, and to say that we are very good, this is extreme too. If we say that we are bad it means that we are not executed[M29] . God in us is good and that we will understand well and will thank God for what we are. You make one mistake but after that the consciousness in you cries, it pray, it repents; you say, “I thank God that I have that good feature – the consciousness; if I did not have that feature what would be my situation?” So when I make one mistake, I have one good feature that I understand and soon I correct my mistake. Afterwards, some man meets some poor person and his heart immediately feels pity – and with this one can guess that there is something good in him. When I say, to find our good feature this is a way we may have space of [M30] the Spirit. We have to subordinate to the Divine Spirit. And when you use these powers in Nature and when you come to the man, if you want to create friendly relations in the future, you will search inside friends and enemies for one good feature in which to put in your mind. It is quite a hard art, but an excellent art. Now you will be occult pupils – you will learn everything, you will be brave and decisive. When there are notices[M31] for you, you will not anger; when exposed, you will stand with patience; when you meet with whatever disaster, you will see only the good side in everything. Blessed is the man for whom you make notices[M32] – does God leave him? And the Scripture says: “Those who God does not expose and does not punish, they walk on a wrong way.” Don’t think that is something pleasant that can make a notice [M33] to one man. If you expose one man, do you win something? – Nothing – when you come back to your home will have anxiety within you, nothing more. Somebody says to expose. To expose whoever I always think that is the same as to make an operation – when you come back you always will have stench and for a long time you have to wash your hands to lose the smell. In the future when you enter into the School you will not see your mistakes. In the high classes it is absolute forbidden to think about the mistakes of people – people do not exist for you and the mistakes do not exist either, you will work upon yourself. One Hindu teacher says how one disciple goes to him and he shows him three methods. Three men moved in the forest; The Teacher said him, “You will go and will deliver to the three of them one slap in the face.” The disciple when he gave the first one a slap in the face, that man gave him two slaps in the face; he goes to the second, and gives him one slap in the face, that man raised his arm but put it down again, didn’t hit him; when he slapped the third one in the face he doesn’t even pay any attention, and continues thinking. The Teacher asked him: “What did you do?” – “I gave the first one a slap in the face, he gave me two.” That is the man, who lives by the law an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – the Mosaic Law. The second one, who raised his arm and quickly put it down, lives in the Salvation, he saves – it comes to his mind to execute the law but says, “It haven’t to”, [M34] it comes to his mind not to execute the law. But that man, who didn’t pay attention to the slap in the face, he lives in the Love. So now, some live by Mosaic Law, others – in the salvation and the third – in the Love. Who lives by the law will hit you twice; who lives in the salvation will raise his arm and will say, “Let it go away from me,” but the third one, who lives in Love, will feel nothing. Now the occult disciple has to live by the law of Love – somebody will come to hit you but you will feel nothing, you will not even know what hit you. What a consciousness you must have! Secret prayer [M1]They consume less of what? Example – {…they consume less energy.} [M2]Is this needed for the sentence as it doesn't connect to the sentence. [M3]Usage – unclear. What does he have to show? [M4]It is not clear who "they" are. [M5]Shouldn't this read {growth}. If it is not growth, then revise the sentence as "plants" does not make sense. [M6]Shouldn't this be {cleanliness}. [M7]Usage - rob means to steal. Perhaps the word should be {pick}. [M8] [M8]{…act in a rational way…} [M9]It is not clear who {his} refers to. [M10]Unclear. I understand this to mean - {…show you how to teach the pine-trees…} Maybe it should be – {…show you how to learn from the pine-trees…} [M11]Unclear – usage. {…to occupy yourselves in examining the blueberry.} [M12]Usage. {occupy] [M13]Unclear. {will be renewed.} or {will be filled up again.} [M14]{"Beautiful dawn is dawning"…No, dawn is dawn.} [M15]{…but the sick person has to sing by himself or herself.} [M16]Unclear. [M17] [M17]Unclear. What doesn't come and go? Example – {It isn't fitting to send dead people on their way with songs from this world, it's better that they will be met there with songs.} [M18]Unclear. Usage. The word "notice" is not used correctly in this sentence or in the ones below. {…made a little observation for you…} [M19]Unclear. Usage.Notice what? Example – {…make you notice something…} or {…make you notice your mistakes…} or {brought your attention to a certain issue} [M20]Usage – {observations} [M21]Unclear. Usage. Example - {…notice certain things.} or {…observe certain things.} or {bring your attention to certain issues.} [M22]Same – {notice things} or {observe things} [M23]A word missing here – {you act as if…} [M24]Usage. Example – {exactly when} [M25]{What education could there be in this?} [M26]Keep what? Example – {keep the rules} [M27]Unclear. Usage. {When I bring a persons attention to a certain issue…} [M28]Usage. {observations} [M29]Unclear. [M30]Unclear. {space in} [M31]Unclear. Usage. {When certain things are brought to your attention…} or {When there are certain observations made about you…} or {When there are certain issues for you to deal with} [M32]Usage. {observations} [M33]Unclear. Usage. {make an observation} [M34]Unclear. Example – {"It doesn't have to come to this."} or {"I don't have to do this."}
  23. Simple and Complex Movements The twentieth lecture of the Master, delivered at the General Esoteric Class on 13 July 1922, Thursday, Chamkoria1 Papers were read on ‘Why God Created Man’. I shall speak about the simple and complex movements in Nature. Primary movements you will substitute for simple movements, and the last movements, the faintest movements you will substitute for complex movements. One explanation: complex movements imply a great deal of opposition, while simple movements imply little opposition. Now in all of you, in your mind there are two movements: there are simple movements, there are also complex movements. For example, in order for you to come here, to Chamkoria, what movement was there in you - simple or complex one, in which category would you place it? – “Complex.” Simple primary movements are only movements to God – movements, which are pure, where the consciousness is not split. Primary movements are crystal clear, while with complex movements, human consciousness is always split. You go to a resort, but you have several motivating reasons – it is not one reason, you have many reasons. I will then ask you, when one gets married, is marriage a simple or a complex movement? Complex, because it seems that the woman can say that she loves the man or the man can say that he loves the woman. This is one of the reasons; secondly, they want to have children, thirdly, the man wants somebody to cook for him. There are a number of motives; hence marriage is a complex movement. And you have to be aware that in all complex movements in the world there are obstacles, which you should be prepared to expect. And consequently as students of the Esoteric School I give you this distinctive difference in terms of methodology, so that you can psychically recognize the forces that are active in you at any moment – whether these are of the primary or of the secondary, the latter type, so that you can know in which category each movement falls. Once you know the difference, it is easy to find your way around. You are now confused between these two – there is a complex movement in progress - you expect the results of the simple movement, there is a simple movement in progress - you expect the results of the complex movement. While each movement has its own definite results. Now it is ridiculous that some people, when they want to become religious, they expect to become rich. One who wants to become religious in the full sense of the word, particularly such a person will lose all one’s wealth, because wealth itself is a complex movement. If you have Knowledge, this is a complex movement. Therefore you have to be aware of the categories in which the movements, taking place in your mind, fall – they fall either to the one or to the other category. This is a practical means to orient oneself – just to know which one is prevalent at the moment. These movements do not belong to you. If you are in a crowd, can you walk in a straight line through the crowd of people? – You will be faced with a very complex movement and when you get out you will say, “Thank God, we are safely out of it, we overcame the obstacles.” Often in life you unwillingly pass by a celebration and therefore you have to fight; what method will you apply – a complex movement, you will make thousands of by-passes in every possible direction and you will then think. These are what I call, human movements, while simple movements are short. What kind of movement is friendship, true friendship? – “Simple.” – All these motives, which take the least expense, are Divine, while those which consume huge energy, pertain to complex movements. Let’s define movement – what does it spring from? – It springs from Life – Life is the primary cause of movement. Each movement in the world shows that the consciousness of any being wants to gain access to certain food – certain forces necessary for this being, are laid for it. Thus Life generates the first movement, and the energies, stored in Life, have ensued from the World of Thought. So we are faced with one movement, representing the purely physical world; there is Life, representing the World of Spirit, the Mental World (The World of Thought). This world is expressed in the thought dominating Life, hence thought is expressed in Life – it is Life in progress, while any movement is an implementation of these three together. This is why we can determine: if your thought is simple it will generate a simple life with primary, pure, simple movements; if your thought is complex, your Life will inevitably be complex and the movements will correspond to it. Let’s say that a being, living in the Mental World, conceives the idea to become great, to create a Solar system – a complex movement is conceived within it. If this Being wants to acquire a primary, conscious movement, to try Divine Love in its pure forms, we shall then have simple movement in the consciousness. Often, you extend yourselves, wanting to reconcile simple and complex movements – these are irreconcilable. A simple movement cannot be combined with a complex one – these are incompatible. A saint and a sinner cannot live in the same place – they can live, but not in the same place; sick people and doctors may be at the same place, but it would be the doctor attending to the sick, while the sick are cured; so shall the saint stay with the sinner, until the one cures the other; the child under the same law will live with the mother until the child takes what it needs and having taken it, the child no longer looks for the mother. Now you say that God created Man in order to manifest Himself. Manifest in what; manifest to whom? I would like to correct you a little bit now: to manifest to Himself. If God wants to manifest Himself in the world then there must be another Deity. This is how it turns out to be, and this is dualism. I want to manifest myself to whom? – Not to myself, what is there to manifest to myself – I want to manifest myself to another entity and the other beings if they want to manifest themselves, they also need someone else to manifest himself or herself to. While God can manifest Himself to… whom? This is a question, one of the difficult questions. And I shall give you the following answer: God created Man in order for Man to be created. Now I will put the following question to you: when can something be created? – As man cannot be created, and I do not mean the creation of Man by God. To create implies constructiveness; there are esoteric students who cannot comprehend this. To build, to construct – there is always the implication of material life. When a place is being constructed why is it constructed; for whom is it being constructed; could it be for its own sake? Something could be constructed for Man to manifest oneself. If we say that it could be created in order for Man to manifest oneself, is this idea right? People construct a bridge for example, in order to communicate – there is an obstacle, so a bridge is constructed, the bridge is a means of communication. Similarly Man is a bridge serving as a communication link between worlds – nothing more than that. You will have an even more righteous idea because you as a whole, you still do not know the meaning of the physical world, i.e. the physical world is not only little known, but some say that it is an illusion. These are only words whose profound meaning is yet to be grasped. As to the Divine world with these Beings inhabiting it, as well as the beings who live in the physical world – what are their direct relations in this aspect? Now, under this situation we shall dwell on the following two issues: we say about the Spirit, who is pure, “Spirit is in constant struggle with matter”. And again there is the philosophical question: what needs, can the Spirit have, being pure, being in such a serene state, why should the Spirit need to incarnate itself in matter and why does it have to incarnate? Some will argue that it had to descend in matter to acquire certain experiences – if so, then this Spirit is not complete. And then there comes the question: if matter is something unreasonable by itself, how is it possible for something unreasonable to confine Reason? If matter is to confine Spirit, then there must be certain Reason in this matter and, at that, such a Reason, which is equal to the Reason of Spirit. If matter can capture Spirit, then such matter has its own intelligence – at least this is what comes out, if Spirit is confined by matter. We shall not resolve the issue now, and shall leave it like this – unresolved, as everyone has left it. And you know why? We shall climb up on top of mount Moussala2, shall enjoy the panorama, shall climb down and shall be thinking of Moussala only – about its natural history, we shall study it, while it shall be immovable. I am asking you to investigate a huge mountain peak – what is its natural history. This is a long story, but so that you could be thinking along more appropriate lines, I shall once again give you a hint and shall ask you why a person should be woken up from a sleep. If you are a servant why should your master wake you up? – To work. Why should you sleep? – To have a rest. When this servant is woken up, is the master creating the servant? Similarly, Man in the current circumstances has just awoken from a sleep, nothing more than this – you have been sleeping until now. People call such waking up creation. After having worked, who manifests oneself – you or your master? Both you and your master manifest yourselves – you manifest yourself in the work done, while your master can manifest himself in the plans he granted to you. We shall substitute this question and rather than asking why God created man, I shall ask you why Man came to Earth, or why Man was sent here to Earth – this is a more appropriate question. Man has come from somewhere, but why has man come? This is an easier question to answer than trying to answer why God created man. Look, the issue why God created man has no practical aspect under the current circumstances here, where you are. In order to know why man came to the Earth, why God created man – you should read the archives of Nature – there must be someone who loves you, to open this book for you, to go over the annals – there it is put on record why and to what purpose. I raised the question why God created man, so that you could find your own attitude to God and be assured that without God, if you are not related with Him, you can have no growth, no Life, no mental activity, because Reason springs from Reason, Life springs from Life, and activity springs from activity. Because God is right in everything and because man belongs to complex movements, this complex movement has to find its impetus in the primary aspect. We need to be connected to God not by form, nor by content, as these are yet external aspects. Not by meaning, but on principle, internally, in the very essence of things – to be linked with God by necessity of the very Existence itself, because only in this way can His thought give an impulse to our Life and His movements can give an impulse to the movements of our life. And then everything is possible. Such must be your innermost goal, your innermost desire, so that there is no chance for you to stumble. On entering this School, you may intend to conquer certain natural elements – but you may have no conquering whatsoever. I do not call it a conquest if I tend a pear tree for ten years and when it bears fruit, someone else comes and picks the pears – I do not consider this a conquest. I have worked and someone else eats the fruit – there is no sense. We can work only to obtain knowledge, but when we want to take advantage of it, we have not explored this. Now you often say, “It’s in the Scripture, it is said that we should love each other”. To love each other – the implication, according to me is to make a bridge. Do you think that if we make a bridge, everything in the world will become better? If the two parties are enemies, then it is better not to have a bridge, because they will then start quarrelling; if they are friends, then let there be a bridge. If people are ready to serve God, let there be a bridge, if they have not learned how to serve God, let them be without any bridge – this is better. So you should not mix things in esoteric science. I often keep observing you – this is how you are arguing, “You may want anything in the name of God – wolves, bears, tigers.” You may say, “I now live according to God’s law, to Christ’s law.” And the wolf also says, “God is Love”, but the wolf is alone, the wolf attacks the sheep and says, “Because I love God, and I love His children, because of this you have to fall victim for me” Well, can you reconcile this? The wolf is allowed to eat the sheep; if a man eats a sheep, it’s tolerable - neither here nor there - but if a sheep eats a wolf, the sheep will undergo the greatest suffering; and when a man is eaten by a bear, the man will experience the same. We are not sent to Earth to organize a menagerie – sheep will be kept separate, wolves will be kept separate, so will bears, all will be kept separated. There will be a fence separating them, a wire – to speak brotherly to each other but with strictly determined borders. And not like this: I see someone has the brains of a bear, someone else has the brains of a sheep, and both of them say, “Let’s break this fence, let’s unite our brains.” But what can a sheep and a wolf do together? Imagine someone with a bear’s heart, someone else with a sheep’s heart, how can you unite them? Some act like bears, others like sheep – how can you reconcile them? They cannot be reconciled. You will say, “Esoteric science can do everything.” Esoteric science can do everything, but you cannot do what esoteric science can. God can, I know that God can do everything, but we cannot. We should not be trying to do what God does – we cannot. Hence we should do only what we can, what is within the scope of our knowledge. Now I want you to do things, which you can, not things, which you cannot. We are getting mixed up together, therefore I shall tell the person: “Listen, do not demolish your wall; by saying what I said, I did not mean to make you demolish it - you keep the fence, and you shall find a new place for the new stuff where you will not place old stuff.” For example, you often want to reconcile the idea of Divine Love with your present love – these are irreconcilable. My Love, the Love I have is incompatible with your love, do you understand what I mean? If I transfer these ideas, do you know what will happen? I will tell you: there are many cases described in the book of Caprices of Electricity, where electricity appears in big round shining balls – such a ball suddenly falls upon a person, all the clothes are burnt, but the person is intact. The Love that I speak of is such a ball – if it falls upon you, you will find yourself naked; and after you find yourself naked, you will be doubtful and you will say, “This is no Love.” This is exactly where Love is. You want a new understanding of Love – bearing a new signature, while containing the old concepts. There is no sacrifice in the purely Divine Love. Sacrifice is just a result of the complex movements of Love in the physical World – this is a temporary period of transition. When people say that a person must make a sacrifice, this does not concern Divine Love – there is no sacrifice whatsoever in true Divine Love. Hence in order to understand Divine Love, you have to inevitably descend to the physical world, to learn the law of sacrifice. This is precisely why people descended to the Earth - to learn the law of sacrifice too. People will learn what Divine Love is when they experience the law of sacrifice – this is a law of the Divine energies proper transformation. Someone says, “I want to know what you think about me”; I say, “You may know, but I have to eat you up.” And therefore Christ says, “If you do not eat of My flesh and if you do not drink of My blood, you will have no eternal Life.” So, if you want to understand me, I shall have to eat you, so when you enter me, I will understand you and having understood you, I shall know how to help you. This is to say that you will sacrifice yourself in order for God to enter you, you will make this sacrifice. If you want to understand someone, then either you are eaten or you eat someone else – this is a symbol. If you want to understand someone, that someone has to eat you; if you want someone to understand you, you have to eat that someone. To this you will say, “This is scary!” But look, doesn’t the present life consist of eating and drinking only? If you take eating away, what else is left in life? Perhaps, having eaten a good pear, a bright idea will come to mind and you may write a poem – this pear is also a flower and therefore Christ said, “I am the water of Life and I am the bread of Life.” You have to make a difference between the simple and complex movements and to understand for what purpose Man has descended on Earth. You have to learn the law of sacrifice – this is one of the significant issues, which you have to investigate. But what sacrifice – sacrifice the way one understands it? You have to ask yourselves the question what you are supposed to sacrifice. The little concessions you make do not count for sacrifice – the law of sacrifice is a law, which reconciles all contradictions in the world. Let’s say you are in a very sad and difficult situation; apply the law of sacrifice and you can immediately remove this sadness of yours. Let’s say you have to receive twenty thousand leva, you do not have this money in your pocket – what will you do? Open your books and make a decision to sacrifice this money for your tranquillity’s sake – you will immediately feel your soul relieved and Peace will come to you. Now don’t you move to the other extreme! Sometimes you regret that you are not a highly educated person, and you say, “If had a good education, I would have become a Minister, a doctor” – you torment yourself. Tell yourself, “Even if I am not a Minister, I can still live like Man” – and you will feel relieved. Sometimes you go to the other extreme and some say, “We need no knowledge.” This is not the question – in this particular case we are suffering due to the lack of such goods, which stem from knowledge. Say, “We can do without the good of knowledge.” Such knowledge does not imply that you have to become a minister, doctor or priest – the absolute, pure knowledge is a simple movement. You for example often say, “We have to increase in number in the new movement” – our strength does not lie in our numerousness. – “We have to build a home” – strength lies not in building a home; “We must possess knowledge” – strength does not reside in such knowledge. What we bring to the world is a kind of a need, which Life cannot do without; what we bring is a necessity, just like water and bread are needed for Life. These people, anyway, shall come, but when they come we shall not say, “Hang on, this is unbearable, it’s expensive, you have to pay for your bread, and then you have to pay for your water, you have to pay because I am the first one who has brought it.” No, once this thought enters your mind, the issue is over. You have to act absolutely selflessly – bread you will give in order to be used, water you will give too, and whomever you give to, you will tell this person so, “You also have to give under the same law, in the same way.” Give everything – this bread and this water you have to give, but only to those to whom they are meant to be given. Now some of you think that once they enter the New Teaching they will become better. How do you know you will become better? A person’s goodness always depends on the sacrifice – the better one understands and applies the law of sacrifice, the better one will become. Time is nothing but a manifestation of sacrifice. I am now hinting at this idea so that you will not be at odds with yourself. For example sometimes when I am talking some people say, “The Master should not have said so.” I can place a stone on the eastern wall, on the western, to the north or south, but I can also place it on top – but where should I place this stone? Let’s say its place is determined, where shall I place it? – Where it is determined to be – according to the measure of the place, this is where I should place it. Well, in this life you have entered, you are determined, measured. Sometimes I place you somewhere and you say, “I do not belong here, I am not fit for a prince”, and I see – this is the place determined for you; which is to say you are spoiling it. There you will stay, where you belong, nothing more than this. Afterwards you summon someone (this is how false masters appear); and you say, “I do not belong here, can you not relocate me?” Everybody gets drawn to this place and says, “What work can this stone do?” - They start building something new and distort the whole edifice. And then the committee comes over and says, “It’s not built well” – then they take the stones down and say, “This and that society has disintegrated, this and that religion has fallen to pieces.” I am warning you: there is a weakness within you – you want to fall back into old building practices. You will deny the old ways; you cannot go ahead without sacrifice. You must be clear with this issue in yourselves, so that each of your deeds, each of your thoughts, has to be absolutely clear, selfless. You must be certain about it for your own sake; do not declare this publicly. You have to preserve and develop this feeling, and never say to people that you are good. Now you say, “Let’s live like brothers!” Sheep live with sheep; wolves live with wolves, bears with bears, hares with hares, flies with flies, while the way you are carrying on is no good. But one of the Hebrew prophets says that lambs and lions shall live together. Remember this line, but when will they live? – When God comes, so that there will be ample space, won’t there? We shall leave this line; it belongs to another category. Do not reconcile your good thoughts with your bad thoughts; do not place them in the same place. Someone says, “I have one bad thought.” If your thought is bad, place it where it belongs; if you have one Divine thought, place it right where it belongs; if you have a desire – either good or bad - put it onto its proper place – everything has to be placed where it belongs. Many of you (I see you) when you find a wolf with nice teeth, you bring him here and you say, “Master, we found a good man – he is very clever and educated person, and what a disposition he has, what language, what words, let’s take him with us.” I can see him - he is an old wolf, but I say nothing to the man. You say, “Let’s give him a good reception; let’s open the door to the sheep, so that he can visit them.” And I tell you, visit them he will! There are not only male wolves, there are female wolves as well; there are not only bears, but there are also she-bears – these are all symbols. All of Nature around is symbol-ridden – all of these bears and wolves are a whole branch of science, which we have to study and understand. It is easiest of all to learn about ourselves while studying the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms. Bear in mind that trying to understand this story one may find it difficult to understand the changes that are under way. Sometimes you get up from sleep, you pray, but say, “God does not listen to me”; how can you explain this situation? When you know the reasons, the attitude within you should be as pure as possible. Many of you are caught in a complex movement, you have to resolve one of the most difficult tasks and to this end you need resourcefulness, tact, skills, knowledge, will and stamina in the world. And those of you who have a better understanding, shall perhaps understand tonight what I did not say, and shall say tomorrow, “Did not the Master say so?” You will find yourself in the position of that priest, who preached like this, “Let those who have two shirts, give one to the poor”; his beloved comes back home, the preacher had two shirts and she had given one of them away following Christ’s law. In the evening the priest asked her, “Where is one of my shirts?” – “I gave it away.” – “How come you gave it away without asking me?”- “You said so in church, didn’t you?” – “I said this to the others; I did not mean it for us”. Well, the priest’s wife had given the shirt away; where did she go wrong, do you think she acted right, why didn't she give one of her shirts away, but one of her husband’s? She is not right, because she did not give away one of hers, but one of the priest’s – the priest should give the shirt away himself. She says, “I followed Christ’s law”, the priest is discontent that she had given his shirt away without asking for his permission. Well it is often the case that you give away my shirts – I do not mind, but you should give away your shirts also, nothing more than this. Some interpret it like this, “You were given for free, for free you should give!” When you take a Divine idea or whatsoever, the rule is that you keep this idea to yourself. You have the right to give the fruit to the others, but the idea you should keep to yourself – to all you should give of the fruit it bears, but it should stay with you. You, however, take this idea and say; “We were given for free, for free we shall give”. This is not right, Christ also says, “Each sprig coming from Me shall bear fruit.” These Divine ideas should pass through us and should bear fruit – and of the fruit you will give away. You all have to be rich of the fruit of the Divine thoughts. Secret prayer So, the main points are: simple and complex movements, the law of self-sacrifice, the law of sacrifice; the Divine idea has to stay within you in order to be sown in you and bear fruit, and of this fruit we have to give away – these are the main ideas in the lecture. You get together sometimes - for this purpose I shall assign a certain task to the students so that you can seriously start working to resolve it. Discuss the three aspects – to the physical world, to the Spiritual World and to the Divine World. Each idea should be discussed in three aspects. Direct your thought to be clarified, in order not to be held back. If you were ready I would give you a task now, but you are not. I would give you a complex task to perform. Do you know what it means when a person is not ready? This is what I imply: imagine it is winter-time and I send you to an excursion, but you have no shoes; can I send you barefoot? Imagine I send you to a place in the mountains with glaciers, while you do not have the required equipment – you need to prepare. You will say, “Everything can be done with God”; God can do everything, but we cannot. So now you will think it over. I want you to gather energy at least from Chamkoria, more Light for your mind, to strengthen your heart. Perhaps I would assign this task to you under more favourable conditions, but everyone should be ready, because I will give to you a more complex task – as is required. Now that I say so, you may wonder what this task might be. You will get to know, certain things are kept back. Now when you start, first you will act, and then you will think – do not be scared. For example I tell you: “In an hour’s walk from here, at about 10 kilometres there is a place, you will walk on one of the sides, you will stop there and shall not move.” You won’t ask me why – go there and you will get to know why. You will walk ten kilometres from here; you will find a sack with weight of 10 kilograms, you will not untie it, you will take it and will bring it back to me. I will then tell you, “You will take this sack and you will open it, there is a measure of wheat, you will put oxen to the yoke and you will sow it.” You won’t ask why – next year you will get to know whether the task was right. Let me explain the idea: you will go a ten kilometre distance from here, there are ten kilograms of wheat in a sack there; you won’t untie the sack, because you will waste time, you will not be curious and I will not tell you anything, so as not to waste time; you will harness oxen – next year, when the wheat grows, you will reap it and you will then reason. This is what the esoteric student should be like. Well you may now ask, “I must know what there is in the sack.” – You may know – I can tell you this, “You will go to a place ten kilometres away, there is one sack of wheat there, you will bring it here, will harness oxen and will go to the fields etc.” – I can tell you all this but do you know what the results will be? You will not get there on time; you will be late. We are already late; we have missed the most favourable circumstances, because I was explaining all this to you, an hour had passed. This one hour wasted the best circumstances under which this seed can live. Therefore in the Divine world there is no waste at all – no sooner said than done! You will then acquire punctuality; all of you have to learn this punctuality. And you will try my thought whether it is right or wrong. The day before yesterday, at Moussala peak I tested your hesitation: we reached a place where we stopped – not possible to go ahead, as it was dangerous; if you had decided to go across the ice, then everybody would have fallen into the lake. You now say, “There are a lot of obstacles along this road (as the road was covered in frozen snow), what shall we do?” We could have cut a road through, we should have taken hoes with us, but it would have taken us a whole day until we cut a road through – this, however, we did not foresee. You thought there were no obstacles on the way to Moussala. There is no way back – then you say, “Upwards!” – You manifested courage. – “No one shall pass through the snow!” Then you started crawling up the hill, not even thinking of stones falling on you. You have to be very careful, as there are many obstacles in our development. While I was climbing a big stone passed me by – four fingers thick – such a stone can break bones. So while climbing up the hill, you have to be careful not to touch a single stone, you should not aim only at climbing up. What is the law concerning this? – Do not be in a hurry, I do not demand of you to hurry. If you reach a certain place, sit down – try it, place your foot on this place and find out whether it is strong. By touching the stone with your foot you will receive certain energies, will concentrate within yourself. This is a task: to climb up to the top and to try the whole road, to get to know what dangers there are – such should be the tasks, this is the only way to carry you up there. In a certain respect all of you were very brave, not cowards. Courage is a good feature – indication that you can do the job. But it takes someone else behind your backs – I should have been the last one in the line and had I remained last everybody would have climbed up. Then, you did not follow my instructions – I said, “Absolutely no one should pass through the snow”, while some of you did and this might have cost them their lives. Had I told you, “Go through the snow”, it’s my responsibility. Some other time I shall take you to Moussala and shall tell you, “Up you go through the snow” – then it is my responsibility; then everybody has to carry a hoe – will dig a step and will pass. But if I say, “You may not pass though the snow”, then you may not. Someone says, “We may.” No, now is not the right time – we shall walk along the path that is predetermined; this is a rule. In Esoteric science a task that is not accomplished properly has risks – this is absolutely so. While the results are always correct, i.e. everything will be going well; will be supportive. I want you to see what laws operate during these excursions, to see that this Divine mind; these elevated Beings take part in all of our deeds and acts. And these two, the brother and the sister, who slipped down, were saved along a direct line, not along a curved line. Had they not stopped slipping, they would have fallen into the lake. We shall now walk in a living faith – I am not preaching to you an ordinary faith. This faith is extraordinary and our deeds shall also be extraordinary. And so shall Love – everything within us will be extraordinary, this we have to be sure of. Translation: Maia Mitcheva ______________________________________ 1 Chamkoria literally translates Pine-Woods; At present, the name of this famous resort in the Rila mountains is Borovets. 2 Moussala: 2925 m altitude, summit on the Balkans in the Rila Mountains Source
  24. THE THREE MAIN LAWS: LOVE, WISDOM, AND TRUTH Nineteenth Lecture delivered by Master Beinsa Douno to the General Esoteric Class on July 7, 1922, Friday, 8:15 - 9 p.m., Sofia Silent Prayer We just heard the disciples’ essays on the topic of the wheat grain. The second time I will appoint an essay topic only to some of you. You will need to write clearly; there is no need to write too much, but to write clearly on the topic of Why God Created Man. If I were to give you another topic, for example: What is the Distinctive Characteristic of the Disciple, what would you answer? My answer would be: the desire to learn. Now, the Esoteric School is not a place for playing or for musings; rather, it is a place for learning. You have come to the Esoteric School with certain preconceptions - you think that you know things. Outside of the Esoteric School you know a lot, but inside the Esoteric School you know nothing. I want to state the following now: you may have graduated from University, you may know a lot on the subject of philosophy but if you go to a technician in some workshop, you will find yourself in trouble; he will make you feel like a child, so you will have to pay attention. If you go to a laboratory, you will find out that you know nothing about chemistry. You may be a philosopher, thinking that you know a lot about chemistry, but no, you should admit to yourselves the fact that you don’t know much about that. When you enter the workshop, too, you should admit that you know nothing. You need to do the same when you are in the Esoteric School. Now you enter the Esoteric School thinking that God will enlighten you and will teach you everything. God does not teach those who do not want to learn. When you are here, in the Esoteric School, you need to pull yourself together and work, do you understand? Some of you have entered the Esoteric School with the intention to acquire everything with only little work; I will clean out the Esoteric School of disciples who do not learn. I do not need those who do not learn. There is a lot to do outside of the Esoteric School, but if you are here, in the School, do not waste your time, for it’s a shame; you will fall into the temptation of imagining that you are learning and what will come next is hypocrisy, because you will be fooling yourselves. Please, be fair to yourselves and correct yourselves. Then only ten people may be left but they will learn; if they stay but have not corrected themselves, then I do not want them either. Those who think that they know everything may leave; I do not need them. Those who only know how to criticize may also leave, please; it is pointless for me to deal with them. Only those shall remain in the Esoteric School for whom it is said in the Scriptures: “If you don’t become as the little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God.” The Kingdom of God is a science, a great science. The Church may be willing to tolerate anything, but the Kingdom of God will not tolerate ignorance, crime, gossip, or evil. The Kingdom of God tolerates only eternal harmony - this is the Kingdom of God on Earth, on the real Earth. I’m speaking to you openly here, and you need to know that. Many of you are on the wrong path and if you keep following it the sole of your foot will become deformed. There are some who enter the path of Wisdom and then do not follow its laws - I do not mean to be rude to those, but, rather, to be honest with them. There are three Laws. The first Law is: The Truth in the Kingdom of God tolerates absolutely no deception in any form or shape, not a shred of deception, absolutely none, do you understand this? You might say, “It is in our nature.” No, there is no nature in this; lying is not in one’s nature; lying is something that was subsequently grafted into man. And if a philosopher or a theosophist or a teacher tries to convince you that it is in human nature to sin, then that teacher himself knows nothing, for it is not in human nature to sin. When I use the word “man”, I refer to that living Divine soul that originated from God; it is not in its nature to sin. If it does sin, then there are other reasons for that; you should be aware of this. And if one of you sins, he should not blame his nature for it; no, he should look for the reason outside of his nature. If I trip somewhere and fall onto my face, I won’t say, “It is in my nature to fall”; what I will do instead is look for the reason for my fall outside of myself, not in me. The second Law is: God wants from all of us to learn and learn constantly, at that. As long as we learn, we can live - Life is in the sublime Divine consciousness and nothing else; Life is in the process of Knowledge, because the Divine Wisdom gives Knowledge; Truth gives Freedom; Love gives Life; Life gives Joy; Knowledge gives Power and Freedom gives expanse - this is how these things work. Then you have Truth and Freedom; you have vast expanse, the expanse of the whole Universe. If you have Wisdom, you have Knowledge; if you have Knowledge, you will have Power; Power stems from Knowledge, but Knowledge does not stem from Power. If you have Love, you have Life; if you have Life, then you also have Joy. Now, I have said many times that we need to learn to bear the sorrows in Life. But one of Life’s characteristics is Joy - he who lives, should rejoice and only he who learns can rejoice. And only he who is free can learn; he who is not free cannot learn. I tell you all of this because there are old preconceptions, morals of the past. There are spirits from the Astral world who have entered some of you and are whispering in your ear, “You don’t need knowledge.” No, we do not want to have anything to do with these beings from the Astral level, with these ignorant spirits; we know more than they do, we don’t need their advice; they may keep what they know to themselves. They say, “We don’t need knowledge.” Well then, what do we need? To eat, to drink, to get dressed, to fight, to get married, to leave each other, to butcher animals, to write articles for the papers, to criticize each other, to create religions… - is this what we need? We need neither their rules, nor their advice, for all these influences are coming from the Astral level; they are not manifestations of the Divine Wisdom. The Divine Wisdom reveals that one true path where people can live mindfully and grow up to be something other than foot-tall pygmies: to be like a God in their mind and grandeur. And then there will be one Sun, not a small one that cannot sprout a single grain of wheat, but a Sun that is big enough to improve the wheat in the whole world. Therefore, all of you are required to be servants of the Absolute Truth; there must not be even a trace of a lie in you, do you understand! I’m saying that what you should do is not preach Truth outside but when you face your consciousness, God, your soul, you should realize the fact that there must be absolutely no change, absolutely no lie in your soul. My soul’s sky should be clear, with no clouds in it. Now I’m referring not to the outside world, but to the inner one; I’m talking about reaching a certain state of mind and only at this state can we think right. The second thing is that all of you should maintain a thirst for learning. What I see now is that some of you sit there and say, “I’m 45 years old.” Forty-five years is nothing; why do you think you are old? Do you know what the age limit is that defines one as old? One turns 60 years and says, “I’m an old man.” What codex states that at this age one can claim, “I’m old”. You say, “I’m old.” - The criterion that defines one as old, is wrong. God is referred to as the Ancient One, no one knows His years, but when we turn 60 we assume a label that says that we are old, now this is a shame. There is no standard for old people it is a shame to think that there is. What you should say instead is, “I have been around for 60 years, but I’m not old at all, nor have I become wiser at all - the Earth rotated 60 times, but I was sleeping the whole time.” Now you say, “I’m old”. Very well, if you say that you are old, tell me what you know then? Because the meaning of “old” in Sanskrit is “one who has Knowledge”. If you are that old, tell me what the Earth was like when God created it? Tell me about when God created the Earth. You might say, “Well, I don’t know about this.” Well then, you are not one of the old ones, why do you claim so? Now, here’s someone with his hair and beard all white, but so what if your beard is white, does that make you old; where did that assumption come from? When trees are all covered with snow in winter, does that make them old? Those with white heads say, “My hair is white, I’m old.” No, don’t link these things to your age. The first thing you need to do is tell yourselves that you are disciples; if you are 60 it means that it is your perfect time to be a disciple, to learn. Why? I will tell you why: the young woman walking outside will not tempt you, no woman will give you any trouble, and no children will make a ruckus. Exactly because your mind is where it should be and your heart and willpower are where they should be - that’s the perfect time when you can learn, i.e. you will be a disciple who is able to understand every single subject. And now you sit here and I often hear both the young and the old of you say, “We’ve grown old.” I would like to know how many of you are old so that I can ask them about how God created the world: that is how I will test you to see if you are old or not. First, as soon as you enter the Esoteric School, you will put one main thought in your mind - you need to forget about the world. What I see happening now is that you enter and say, “Let’s see what the Master will tell us tonight.” Here is what I’m telling you tonight: you must throw your old idea out the window, because it is worth nothing. All of you are young; even if you are 60 years of age, you are still young. The fact that the Earth has turned 60 times has nothing to do with you; when it turns, it does not affect your growth at all. Let’s say someone puts you into a magnetic dream at the time when you are born and while you are in that state the Earth turns 60 times; when you wake up, you will not be old. What ages on Earth, is not the years, the turning of the Earth is something accidental. We say, “At 12 o’clock there was a murder”, that murder is an accidental measure. These are all accidental measures in the world, because the Absolute measure is the expansion of the soul, not the turning of the Earth: that is something impermanent. I want you all to have the desire to learn, do you understand; I want you to learn, not only to feel. You want to be in pleasant spirits, right? However, there are better things than spirits and those better things are brought about by what one can create through the Law of Wisdom. Without the Law of Wisdom, you cannot serve God. You cannot make use of Love, either. You need to know that true Love in the world can be manifested only when the great Law of Wisdom is at work, only when Knowledge comes. In order for you to love someone, you need to know his distinctive characteristic. You say, “This person has dark eyes.” All right, I see this differently and I’ll make the following analogy to explain how I see it: when the farmer says dark soil, he implies something else; what he means to say is that this dark soil is rich and provides more of the elements that are favourable for the growth of the wheat grain. That is why he says, “This dark soil is excellent; it produces excellent wheat!” And when we see someone with dark eyes, why do we like that person; why do we like people with dark eyes? Because such people are more consistent in their feelings - if a person like that falls in love with you, he is ready to give everything for you, you can rely on him. A person with dark eyes will not deceive you - he is true to his character no matter if he loves you or if he hates you. That is why we say that dark eyes have energy. A person with dark eyes may hate or may be rude, but such a person has one characteristic feature - he is always honest; he will tell you directly if he hates you or if he loves you, he plays no games. Such people are not agitated, but are true to their character. Therefore, only Wisdom will show us the qualities that are inside us, the properties and qualities that are hidden in our consciousness. This is the goal of the Esoteric School. If, in the Esoteric School, we do not learn what causes all the misfortunes in our lives, and if, in the Esoteric School, we cannot improve our future life, then why do we even need this School? I can talk to you about Heaven, about how the Angels and the saints live there, about their houses and so on. I can describe to you many things and you will say, “This is very interesting!” It is very interesting, indeed, but it is not the smart thing to do. Why is it not smart? Imagine that you are ill in bed, you are feeling sick and I come to visit you and start describing to you my travels in America; I start telling you how the Americans live, but your stomach hurts. You will not get better by my stories about America! In that case you will tell me, “Before you tell me the first thing about America, tell me about a cure for my stick stomach!” Similarly, is it not smarter for me to describe to you the ways in which you can improve your life first and then tell you about the Superior Life? Here is the first thing about the Esoteric School: its goal is to help you get rid of all your flaws that have remained in you from all kinds of cultures from times immemorial and you still carry them in you. Some of you say, “I don’t need to know much, I can get by even with little knowledge.” No, you need a lot of Knowledge in order to save yourselves. You need Knowledge to understand Love, to understand Wisdom, to understand Truth. You need to apply things in the present real Life. Do not think that you understand Love. If you really understood Love, you would have been immortal; if you really understood the Divine Wisdom, you would have had eternal harmony, i.e. you would have had Knowledge, you would have been strong, you would have been able to understand Truth in its entirety, and you would have had eternal Freedom - the great expanse of Life. You would not have been in the dark then, we would not have been limited in this room talking about these things; instead, we would have been travelling incredibly fast. Do you know how fast we would have been travelling - at least fifty thousand kilometres per second. What would we have done then? We would have gone up to Vitosha, blow once and be past the Moon in a second and be on the Sun in five minutes. We would stop at the first station where they would greet us; we would visit for three-four days and, because they are polite, they would show us around; we would see their schools, their meetings, we would take notes and afterwards we would head for the next station, Alfa Centauri*. Now you say, “What a wonderful voyage!” It is wonderful, of course but it also contains some ideas. The advanced students of the Esoteric School go on voyages like this. You may not be able to make such a voyage in your present condition, but you need to get ready for it in some future existence. You should think on Earth, you should descend to the physical level and make voyages like this from that level. Once you are on the Astral level, you will make other voyages there; when you enter the Mental level you will find that it is organized differently, because the structures in these worlds are based on different foundations. So here is the first thing: a true thirst for Knowledge should be born in you; I want from all of you to think. I am happy with your thought but it should be an original thought, it should be such that when it enters your mind, it will beget humility. You all have met young women like that one who behaves like an aristocrat before she gets married; she does not like placing her hands just anywhere, but has a specific way of holding her hands, because she doesn’t know where to put them. However, once she gets married and has her first child, she can find where to put her hands - she lifts their child, then puts it down or holds it. The first idea that comes to one’s mind is the greatest; then one’s hand, the willpower, has something to do. Someone says, “What should we do?” Give birth to a great Divine idea in yourself and then your hands and everything will find what to do - this is why we have the Esoteric School. Now when you come here you say, “Aren’t we going to learn some prayer?” Do you know what is the true prayer, how you should pray - Lord, enlighten our mind, give us Light because the ignorance is so great that we do not understand You at all and we have sunk in sins up to our ears. We pray to you, give us Knowledge and Wisdom to do your Will. Here is a prayer: Give us Knowledge! Give us Knowledge so that we can serve You with all our heart and be happy and so that You can be filled with Joy that we are learning. What you say now, instead, is, “Lord, forgive our trespasses.” Well, your trespasses and your sins are a result of your ignorance, of your lack of Wisdom. Therefore, the disciples and all of us should pray in the Esoteric School; we need Wisdom and Knowledge. Some of you who are more advanced and well-read know that there are books about these levels. I don’t have the time now to talk about the levels. Make sure you look into these things; those of you who know more on the subject, should tell you in a private conversation. We have no time to go over things that are written in books; our time is valuable; you can read it and mull over it and I will talk about things that you cannot find in books. Now if someone tries to say something, you interrupt, “Wait, let’s ask the Master, he will tell us.” It is written in the book and you don’t need to ask if it is right; just read it, and if you like it, then accept it; if you do not like it, use your head to make up your mind. And when it comes to me to talk about these things, I will touch on them briefly and will talk about them only inasmuch as they are connected to our subject. Because my goal is to make you learn how to think by showing you how I think and then we will be able to study things. But until you learn how to think, I will use this hoe, I will dig and you will dig; I will dig and you will dig and so on until we learn how to think. And what will happen then? We will play and sing and when the wheat is ripe, we will put it in the barn and will have brotherly discussions about the eternal Laws and the future Fraternity. We have decided that we will not allow for anyone to lie to us anymore. Woe to those disciples who enter the Esoteric School intending to mock God’s Name! They will see what a Divine School means. The one who enters the Divine School needs to know that the great Divine Righteousness is behind this School. This is a Divine School - you are absolutely free but you are absolutely responsible for your deeds, as well. I need to show you and I will repeat again: the only unforgivable crime in the Esoteric School is lying! You should know this - lying is unpardonable. Do not think that you have common morals, pretend morals, such understanding… In the future we will have such high morals! I am not talking about how I treat you on the outside; I am not talking about those morals but about the inner morals in every given moment. If all I think about is how to use you, this is not morals. My relation to God - this is morals. There must not exist, even a shadow in my mind, soul, heart, or will of the thought of using you in any way. Absolute purity, absolute selflessness! Do you know what selflessness is? This is what is understood, these are the morals of the Esoteric School. And if all of you enter the Esoteric School, you need to have these morals in your soul so when you face yourselves in a given moment, you will know that you are pure. You can trespass thousands of times on the outside, but what is important is the motive, the inner motivation that causes you to do something. You may say, “But this is a school!” Yes, but this is one of the best rules. When you apply this rule as disciples, your things will improve in every aspect: mentally, spiritually and materially. Your things will improve in every aspect with no exception; if not now, in the future; if not for you, for your children. This is so and so does Jesus say, “There is no one who has left mother and father who shall not receive many times more in the present time and in the age to come – eternal life.” Therefore, you should have no fear. Then there is this irritability in you that I will start testing. Someone says, “I’m in a bad mood.” We know the reason and the source of all bad moods. If you fall asleep at night and a vampire puts his mouth on you and sucks your blood, what do you think you will feel when you wake up in the morning? You will feel a great weakness. Why? - Because this vampire has sucked out your blood. You have good intentions but some vampire comes along and sucks out your blood. Therefore, when you go to bed, you should close your door so the vampire does not come, do you understand? Someone may say, “It was my Karma that he should suck out my blood.” This is no philosophy; if you hadn’t opened the windows, it would not have been your Karma. If someone trips, they say, “It is Karma”; but if you hadn’t fallen, would it have been Karma? Someone is nervous, restless and says, “My father and mother were of a nervous disposition, and I have inherited it from them.” But if there were no father and mother what would you have said? We explain Karma a little bit differently. Do not blame your mistakes and foolishness on Karma. No, what you should say is, “I wasn’t careful in my step and I fell.” That’s all. Then there is another thing: in our Esoteric School we need to create a favourable atmosphere for learning. The first thing is to create this pure, holy, pious atmosphere so that you feel an impulse for knowledge as soon as you enter the building where these subjects are taught; this is necessary for all of you. You will create this atmosphere yourself. I have nothing against you, you are all good and I do not question your goodness. Now when I talk, you may say, “Master probably can see something bad in us.” No, I look at the matter objectively: if you are a musician and play badly, I will say, “There is no harmony.” I’m saying that not to judge your moral character but to say that the performance is not good and you don’t understand music; this has nothing to do with your moral character. You may say, “I have not developed this centre in me, but I will develop it in a day or a couple of days, or a month, a year, or longer.” When you say this, the sense for music in you will become activated. When I say that these senses are not developed in you, I mean that the Divine Curiosity is not awake in many of you. Now, I want to appoint a task to the three most capable disciples of you who know a lot on different subjects; I want one of them to write a summary on the Physical world, another one to write a summary on the Astral world and define it, and the third one to write on the subject of the Mental world. And I want this description to be ready in three weeks starting from today. Are there three volunteers here? They will write an essay and then read aloud what they wrote in front of all other disciples so that first, we can obtain a clear idea about the physical world; then a clear idea about the Astral world and then a clear idea about the world of Wisdom, the Mental level. (Now, you choose these three people.) This is how it is, then: Ruschev will write about the physical world, Ilia Stojchev will write about the Astral world and Veliko Grablashev will write about the Mental world. We will keep the rest of the capable disciples for more difficult subjects; if they are sorry that they haven’t been chosen this time, we will choose them next time. When does the third week from now fall? - On July 27th. Those of our friends who are writing this time, should write the main things. You may use books on the subject and take notes. So, I want all disciples to be always young, never old. When you enter the Esoteric School, we make no difference between how and when you have entered; here you are disciples and nothing else. In the Esoteric School you are all only disciples; outside of the School there are many professions, but when you enter the School you will be only disciples. When you are outside the Esoteric School, then you can have various professions. You need to observe one main rule: when you enter here, you will discard any other profession. If you are a professor, you will say, “I’m a student now, a disciple.” Here is how you should discipline your will and your mind: if, for one hour, you can release a burden, or forget about a difficulty and think about yourself as a disciple, now, that’s willpower. When you leave after that and go outside, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Someone may ask: “How can I train my willpower?” You should spend one hour during the week thinking about yourself as a disciple: this is another experiment for you to see how well you are able to focus your mind. You might think that you cannot do that - all is allowed. We will follow the same rule as in a battlefield: those who are fighting do not stop; they keep going even when people are falling down around them; there is a medical unit which will come afterwards to take care of the wounded. Now, if one of the disciples falls down, the rest need to keep going and let the medical unit take care of the one who fell. You are not to stop and inquire, ”What happened to him?” No, onward you go, there are no sick people here. We will not stop for the sick ones; everyone must be healthy. We welcome the healthy ones and we offer our cooperation to the sick ones. Therefore, we will not discuss sick people in the Esoteric School. One’s flaws and inabilities are but sicknesses of the Astral world. When someone does not learn, it is a sickness; if someone else gets offended easily, it is also a sickness; there is an astral medicine that studies the symptoms of the sickness. The disciples in an Esoteric School first need to study Love and the subject of Life - how it originated and what its purpose is for the earth forces and the way they connect to produce these elements. The first thing that a disciple should study when he enters the Esoteric School is Life’s joys and bounties. After that he will go on to study Wisdom, then he will continue with Truth and in this way he will finally get prepared for his higher purpose in the world. Silent Prayer * Alfa Centauri is the star closest to our Sun. It is 4.3 light years away from the Sun.
  25. Positive And Negative Forces Year 1, Lecture 19 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class) given by the Master Beinsa Douno on July 5, 1922, Wednesday Cham-Koria * Secret Prayer The disciples' essays on the topic: “The most distinct feature of Light" were read. Next please write on the topic: “The Purpose of the Human Heart.” When you write about Light, unconsciously you think about darkness, too - it comes to your minds as the contrast of Light. Actually, if there was no darkness, could we talk about the growth of bodies in the physical world? Light and darkness in the physical world are the two states through which the soul ежпрессеs itself. The soul begins to know itself in the darkness by limiting itself. Darkness is a process of limitation and Light is a process of knowing God, or knowing Love. Love cannot be known without Light. So the most powerful feature of Light is knowledge of God, knowledge of Love. Introduce this idea into the summary that you will make of the essays about Light. Light represents a process related to the Mental world. When the Mental world is revealed before the human eyes, forms are simultaneously revealed, together with their content and meaning. In this way humans come to the Primal Cause – Love. Whoever wants to grow and develop in the right way should psychologically connect Light with the process of knowing Love. Therefore, all states that cause disharmony in the human soul pertain to the sphere of darkness аnd darkness places limits on human beings. All states that produce harmony in one’s soul belong to the sphere of Light. When you enter the sphere of metaphysics, the issue of Light and darkness is treated in a different way there; the statements that metaphysics makes will create great contradictions within you. Metaphysicians, as well as extreme occultists, maintain the idea that Absolute light is Absolute darkness. And when God said "Let there be Light!" He created the first limitation. This means that when Absolute darkness limits itself, it produces Light which cannot be overtaken by the darkness. I am asking, what is the first limitation of human beings? Sacrifice is the first limitation. Therefore, when an individual decides to sacrifice something he produces Light within himself. This is why sacrifices are needed. When you sacrifice something, the first day of Light comes to your soul. God said: “Let there be Light!” and there came Light. When Light comes to someone and he can differentiate between Light and darkness, it is a sign that he has made a sacrifice in the right way. If neither light nor darkness emerge in someone, he has not made the sacrifice at all or he has not made it properly. When Christ said about Himself, "I am the Light of the world" - this Light, this Daylight was produced as a result of His self-sacrifice. So, if one wants to produce Light, one needs to sacrifice himself. Thus, Light is related to the act of sacrifice. In the present evolution, Light has four different directions in the physical world, which are determined by four types of waves that have different frequencies. Those waves that have greater density form the back part of the human brain. The weight of the brain in animals - in other words, the greatest density of their brain - is behind the ears, and as a consequence they are compelled to walk on four legs. The weight in plants is down in their roots, so they are forced to keep their heads under the ground in order to maintain balance. The weight of the human brain is in front of the ears, therefore humans have to stand on two legs. That is the only way for them to maintain their balance. Thus, presently the three directions or courses of Light have created three different currents in the brains of living beings. These in their turn have produced three different positions necessary for maintaining balance: plants are upside down, animals stand on four legs, and human beings stand erect on their two legs. Now the fourth direction of Light is coming in order to form the current of forces required for the formation of the Spiritual body of human beings. This body is related to the Higher or supersensible world. Therefore, when Light acts upon human beings in four different directions – from behind, from ahead, inward and upward - a cross is formed. Now, you can draw this cross in order to find out in which of the four directions Light is strongest. The power of Light is evaluated on the basis of the length of the four lines forming the cross. If the west side of the horizontal line is longer or more developed, this is an indication that the animal essence in human beings predominates over the other forces; if the lower vertical line of the cross is longer, this is an indication that the vegetative forces in human beings are more dominant; if the east side of the horizontal line is longer, this shows that the ability to feel are more developed. Finally, if the upper part of the cross is the longest, this shows that the Divine prevails in that person. If you project a vertical plane down through the center of a person, parallel to his face, he will be divided into two parts. The back part represents the left path of his development, while the front part of the plane parallel to his face represents the right path of his development. If you project another plane through the person – from west to east – you will get another division in which the right part of the brain represents the narrow path and the left part of the brain the broad path. In principle, the left path indicates the aspirations of the human soul and the right path - the deeds of the individual. And indeed, only an active individual will follow the right path, while the one who has aspirations but has not yet begun to act will follow the left or the broad path. These are the two paths that contemporary people follow. When we speak of the influence and predominance of the vegetative or animal forces, or of the aspirations of a human being, we mean the first manifestations of human consciousness and subconsciousness. Under “animal influence” we understand the first manifestations of human consciousness. Under “vegetative influence” we understand the first manifestations of human subconsciousness. When more energy accumulates in the human brain or in the entire organism than what is necessary, a number of disharmonious conditions are created. For example, when the temples are well developed, their development corresponds to that of the lips. Therefore, there is a certain relationship between the temples and the lips. The stronger the temples, the thicker the lips. Thicker lips have been noticed primarily in people whose noses are close to their mouths. The nose is an organ of olfaction, so each smelling of a good dish makes blood flow into the lips through the nose, as a result of which the mouth becomes thicker. In general, all parts and centres of the brain exert an influence on specific organs of the human being, thus leaving certain imprints on them. For example, when the brain centre of Hope is well developed, this influences two specific facial muscles. In this case the edges of the mouth are curved upwards and not downwards. Therefore, the brain centres exert their influence in two ways – they create either straight or curved lines. Sometimes they also create concave angles. In general, lines go in two directions: up and down. When someone is sad, the angles of his mouth go down, and this means that the currents within him are either vegetative or animal. If these angles are pointed up, one is happy – then the human and the Divine states prevail in him. This is why as disciples of the occult you should do several experiments; you should research and study the various states that you go through, both positive and negative. When you are in low spirits, try to make this mood leave your consciousness. Observe it objectively, as something that has nothing to do with you. Subject this mood to criticism in order to understand its causes and consequences. If you haven't made a few attempts in this direction, you will think that each mood is your own, that it is related to your consciousness, that there is no way you can take it out of you. So you think you should bear its torment. No, you can separate it from your consciousness in the same way that you can take the devil’s nail out of you. Never mind that it will cause you some pain – take it out of your foot! When someone is fearful, or is ambitious but has weak hope, this person is a pessimist. Fear creates images of obstacles and difficulties in his consciousness that he cannot overcome. Together with his fear comes the feeling that he cannot succeed and that he will remain behind the others. At the same time his weak hope discourages him, so he falls into despair and pessimism. Pessimism in its turn generates a number of negative traits in him, such as slyness, wile, envy and hatred. You may ask why fear has appeared in the world. In the animal world it is in the right place, and is one of the great laws that has reached perfection there. When an animal is fearful, it shows that right is not on its side and that it needs to rely on its legs. Weak animals in the animal world are told, "You're not under the protection of the law and the law cannot save you, so you should develop your legs – may they be long, so that you can rely on them." Fear in animals is equal to conscience in humans. So fear in humans is substituted with conscience. When fear is experienced, all negative traits from the past are awakened, which causes unhappiness. For this reason, when fear comes to you, you should replace it immediately with conscience. When you transform fear into conscience, sense and reasoning will immediately return to you. Then it will be possible to talk about what is right. Therefore everyone should work consciously upon themselves and distinguish between their mental states in order to study them. If grief comes to you and you don't want to live, isolate it from your consciousness and observe it objectively: why has it come to you, how long will it last, etc. When you isolate it from yourself, you will see that it is not yours. This indisposition is of external origin. People are easily obsessed by external thoughts, they easily receive these external feelings, and because they don't know the laws, they suffer and torment themselves. Through suggestion and hypnosis some people can accept the thoughts of a hypnotist, and they can fulfill them later as their own. Having fulfilled the ideas suggested by the hypnotist, only then can they understand that they have acted under external influence. Many murders and acts of suicide in the world can be explained by hypnotism. It may also happen that a person who was in an occult school in the past received a certain thought from his master through suggestion - a good or a bad one - and he puts it into realization in the present. In such case, he himself wonders how he could have changed so much. You meet a good and honest man, you know him well and rely on him, but all of a sudden he changes. He begins to rob and blackmail people. You wonder what has happened to this person that has caused him to change so much. Then you meet him two or three years later, and he lives honestly and righteously – he has changed his behaviour again, he has returned to his original self. What are these abrupt changes that have happened to him? As disciples of the Great School, you should all work to correct these inner states that you have, in other words, free yourselves from them. So you have enormous corrective work to do. The School aims to give you the knowledge that will enable you to correct the errors of your past in a reasonable way. When you come into a hypnotic state from your past, you will go back and correct it with a reverse method. You will do the opposite motions of those you were hypnotized to do. The hypnotists of the Dark lodge usually make their passes starting from above and going downwards. Today many people wash their faces and bodies in the same way – starting from above and going downwards, and closing their eyes as if to say, "It's not good to have your eyes open." Yes, when you enter the material world it is good to close your eyes, but when you come to the School to study, it is better to have your eyes open. As disciples you should do motions that are the opposite to the passes of the Dark lodge. When you wash your hair, do upward motions, not the opposite. All the movements that you do have deep meanings and they exert an influence on you. Observe your movements and their influence on you, as well as the effects they produce within you. Some of them make you happy, others are unpleasant. Observe your movements and study them, but don't go to the other extreme – being doubtful about whether to do a movement or not. When you want to tune your mind, do an upward mental motion – following the evolutionary way. First think of plants, then of animals, then think of humans, and finally – of God and of the Beings from the Divine world. Thus you will feel spiritually uplifted and in an ascending mood. If you perform the motion in the opposite direction, starting from the Divine world and gradually going down to the human, animal and plant worlds, you will fall under the law of involution and you will experience a spiritual descent or a lowering. In applying the first exercise, you will be able to release many negative feelings. If you study botany, zoology and anthropology, if you read Divine books, you can do this exercise more successfully. People go down into the lower worlds and then come up again on a daily basis. Each experience of grief is a sign that one has linked with the plants. Thus people help the plants and the plants help them. When people are not feeling well, when they are angry or have other negative feelings, they link with the animals and help them in this way. When someone arrives at a state that is mindful and pleasant, they have entered the human world. And finally humans come to the High and the noble, i.e. they enter the Divine world where absolute harmony abides. These are the four worlds or the four states that human beings need to study. When someone is not feeling well, when he is confused or impatient, he can imagine that he is in a forest of pine and oak trees. In a short time his mood will change and he will acquire the mental state of the plants. If someone falls into laziness, he should think about the animals that are usually quick and mobile. Their need for food causes them to move all day long so that they can satisfy their hunger. When you think about animals, you make a connection with them and they stimulate you with their energy. Having satisfied their hunger, animals also become lazy, but once they are hungry again, they go out looking for food. After you have acquired the patience of plants and the mobility of animals, you will move on to the human state in order to develop reasoning and thinking. After that you will go to the Divine world, where all your thoughts will be openly displayed. The Elevated Beings of this world will make note of all the thoughts that you present. Wise people make such a presentation every day, ordinary people once a week, and foolish people once a year. When we say that someone will be subjected to critique, this refers to his presentation of thoughts in the Divine world, where Intelligent Beings will evaluate them and where he himself will monitor and observe everything, thus seeing the errors in all that he has ever created. Until people arrive at this position, they should consistently discipline their minds. You haven't yet gone through such discipline, so you are not prepared for the Divine world. If you go into this world too early for you, you will fall asleep, you will be disordered, unable to endure its high vibrations. However, those who have organized their minds will come back fresh and elevated from having visited the Divine world, bringing new Light and Knowledge with them. Absolute silence and complete harmony, undisturbed by any noise or worry, is required for your passage into the other world. Such an attempt to enter into the Divine world demands a clear surrounding aura, absolute harmony and silence. This atmosphere should be maintained for one or two hours at least, which is impossible to do in cities. This attempt is impossible even here, in Cham-Koria, where we are now. It will be possible only at some high and isolated mountain location. If such an experiment was made in Sofia, for example, a special room, surrounded by a solid, pure and harmonious aura, would be necessary. No one else should enter this room, no one should even suspect its existence. However this is impossible under the present conditions, as there are no people who are ready for that. Whoever is not ready for this experiment will not want to go into this room. Disciples, however, will strive to enter this room the way bees strive towards aromatic flowers. Disciples needs to work at creating a harmonious aura in their rooms, so that their efforts will be successful. Work hard upon yourself so that you can overcome all hardships. In this way you will develop your will as a tool for overcoming everything. What kind of will should you develop? Neither iron nor granite, but a diamond will. A will that is of iron or granite could easily capitulate, but a diamond will can overcome all obstacles. You will need broad views and great selflessness to clear away the delusions on your path. You can do this only with the Light of your consciousness. It is a special type of Light. If it doesn't enter your consciousness, you will stay at your present level of understanding, which cannot help you get the results you expect. When I am saying that a special type of Light needs to enter your consciousness, you shouldn't worry. This Light will come of itself, you only need to climb a high mountain peak and wait there. You know that the Sun first illuminates the mountain peaks, then the valleys, don't you? In the same way this Light will illuminate first the peaks of your consciousness, then its valleys. You are required to make efforts to climb the high Divine peak, where Light comes at the earliest time. Later it goes to the valleys and to the plains. Therefore, when you ask yourself what the advantages of the Esoteric school are, you should know that it shows its disciples the Right path for climbing the high Divine peaks which are the first to be illuminated by the Divine rays of the rising Sun. * (The old name of the Rila mountain resort Borovets) Source
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